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Chapter 867 Its impossible to manifest a saint in the human world

"Yun Chu said it lightly. If he is really capable, just scatter his millions of wealth and see if he can do it."

It was rare to be able to talk calmly to Li Si, so Wu Mei decided to talk for a while.

Li Si looked at his mother and sighed: "Before, the child didn't know what courage was. After hearing what the mother said, the child finally knows what courage is."

Wu Mei said: "Are you praising me or derogating me?"

Li Sidao: "Does the queen know why the child, as a princess of the Tang Dynasty, still values ​​money so seriously?"

"That's because you are born greedy for money."

Li Si shook his head and said: "No, Master has long said that one generation earns money and food for the next generation. The money and food he collects will be scattered before the death of the couple, and not a single copper coin will be left to their children and grandchildren."

Wu Mei laughed out loud and pointed at Li Sidao: "Why don't you leave now?"

Li Si looked into Wu Mei's eyes and said: "Master said that the money in his hands can produce more wealth now. Once he passes away, the money he earned from people in the world will eventually return to his family."

in the hands of the people.

The master also wrote a poem to clarify his ambition, saying: I am born with talents that will be useful, and I will come back again after all the money I have spent!

The mother may not believe that my master will do this, but the child believes that the master will definitely do this in the future. Even if the child makes money, it can only be earned before the age of twenty. What he needs to do after the age of twenty is to devote himself to educating his children.

Master often said that in the Tang Dynasty, making money was the easiest thing. It was not worth investing too much energy. Money was enough to fulfill one's ambitions. Any more money would be greedy and would make people corrupt.

It is not worthy of the knowledge master has worked so hard to teach."

"I am born with talents that will be useful. I will come back after all the money I have spent. Yun Chu is so arrogant."

Li Si chuckled and said, "I think people like my master should be arrogant."

Wu Mei waved her hand to rebuke Li Si. She felt that if the topic continued, Yun Chu might be exposed to the human sage boasted by Li Si.

After getting accurate information from Li Si, Wu Mei became less impatient. It would still take half a month for the ice in the Yellow River to be used to murder them, so she was still going to pretend that she didn't know anything.

Meet the emperor and see if the emperor will tell him the news that Yunchu gave him.

Li Zhi was very diligent today. When Wu Mei arrived, he was still reading the memorial. However, what he said about reading the memorial was actually listening to the memorial. His eyes were not good. If he read the memorial for a long time, his eyes would be blurry.

That’s all.

When Wu Mei came in, the eunuch who was responsible for reading the memorial withdrew.

Wu Mei came to Li Zhi and sat down, watching the eunuch reciting half of the memorial and continuing to recite it.

After Wu Mei finished reciting, Li Zhi whispered: "Do you think Sheng Luopi of Nanzhao is crazy?"

Wu Mei said: "Nanzhao is a remote area with little information. Sheng Luopi may not know how powerful the Tang Dynasty is, so he would rob my caravan and kill our border residents."

Li Zhi shook his head and said: "Since he doesn't know, let him know. He ordered Sima Zhang of Rongzhou, Qiu Xiaofang, to take his own army as the vanguard, Sima Zhang Chenglu of Xunzhou, as the left wing, and Sima He Rudao of Meizhou as the right wing, and march in three directions.

Nanzhao, with the ultimate goal of capturing Nanzhao Taihe City and the head of Nanzhao Chief Sheng Luopi, is only allowed to win, not lose."

Wu Mei recorded the emperor's decree and said worriedly: "Aren't we going to send a marching commander to take charge of the entire army this time?"

Li Zhi shook his head and said: "No, if you don't use the marching general in the future, don't use the marching general to tell these three people that whoever takes Taihe City first and gets Shengluopi's head will be the governor of Yunnan."

Wu Mei said softly: "What if they are greedy for power and rush forward?"

Li Zhi shook his head and said: "If the eight thousand armors can't destroy Sheng Luopi, there is no need for them to exist."

Wu Mei was still worried and said: "These warriors have the heart of a tiger or a wolf. Once they enter Nanzhao, they will probably cause endless killings, which will only bring trouble to the imperial court in the future."

Li Zhi suddenly turned around and looked at Wu Mei and said: "Recruitment? I have never thought about recruiting people. Since Sheng Luopi doesn't want to be my minister of the Tang Dynasty, then let someone else do it. If no one in Nanzhao is willing to be my minister of the Tang Dynasty,

Then just exterminate their descendants. Even if Nanzhao becomes a no man's land, it will still be the wasteland of our Tang Dynasty."

Wu Mei saw that the emperor had made up his mind, so he sent Gong'e to summon the Secretary Cheng from the back hall to start drafting the edict according to the emperor's wishes. After the Secretary Cheng finished drafting the edict and Li Zhi printed it, the edict was issued to Zhongshu's family.

After the day, this decree will appear at the Shangguan Yi Office in Luoyang, and finally it will go through the channels of the Ministry of War, and the emperor's decree will be distributed to the three Sima.

After finishing these things, Li Zhi rubbed his temples and said to Wu Mei: "You should go back and pack up early. The day after tomorrow, the Chinese army will leave Bianzhou and set off for Puyang."

Wu Mei asked in confusion: "Why is it so hasty this time? His Majesty's arrangements in Bianzhou have not been put in place yet."

Li Zhidao: "Yunchu sent me a secret message, saying that someone would use the Yellow River's freezing floods in winter to harm me. I'm not afraid, but there is currently no good way to deal with this poisonous trick. After thinking about it, I still

I feel that leaving Bianzhou in advance will make those thieves’ plans come to nothing and prevent the people of Bianzhou from suffering this disaster for no reason.”

Wu Mei said: "Your Majesty is dedicated to the people, but those thieves may not know your Majesty's painstaking efforts. I am worried that no matter whether Your Majesty leaves or not, as long as the Lingxun incident is true and is harmful to Your Majesty, it will inevitably happen."


Li Zhi closed his eyes and said, "I was too kind to them before."

Wu Mei said: "On this eastward tour, will Your Majesty no longer show any mercy to anyone?"

Li Zhi said: "Although it may be temporarily painful to remove the weeds and root causes, it can be exchanged for long-term peace and stability. This can still be done."

"I think that both the win-win and the attack should be carried out at the same time."

"No need, the reason why they bow their heads now is that the only thing they fear is the cavalry of the Tang Dynasty. As for Huairou, Emperor Gaozu tried it, Emperor Taizong tried it, and I have tried it before, but to no avail. Since they are afraid of the cavalry of the Tang Dynasty,

, I will give them the Tang Dynasty Cavalry, the pure Tang Dynasty Cavalry."

Li Zhi's voice was not loud, but the determination in his words was very strong...

When Li Hong rode to Zhengzhou, the sky had already darkened. The two thousand princes and six soldiers accompanying him did not camp alone, but followed Li Hong's instructions and went straight into the camp of Yunchu's rear army.

Entering the camp means that the command of these two thousand soldiers and horses has passed into Yun Chu's hands.

Regarding the prince's behavior, neither Yun Chu nor Li Ji felt there was any big problem.

Yunchu didn't give Li Hong time to greet him. After entering the Chinese army's tent, Wenrou put all the information he could find in front of Li Hong. At the same time, the Lingxun experiment on the Yellow River began again.

When Yu Xiurong heard that Li Hong was coming, he sent Sanfei to bring a large pot of steamed noodles. After the steamed noodles entered the Chinese army's tent, Yun Chu and Wen Wenwen took the initiative to leave, giving Li Hong a space to think and study alone.

Yun Chu returned to the Chinese army's tent at dawn. Li Hong obviously hadn't slept all night, but he was very energetic. Seeing Yun Chu come in, he pushed away the empty rice bowl and said with a smile: "Master, what do you want me to do?"

Get in touch with the military?”

Yun Chu sat on the chair and said softly: "The only ones you can use are the two thousand soldiers and horses of your prince's sixth command."

Li Hong frowned and said: "Master, two thousand soldiers and horses to guard the two hundred and fifty miles of rivers may not be enough."

Yun Chu said: "Remember, the river has two sides, not one side. The total distance should be five hundred miles. Four people in one mile are a lot of people. If the entire rear army needs to be involved, even if you can catch

A thief has no glory."

Li Hong's brows immediately knitted into a knot.

When I came here, I knew that something big was going on here, so I brought a thousand more people. I didn't expect that things would be so troublesome. If we stick to the river embankment, two thousand people are obviously not enough. It seems that the master has no intention of letting him use it.

A stupid way to defend.

"Okay, I will lend this military tent to you for the time being, and you can mobilize the scouts at will. This matter is a very simple one, so try your best to do it well."

When Li Hong looked up at Yunchu, he found that he had already stood up and was about to leave the Chinese army's tent. He wanted to stop him and ask for advice, but he shut his mouth when he thought of what his master had just said.

When Yun Chu, Wen Wen, and Di Renjie were having breakfast together, Wen Wen asked, "Where does the prince plan to start?"

Yun Chu said: "I guess we start with gunpowder. After all, this is the easiest way to start. If you want to cause freezing floods, you must first have enough broken ice. Starting from Mianchi, the Yellow River suddenly widens.

The river is three miles wide. It is definitely not possible for a small group of people to place enough gunpowder in the middle of the river.

This process also involves multiple explosions and multiple explosions. After the explosion, enough crushed ice must be produced, and the crushed ice needs to be driven by a strong enough water flow to break through the fragile parts of the ice surface, eventually forming a large-scale ice crushing wave.

On the two hundred and fifty miles long river, there are not many areas that meet all the conditions."

Di Renjie said: "You can also start from Luyin Kanhe. Since it has been determined that these thieves are from Hebei and Shandong, as long as the prince has enough patience and sends people to carefully survey the moving population, something will always be gained. After all, there are not many people involved.


Wen Wen picked up a bowl of steamed noodles and nodded, "It's really quite simple."

Di Renjie also picked up his rice bowl, looked at Wen Wen and said: "Easier said than done, just arranging people and assigning them to the right positions to do the right things is not a simple matter.

The prince has grown up in the palace and may be able to find the thief's flaws. Whether he can capture the thief in one fell swoop is another matter."

Yun Chu picked up his rice bowl, looked back at the direction of the Chinese army's tent, took a mouthful of noodles and said, "I believe he can do a good job."

Wen Wen rolled her eyes and said: "This matter is of great benefit to him. Once the thief is captured and his evil plan is announced to the world, the prince can legitimately participate in the matter in Shandong and Hebei."

I'm on my way tomorrow, so I might be late.

This chapter has been completed!
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