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Chapter 814 Everyone gets what they need

In fact, it's not just Yunchu's family who is sent out by the whole family. Anyone with some strength in the family in Chang'an City needs to follow.

Especially this time, the emperor, empress, and prince all went, and the emperor refused to let anyone with strength stay in the two capitals.

This shows that the emperor does not have the slightest trust in his nobles.

This time the emperor's eastward tour will reach as far as Jieshi, which is the place where Cao Cao wrote a poem, "Landing east to Jieshi to view the sea."

The emperor originally wanted to go to Qinhuangdao, but he couldn't stand the advice of his ministers, so he finally regarded Jieshi Mountain as the end point of his trip.

Wen Wen said privately that this was the emperor's pride to the extreme. He felt that he unified the world and was more powerful than the ancestral dragon...

Di Renjie believed that the most important thing for the emperor's eastward tour was to appease the people in Shandong and Hebei.

Wen Wen lives a more self-centered life, while Di Renjie has a heart to appease the people of the world. Naturally, they each have their own opinions on the matter of the emperor's eastward tour.

Generally speaking, what they say is both correct and incorrect.

The fact that the people in Shandong and Hebei were not of the same mind as the Tang Dynasty began in the Sui Dynasty.

When Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty conquered Goguryeo several times, he was more happy to kill the powerful people in Shandong and Hebei than to kill the Goguryeo people.

After Wang Bo sang "The Death Song of Wuxiang Liaodong" in Liaodong and conquered Shandong, which suffered countless casualties in Liaodong, the people of Hebei completely separated from the Sui Dynasty.

When Emperor Taizong unleashed his mighty power and wiped out the Caotou Kings all over the world, Dou Jiande, a man who was quite good to the people there, came out of Hebei Province.

In the battle of Hulao Pass, Emperor Taizong captured Dou Jiande. When he originally wanted to spare this guy's life to win the hearts of the people in Hebei, Dou Jiande was beheaded in Chang'an by Emperor Taizu Li Yuan.

As a result, the people in Hebei didn't have much favorable impression of Datang.

Later, Prince Li Jiancheng got help from Wei Zheng and finally made the people in Hebei begin to trust Datang.

Emperor Taizong had Li Jiancheng killed again. From then on, people in Hebei basically couldn't control their discord.

As a last resort, Emperor Taizong simply implemented a high-pressure policy against Hebei, which was the same as Emperor Yang Guang's policy against Hebei. The only difference was that Emperor Taizong defeated Goguryeo and Emperor Yang of Sui failed.

Whether they win or lose, it doesn't make much difference to the people. Their children still have to go to the battlefield, and they still have to scrimp on food and clothing to provide for the needs of the battlefield.

Therefore, people in Hebei once hated Tang Dynasty more than they hated Goguryeo.

Just when the volcano in Hebei was about to erupt again, Li Ji led the army and completely wiped out the Three Kingdoms of Liaodong.

The feat of reorganizing a million-strong army in victory made the people of Hebei bow their heads and not dare to feel any unwillingness to do so.

When Yun Chu took office as the lord of Dahang City, he opened the door to the Three Kingdoms of Liaodong to the people of Hebei. As a result, the soldiers of Hebei made a lot of money in Liaodong. When he started to inspect the Xiongjin Dudu Mansion

At that time, the people of Hebei were allowed to participate in the demolition of the ancestral temples and capitals of Baekje and Silla without any precautions, and the people of Hebei were more or less compensated.

In fact, these compensations were basically taken away by aristocratic families and had little to do with the local people.

However, the people who truly represent Hebei are precisely these aristocratic families, not the common people who follow what others say.

Later, a glimpse of the locusts first appeared in the nest, and the locusts showed up. 渤 Grab the mace mu淖鈬卮锿險锏锏pati# glance at the 貅音阎韮寤褤钡乇皇⒋?

"This time, your majesty will use Shandong aristocratic families more than others. Next year, he will be exempted from paying taxes in Hebei province for one year. From these two points, it can be seen that your majesty has begun to truly consider the matter of unifying the world."

When Wen Wen heard what Yun Chu said, she said disdainfully: "Shandong and Hebei are two rare pieces of fat for careerists. If anyone can take two bites, he will quickly gain weight.

As long as they don't deal with the emperor and have conflicts of interest, Shandong and Hebei will not let go. I even suspect that the queen also has ambitions in these two places."

Yun Chu recalled what Wu Mei had done to other clans after she became emperor, and then shook his head and said: "They are not born to be in the same group, and they cannot get along together."

When Wen Wen saw that Di Renjie had left, she said to Yun Chu: "The people in Qingyi House are just a bunch of rabble, they need to be carefully selected."

Yun Chu said: "Keep a backup plan. After we deal with the big changes, we won't be able to keep these people."

"Are you saying that we are going to be unlucky?"

Yun Chu looked at Wen Wen and sighed: "It's been peaceful for too long. I'm not used to it and it doesn't feel real."

Gentle and puzzled, he said: "It's pretty good now. Although the emperor is a little suspicious, it's generally positive."

"During the Zhenguan period, the problem was that there were endless rebellions from all walks of life, and the rebellions were mainly concentrated in the grasslands and the Western Regions.

Over the years, things in the Western Regions and on the grasslands have basically calmed down. After years of recuperation and recuperation in the country, the country has gradually become richer. People, as long as they become richer, they will have higher requirements.

Thirty years ago, even the new noble families supported by Emperor Taizong were still emphasizing diligence and frugality, and those small families were even more emphasizing farming, studying and passing down the family. The common people were satisfied with just a bowl of thick porridge.

After His Majesty ascended the throne, the nobles and nobles thought that the world had been stabilized, so they began to make fortunes unscrupulously. As a result, the people suffered from this fortune, and even threatened the mediocrity.

Many people think that the increasing population caused the imperial court to have no extra land to support the army. In fact, the real reason lies in land annexation. Have you calculated how much land your family has?"

Wen Wen thought for a moment and said, "Eighteen hundred acres. I didn't ask for more land when the family was divided. I just left some grain fields."

"What about before you separated?"

"No less than 80,000 acres, many of which are fields passed down from ancestors."

Yunchu stopped talking about the embarrassing topic and continued: "Ten years ago, the nobles who were suppressed by Emperor Taizong have become stronger again. Over the years, your Majesty's biggest opponents are the nobles."

Wen Wen said: "Everyone in the world knows how the Li family in Longxi got up. Now, if they want to dig out the roots of the gentry, they will naturally encounter obstacles everywhere."

Yun Chu smiled and said: "I harvested the copper in the hands of the nobles in Shandong and Hebei. Although it was only about 20%, it made them dare not pay attention anymore. His Majesty is now very angry and asked him to lower his body to appease Shandong.

, this is impossible for the gentry in Hebei."

Wen Wen sighed and said: "So, the emperor is going to take action on the land owned by the wealthy family this time?"

Yun Chu nodded and said: "Seizing the land of the wealthy and aristocratic families and marrying the hearts of the people in Shandong and Hebei should be the first thing His Majesty has to do after he visits Fengchan Taishan on this eastward tour and declares his martial arts skills."

Wen Wen said: "The escort of 120,000 soldiers and horses seems to be a little less."

Yun Chu smiled and said: "If millions of soldiers and horses march eastward, how can the emperor's civil and military skills be shown?"

"So, all the best are coming?"

Yun Chu nodded and said: "Among the 120,000 soldiers and horses, there are 60,000 cavalry, 8,000 swordsmen, 40,000 armored infantry, and 10,000 bombardiers. This is a force that is enough to overthrow the country and kill the generals.

The powerful powers of Hebei and Shandong should be no match for us."

Wen Wen was silent for a moment and said: "The emperor is very powerful. There is no one or thing in the world that can make him afraid."

While the two were chatting, Di Renjie went and returned. When he came back, he placed a document in front of them.

Rou Wen opened the document and took a look at it and said, "Li Yifu is coming to Chang'an, and he will not attend the Fengchan Taishan Ceremony."

Di Renjie said: "Let him come, he can't play Chang'an."

Naturally, Yunchu would not agree with Di Renjie's opinion. This guy did not know enough about Li Yifu, his former teacher.

This guy doesn't have any construction skills, but he has superhuman destruction skills.

Once he entered Chang'an, he was like a mouse falling into a rice vat.

Yun Chu took the document and read it carefully. Although the Ministry of Official Affairs gave a special explanation of the six words "temporarily staying in Chang'an", Yun Chu still saw the word "greed" throughout the text.

"Chang'an is your Majesty's Chang'an. Since your Majesty has given the order, we can just obey it. There is no need to take this matter too seriously."

Yunchu closed the document and looked very indifferent to the matter.

Di Renjie said: "No, we must make arrangements before leaving Chang'an, otherwise we will be in big trouble.

I will go and arrange the men under my command now, and you two must also make arrangements. This person in Li Yifu is as cunning as a fox and as ruthless as a wolf, so we cannot take him lightly."

Watching Di Renjie leave, Wen Wen punched the table and said, "I want half of Li Yi's house to die before they leave Luoyang."

Yun Chu smiled and said: "Can Qingyi Tower take on this important responsibility?"

Wen Wen said: "Ten thousand guan for the head of Li Yifu should be worthy of the Prime Minister of the Tang Dynasty."

Yun Chu shook his head and said: "Li Yifu will have anticipated this situation. He only needs to mobilize a group of soldiers under his control to make the mob in Qingyi Tower return without success."

She smiled softly and said: "You underestimate the power of ten thousand dollars. In addition, a mob also has its uses. Just wait and see the results."

Yun Chu smiled. He still trusted Wen Wen very much. As long as he took action, he rarely failed.

Today, the killers in Chang'an City have been completely eliminated under the encirclement and suppression of Chang'an County, Wannian County.

Even if someone wants to hire a killer, it will be difficult to do so.

The prisons in Chang'an City are filled with killers, assassins and the like. Many of them have lives on their hands and have already reported them to Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment. After their identity is verified, they will take advantage of the autumn wind to carry out the Autumn Judgment.

After all, Chang'an is a place ruled by law, and such a bad group of people is not allowed to occupy this place.

As for the assassination of Li Yifu, it naturally has nothing to do with Yun Chu, Wen Wen, and Di Renjie, and it has nothing to do with Chang'an. There are such killers and assassins everywhere in the Tang Dynasty. The assassination of Li Yifu is not a big event at all.

When Yunchu returned home, Yu Xiurong was already arranging for large-scale purchases.

This time, the entire Yun family will follow the emperor on a journey to Mount Tai, and will not turn back until Jieshi.

Not to mention the time spent on the road, just for the Fengchan Taishan event, it would take a full month and a half to stay outside. According to the news Yu Xiurong received from Prince Li Hong, it would take at least eight months to leave Chang'an this time.

You can come back later.

The emperor may not have thought that while he was plotting against other people's powerful lands in Shandong and Hebei, there were also people plotting against his Chang'an city.

This chapter has been completed!
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