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Chapter 826 Zhou Xing is here

Yu Xiurong has been very busy since he came to Luoyang.

Not only was she busy, Mrs. Cui was even busier than her. From the moment she arrived in Luoyang, Mrs. Cui had been running around, busy checking various accounts.

In Chang'an, it is not easy for the Yun family to buy too many properties. If they buy too much, they will be impeached by the censors. In Luoyang, it does not matter.

They originally wanted to open two large canteens in Luoyang, but as a result, no one in Chang'an agreed. They even threatened the Yun family that if they opened a large canteen in Luoyang, they would not eat at the Chang'an canteen.

God knows why the people of Luoyang and Chang'an were in such trouble.

Although the opinions of these people are of no importance to Yunshi, it is nothing if they are missing from the Chang'an Restaurant.

In view of the fact that Chang'an Restaurant has become a part of the glory of Chang'an people.

Yu Xiurong still chose to focus on Chang'an, so that if people in Luoyang wanted to have a truly decent meal, they could only go to Chang'an to eat.

The most important of Yun's industries in Luoyang are high-end quilts, super anti-virus drugs, top-notch dolls, pure Kunlun white jade, Western Region blood agate...

I heard that these businesses are very profitable, and you don’t have to worry about selling them. Sometimes you may not be able to buy them even if you have money.

Li Si couldn't see Wu Mei, so under the pressure of Yu Xiurong, he took his jade abacus and began to check the accounts with Cui, the housekeeper of the Yun family.

Neither Li Zhi nor Wu Mei said a word about their daughter's despicable career.

The two of them believed that this was Yunchu and his wife training their next generation of housewives.

Li Zhi was very satisfied with this result. Some of the dissatisfaction and suspicion he had towards Yun Chu in the past had been eliminated by more than half at once.

Li Zhi is not short of money either. What he cares about is that his Li family's blood can share the Yun family's money in the future. If the Yun family continues to marry the royal family, in a few generations, the Yun family's blood will be given to the Li family's blood.

The replacement is almost there.

Especially when no one was very willing to marry the royal family, Li Zhi felt that his daughter Li Si was definitely a smart and useful child when he had the opportunity to start with the eldest son of the Yun family.

"The Yun family's property, except for the big canteen, is that the land in Qujiang is valuable. The rest are just some businesses that are easy to make money. When compared to other people, it is considered a challenge. When it comes to people like Yun Chu, it is

Not surprising.

I just want my family to live a more comfortable life, and since Yun Chu never gets involved in official business, I can still tolerate him if he earns more."

Wu Mei opened a ledger and took a look at it and said: "Yun's just sells quilts, and in one year, they have a profit of 8,300 yuan."

Li Zhi was stunned for a moment and said: "It's just a quilt, how can you earn so much? It even exceeds the annual tax of one of my state capitals?"

Wu Mei said: "Yun's quilt sells for almost as much as a cow, and your Majesty should know how much a quilt costs.

But for such an expensive quilt, noble and wealthy families are rushing to buy it. Even middle-class families with a little wealth are willing to prepare two beds for their children when they get married. It is said that

It looks better, but over time, it actually became a trend in Chang'an and Luoyang."

Li Zhi smiled and said: "This is also because Yun is good at economics."

Wu Mei sighed and said: "The fine wine of Xinfeng is worth ten thousand, and I have been a knight in Xianyang for many years. I met you and drank for you. I tied my horse to the tall building and hung a willow. He was born as an official in the Han Dynasty, and he first fought with the hussars in Yuyang. Who knew that he would go to Bianting?"

It's bitter, even if you die, you can still smell the fragrance of the chivalrous bones. You can make two sculptures in one body, and the captive's thousand-weight horse seems to be nothing. He sits sideways on the golden saddle with white feathers, and shoots five singles one after another. At the end of the banquet, the emperor and ministers of the Han Dynasty discussed the Yuntai Forum.

For military exploits, the Emperor Linxuan bestowed the seal on the marquis, and the general wore it from the Mingguang Palace."

Li Zhi waited for Wu Mei to finish reciting the whole poem, and then immediately said: "Isn't this about Yun Chu?

Well, the whole poem reads quite a bit chivalrously, especially the last four sentences - after the Han Dynasty monarchs and ministers celebrated their banquet, they discussed their military exploits on the cloud platform. The emperor came to the palace to give the marquis seal, and the general wore it out of the Mingguang Palace. It is considered realistic.

, nothing to boast about.

Why do you just call a small official from the Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty a man named Yu Linlang? Oh, it’s to raise your profile.”

Wu Mei looked at the emperor and said, "This poem was also written by Yun Chu."

Li Zhi laughed and said: "In the old days in Chang'an, there were rumors among the people that Yun Chu killed the Turks' 100,000-strong army in the Western Regions. Later, it turned into hundreds of thousands... Haha, wait until I learn from that old man Liang Jianfang.

After the common man knew the whole story, he realized that the Turks who were besieging the city had been attracted by the government soldiers who broke out and took away the nine cities, and they used the fire bull formation to break open a hole. In addition, the city of Qiuci had become a deserted city, and the Turks

I don’t care, just like that, when Yunchu rushed out of the military formation, he was shot like a hedgehog by the Turks. If it weren’t for my Tang Dynasty’s armor, he would have died on the battlefield long ago.”

Wu Mei frowned and said, "Is this all your Majesty sees?"

Li Zhi smiled and said: "The most indispensable thing in our Tang Dynasty is the young heroes who open up new territories. One Duiyunchu is not too much, and one less Yunchu is not a lot. In my Tang Dynasty, as long as you can really build a foundation for the Tang Dynasty."

I would still be willing to give it to a Marquis for all my hard work."

Wu Mei stood up and said: "His Majesty has been in Chang'an for thirteen years..."

Li Zhi chuckled and said, "So what if we let it go for another thirteen years?"

"Isn't your Majesty worried?"

Li Zhi looked at Wu Mei and said coldly: "What are you worried about?"

Wu Mei said: "Yun Chu is not a 250 person."

Li Zhi said coldly: "I said yes, he is. Even if he has great writings and can capture the king and destroy the country with military force, under my command, he can only be a good two hundred and five, and there is nothing else."

Wu Mei sighed and said: "Since Your Majesty ascended the throne, the only one who has truly trusted you is Yunchu."

Li Zhi smiled and said: "How does it compare to Li Yifu, whom you have always trusted?"

Wu Mei said: "I still don't believe that there are people like Yun Chu in the world who don't seek wealth, officialdom or fame, but only want to realize an ideal. I think this is not in line with human nature."

Li Zhi looked at Wu Mei and said: "If Yunchu was in Hebei, Shandong, even in Shuzhong or Huainan, I would naturally be worried. Now, he is in Chang'an. Where is Chang'an?

It is the foundation of our Tang Dynasty and the place where the Dragon of our Tang Dynasty flourished. The Li family took root in Guanzhong and has long since grown into a towering tree. Yunchu can only be regarded as a vine in Chang'an. Don't look at him in Chang'an.

It looks lush and green, but in fact, as long as it is separated from the towering giant Li tree, the vines will only fall to the ground.

Talents like Yun Chu may not appear in hundreds of years. Now that he has appeared in our Tang Dynasty, I will naturally reuse him. I will never abandon Yun Chu until it becomes uncontrollable."

Li Zhi's voice was not high, but his tone was firmer than ever before, and the look in his eyes at Wu Mei was unquestionable.

Wu Mei still wanted to talk, but Li Zhi lost his patience. He felt that he had said too much about Yun Chu today.

Regardless of whether Yun Chu had a problem or not, Wu Mei shouldn't have said it so bluntly. It was a huge disrespect to him.

Wu Mei finally ended the topic about Yunchu and started talking about Li Yifu.

Li Zhi shook his head and said: "People with flaws in their character can use it, but they should be careful about using it. Remember to throw it away after use."

Wu Mei shook her head and said: "There is no perfect person in this world."

Li Zhidao: "Some people's flaws cannot rise to the level of their character. These are the people I want to use."

After that, she got up and took the giant bear out for a walk. This was the task given to her by Sun Shenxian, and she had to take 10,000 steps every day.

After seeing off the emperor, Wu Mei stood in the main hall and pondered for a long time. The reason why she talked about Yunchu today was actually because of Chang'an.

Nowadays, whoever owns the prosperous Chang'an will have the greatest say. If he cannot win Chang'an, no matter how much say he has in other places, it will not be enough for Wu Mei.

Every change for the better in Chang'an City would offset many of Wu Mei's efforts abroad. Now, she felt that her efforts outside could no longer keep up with the benefits Chang'an brought to the emperor.

Li Yifu temporarily guarded Chang'an, which was Wu Mei's effort to plot Chang'an. Unfortunately, under the attack of the emperor, the prince, and Yun Chu, he suffered a disaster before leaving Luoyang.

After a long time, the female official appeared in the main hall.

"Queen, Zhou Xing, the capital of Shangshu Province, is here."

So, Wu Mei returned to the curtain, and immediately, a man in Tsing Yi walked into Zhaoyang Hall.

"Has Li Yifu said everything?"

Zhou Xing, the capital minister of Shangshu Province, intervened and said: "What does the Queen need from Li Yifu?"

Wu Mei said: "I want Chang'an."

Zhou Xing said without changing his expression: "Li Yifu can talk about things related to Chang'an, but I don't know who the queen wants to be related to?"

Wu Mei wanted to say Yun Chu's name, but just now, her suggestion was rejected without mercy by the emperor.

"Liu Rengui!"

Zhou Xing said without even thinking: "The disposal of Liu Rengui needs to go through the Third Division and even His Majesty. It cannot withstand verification. If the queen needs it, she can take action from Liu Rengui's eldest son and then implicate Liu Rengui."

Wu Mei said in surprise: "Liu Rengui's tutoring is quite strict, how do you start?"

"Liu Rengui's eldest son Liu Tao is now a doctor of Taichang Temple. This person has a very different family tradition from Liu Rengui. It is said that he is dissatisfied that his younger brother Liu Rui has a higher official position than him, and there are complaints from time to time.

When he was drunk, he once said to others: Yunchu was able to reach the high position he is today because of the protection of his father Liu Rengui. However, after Yunchu gained power, he no longer visited the Liu family. He visited the Yun family several times.

He hoped to be appointed as a local official through Yunchu's recommendation, but was rudely rejected, saying that Yunchu was an ungrateful person.

This person harbors resentment, not only towards Yun Chu, but also towards his father Liu Rengui and brother Liu Rui.

Wei Chen thought that if we capture Liu Tao, we can advance to Liu Rengui, and if we capture Liu Rengui, we can advance to Chang'an."

Wu Mei said: "So, do you still hope to control Chang'an through the position left behind in Chang'an?"

Zhou Xing stood up and said, "This is the queen's wish."

Wu Mei frowned and said: "The stay in Chang'an is actually not as important as you think. The important thing is Chang'an and Wannian County."

Zhou Xing shook his head and said: "Wei Chen is originally from Chang'an and knows the two counties of Chang'an very well for ten thousand years. The queen wants Chang'an because she values ​​Chang'an's wealth. Chang'an prospered because of Yunchu, and the foundation for Chang'an's prosperity is also

The pattern in these two counties is different from that in other places.

If the current structure of the two counties is destroyed, there will be no resources left.

However, for thousands of years, the two counties of Chang'an have followed the rules very much, and every year the wealth is paid to the court through the Chang'an Left-behind Mansion.

Wei Chen believes that if he plots to stay in Chang'an, he can achieve the Queen's goal of controlling the wealth of the Tang Dynasty by just plotting to stay in the palace. There is no need to destroy the current structure of the two counties of Chang'an for ten thousand years. It is best to leave him to make a steady stream of money."

Wu Mei was silent for a long time and then said: "It's not that easy."

Zhou Xing said with a smile: "Under the three trees, everything can be taken and asked for. Even Liu Rengui cannot escape the control of Wei Chen. What Wei Chen can do is to clear the way for the Queen to make it easier for the Queen to walk. As for how to walk, how to go is beyond Wei Chen's control.


Wu Mei's voice became cold.

"Then go ahead and do something. While His Majesty is enshrined in Zen, you will have to do something."

This chapter has been completed!
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