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Chapter 2 No one is perfect

Accounts for the day must not be kept overnight. This is the rule for bad people after collecting fees. Therefore, Zhang Xiaoyi must rush to hand over the fine income before he leaves for work.

Arriving at the seat of Dongshi County Government, Zhang Xiaoyi saw a lot of bad people blocking people at the market entrance.

Then he came to Peng Dachun, a bad guy he knew, and said, "What's wrong?"

Peng Dachun said: "There are two drunkards who took advantage of their drunkenness to harm Hu Ji, who sells wine. No, we are blocking these two bastards."

Zhang Xiaoyi said in confusion: "Hu Ji, can't you just give me money?"

Peng Dachun rolled his eyes and said, "So, if these two bastards don't pay you and just run away after finishing their work, what can you do?"

Zhang Xiaoyi took a breath and said: "One person is an adulterer, two people are a mob, mother, once they become a mob, they move two thousand miles and work in the fields for six years. What do you think these two guys think?"

It’s just the price of a drink.”

Peng Dachun spread his hands and said, "Maybe he's a bastard from Luoyang. He doesn't know that Chang'an has strict laws."

While the two were talking, they saw the bad guy in front escorting them over. Zhang Xiaoyi took a look at the fur and silk shirts they were wearing, then cupped his hands towards Peng Dachun and said, "Brother, let's make a fortune."

Peng Dachun laughed and said: "It's safe to have five hundred coins in your bag. Brother, I'll go to the West Market for a drink after I get off work."

Peng Dachun was just polite, but Zhang Xiaoyi would not take it seriously.

He patted his belly and said, "Twenty meat buns are packed inside."

Two guys who were fairly well-dressed were dragged over by the bad guys. Their clothes were stained with a lot of mud, and Zhang Xiaoyi looked a little distressed.

Listening to these two guys constantly shouting, saying that their father and brother are Si Yuhou, a subordinate of the Ministry of Industry...

Hearing what these two people said, not only Peng Dachun laughed, but Zhang Xiaoyi also laughed. As long as his father and brother were no older than His Highness the Crown Prince, basically, these two people would have to work hard in Ganzhou for six years.

After all, His Royal Highness the Prince has acquired a piece of land for farming in Ganzhou. The shortage of manpower is so severe that it is difficult to use even the money.

As for that Orchid, she has made her fortune this time. The compensation of fifteen dollars will make that Orchid die happily.

It snowed heavily in Chang'an City, and everyone seemed to have good luck. Zhang Xiaoyi walked into the county government office muttering.

Before he could turn the corner and go to the county lieutenant's office to hand over the fine, he heard the sound of boots in front of him, and a group of people followed a young man in fox fur walking over.

Needless to say, the county magistrate was about to go out. Zhang Xiaoyi stopped quickly on the side of the road, not daring to look at Yun Chu's face, and held up his hands waiting for the county magistrate to pass by.

Yun Chu kept walking, nodded and continued to move forward. Naturally, he did not recognize Zhang Xiaoyi, and naturally he did not know that this bad man was once instigated by his petty wife to kill Zhang Jia because he was rude to him.

The pit was dug for a year.

Of course Zhang Xiaoyi didn't know that it was because he was rude to the county magistrate that he dug a hole for a year.

However, this matter has passed.

"Your Majesty, the snow is too heavy. It's okay in Chang'an City. Several villages at the foot of Zhongnan Mountain were still crushed by snow and many houses collapsed. However, this has nothing to do with our government. As early as June last year,

, there is a pig disaster in Zhongnan Mountain. It is the wild boars from the royal hunting ground that have escaped to Zhongnan Mountain.

In addition, the Zhongnan Mountain area is too remote and the fields are too barren. Those people have been busy for a year without enough food. Some county officials believe that bamboo should be planted there to make paper, and they want to migrate out and gather.

After joining Ping'an Ji, he made a living exclusively by making paper. Who would have expected that if those people didn't move, some unruly people would beat up the officials.

They are really a bunch of bastards, and you can’t tell the difference between good and bad people.”

Yun Chu stopped, looked at the officials and said, "The mountain people are ignorant. They don't understand the benefits of growing bamboo to make paper. They treat the mountainous areas that have been cultivated for several generations like their fate.

You are smart people. Of course you know that growing bamboo to make paper is better than farming, but they don’t know. At this time, you have to talk more, lead them to see more, and understand more. When they understand, things will be easier to handle.


In addition, we need to change our thinking. We really cannot think that we are herdsmen officials and treat them like cattle and sheep.

Emperor Taizong said that water can carry a boat but also capsize it. Those of us who ride on boats always hope for calm weather and don’t make the water so choppy that it’s difficult to sail the boat.

They took advantage of this snowstorm that destroyed the house and took the opportunity to get things done. Don't be stingy with the food and fodder that should be given. They valued this.

Take care of things once and for all, and they won't bother you anymore."

"What the county magistrate said is absolutely true. Since it is a dilapidated house and has been crushed by heavy snow, we might as well demolish it all..."

"First evacuate people from the mountains, then demolish the houses..."

"I'm going to notify the head of Ping'anji and ask him to be prepared to receive the mountain people. The grain will be produced by the papermaking workshop..."

Yun Chu listened to the officials' bad ideas and did not continue to correct them. These people had their own way of doing things. They could only set the scope and could not do it in more detail. After all, they were the ones who did the last thing.

Chang'an City was hit by heavy snow. Naturally, he, the county magistrate, had to inspect the whole city. The focus of Wannian County was in the city. Outside the city, Zhang Jia and Chief Liu could only visit them one by one. As for the implementation,

Going to the village, to be honest, is not a matter for the government unless there is a real disaster.

When Yun Chu walked to Zhuque Street, he happened to meet Wen Wen who was also patrolling Chang'an County.

The two of them focused on inspecting the construction site. As for the dilapidated houses in the city, the village leaders have already dealt with them and the people have been resettled well. The main reason is that when a dilapidated house is found, it must be renovated.

However, new problems have arisen in this way. Many bastards deliberately turned their habitable houses into dangerous buildings during the heavy snow.

This kind of thing needs to be taken care of by the county lieutenant. It is not something that Yun Chu should take care of, and it is also not within the scope of Wen Wen's necessary management.

Since he met Wen Wenwen, Yun Chu decided to go to the cotton textile workshop jointly managed by the two counties.

Snowy days are the most important time to prevent fires. Nowadays, almost 60% of Guanzhong's cotton is piled in three cotton textile workshops in Chang'an. If something goes wrong here, neither of them will cry without tears.

Accompanied by the steward, Yunchu and Wenwen walked into the cotton textile workshop, which had a closed door and high walls.

After entering here and looking around, it feels like entering the land of daughters.

Wen Wen opened her arms and said with emotion: "A high wall and a door can close six thousand three hundred and twenty-seven women. How spectacular this is..."

Yunchu ignored this idiot and said to Liu Rengui's second son Liu Rui: "Go to the cotton warehouse first."

The cotton warehouse of the cotton spinning factory occupies a very large area, occupying almost half of the entire cotton spinning factory. There are tall cotton warehouses dotted here and there. Each cotton warehouse is separated by water canals. In addition, there is still a lot of snow here.

Cleaning up relieved Yunchu's worries about the fire.

The focus of fire prevention is not actually on the cotton warehouse, but on the guards guarding the cotton warehouse. After checking the watchtower and the rooms where the guards rest.

Yunchu was still very satisfied with Liu Rui's arrangement.

"Fireworks are strictly prohibited in the cotton warehouse, and no sparks are allowed to enter the cotton warehouse. This must be strictly paid attention to.

The guards guarding the cotton warehouse may have to suffer a little more. It is indeed colder. I suggest that these guards be given more money and food to compensate for the hardship they suffer here."

Liu Rui is twenty-two years old this year. He has a little beard on his chin. He has been married and had children for a long time. Now, he is in the prime of life.

"Don't worry, Lord. Fire is strictly prohibited in the cotton warehouse area. People can freeze to death. There can't be fire in the cotton warehouse. I have made this clear to them a long time ago. I can give them more money and food, but I won't give them fire."


Yun Chu smiled and nodded. Liu Rui had indeed done a good job. The fact that the 22-year-old prince had a higher position in the imperial court can illustrate the problem. Not only that, he was also one of the three cotton spinning masters in the Tang Dynasty.

One of the craftsmen.

As long as this kind of person does his job well, he will basically be an official for the rest of his life without any danger to his life. Even if the dynasty changes, for him, it is just a change of dynasty and becoming an official.

Of course, he also has enemies. His enemies do not come from the upper echelons, let alone from the struggle for power, but from the other two cotton spinning masters. After all, the deepest malice usually comes from his peers.

Yun Chu turned around and found that Wen Wenwen was gone. Liu Rui smiled and said, "Mr. Wen went to the workshop to inspect."

Yun Chu couldn't help but shake his head when he heard this. In the past year, the romantic label on Wen Wen seemed to have become more firmly attached to her.

When working under Li Zhi and Wu Mei, one cannot always be loyal to the emperor and patriotic, but must have some hobbies of his own. People who are always loyal to the emperor and patriotic can easily end up like Yue Fei.

While being loyal to the emperor and patriotism, and at the same time living a good life, it is best to have some petty quirks and have some tricks in the hands of others to be a good official.

From the mouth of Jiang Tong, the governor of Chang'an Baiqisi, we learned that Luoyang today has shown the situation of hundreds of ghosts walking at night.

Yun Chu was a marquis, and he was still a marquis who had little interest in promotion. At his position, as long as Jian stayed in the heart of the emperor and formed his own style of governance, he only had to do things that were useful to the country, even if there were some shortcomings and flaws.

The emperor would not easily replace him. After all, Li Zhi never believed that anyone could surpass Yun Chu in governing Chang'an.

At that time, tens of millions of money that could be embezzled, Yun Chu sent it directly to Chang'an without blinking an eye.

Regarding this matter, the emperor would not believe anyone who said that this person was corrupt and corrupt in front of the emperor.

These days, it is extremely difficult to find an official who is not corrupt.

Li Yifu, whom the emperor valued, was a corrupt and corrupt person, and the emperor knew this very well.

Xu Jingzong, who was valued by the emperor, was a greedy and lustful old bastard, and the emperor knew it too.

So what?

This did not prevent these two people from standing in his court and criticizing Fang Qiu for helping him decide world affairs.

As for Li Ji, who fought for the Tang Dynasty all his life and worked hard to become the emperor, now, even the dogs in Luoyang don't even look at this veteran.

Therefore, Wen Wen planned to get himself a lustful hobby. As for Yunchu's hobby, he wanted to cover the city of Chang'an with gold foil.

This chapter has been completed!
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