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Chapter 136 Understanding people

The stampede disaster happened after all.

It doesn't happen during the ceremony, but after the ceremony is over.

Six gunpowder bombs exploded in the crowd.

Then, the crowd around the White Horse Temple started to get into chaos like a herd of crazy buffaloes.

The fearful people tried their best to escape from this terrible place. They just wanted to escape. As for what they were stepping on, they had no time to care.

The commotion lasted for an entire hour before it stopped...

Yunchu didn't go to the scene to see it, but he could imagine what kind of tragic scene it would be.

Wen Wenwen went to see Di Renjie, but when they came back, they were no longer interested in talking.

Later, according to Di Renjie, the real tragedies all happened in places with narrow roads. The real people who died were old, weak, women and children, among which older believers died the most.

At the same time, Yunchu and his group were not the only officials who were attacked. Li Yifu, Xu Jingzong, Zhang Xingcheng, Pei Chenggao, Zhang Ji, and Han Tong were also assassinated at the same time.

Li Yifu was hit by an arrow, Zhang Xingcheng was chopped with a knife, Taifu Qing Han Tong was chopped into pieces by assassins, Yushitai Zhang Ji was stabbed to death in a carriage by assassins with spears, and Pei Chenggao, a member of Zhongshushe, saw that the situation was not good and fought with him.

The servant escaped by changing his clothes and pretending to be dead, but his head was cut off by the assassin.

Only Xu Jingzong, like Yun Chu, killed the assassins and fled in panic, and even captured two assassins.

Yun Chu was able to kill the assassin and capture the assassin because his martial arts were too strong.

Xu Jingzong was able to kill the assassin and catch the assassin because his family's generals were truly the best among men.

Yun Chu immediately went to the White Horse Temple to see Naha Ka.

Naha acted very calmly, lying in her brother's arms without saying a word, but her big eyes were full of sadness.

After a long time, he looked up at Yun Chu and said, "Why do our own people kill our own people?

They did not oppose them, did not steal their things, and did not hinder them from doing things, so why should they be killed?"

Yunchu had no way to answer Naha's question.

There is a clear reason for killing people in the Western Regions, even robbery. However, there is no reason for killing people in the Central Plains, just like a wolf that kills its prey but refuses to eat it. In Naha's view, it is unforgivable.

Yunchu took a look at the crown placed on the shelf. This crown was very beautiful. It was a lotus crown inlaid with eight Buddhist treasures. The top of each lotus petal was inlaid with a ruby. Even if it was placed on the shelf, it was still shining.


"If they don't like me being the Queen of the Buddhist Kingdom, tell me that I can do it. They shouldn't kill so many of their own people."

When Yunchu came, Naha's tight emotions were released in an instant. She started crying and gradually turned into howling.

Crying is an emotion that is contagious. When Naha cried, Dolma and Ayinsha also started to cry. They were also crying very sadly. However, Naha was blaming herself. She always felt that the deaths of those people were

It was her fault, and the other two were crying entirely because Naha was crying.

"It's not your fault, it's other people's fault. Since they like to kill innocent people indiscriminately, death will definitely come to them.

This is the whole point of me practicing martial arts.

When the law is not strong and people's hearts are unfair, the only way to be truly powerful is to be strong. Naha, do your best and continue to be your good queen of the Buddhist kingdom. Only when you are a good queen can you give more protection to the weak.

As for the rest, just leave it to me."

Naha wiped her tears and nodded. What her brother said is always right. Since those people don't like her to be the queen and like to bully the weak, then if she becomes the queen well, she can protect more people she is willing to protect.

When Yunchu was about to walk out of the White Horse Temple, he saw Master Xuanzang under a locust tree.

This time Master Xuanzang did not avoid him as before, but said calmly: "Do you regret coming to the Tang Dynasty?"

Yun Chu shook his head and said, "I like this world, the living people here, and the sweet air here."

"So, your world is actually not as good as I thought?"

Yunchu looked at Master Xuanzang and said: "Except for the iron bird, iron dragon, thousands of miles, ten thousand miles of sound transmission, and Chao Donghai Mu Cangwu you saw, they are almost the same as those of the Tang Dynasty, and they have the same worries.

Nothing less."

"Are there also monks in your world?"

"Yes, except for a small number of monks who are really seeking Dharma, most monks are aiming to make money, except for a small number of believers who are really practicing, and most of the so-called believers are just praying for peace of mind."


Xuanzang said with some pride: "That is a sign of the end of Dharma."

Yun Chu looked at Xuanzang and really didn't know where this old monk's pride came from. His world has become the Age of Dharma End. Isn't it related to Xuanzang and others not working hard?

Xuanzang's spiritual sense was so sharp that Yun Chu's eyes revealed a hint of disdain, and he immediately said: "Is the Tang Dynasty related to your world?"

Of course Yun Chu would not tell him the connection between the two, but said in a condescending tone: "Didn't you say that Buddhism is everywhere? My world has reached the Age of Ending Dharma. For you, isn't it possible to know it with just one leaf falling?


Xuanzang was stunned for a moment. Then, with his usual indifference on his face, he said to Yun Chu: "The birth of a Buddha is a kind of fate. The death of a Buddha is also a kind of fate. If there is a fate, the Buddha will come. If there is no fate, the Buddha will come."


Sometimes the Buddha sleeps for five hundred years. Maybe the Buddha in your world just fell into a deep sleep, and when the fate comes, the Buddha will wake up.

If you look at it calmly, that's it."

"Like those people who were trampled to death outside the White Horse Temple?"

Xuanzang smiled and said: "Don't you know that the suffering in your eyes is a relief?"

Yunchu took a long breath and said, "Very good, I'll go out right now and let more people be liberated."

Xuanzang looked at Yunchu with pity and said: "Before you came, I believed that every drink and every peck was a sure thing. After you came, chaos reappeared, making it difficult for me to see the future clearly."

Yun Chu smiled and said: "The reason why Master can't see the future clearly is because I am the future."

Xuanzang put his hands together and pronounced the Buddha's name: "Amitabha, since you claim to be the future, then do it so that I can see what the future will be like."

Yun Chu looked at this old monk who looked completely different from before, and said suspiciously: "You won't spread what I told you everywhere, will you?"

Xuanzang said with a deep smile on his face: "If you don't say it, you just don't say it. Buddhists don't lie."

"You answered too quickly, without even thinking about it carefully. It was more like a lie.

Judging from what you said before, there is actually not much difference between lying and not lying, and it doesn’t matter to the master.

After all, people are dying outside the White Horse Temple, and you say this is not necessarily a bad thing."

Xuanzang laughed and said: "Everyone in the world believes that life is immortal and will only reincarnate endlessly. If this is the case, what is the difference between life and death?

Just like Lao Na now, he is always waiting for the call of the Buddha."

Xuanzang was not afraid of death, and even looked forward to dying early. Yunchu knew this, and it would be a joke to talk to someone like him about the great horror between life and death.

"Master, why is Luoyang so chaotic?"

Xuanzang smiled and said: "At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, chaos was inevitable. You have been working hard to govern Chang'an these years, aren't you just establishing rules?

When the rules have not yet been established and the dominance of the king among the monkeys has not been completely determined, it makes sense to be a little chaotic."

Yun Chu thought for a while and said: "The soldiers of the Tang Dynasty always listen to the emperor. As far as I know, the screen in the emperor's palace is full of the names of Captain Zhechong, and the emperor always treats them well. Why is there such a big deal this time?"

The trouble?"

Xuanzang said: "Emperors raised wolves. In the past, they provided enough flesh and blood, so that the wolves could eat well. Each wolf could eat enough food, so the wolves in the wolf pack would retract their claws.

Quietly crawling at the emperor's feet. Over the past few years, there has been no war in the world. The wolves have lacked blood and food, but the lives of ordinary people have continued to get better.

The most disgusting thing is that the wolves in Chang'an are full of food all day long, and the wolves in Luoyang naturally become dissatisfied. In addition, outsiders are constantly throwing food into the wolves in Luoyang. It is inevitable that the emperor will be eaten by the wolves."

Yun Chu said in confusion: "You said that this time the incident was aimed at the emperor, not us?"

Xuanzang looked at Yun Chu and said with a smile: "The trend of the times is what people pursue. Your little Chang'an is just a scabies disease. If you can get rid of it along the way, then get rid of it. If you can't get rid of it, then that's it."

Yun Chu was startled when he heard this and said, "You mean to say that their target is not Chang'an, but Luoyang?"

Xuanzang smiled and said: "Money is in the hands of others and is invincible. If the time is right, they will take it out. If the time is not right, they will hide the money. What can you do to others?"

Only by letting everyone's eyes fall on Chang'an can it be convenient for people to operate in Luoyang."

"Are they going to rebel?"

Yunchu was really surprised. He thought he had arranged the situation well, but if you look at the problem from a higher level, you will find that occupying Chang'an is not necessary for them.

Only I have always regarded Chang'an as my darling, so from the beginning, I focused all my attention on Chang'an and was completely unaware of what was going on in Luoyang.

"The emperor and empress have governed the Tang Dynasty with tyranny over the years. Eleven prime ministers have been replaced in just ten years. They have accumulated too much resentment. However, relying on their own strength, they do not know how to alleviate it, and their methods become more and more harsh.

Qisi, the secret agent kills people without asking the reason.

With things like this happening now, why are you surprised?

You see, I am not surprised.

Previously, when Naha was enthroned in Da Ci'en Temple, nothing would happen. Da Ci'en Temple gathered all the monks from all over the world to arrange the matter. Unfortunately, because the emperor could not bear the intense heat in Chang'an, he easily ordered the enthronement place to be changed.

So, if something like this happens, it has nothing to do with my Buddhist sect."

Yun Chu looked at Master Xuanzang, who was solemn and solemn in the past, but now more secular, and whispered: "Buddhism is also involved, right?"

Master Xuanzang sighed and said: "There are eight sects and twenty-six sects in Buddhism, and not all monks are as pure-hearted and have few desires like Lao Monk, who have no desires or desires in the world."

This chapter has been completed!
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