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Chapter 967 Disasters and Politics

Unlike shopkeeper Zhao, Yong Wangxian didn't eat even a morsel of food tonight.

He sat cross-legged alone in a quiet room, burying his head between his legs, trying hard to suppress his roar. At this moment, he wanted to find out from the whole incident that he had been raped.

Evidence of deliberate frame-up. Unfortunately, no matter how much he considered from his own standpoint, he still couldn't find any clues that others framed him.

If there must be one, it must be that the Wu brothers agreed too readily.

Breaking the news...

When Liu Nayan and the others pulled back the first amount of money and then moved on to pull the second amount, they found that there was no money in the bank account. Li Xian knew that he might be in trouble.

However, no matter how he thought about the worst, the real result was still hundreds or thousands of times worse than his worst expectations, especially when he saw with his own eyes the desperate merchants crying and shouting from the five-story trading building.

As he jumped up and down the line, his heart felt colder than ice.

Accused by thousands of people, criticized by all, betrayed by all, betrayed by all, and other words exploded in his head in an instant. At this moment, Li Xian clearly understood that he had no future.

His persona as a wise king also completely collapsed.

Li Xian wanted to tell everyone that he only took a little bit of money from the capital pool, not all of it.

To this end, he also asked Zeng Fu, the head of the trading market, that the 110,000 yuan would not actually affect the operation of the market, and it would just be a matter of making up for it afterwards.

However, he made a very bad start, and things took a turn for the worse. Everyone thought he was going to take all the money, which caused everyone to rush to withdraw cash. In the end, there was no money in the capital pool.

"Woo, I'm not a greedy evil person. I just want to get some money to annotate the "Book of the Later Han" and contribute to the Tang Dynasty. I didn't expect the consequences to be so serious... Father, save me..."

Li Xian finally couldn't hold back and cried loudly... What followed was boundless fear.

The army fighting in Yingzhou will have no money and food supplies, the frontier troops at Xubian will have no food and material supplies, the imperial court's various expenditures next year will be stopped on a large scale, and there are thousands of merchants in Chang'an City

Want his life.

Every one of them is enough for him, the Yong Wangxian, to sacrifice his life to atone for his sins.

Although he returned the money as soon as possible, and did everything possible in Prince Yong's Mansion to make up for more money, even though he executed Liu Nayan and Shi Zangqiu at the first time, and also immediately killed all the family members around him.

Officials, including Xu Shuya, who held objections, were imprisoned, and he himself immediately submitted an apology letter to the emperor.

It's a pity that after he did so many things, things didn't get better all the way, but instead got worse.

Li Xian suddenly raised his head and roared with a pair of blood-red eyes: "I just made an unintentional mistake, what else do you want from me?"

Unfortunately, no matter how angry and aggrieved he was, there was still no way to cover up the fear in his heart.

Without Li Xian's obstruction, the 600-mile expedited memorial issued by Wannian County Registrar Shen Ru and the emergency report from Baiqisi were finally delivered to Li Zhi on the third day after the incident. As usual,

The first person to see these two memorials was Queen Wu Mei.

After reading Shen Ru's memorial, Wu Mei felt her heart beating so hard that she suppressed her blood that was about to boil. She placed the two memorials in front of Li Zhi and said: "Your Majesty, these two memorials, I am not afraid of them." Dare to be good at it.”

Li Zhi, who was closing his eyes to rest, slowly opened his eyes, looked at Wu Mei and said, "Didn't you say that there are no more government affairs to keep you here?"

Wu Mei fell to the ground and apologized: "Your Majesty is wise and has no fault. Please forgive me for my sin of ignorance. I should not have interfered in Chang'an affairs without authorization."

Li Zhi's eyes widened and he stared at Wu Mei for a while, then he opened Shen Ru's memorial and read it. Unexpectedly, just after reading the beginning, Li Zhi threw the memorial to the ground angrily and roared loudly: "Is Li Xian a pig? Isn't he in Chang'an just to facilitate the annotation of the "Book of the Later Han"? How dare he obstruct my will in public and publicly dismiss the officials I personally appointed? Who gave him the courage to do this?"

Wu Mei knelt on the ground and said expressionlessly: "Your Majesty, you should read Baiqisi's secret memorial first."

Li Zhi slumped down on the brocade, waved his hand feebly and said: "Yunchu was trying to avoid the crisis, but Yong Wangxian dared to plunge headlong into it. I have nothing to say.

Tell me, now that you have seen it, tell me that I can stand it."

Wu Mei said: "If Chang'an is in chaos, I may no longer be able to serve the Tang Dynasty."

Li Zhi picked up Bai Qisi's memorial and read it once before asking Wu Mei, "Are you scared?"

Wu Mei said: "I am extremely frightened, but also extremely happy."

Li Zhidao: "We have unparalleled authority, but also bear unlimited responsibilities. The world prospers, we are glorious, the world collapses, and we are guilty. In the past two years, we have done too many things, too many things, and now, the consequences have come. "

Wu Mei said: "We must stabilize Chang'an no matter what."

Li Zhi shook his head and said: "You can't be stable, otherwise Yunchu wouldn't have resigned from his job just because he had a dispute with you, and he would have decided to become a monk."

Wu Mei said: "So, Yun Chu had already expected that the Liushui brand would collapse?"

Li Zhidao said: "If we did not restrict Xungui and punish the wealthy families, Yunchu would naturally have the confidence to continue to work with the Xungui family to maintain the prosperity of the Liushui brand. After what we did, Yunchu's certainty was not great.

As smart as he is, he will naturally find a safe escape route for himself."

Wu Mei gritted her teeth and said: "He is such a wolf-hearted man, it is in vain that your Majesty thinks so highly of him."

Li Zhi waved his hand and said: "He is also a human being, not a god. If he can't handle it, he just can't handle it. There's nothing to blame. All in all, I was too radical in doing things and didn't leave him any time to change. Otherwise, With his ability, maybe he can find a way."

Wu Mei gritted her teeth and said, "It's only two million, so it's not a big deal."

Li Zhi looked at Wu Mei and said: "The national treasury cannot be used, otherwise it will be a disaster for the world."

Wu Mei said: "The Young Master can produce one million strings, but if there is more, there will be nothing we can do."

Li Zhi nodded and said: "Then the inner treasury will provide another 500,000 yuan."

Wu Mei said: "I know that your Majesty wants to protect King Yong Xian, so your Majesty, Shangguan Yi, this evil thief, needs to be handed over to me."

Li Zhi frowned and said, "What are you going to do?"

Wu Mei said: "This man is ambitious and extremely disrespectful to his concubines."

Li Zhi snorted and said: "Yong Wangxian doesn't need your help. Since I gave birth to him, I can save him."

Wu Mei smiled and said, "I'll wait and see."

Li Zhi stopped looking at Wu Mei and coughed slightly: "Where is Ruichun?"

Ruichun, who had been hiding far away, heard his name keenly and immediately ran over to wait for the emperor's instructions.

"Go to Guangfu Temple and tell Yunchu that I was wrong this time. I have prepared a fund pool of 1.5 million yuan for him to rebuild. In addition, I also gave him a decree. If any official touches the funds in the future, The person in the pool, behead!"

Ruichun accepted the order and waited for a while. When the secretary-supervisor had formulated the decree, he quickly left Zhongshu, received the seals from the two provinces under his command, and then went straight to Guangfu Temple under the protection of a hundred people.

After Prince Li Hong received the news of the incident in Chang'an, he immediately came to Xu Jingzong's room to ask for advice.

After reading the document, Xu Jingzong said calmly: "Calculate the time, retribution has come. Your Majesty treats nobles and wealthy families so badly. Although they dare not rebel, they can still do it by using the existing rules to fight back.

I just didn't expect that their counterattack would be from Chang'an.

I used to wonder why Yun Chu was still willing to retreat from the rapids. It turned out that he couldn't hold on any longer and was looking for a way out for himself.

Your Majesty has great plans and plans, and has allocated 1.5 million gu of money and food at one time, but with this amount of money, I am afraid that there will be nothing left in the inner treasury of the Young Master."

Li Hongdao: "There is also some accumulation in the East Palace."

Xu Jingzong said: "Take it out, take it all out, Your Majesty, the Queen is in dire straits and has no money. Naturally, the warehouse here is not filled with money. It would be good to have less suspicion."

Li Hongdao: "The hole that Yong Wangxian dug this time was too big."

Xu Jingzong said with a smile: "It's just Yong Wangxian's stupid move this time. For His Highness, no matter how much money is spent, it is worth thousands of dollars. Your Li family has always been cruel in seizing the heir. If you just spend some money and food, you can It will be a blessing for His Highness the Crown Prince to prevent you brothers from fighting each other."

Li Hongdao: "Master, can I please go to Chang'an with 1.5 million yuan of money and food?"

After Xu Jingzong thought for a long time, he still shook his head and said: "The outcome is unpredictable, the prince must not have any involvement in this matter, otherwise, King Yong Xian will think that the prince is trying to harm him, and then give him an excuse to frame the prince. .

However, the prince can give all the savings from the East Palace over the years to Yong Wangxian and ask him to plug the big hole in Chang'an Liushui Brand to please His Majesty."

Li Hong nodded and said: "Master is absolutely right, the lonely king will go to Chang'an now."

Xu Jingzong pondered for a moment and then said: "Go and visit Duke Ying, Duke Su and Duke Cheng."

Li Hongdao: "Will they embarrass the lonely king?"

Xu Jingzong sighed and said: "Liang Jianfang passed away..."

Li Hong then sighed and said: "Speaking of it, I, the Li family, can't stand them. Even if I am humiliated, I can still endure it."

Xu Jingzong said: "When you go to Chang'an, don't make too much trouble with the government. Your Highness, you also need to allocate some money and food to take care of the families who have been ruined because of this matter. Although it is only a bucket of rice and a spoon of oil, at this time

It is also the prince’s heart.”

Li Hong nodded seriously and saw that Xu Jingzong had closed his eyes to take a rest, and then he walked out of the room.

After returning to the harem, he directly said to the Crown Princess Pei: "Take all the money and food that can be allocated from the East Palace. The lonely king is going to Chang'an."

Mrs. Pei said in surprise: "Longmen Courtyard will not be repaired?"

Li Hong looked at Mr. Pei and said, "Don't you still have a lot of money? Use your money to repair it. The lonely king's money will be useful."

Mrs. Pei stroked her swollen belly and said with a smile: "After giving me a child, His Highness became rude when he spoke."

Keep your word, there is another chapter later,

This chapter has been completed!
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