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Chapter 1062 Massacre! There is no light in North America!

 Lin Cheng stopped the clockwork in seconds, and the whole KT team gathered in the dragon pit and tried to squat.

But C9 is also very careful. The blue trinket knows that the red side will not come even if KT does not move the dragon immediately.

KT couldn't crouch down, so he chose to turn his head and really fight the dragon.

But when the dragon was about to be defeated, Danal came over, and Clockwork resurrected and handed over the TP.

The blue side gives up decisively.

They don't want to continue to be entangled.

When KT is on the dominant side, it basically won't give the opponent a chance to punish, and at this time, fighting the dragon for a long time and joining the team with the opponent may not guarantee a win.

The players on the field didn't know how much economic advantage they had, but a few crispy skins caused the baron to spray some blood, and the double resistance was also reduced a lot. It would be dangerous if the opponent found an opportunity.

Just now, Lin Cheng's solo kill of Clockwork Ah P didn't make a big difference, and almost all of C9's characters are Dragon Pit Gods of War. Just because the opponent is a loser doesn't mean he shouldn't treat the opponent as a human being.

So KT stopped very decisively.

Although the advantage was huge, the stability they showed made their opponents despair.

Are you really not giving me any chance?

But C9 didn't dare to take over the remaining health dragon, so the two sides separated.

At 24 minutes, the fire dragon refreshes.

This is KT's dragon soul dragon, and C9 naturally wants to compete for it.

However, the three lines of troops were pushed back. This time they did not have the opportunity to come in advance to grab the view, so they could only stick together and explore in the dark.

Wawa: "C9 must come out! Once the Fire Dragon Soul is released, it means that the base has been released. We must fight hard!"

Huainan: "But it's not easy to fight hard. It's so dark. I feel like KT can easily win with his eyes closed and just open it up...here it comes! It's so cold!"

The C9 people had just grouped together to touch the grass behind the three wolves, and a transparent magic crystal arrow came from under the map.

Hit the bullseye.

Gnar on the back of the blue buff was shot in the face.

Sett flashed out directly and launched his ultimate move that amazed everyone.

Crows fly!

Gnar was carried by Seti and smashed into the crowd behind him.

Lin Cheng couldn't dodge and follow, but fortunately the distance of the Corruption Chain was long enough, so he could throw it with his eyes closed with his ultimate move.

The people on the other side are all crowded on the trail in the jungle, so this ultimate move only needs to be long enough.

It’s also difficult to think about it at a wrong angle.

At this time, Lin Cheng's hat was about to come out, and the Corruption Chain directly caused a large amount of Gnar's health to disappear.

Although the cannon's ultimate move quickly pushed Seti away, the huge deceleration caused by Seti's ultimate move made it impossible for his teammates to pull away even with Karma's shield.

Chains of corruption spread.

In KT's ambush, not everyone squatted in the front, Seti was in the front, and the other team initiator, the wine barrel, was hidden on the other side of the blue buff.

The little Death God is very smart. After his teammates took action, he saw that Qian Jue was standing slightly apart from the others on the flanks of the Three Wolf wall. The wine barrel directly E-dodge to push up Qian Jue.

The explosive barrel shot out, almost centering on Qian Jue's left side.

Kindred was blown far away.

Effort knew that his teammates' damage was crushing, and all he did was not give Kindred a chance to make a big save.

When his teammates were attacking with all their strength, Lin Cheng fired out the evil spirit arrows with his E skill.

Although it is not a strengthened Q, Gnar's HP is already low.

The third layer of blight detonated, and Lin Cheng once again completed the kill of Fudge.

The chains of corruption have spread, Lin Cheng activated W and began to charge Q to adjust the angle of the piercing arrow.

There is no need to charge it up at all, everyone in C9 will lose health very quickly under the firepower of teammates.

The arrow flashed.

Because Kindred was blown away by the wine barrel, without the protection of the sheep spirit, everyone in C9 was exposed to Varus' sharp arrows.

Karma and Clockwork died suddenly on the spot.

"Triple Kill!"

Lin Cheng's Varus scored three kills, and his teammates immediately thought of five kills.

"Penta! Penta!"

"There seems to be no chance! Tristana is so good at running away."

"Forget it, forget it! Leave it alone and go get the dragon soul."

Zven is also ruthless. Before his teammates are killed, the cannon flashes W and runs away early, not giving the opponent a chance to destroy his team.

In this way, Lin Cheng had no chance to get five kills. His teammates went back to get Xiaolong, while Han Bing and Liquor chased and killed Qian Jue."

Wawa: "No more! The damage done by both sides is not of the same magnitude. Han Bing's C9 will explode immediately with a big move."

Huainan: "Although KT's lineup looks a bit strange at first, I have to say that they have too many team-starting skills. Everyone can start a team. This kind of advantageous situation can really be played casually."

Wawa: "And the damage of Brother Chengzi's Varus is too outrageous. Compared with the previous special effects Varus, this pure AP burst looks much higher."

Huainan: "But the damage type is different. In the past, the special effects style Varus required A players. I saw it! In that wave just now, Brother Chengzi really got three kills without even A!"

"Fuck! I really can't understand the hurt."

"The half-blooded Clockwork and Karma people were simply gone."

"Varus AP has this kind of damage? Why don't you cut your fist quickly?"

"Where's Zhi Ni Ma! Who else but Brother Cheng would dare to play like this?"

"He is so happy! I want to learn! AP Varus walks!"

"Do you dare to learn Brother Cheng's routine? Visually, if top laner Varus doesn't die 10 times, it will be considered a success."

"It is our duty to rebuild the glory of long hands and short hands."

"You've seen it all! What a stinker the ADC is! You have to use AP to be powerful. Hurry up and AP Aphelios and AP Policewoman start. (Funny)"

The replay footage gives Lin Cheng a first-person perspective. In addition to positioning to display his skills, Lin Cheng is not without his A in this wave.

He glanced at the opponent twice as Clockwork had done before he died.

The director also gave footage of the victim.

Ah P is actually still laughing!

I don’t know whether he is really mentally strong or just has a helpless smile.

"You can still laugh! I recognize Ah P's optimism."

"It's different! I didn't laugh so happily at the beginning. When I saw the top laner Verus just now, my face broke with laughter."

"At first he thought Brother Chengzi was messing around! Unexpectedly, the clown was actually himself."


After this wave of fire dragon souls were captured, KT immediately turned around with five players and captured the baron again.

At 25 minutes, the head count on the court was 17:0, and the economic deficit reached 15,000.

The advantage of the blue side was so great that the audience despaired. Varus had almost five pieces of equipment, and Narr just advanced into the Destroyer + Father's Vest. It was so heartbreaking for everyone who saw it and shed tears for those who heard it.

KT did not torture the opponent for too long. After the whole team made up for the wave, they stopped leading the team and directly pressed the opponent with five players.

The two sides formed a formation around the high ground. Lin Cheng suddenly flanked R and flashed back onto the high ground. The chain of corruption hit Clockwork who was huddled behind the high ground tower.

Karma gives the shield, and Clockwork sets the shield for himself.

However, it was all in vain. Varus easily single-killed Clockwork with a charged Q.

When Lin Cheng took action, his teammates were already swarming him.

With the equipment crushing them, C9 had no resistance and was directly driven high by KT to complete the team wipeout.

Before he died, Zven wanted to switch to Lin Cheng, but Lin Cheng's passive extra damage when he shot an arrow exceeded 100, and he shot the cannon to the ground in the blink of an eye.

Lying on the floor, Zven stubbornly clicked the thumbs-up button to show that he was convinced.

The time was fixed at 27 minutes, and the score on the field was 22:0.

The North American Light was slaughtered in the MSI opener.

C9 didn't kill anyone in the game, didn't get a single neutral resource, and didn't even break a defensive tower.

This chapter has been completed!
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