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Chapter 878 Pressing forward step by step

On January 6, Pei Xingjian's 3,000-strong army suddenly rushed eastwards for 160 miles and headed straight for Bozhou, killing thirty-one people under Zhang Wei, the captain of Zhechong Prefecture in Bozhou.

On January 8, Pei Xingjian's two thousand troops suddenly descended from the sky and took control of Beizhou City, killing 27 people under Beizhou Governor Yao Chengdao.

On January 10, Pei Xingjian raided Fanzhou with 2,000 elite cavalry and killed 19 people including Liu Xiao, the governor of Fanzhou.

On January 11, Pei Xingjian's army sent two thousand troops into Puyang County and killed Lang Zhiyu, the magistrate of Puyang County.

People in Shandong and Hebei were greatly frightened.

It stands to reason that if the emperor wants to kill some local officials, there is no need to send out troops at all. As long as he gives the order, these people should come to the emperor and die. However, Pei Xingjian still dispatched the troops without notifying the local judicial officers and political affairs officers.

, did not even alarm the local Zhechong Prefecture.

He did the above things so arrogantly and brutally.

"Behind any seemingly incomprehensible thing, there must be an even more incomprehensible reason supporting the inevitability of the previous thing."

Yunchu put down the charcoal pen in his hand and said to his subordinates who were full of tents.

Li Ji, who was sitting on the left side of Yunchu's desk, said: "Your Majesty did not tell the world about the crimes of those people."

Yun Chu smiled and said: "These people all have one obvious common characteristic, that is, the family has a lot of land, a lot of customers, a lot of tenants, and a lot of slaves."

Of course, Li Ji knew why the emperor did this. The reason why he asked questions was actually to fulfill his duty as Marching Commander Shi. If the other officers in the tent were confused, they would usually be asked by Marching Commander Shi, and finally by Marching Commander Shi.

The marshal answers questions and resolves doubts.

Yun Chu explained, but it was just that the explanation was shrouded in mist and was not pleasant at all. Li Ji stopped asking questions and told his subordinates how much they knew and what they should know. This is the power of the coach.

Yun Chu then picked up a Ministry of War document from the desk, shook it at everyone in the tent and said: "Actually, what Pei Xingjian is doing, we also need to do it immediately."

After Yun Chu finished speaking, he glanced at the generals who were obviously in high spirits and said: "Three counties, Juancheng, Linpu, Leize, kill the magistrates of the three counties, imprison the officials of the three counties, dissolve the people of the three counties, and take

The treasury of the three counties will be at my disposal, and then military control will be implemented in these three counties.

Okay, the mission is just like this, who of you wants to go?"

As soon as Yun Chu finished speaking, he heard the generals in the tent roar in unison: "The last general is willing to go."

When Yunchu saw that the general in the tent was eager to fight, he nodded with satisfaction, and then said to Li Ji, "Thank you, sir."

Li Ji stood up and glanced at the general who was cupping his fists and saluting, and finally said in a deep voice: "Sun Hu!"

A bearded captain who was more than eight feet tall came out.

Li Ji picked up a troop deployment document from Yunchu's desk and handed it to Sun Hu, saying: "Juancheng, three days, our troops and horses."

Sun Hu took the document and hurriedly left the military tent.

Li Ji picked up another document from the desk and said in a deep voice: "Han Tong!"

"The general is here!" A big man with a strong Guanzhong accent came out from the crowd.

Li Ji put the document in his hand and said: "Linpu, in three days, we will have our troops."

After Han Tong left, Li Ji focused his eyes on the face of a thin, middle-aged man, and said in a deep voice: "Qin Huaidao."

"The end is here!" The thin, middle-aged man came out of the crowd and stood in front of Yunchu and Li Ji.

Yun Chu smiled warmly. This man was the late Hu Guogong, the only son of Qin Qiong, the governor of Xuzhou. He was not as brave as his father, and he did not have much literary talent. Over the years, Qin Qiong's lineage has declined visibly. Yun Chu did not

He didn't mind Li Ji's selfish pursuit here and arranged for Qin Huaidao, who was not outstanding, to go to Leize County.

"Lei Ze, three days, our troops."

Qin Huaidao clasped his fists and accepted the order, took the documents and left the military tent.

Li Ji put away his serious face just now, and said with a smile to the other somewhat disappointed generals: "Don't worry, this time I will accompany His Majesty on his eastward tour, and you will have the opportunity to make meritorious deeds.

You are still strictly guarding the military camp and are ready to go to war at any time."

"Here!" The remaining generals agreed and left the Chinese army's tent one after another.

At this point, Li Jicai said to Yun Chu: "I thought you would stop Huaidao from going to Leize County."

Yun Chu shook his head and said: "Hu Guogong's family has fallen into decline. Now is the time to work hard and make progress."

Li Ji sneered and said, "Your ideas are not in line with His Majesty's."

Yun Chu said: "Only through ups and downs can one realize how valuable a title is, and only then can one realize that wealth is hard-won."

Li Ji nodded and said: "Li Jingye has gone astray..."

Yun Chu said: "His vision is too short-sighted. He thought that the water in Tuyuhun could support his big fish. Unexpectedly, his fish actually destroyed the water in Tuyuhun."

Li Ji smiled bitterly and said: "If you hadn't sent Zhang Jianzhi to Tuyuhun, Li Jingye would not have drank poison to quench his thirst."

Yun Chu said: "The purpose of sending Zhang Jianzhi to Tuyuhun is to force Li Jingye to go to the plateau to fill the gap left by the Tubo people. To be honest, the terrain there is high and the Tang army will not be able to go up there. In the future,

It can be left to future generations as the place of ancestors. Unexpectedly, no matter how hard I tried to drive him away, Li Jingye actually dared not go up because he was afraid of talking about Qinling.

The better people in western Sichuan become bandits, and there's nothing I can do about it."

Li Ji sighed and said, "A true person is someone who forgets his life when he sees small profits and cherishes his own life when doing big things."

Yun Chu said: "I can't blame Li Jingye for this. People in the Tang Dynasty are more or less like home-loving dogs and are reluctant to leave their homes. He Lan Minzhi had obviously conquered Bolu Country, but because his wife was about to give birth, he left.

He gave up the great situation and returned to Datang.

What's the use of a good overlord who just wants to come back and be someone else's dog?"

Li Ji suddenly laughed, pointed at Yunchu and said: "You want Li Jingye to go first, and then slowly lure the Tang people to the plateau. Later, you found that he stayed in Tuyuhun and refused to go to the plateau, so you started to arrange for Helan Minzhi to go to the plateau."

Have you gone to the plateau?

As a result, He Lanminzhi's disarray of the Yangtong tribe seemed to have dealt a huge blow to Tubo. However, it was also due to the decline of the Yangtong tribe that Lun Qinling had the opportunity to destroy the disorganized Tubo.

Tied into a piece of iron, now, people are trying their best to plot Nibala. Once achieved, Tubo's life will become better and more prosperous, and on the other side of the mountain, Tubo will also be given a piece of land where they can really display their talents.

A powerful combat environment.

Yun Chu, neither Li Jingye nor He Lan Minzhi has completed your plan to replace Tubo with Tang people. You have completely failed. I want to know now, who else are you planning to push?"

Yun Chu smiled and said: "Why did I fail? I can make the Tubo people abandon their homeland and no longer pose a threat to the Tang Dynasty. Doesn't it count as a success?"

Li Ji chuckled and didn't really care about Yun Chu's explanation. Yun Chu knew in his heart whether it was successful or not.

Seeing Li Ji leaving the Chinese army tent with his hands behind his back, Yun Chu scratched his hair and said with some annoyance: "This old guy can just see it, why bother to say it out.

In my world, all fools know how important the Tubo Plateau is, but in the Tang Dynasty, everyone treats Tubo as a piece of shit. Even the Tubo people who come to Chang'an to do business will be treated as if they are selling things.

People bully.

Alas, no one cares about the water tower in China. Who can understand what I am thinking?"

Three armies of 1,500 men set off separately. The military camp was noisy for a while, and then everything calmed down.

The crescent-shaped pontoon bridge on the river is shaking slightly, but the position opposite the pontoon bridge has been replaced by the emperor's Jinwu Guards to guard it. It seems that Li Zhi does not trust Li Ji, the former prince and tutor.


The emperor did not trust Li Ji, and Yun Chu did not trust the Jinwu Guard general Jia Guozhong opposite him at all.

Because his father's name is Jia Chunyan. Six years ago he was the emperor's regular attendant, and now he is still the emperor's regular attendant. Six years ago, this guy swallowed a bowl of pearl rice from Yunchu in Liaodong. He was a wretched man.

He knows how to be adaptable, but he can still keep his word. He is an absolute strange person among the people Yun Chu has met.

Jia Guozhong's father was the emperor's favorite, and people who could become favorites were not very good in character, so Yunchu didn't have much trust in Jia Guozhong's character.

Therefore, Yunchu once again ordered the construction of two more short bridges one hundred meters upstream and downstream of the pontoon bridge.

These two bridges are simple to make. They inflate sheepskin and tie it to wooden bars to form sheepskin rafts. These things are very light, and the water flow in this section of the Yellow River is stable. The sheepskin rafts are very stable after being put on them. Yun

Chu also ordered craftsmen to drive 60 huge wooden piles into the river, and then used thick iron wires produced in Chang'an to connect the wooden piles together, and then placed sheepskin rafts between the giant wooden piles. All the sheepskin rafts were also connected with iron wires.

When the raft is in use, the sheepskin raft is lifted on the huge wooden piles with ropes. When it is in use, it is lowered and covered with wooden planks to form a bridge.

Although these two bridges are not very stable and cannot be used for horse racing, pedestrians are not in the way.

The most important thing is that because it is on the left and right sides of the pontoon bridge, Yunchu can logically place two more military camps on both sides of the pontoon bridge to guard the two new pontoon bridges.

At the same time, this Jia Guozhong's military stronghold can also be tightly surrounded.

To be honest, in the Tang Dynasty, he had no trust in anyone named Guozhong.

Li Zhi was lying on a piece of brocade, listening to Wu Mei reciting the memorial. When he heard Wu Mei reciting Yun Chu's memorial, he raised his hand to ask Wu Mei to stop, squinted his eyes and said, "Let me

Guess whether this two hundred and fifty has fulfilled my will."

Wu Mei looked at Li Zhi angrily and said: "This is a memorial from the minister, your majesty should be more serious."

Li Zhi shook his head and said: "If you take this two hundred and five seriously, I will lose a lot of fun here for no reason. I guess Yunchu has sent people to capture the three counties of Juancheng, Linpu and Leize, right?"

Wu Mei lowered her head and looked at Yun Chu's memorial and said: "As you wished, we captured it, but we did not follow His Majesty's will to eradicate all the officials from these three counties. We only killed three county magistrates and the rest."

They are all in jail, waiting for trial."

Li Zhi smiled and said: "To this day, he still has not gotten rid of his soft-hearted problem. I guess Yun Chu must have also talked about Jia Guozhong replacing Ying Gong."

Wu Mei sighed and said: "I didn't say anything about Ying Gong, I just said that he felt that the pontoon bridge was a bit thin, so he built two more bridges on both sides of the pontoon bridge, and also built a military camp at the head of the bridge."

Li Zhi laughed and said: "In this case, his two military strongholds have wrapped up Jia Guozhong's military stronghold. Hahaha, it's no wonder that Jia Chunyan has said so many good things about him over the years, knowing that Jia Guozhong is a fool.

, for Jia Chunyan’s sake, he did not impeach, but made some corrections on his own, what a good man!”

Wu Mei smiled and said, "Your Majesty, why don't you think about it the other way around?"

Li Zhi opened his eyes, looked at Wu Mei and said, "Why should I think the other way around? My father-in-law is from Shandong, and he has had some connections with Shandong and Hebei over the years. Is there anything wrong in me being on guard against him?"

I sent this idiot Jia Guozhong there just so that Yun Chu could take over the Jinwu Guard in a critical moment, and nothing else."

This chapter has been completed!
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