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Chapter 154: The world is bustling

Many, many years ago, after Emperor Qin unified the six kingdoms, he gathered the soldiers of the world and cast them into twelve golden figures, thinking that the world would be safe.

However, after Liu Bang entered Xianyang, he did not find the twelve golden men. After searching the world, he heard from a shepherd in Lintao that he saw twelve huge golden men heading west.

Then, Liu Bang believed it... From then on, there was no news about the Twelve Golden People in the world...

Yunchu couldn't figure out this kind of ghost story. Why would people at that time believe it?

Even people like Xiang Yu believe that this is really the most ridiculous thing in the world.

It wasn't until he suddenly remembered that most of the weapons at that time were made of bronze, the same material as Qin Banliang, that he finally realized something.

Xiang Yu is also a human being, and he also has a good temper. As long as Liu Bang's tribute is enough, it is not impossible to ask him to say a few words against his will.

In fact, Qin Shihuang's method was actually quite good. This time, Yunchu planned to melt all the copper coins he obtained and cast them into twelve sacred bulls weighing tens of thousands of kilograms and place them on both sides of Zhuque Street for everyone to see.

Everyone in Chang'an knows that the wealth of Chang'an is tangible and visible.

With these twelve sacred cows, everyone in the world will know one thing - Chang'an City is really rich, and this thing is likely to become an artifact to suppress the national destiny of the Tang Dynasty.

As long as the emperor is at the end of his rope, he will probably not use these sacred cows. Once they are used, it means that the emperor's empire is no longer sustainable.

This set of rhetoric was used by Yunchu to match the twelve sacred bulls of Chang'an City. Just like the golden men of the Qin Dynasty, when Lintao left, the Qin Dynasty perished.

How to make this statement deeply rooted in the hearts of the people? Yun Chu thought that the people of Chang'an City would believe it. After all, their golden man had already gone missing once.

If he loses himself again, it will have nothing to do with Yunchu. No one can do such a good job as a nanny.

It's not that there was no copper in Datang society, but judging from the current social development, there was no need for so much copper.

The copper of the Tang Dynasty was extremely high-quality.

Since copper has become an indispensable money in people's lives, from the Spring and Autumn Ant Nose Money to the present Kaiyuan Tongbao, copper has been issued as currency for more than 1,400 years, which means that people's search for copper mines to smelt copper has also been going on.

for more than 1,400 years.

Firstly, copper is a metal that is not easily worn out. Secondly, because it is money, people cherish it more. Therefore, for more than 1,400 years, the currency of the Tang Dynasty has actually been issued in excess.

Especially after the metal used in people's lives changed from copper to iron, the stock of copper has always been greater than the demand for social productivity.

People have long discovered that people can be harvested by manipulating copper coins. Qin Shihuang's method of casting gold figures may not have included increasing the value of Qin's half-liang currency.

Liu Bang was a rebel. As long as the Qin State insisted on it, he would definitely oppose it. In addition, the staff composed of his rogue pavilion chief and a group of low-level officials around him may not be able to understand the painstaking efforts of the First Emperor.

Yun Chu very much hoped that those wealthy families would use Luoyang as a place to release water, so that he only needed to build a dam to plug leaks in Chang'an.

It's a pity that people are interested in Chang'an. After all, this is the time after the emperor left, when he was rich and weak. How long can we wait if we don't slaughter the fat pig of Chang'an at this time.

Over the past ten years, Yunchu took advantage of the emperor's efforts to clean up the relationship between the royal family and create a stable source of food for Chang'an in Longyou and Hexi.

Over the past ten years, Yunchu took advantage of the opportunity of cotton promotion in Guanzhong to create a textile industry in Chang'an with the cotton industry as the leader, fine silk industry, and low-end linen as supplements.

In addition, the iron and sea salt in Dahang City that Prince Li Hong took over from the Changsun family formed a relatively standardized closed circle economically.

Therefore, the method of manipulating food that wealthy families are best at has little effect on Chang'an.

For Longyou, Chang'an is too close, and the wealthy and aristocratic families are too far away.

This is why Yunchu determined that these wealthy families could only use Changan Real Estate.

As for plotting the land outside Chang'an City, that's a big joke. All the land outside Chang'an City had been enfeoffed by successive Tang emperors.

If those people put their ideas into the poor hands of ordinary people, this would definitely be a very good opportunity for Yun Chu to attack them.

Yun Chu is looking forward to the sight of his copper bulls being located on both sides of Zhuque Street in Chang'an. If it really comes to fruition, life in Chang'an will be much easier in the future.

After thinking carefully for three days, Lu Ting, the head of the Lu family in Fanyang, finally came to the Wannian County government office to find Mr. Liu to buy the No. 7 yard on Zhuque Street, which was still under construction, and offered a price of 100,000 yuan.

He originally thought that this was a deal that Chief Liu wanted to do, but he didn't know until he came to Wannian County that he learned that Chief Liu had gone to Luoyang on business.

The purchase of Courtyard No. 7 had to be stopped.

At the same time, Lu Ting felt keenly that the Hucao from Wannian County who came out to entertain him seemed to be quite critical of his investment of 100,000 yuan to purchase Courtyard No. 7.

Everyone resisted and refused to sell Yard No. 7 to him.

Therefore, Lu Ting directly sent a greeting card to see Yunchu.

Lu Ting had a very good reputation in Fan Yang. He was a direct descendant of Lu Zhi of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and his reputation in Fan Yang was also very high.

The so-called good reputation is just that in Yun Chu's opinion. If he were a bully in Fan Yang, his reputation would also be very good. After all, in Fan Yang, Lu's words are sometimes more effective than those spoken by the government.

After the tea was served, the servants bowed and left, and Yun Chu began to formally pay a visit to the head of the Lu family in front of him.

Lu Ting has a high reputation, but he is white. Therefore, he does not have much advantage in front of the Marquis Yun Chu.

At the first glance at Lu Ting, Yun Chu knew that this old guy might live a very long life. This could be seen from his two eyebrows that were a little too long.

Lu Ting did not speak, but quietly sipped Yun Chu's good tea. He believed that no matter what, Yun Chu would give him an explanation today.

After thinking for a long time, Yunchu sighed and said, "I want to kill the thief, but I can't save him."

Lu Ting did not get angry and said indifferently: "As it should be, there are many unfair things in this world. Marquis Yun's desire for everyone to be rich is based on reducing the wealth of others. It is natural for him to be counterattacked.


Yun Chu said: "Why can't we go to Luoyang so that Chang'an can be quiet for a few years and let them live a good life for a few years?"

Lu Tingdao: "Chang'an is already the most rare and wealthy place in the Tang Dynasty. When the people are well fed, they will have nothing to do and will no longer be busy and hardworking.

If people don't work their bodies, they will work their minds. If everyone works their minds, they will starve to death.

I heard that once the grass on the prairie is burned by fire, the spring grass will only grow more vigorously in the next year."

Yun Chu shook his head and said, "You can't have the final say on when to set fire. It's unfair."

Lu Ting said with a smile: "What we say doesn't count, so who has the final say? The emperor or the government?

For now, is it really better for the emperor and the government to set fires than for us to set fires?"

Yun Chu nodded and said to Hu Cao who was waiting beside him: "Let Mr. Lu go through the formalities."

Hu Cao bowed and left.

Lu Ting sighed and said: "Your Majesty, you should lower your sights from real estate to the food, clothing, housing and transportation of the people in Chang'an City.

Yesterday I took my grandson to buy Hu cakes, and the price became even more expensive."

Yun Chu smiled proudly, tapped the table with his knuckles and said, "It doesn't matter, Chang'an's grain preparations are quite complete. In a few days, the summer grains from Guanzhong will be put into storage."

Lu Ting shook his head and said: "Yongzhou has eliminated Chang'an. All the princes can hope for is Chang'an and the two counties of Wannian."

Yunchu looked at Lu Ting and said: "It doesn't matter, there is Hexi."

Lu Ting shook his head and said: "I heard that the land in Hebei is unstable. There have been two camp roars in Yingzhou, resulting in numerous casualties. The imperial court will send a large army to control the situation."

Yun Chu smiled and said: "It's just a scabies disease."

Lu Ting shook his head again and said: "The Turks in the steppe are not stable either. I heard that Ashina captured himself as Khan with the fifth surname and is already connected with Li Zhepei, who is attached to Tubo. Hexi grain may be supplied to the Western Regions."

Yun Chu shook his head and said: "It doesn't matter, Chang'an City has plenty of money. As long as the money is given, the world's food and crops will naturally flow to Chang'an."

Lu Ting smiled bitterly and shook his head and said, "The Lu family accumulated only one hundred thousand guan in ten years, and the prince took away the Lu family's money with just one house.

This is a very good idea. Why are you still so coy and unwilling to open Chang'an to us?

Once the money is spent on houses, there will be no money to compete with the princes for the grain needed by Chang'an.

I know that the prince has always been proud. He wants to ensure the food supply of Chang'an, but does not allow us to control the economy of Chang'an. Is there such a cheap thing in the world that allows the prince to succeed on both sides?

Since ancient times, people have always chosen the lesser of two powers to harm each other."

Yun Chu shook his head and said: "On my territory, you must listen to me."

Seeing that Yun Chu was stubborn, Lu Ting stopped trying to persuade him and continued to taste the fragrant tea in his hand. After a while, Hu Cao came in and had completed the procedures for the seventh courtyard. Lu Ting took the procedures and left with his grandson Lu Zhaolin.

Visited Yunchu’s official office.

Just after Lu Ting left, Director Liu, who was originally on business in Luoyang, came out from behind and whispered: "The Cui family is collecting grain at a high price."

Yun Chu put his hands on the table and said, "Take it. If he doesn't take it well, he will be sorry for me."

Master Liu said: "The grain in the official warehouse of Wannian County cannot be moved. We still have thirty-six charity warehouses in Wannian County. I think it's time for the food in these warehouses to be rummaged."

Yun Chu nodded and said: "Okay, let's discuss it with Chang'an County and bring in the charity warehouse in Chang'an County. It's time to turn over their food.

Remember to set the price higher.”

Chief Liu laughed and said: "We have notified all the grain stores not to sell grain to Cui without permission. Cui now hangs the grain purchase plate on the flowing water sign in Qujiang. The price is 10% higher than the market price. This is

The reason why grain prices in Chang'an increased by five points is that we will accept whatever they offer."

Yun Chu sneered and said, "Set the delivery date six months later."

Master Liu said: "Your Majesty understands that the low-priced grains from the charity warehouse will also enter the hands of various merchants as scheduled, and they will allocate the low-priced grains. As for the price of grains in the grain warehouse, the prices of grains in the grain warehouses can be appropriately relaxed, and two prices of light and dark will be implemented.


Yun Chu added: "Increase the deposit of Liu Shui Pai to 30%."

Chief Liu finally said in Yun Chu's ear: "I still think that after we collect the deposit and distribute the low-priced grains, we can burn down the empty charity warehouse?"

Will this make the price of grain in the Chang'an Grain Warehouse rise again?"

Yun Chu nodded and said: "Kill Cui Mian by the way. Only when the person in charge is gone along with the food can the price of food rise to a level that satisfies all of us."

Chief Liu laughed and said: "The price of food in Chang'an has risen to the sky. Then there will naturally be merchants trafficking food into Chang'an, and let them send a wave of goods to the fields to die. In this way, the official thinks that we only need to use 30% of the food in previous years."

The price should be very cost-effective to obtain the food needed for the whole next year."

Yun Chu sneered and said: "Everyone in the world is doing everything for their own benefit. It's really ridiculous to say that."

This chapter has been completed!
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