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Chapter 21 The Sighing River

When an ant jumps out of the circle and stands on the spoon, and then looks back at the group of ants circling around the mouth of the cup, that's how Yun Chu feels now.

Xue Rengui is at most the strongest among the ants.

Therefore, Yun Chu was too lazy to talk to him anymore. When he saw Naha's carriage coming, he handed the bay-red horse to the monk and got on the carriage himself.

Naha wanted to throw herself into her brother's arms, but quickly pinched her nose to avoid it. She had never seen such a smelly brother.

Xue Rengui also rode up to the outside of the carriage and kept asking Yun Chuan for a good time and place so that the two of them could have a good fight.

If Yun Chu had the idea of ​​testing his martial arts skills before, after seeing Li Zhi's disgusting temptation, he no longer had the idea of ​​testing his martial arts skills, because what was originally a competition between warriors has now become two giants.

Horses and monkeys are fighting.

Yun Chu had no intention of becoming a monkey. If Xue Rengui wanted to be a monkey, Yun Chu would like to be a human being for once and watch the two monkeys, Xue Rengui and Pei Xingjian, fight.

Yun Chu was very suspicious. Xuanzang once told him that he should step out of the Three Realms and not be in the Five Elements. This sentence meant that he should look at the court and the environment he was in from an outsider's perspective.

When you see it through, you will be in another realm of life.

Living in this new realm still requires great strength as support. Otherwise, a person who has seen through everything but has no way to change his environment will definitely be in extreme pain.

Just think about it and you will know that if Qu Yuan was asked to stretch fibers, Li Bai was asked to dig manure pits, Du Fu was asked to work as a coolie, and Su Dongpo was asked to be a merchant, it is not known whether their physical pain could resolve their original noble spiritual pain.

Or the two kinds of pain will overlap.

Xue Rengui couldn't get a response from Yun Chu, so he left after all.

So Naha took her brother to Longmen, which is where Naha currently resides.

There was no other way. Ever since she broke Mrs. Pei's arm in a violent act, she aroused public outrage. She couldn't stay in Baima Temple anymore, so she came to Longmen to take refuge.

Longmen is located in Yinque Canyon, twenty miles south of Luoyang City.

There are tall mountains on both sides of the river, and the water in the middle is fast. It is indeed a good place to take refuge.

Therefore, the two Yun brothers and sisters can only stay in Longmen for now.

The temples here are very small, some are embedded in grottoes, and there are only two or three monks. Naha now lives in the Guyang Cave of Gongde Cave built by Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei Dynasty for his grandmother, Queen Mother Feng.

The cave is 11 meters high, 7 meters wide and 11 meters deep. The ground is covered with thick felt. After Li Hong installed palace lanterns and a smoke exhaust system, he lived in this cave with more than 800 statues and countless inscriptions.

The cave is of great benefit to the Buddhist practice.

When Yunchu came in, he saw the statue of Sakyamuni incarnated by Queen Mother Feng. He bowed slightly and urged Naha to prepare water for him as soon as possible because he wanted to bathe and change clothes.

At this time, because the clothes on his body were completely dry, the smell of the bay horse became strong again.

After driving Naha out, two half-year-old girls, Ayinsha and Zhuoma, waited on Yunchu to take a bath.

After changing the water four times and using a pot of essential oil, Yunchu felt like he was completely alive.

Although the diarrhea was stopped, Yunchu still did not dare to eat randomly. He could only drink a little millet porridge with salt and sugar, and kept drinking until his stomach was bulging.

After a beautiful afternoon's sleep, Yun Chu sat at the entrance of Guyang Cave in the evening, watching the setting sun shining on the water of Yin River, with sparkling light. He couldn't help but think about Li Zhi's actions against him in Luoyang.


He knew that he was in a very embarrassed situation this time, but the embarrassed appearance he showed finally made Li Zhi relax his guard against him.

I thought that my visit to Luoyang would make Li Zhi feel at ease with him for ten years. Now it seems that Li Zhi's suspicion has become more serious. It is a good result if he can survive for three years.

I haven't passed Wu Mei's level yet.

The fact that Li Zhi was so guarded against Wu Mei was already telling the truth. Now, Yun Chu just couldn't figure out why Li Zhi could kill those wealthy families but was afraid of Wu Mei but could do nothing about it.

So far, the country of Tang Dynasty is still firmly in the hands of Li Zhi. If he really wants to kill Wu Mei, sending Zuo Chun can solve the big problem.

There is no need to send out the army at all.

Naha, the child, was carrying a basket of golden apricots and skipping over from the cliff to the corridor, looking very happy.

She is nothing like the rude woman who led a group of monks into a wedding and took away the groom.

Pei's daughter has been humiliated to the sky. However, she is not discouraged about marrying Prince Li Hong. Instead, she excuses the prince in many ways. Anyway, all the bad things are Naha's fault.

Naha and Pei had already been in a tense situation, but the emperor and empress were surprisingly consistent on this matter, that is, they remained silent.

Longmen is now vigorously building grottoes from the Tang Dynasty. Therefore, this is the territory of Buddhism, whether it is the craftsmen who dig grottoes on the cliff with ropes tied around their waists, or the monks chanting sutras along the mountain wall facing the Yin River.

, are all people from the Buddhist side. As for those who are not calm and sincere, they cannot enter the Longmen Canyon at all.

Wu Mei believed in Buddhism, so Li Hong funded the construction of a statue of Lu Shena Buddha in Longmen in the shape of Wu Mei. Because Li Hong gave him a lot of money, the statue of Lu Shena Buddha must also be magnificent. It was so grand.

It stretches from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain.

Therefore, this Big Buddha of Lushena is much larger than the one that Yunchu saw when he traveled to Longmen Grottoes before.

Building a physical Buddha statue is a long process, almost the same as building an emperor's tomb.

Li Hong was still a poor prince, so the money was paid by Naha. This, in the eyes of outsiders, was the reason why the emperor was so tolerant of Naha's rudeness.

Naha has a rough temper, so naturally she would not think of this. However, Naha has countless capable people under her command. As long as it is something Naha wants to do, no matter how rude, her subordinates can always find a high-sounding reason.

Such a story about a Buddhist girl playing the role of a prince is not considered inappropriate in Buddhism. Before Sakyamuni became a Buddha, he was seduced by countless witches, monsters and evil spirits. There was even a snake king among them, who wanted to have sex with the prince.

An egg can lead to great achievements.

Therefore, Naha's seduction of Prince Li Hong is described as a kind of spiritual practice in Buddhism. It is the spiritual practice of Prince Li Hong and the spiritual practice of Buddhist daughter Naha.

It has nothing to do with jealousy in the secular world.

It has nothing to do with sensuality.

Therefore, Naha, who disrupted the wedding and took away the groom at the wedding, was not a bad guy, but a noble person in Li Hong's destiny, a heavenly being specially sent by God to polish Li Hong's character.

Yunchu's understanding of Naha started from the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys, and naturally it was not what those monks and ignorant people thought.

His understanding was more consistent with that of Pei's daughter. Naha really liked Li Hong, but after discovering that she did not have a racial advantage, she decisively used this matter to gain more political benefits.

She didn't want her love to go to waste, so when she couldn't find someone, she chose to cash it out.

Therefore, at this time, Naha was just a naughty little villain in Yunchu's eyes. Even though this incident was quite bad, Yunchu still stood firmly on Naha's side.

On the one hand, he was his own sister, and on the other hand, he was a stranger. Yun Chu felt that there was no need to make a difficult choice, and he could just choose to support his sister.

Yunchu wanted to nourish his stomach, so he didn't eat apricots, but Naha's mouth was full of juice.

Habitually wiping Naha's mouth, Naha leaned in Yunchu's arms, eating apricots, and rambled to Yunchu about the things she had done since coming to Luoyang.

From Naha's careful words and lengthy explanatory language, Yunchu could hear the fear in Naha's heart.

She felt that what she did was not good.

According to the habits of proud Cypriot girls, if I say I like you and you bring another woman into the tent, the girl should walk away proudly and find a stronger and stronger man, and then

Taking her man with her and beating up or killing the man who rejects her is what a Serbian woman should do.

What she is doing now is not at all in line with the behavioral habits of Cypriot women, which makes her feel more or less ashamed, and she is afraid that her brother will look down on her because she has done something embarrassing.

"After you get the benefits, leave Luoyang." Yun Chu patted Naha on the shoulder.

"Master Zhixian and others think that this is a good time, and that it will be a good time for me to leave in two months.

Master Zhixian also said that there is a limit to everything. Since our current behavior is still within the tolerance range of the Empress and Empress, we should persist. It is a good time for us to leave until the Empress and Empress becomes bored.

It’s because Li Hong has become so haggard recently that the Pei family and the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty are urging Li Hong to get married to the Pei family as soon as possible.”

Yunchu whispered: "Every day you were in Luoyang, the person who suffered the most was actually Li Hong. You only considered the emperor's reaction, but did not think about the problem from Li Hong's perspective.

Finally, the person who can satisfy all your demands is Li Hong, and he will definitely not be the empress. So, don't torture Li Hong anymore, let alone make him a big joke.

Don't worry about what Master Zhixian and others think, and don't let them tie your hands and feet, and don't do everything according to their wishes.

You are the Queen of the Buddhist Kingdom of the Western Regions, they are not."

Naha nodded and said: "I don't want to torture Li Hong. He will come tomorrow. I want to make it clear to him that I like him, but I will not rely on him. I am going to the Western Region to be my queen.

I never want to see him again."

Yunchu sighed, maybe this is what Naha is thinking...

When the sky completely darkened, the Yin River flowed downwards sighing, not sure whether it was sighing for the passage of time or sighing for Naha.

Anyway, I sighed all night long.

This chapter has been completed!
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