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Chapter 1066 The Second Victory

 After slowly finishing their meal, everyone in KT returned to the hotel to watch the rest of the game.

There are a total of six BO1 games on the first day of the schedule, and all teams from the three groups will make their debut on this day.

However, because GAM, the representative team of the Vietnam VCS, was absent from this MSI, the schedule was slightly different with only three teams in Group A. The Oceania champion PGG team became the only team to play twice today.

Of course, being beaten violently for two consecutive games, today's experience was not great for them.

In fact, it’s no wonder that the LPL audience turned their attention to KT early. GAM, the only threatening player in Group A, did not come. With three into two, RNG can be said to be as stable as a dead dog.

In fact, RNG's debut did not live up to expectations. It only took 24 minutes to end the game with a heavy hand against PGG.

LPL viewers said that RNG had won the race. Although they did not complete a clean sheet like KT, at least they ended the game in a shorter time than KT.

I have to say that RNG's play style is very holistic. They don't have as big an advantage as KT in the early stage, but their snowballing ability after a sudden rise looks terrifying.

The offensive rhythm is like a heavy rain. After the PGG disadvantage is obvious, people have been dying. People are caught on the sidelines, squatted for vision, and the towers are overpowered. There is almost no chance to breathe.

Although this RNG team did not show a strong early snowballing ability in this year's LPL, it also had the unique style of the LPL and never stopped after getting up to speed.

If I know the opponent can't beat me, I'll keep looking for fights with the opponent. The more I fight, the greater my advantage will be.

This style looks really cool.

Even the LPL commentators were surprised. They thought RNG was the team that was best at making late-stage operational decisions in this year's LPL. They didn't expect that they would start such a fierce fight in Iceland.

Of course, it must be inseparable from the weakness of the opponent.

But the audience enjoyed it.

Some viewers are still regretting the absence of the Vietnam Division. It would definitely be fun if GAM came over to play a game with RNG.

In the LPL, if you have an advantage, you will fight with the opponent. The Vietnam Division is even more ruthless. Regardless of your advantages and disadvantages, you will fight with the opponent crazily.

In fact, the LPL is more about tactics that combine fighting and operations, and VCS is the competition area that really takes fighting to the extreme.

If you have an advantage, you want to kill the opponent, but if you have a disadvantage, you want to rely on fighting to make a comeback. VCS is not cowardly.

Before the epidemic, the Vietnamese Buffaloes' brutal beating of MSI champion G2 in two chaotic matches in the 2019 Mid-Season Tournament had left a deep impression on the audience. As a result, at the World Championships at the end of the year, the audience discovered that not only the Buffaloes were beating like this, but also the Vietnam Division

All teams play this way.

Infinite Tsukuyomi, you are bound to find a fight every two minutes, and the number of heads per game is the highest... This is the impression left by the Vietnamese team on the audience.

Relatively speaking, KT's rhythm is not that intense. KT's method of snowballing is more through plundering vision and controlling map resources.

There are actually very few situations where KT has the upper hand to fight without thinking, and they are basically snowballing through steady operations.

This style of play seems very stable, but the impression given to the audience is that KT has never been in a big brawl. Every time, KT is ready to fight with its opponent.

So... does this mean that KT will not be used to random battles without preparation?

This is why even though KT's record looks terrible, some viewers still believe that RNG can overthrow KT in MSI.

The operation team's fear of fighting teams has been engraved in the minds of many viewers since some time. They unilaterally believe that RNG will have a chance as long as it disrupts the rhythm of KT's operation.

But Lin Cheng was unconvinced by netizens’ arguments.

No way?

Some people actually think that KT can’t fight?

Who gave you the illusion?

At that time, I will have a good communication with Xiaohu.

Of course, Lin Cheng is still more concerned about his opponents in the next group stage.

He also specially watched the games of the other two teams in the same group as KT. INF from Latin America defeated the Japanese champion DFM.

The two teams were evenly matched, and they didn't seem to pose any threat to KT. However, what Lin Cheng watched in the hotel was a Chinese-language broadcast, and the barrage almost made him laugh to death.

DFM’s top laner Akali high-fived her teammates next to her after the double kill. The barrage went like this:

"Yo Xi! Taijun's affirmation."

"The attack on Pearl Harbor was successful!"

"Tiger tiger tiger!"

"The dawn of victory! The rise of the empire!"

"The first battle of the empire, attack!"

"As expected of Evi! The Empire's nuclear warhead."

I have to say that DFM's development in the Japanese division is indeed inspiring. Many domestic audiences have some favorable impressions of this team, and all kinds of memes are popular.

In addition, Lin Cheng also took a special look at the European champion's match.

They had not played a training match with MAD before the game, and they did not know much about the strength of Lin Cheng in EU this year.

The fact that G2 won the MSI championship the year before last proved that Europe is not without the ability to disrupt the situation. On the contrary, these teams jump out from time to time to surprise the LPL and LCK.

Back then, RNG was on the verge of winning everything in S8, but was beaten down by G2 at a critical moment. Even after Uzi retired, he was still blamed for this game.

MAD did not disappoint the European audience, bloodbathed the Taiwanese team PSG, and also served as a wake-up call to KT and RNG.

Although the North American champion is like mud that cannot stand up to the wall, the European champion is not that watery.

In general, there were no upsets on the first day of the game, and the obviously stronger side won.

On May 7, the second match day of the MSI group stage, KT ushered in the Latin American champion INF.

Lin Cheng made a mistake in the schedule before and thought their second opponent was DFM, but to them the difference between the two was not big.

Surprisingly, KT encountered a little trouble in this game.

INF's goal is very clear. They chose Sion on the top lane to mess with Lin Cheng's Jayce, and their midfielder is Crocodile + Leopard Girl.

As a veteran player who has been playing professionally for a long time, INF's AD Bai Lianhua brought out Kalista and the Bull Head, which put a certain amount of pressure on KT's bottom lane in the early stage.

Then, the INF duo went to the middle and jungle areas when they had time.

INF's tactics are very thoughtful. They don't target Lin Cheng's lane. Instead, they let the weak points in the top lane resist the pressure, and use strong combinations in the bottom lane to radiate in the middle lane and jungle.

Although Lin Cheng suppressed Thain in the early stage, the opponent was too stubborn. Although Jace was developing well, the jungle area of ​​​​the male gun was also invaded by the Crocodile Leopard Girl.

INF had no intention of raising the mid laner Crocodile. Leopard Girl ran out directly to help Crocodile push the lane to gain experience, and then the two of them headed into the upper half of the jungle together.

This resulted in Chaowei being unable to immediately support Peanut in the jungle, and Lin Cheng, who had lane rights on the top lane, had to travel thousands of miles to support him.

But often before Lin Cheng arrived, the two people on the opposite side would slip away.

Leopard Girl and Crocodile both have the ability to penetrate walls in the jungle, but Clockwork and Male Gun cannot survive at all.

Although INF's style of play did not achieve a substantial advantage, at least the scene looked decent, and it was not like C9 who came up and was beaten violently.

Lin Cheng also discovered that he seemed to have been kidnapped by his teammates.

Coming over to help Little Peanut guard the jungle twice in a row is equivalent to letting Thain develop comfortably. In fact, his advantage in the top lane is because the lane rights in the middle and bottom lanes are not radiated.

So Lin Cheng decisively changed his style of play.

Under his command, Peanut no longer focused on guarding his own jungle area, and prepared to support the road with Chaowei.

Lin Cheng pressed hard, then called someone over to directly overtake Thain.

Two consecutive waves destroyed Thain, and Lin Cheng's equipment took off.

The team changed their playing style and invested their advantages in Lin Cheng, which also paid off. In frontal battles, Lin Cheng could always make good consumption in advance, allowing the team to easily control resources.

In the end, under Lin Chengjies's bombardment, INF gradually collapsed.

In 23 minutes, KT won their second MSI victory.

I also know that it may not be interesting to write later, but I really wrote it with my heart.

This chapter has been completed!
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