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Chapter 935 Li Zhis Wang Yue and Wu Meis Bamboo

Although the three children, Yun Jin, Wen Huan, and Di Guangsi were young, they were driven around like mad dogs by Yun Chu all day long, so climbing this mountain was nothing to them.

The ones who are a little more troublesome are Wen Wen's wife and Di Renjie's wife. Fortunately, they are also led by Yu Xiurong to like sports, so they don't have the double chin or triple chin that is unique to other noble ladies of the Tang Dynasty, and they don't have their pear-shaped figures.

Although the climb is a bit more difficult, it looks pretty good so far.

The three of them are actually marginalized figures in the circle of ladies.

Mainly because of their jealous character.

That's right, there is only one woman in the back house of Yun, Wen and Di's family. There are no messy maids or concubines. Therefore, everyone feels that these three women are not good to their men, even if they cannot tolerate concubines.

It would be too much to not equip the maid with the existence of a chamber.

Of course, everyone hates these three women, but everyone wants them.

The light rain turned into light rain, and the water flowing down the stone steps was much smaller. It was just wet and slippery. After climbing Mount Tai for half an hour, I looked back and saw that the people below had been obscured by the thick fog.

Looking up at Nantianmen, there are also clouds and fog there, which forms a strange scene. Below the clouds are Yunchu and the others, and below Yunchu and the others there is another layer of thick fog. Above and below are either clouds or thick fog. Yunchu and the others

Although the place where we are is gloomy, it is clearer than either above or below.

Wu Da Fu Song is right in front of you.

This is a pine tree that is not very tall. It is not much different from the pine trees seen after 1,400 years ago. It is just that the branches are very strong and the bark is mottled, which shows that it has been there for many years.

Back then, Qin Shihuang took shelter from the rain under this pine tree. It was really lucky that he was not struck to death by lightning. You must know that the pine tree stood high enough and there were no other taller trees around it. If there was thunder and lightning, it would definitely be like this.

The tree is unlucky.

The fifth doctor is the ninth rank of the Qin Dynasty, and enjoys an annual salary of 450 dan.

It is now called ‘Changqinghou’.

No doubt, just by looking at the wet ink on the sign hanging around Wu Dafusong's neck, one can tell that Wu Dafusong has just been elevated to a noble title by the emperor, from the ninth to the third class.

The title is an ancient status rank. It was shaped by the Confucian classics on the "five ranks" of the pre-Qin Dynasty, which gave the title a certain sanctity. After the development stage of Qin and Han military meritorious titles, the title also has the practicality of rewarding meritorious service.

There is a certain similarity with the Tang Dynasty's titles, casual officers, and the functions of the honorary officers. None of the three have actual responsibilities. Both the title and the casual officers have the nature of hierarchical status. Both the titles and the honorary officers have the function of rewarding military merit.

However, the threshold for obtaining a ninth-level knighthood is higher than that for obtaining a knighthood. Although many people have obtained the knighthood of Shangzhu Kingdom, they have not received the title of county male.

In the Zhou Dynasty, nobility was the basis of identity and the basis for appointing officials. After the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the importance of official titles gradually surpassed that of nobility. Official titles were often collectively referred to as "ranking officials and becoming nobility" was the pursuit of many scholars. In the Tang Dynasty, entering the official position

In the Benben era, the status of the princes declined, but they were still valued by the people of the Tang Dynasty.

At the beginning of Yun Dynasty, his military merit was Shangzhu Kingdom, his title was Duke of Lantian County, and he was the magistrate of Wannian County and concurrently served as deputy left-behind officer of Chang'an.

His military exploits and title are high enough, but his position is very low. Therefore, in the court, his right to speak is far less than that of Shangguan Yi, who is not even a county boy.

The titles of the Tang Dynasty are no longer very valuable. This can be seen from the positions in the early dynasties. The order of titles in the Tang Dynasty is based on official rank first. Those with the same official rank are given priority by those with higher titles. If the titles are also the same, then

Older people go first.

The last time Yun Chu was able to stand in the ninth position, it had little to do with his title, but because he was a fourth-rank official. When there were few third-rank prime ministers and third-rank bosses, he

Naturally forward.

The benefits that the Changqing Marquis of Sanzhi, who won't eat a dog, may get as much as the fifth doctor of Qin Jue, after all, the title of the fifth doctor, and the annual salary of 450 shi and corn are real.

Yun Chu couldn't remember how many years he hadn't received a salary. He was either being fined or on the way to being fined... Yun Chu couldn't remember the reason for the last time he was fined.

Do you remember that you were fined five years' salary, during which time you were also fined five hundred catties of copper?

Under normal circumstances, Li Zhi was a rigorous emperor. When Yunchu saw the "Evergreen Marquis" sign on the pine tree, he immediately knew why he was promoted to Lantian County by the emperor.

It’s public.

"In the future, the title of nobility will be ruined."

Yunchu said to Di Renjie, who was panting and gentle.

Both of them currently hold the title of county boy, which means they have just entered the ranks of lords.

Li Hongdao: "Master, why did you say this?"

Yunchu looked at Li Hong and said, "You, how come you can't even be sure of your father's character?"

Li Hong thought for a moment and said, "Is my father really going to implement the grace order?"

Yun Chu clicked his lips and said: "Originally one title will become two or three after the execution of the grace order. If there are enough legitimate sons, I don't know how many it will become. What if Your Majesty wants to make a violent move this time?

"Yao, if we don't even spare the bastards and illegitimate children, there will be a spectacular scene in the Tang Dynasty with marquises, earls, viscounts, and barons everywhere like dogs."

Wen Wen said to his wife distressedly: "Don't show off my Linchuan Baronet in the future. It's not embarrassing enough."

Di Renjie frowned and said: "If there are too many knights and they are just exiled and ignored, the people will be in trouble. The title is not valuable in the officialdom, but it is enough to scare the people."

Yun Chu sneered and said, "You have forgotten how the title came from."

Di Renjie said: "In the entire Serbian army?"

Wen Wen also chuckled and said, "Send them some more high-ranking officers without titles?"

Yun Chu opened his arms and said: "Cut a batch, eliminate a batch, and then seize a batch. Your Majesty's plan to eliminate the nobles will basically be successful."

Having said this, Yunchu looked at Li Hong and said: "After you take the throne, you will raise your title little by little, strictly based on military merit, and then promote a group of nobles for your use. Your Majesty has great plans for the crown prince."

Li Hong spread his hands and said: "In the days that can be expected, I don't seem to see a battlefield where a great lord can be born."

Yun Chu smiled and said: "Then it will be even more precious."

After Yun Luan peed at the feet of Chang Qing Hou to express his respect, Yun Chu and his party bid farewell to Chang Qing Hou and continued to climb up.

No one was willing to talk along the way because the steepest point was here.

When they spent a full hour climbing to the Nantianmen, Yunchu finally understood why the road at the foot of the mountain was so rough. Teng Wenzhong, a thief, spent 60% of his budget on the sky above the Nantianmen.


This guy actually built a gorgeous palace for the emperor on Tian Street - Tiangong!

Just look at the newly dug bluestone slabs under your feet, which are laid extremely flat. Even the surrounding stone railings are specially carved from white stones. The most important thing is that on the stone wall on one side, he actually dug a cave.

, inside were the statues of Emperor Gaozu of the Tang Dynasty and Taizong, and Li Xian was walking out of the cave with Li Xian and Li Dan with solemn expressions.

The cave was dug very wide. Yun Chu checked it at random and found that there was enough room for another statue. If he guessed correctly, it should be the space reserved for Li Zhi.

Li Zhi and Wu Mei were looking at the sea of ​​clouds. When they saw Yun Chu and his party coming up, they waved to him and said, "Come here and write a poem for me."

Yun Chu took off his backpack from his body and said: "How is Mr. Dai Zong? Qilu is still young. The clock of creation is beautiful, the yin and yang are divided into dusk. There are clouds in the chest, and the birds are returning from the canthus. You will be at the top of the mountain, you can see it at a glance

The mountains are small."

Because it was just reciting, and this poem was something that had to be recited before, Yun Chu didn't stumble at all. When the backpack landed, he had already composed the magnificent "Wang Yue".

Li Zhi was stunned for a moment, looked at Yun Chu and said, "Why?"

Yun Chu said naturally: "The article is made by nature, and it comes by accident with a good hand."

"I'm asking you why you did it so quickly."

Yun Chu said: "It's faster to tell what's in your heart orally."

Wu Mei said: "Isn't it done in advance?"

Yun Chu said: "This feeling and scene can only be found in Mount Tai, and I have never heard of it anywhere else."

Li Zhi said angrily: "You came up, why didn't you greet me immediately?"

Yunchu cupped his hands and said, "I'm going to meet Emperor Gaozu and Emperor Taizong first."

Wu Mei then said angrily: "Why are you so arrogant in front of His Majesty?"

Yunchu cupped his hands and said: "When it comes to poetry, I should be a banished immortal."

Li Zhi looked at Yun Chu and said, "How can you have the temper to banish an immortal?"

Yun Chu had no choice but to raise his hands again and said: "I would like this song "Wang Yue" to be composed by your Majesty."

Li Zhi looked around and found that there were only the queen and the prince, and the silly Aunt Chun. As for the low-grade gentleness, Di Renjie was still waiting in the distance for the eunuch to bring them over, so he nodded and said: "Measure."

Even if you were only two hundred and fifty years old, you wouldn't be able to write such a magnificent poem."

Wu Mei said suspiciously: "Didn't you tell others?"

Yun Chu said with a bitter face: "Your Majesty asked, no one has heard of the current work."

Wu Mei said: "Then I will write another poem with the title of Evergreen Marquis on the mountainside. If it is good, your wife and children can stay in the palace tonight."

Yun Chu said: "Three families of women and children."

Wu Mei glanced at Wen Wen in the distance and said to Di Renjie, "Yun."

Yun Chu immediately said: "I will not let go of the green mountains. I have established my roots in the broken rocks. I have endured countless blows but have become strong, regardless of the winds from east to west, north and south."

After reciting, before Wu Mei showed any strange expression, Li Zhi's face began to twitch again, which was a sign of his anger. Yun Chu quickly bowed and said: "This poem must have been composed by the queen."

Li Zhi's face no longer twitched, and Wu Mei's face turned red. Yun Chu took the opportunity to resign, leaving the couple on this street to continue to enjoy the climax of the two superb poems written by the emperor.

This chapter has been completed!
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