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Chapter 1160 Reunion of old teammates

The commotion at the Korean Open this time was particularly big, a bit like the 2019 SKT T1 that was criticized by the entire network after losing the mid-season tournament, even though MSI this time has nothing to do with them at all.

In fact, in South Korea alone, T1 may have more fans than the other nine teams in the LCK combined. But after all, in e-sports, the performance of the home team is what fans rely on. The current situation of T1 makes it difficult for fans to despise everything.


So looking at the trend, T1 fans clearly have the upper hand.

But there is no end to the scolding online, and it is impossible for one party to be convinced because the scolding is not enough. Things will only gradually subside after both parties are tired of scolding.

After surfing the Internet for a while, Lin Cheng saw that it was almost eleven o'clock and packed up to go out.

Today at noon, I made an appointment with my old teammates to gather at Kuro's house. Lin Cheng bought something at the convenience store downstairs as a gift for the visit.

I say casually because this guy just bought some toilet paper.

Koreans usually bring some small gifts when they visit a friend's house. Of course, they are not very expensive. They are mostly daily necessities. Cups, instant noodles, coffee machines and the like are very common.

But it’s really too casual for someone like Lin Cheng to carry toilet paper.

Since he had to work at the LOL PARK studio on weekdays, Kuro rented a small apartment in Chengdong District and did live broadcasts here alone when not at work.

"Why are you here so late? I've been waiting for you for a long time."

The door was ajar and Kuro stuck his head out.

I have to say that Kuro's skin has become whiter after paying attention to skin care without having to train in front of the computer all day long.

Lin Cheng handed over the toilet paper, "Didn't you ask me to come later? You said you stayed up late last night and asked me to come later."

"Really? No matter, let's talk about it after you come in first."

Kuro put on an eager tone.

Lin Cheng was about to enter the door when he saw that there seemed to be someone behind the door, "Has Park Rong Hyuk arrived already?"

"No! You come in first." Kuro denied.

Lin Cheng sneered: "Are you kidding me? Park Rong Hyuk has such a big belly and is hiding behind the door. I am not blind! Could it be that there is a swordsman ambushing behind the door? If you throw a cup as a sign, you will hack me to death, right?"

"Stop talking nonsense! I want you to come in quickly!"

Kuro pulled Lin Cheng inside. Lin Cheng was about to complain when he heard a bang as soon as he entered the door.

Streamers sprayed from behind the door.

"Yoho! Our champion is here!"

"Look! Who is this?"

"God! Our God of the Canyon!"

"Shengbao, who leads KT to victory! Oh wow!"

Tusin, who was hiding behind the door, was holding a ribbon tube and humming celebratory words in a tuneless tune. Behind him, Malrang held up a camera to record the scene and also hummed along impromptu.

What made things even worse was that Kuro handed over a pot of cactus next to him, treating it as a fresh flower.

Lin Cheng felt embarrassed and took the cactus with a grin.

"What are you doing? Really..."

The word Champion was posted on the wall of the living room with a golden ribbon, and the cake on the table also had Cahmpion Cheng written in butter.

It can be seen that these three fools have arranged the arrangement very carefully.

Such a ceremonial scene made Lin Cheng a little embarrassed and a little moved.

"Come in quickly, lunch has been ordered and will be delivered to you from the restaurant later."

Seeing Lin Cheng taking off his shoes and holding a cactus while entering the door, Kuro joked: "Why are you still holding a cactus? This is just for show. You don't really want to take my cactus away, do you?"

Lin Cheng chuckled and quickly put the cactus down.

The three teammates were all happy. Lin Cheng always looked very shameless in the past, and it was rare to see him like this.

"I'm live broadcasting, come and say hello to my fans."

Kuro took the camera from Malrang and asked Lin Cheng to come up and say hello to the fans.

There were not many people in the live broadcast room, but the barrage was very lively.

"Cheng was so shy just now! KKKKK"

"I just said that Tusin can't hide behind the door, Malrang should be allowed to hide"

"Cheng looks so silly holding a cactus! Write down the dark history"

"This guy is so funny. I almost died laughing when he said there was an ambush behind the door."

"Look at me, look at me! Say I love you!"

Ignoring the audience in the live broadcast room, Lin Cheng chatted with three teammates about the current situation.

The other old teammates who are still struggling in the competition are not in South Korea. There were only four of them at this gathering, but there were still viewers in the live broadcast room to witness the reunion of the four old teammates.

After capturing the room layout with a camera, Kuro set up the camera to act as a computer camera.

Everyone chatted and occasionally interacted with the audience in the live broadcast room. The atmosphere was relaxed and pleasant.

Of course, it is an old tradition to attack teammates. These guys dealt a heavy blow to Aiming, who did not come to the scene.

Kuro: "I heard that the Golden Holy Land seems to be having a very unhappy life in China!"

Lin Cheng: "Hey, I see that Chinese forums are saying that Golden Holy Land is a parallel import. It seems that my uncle is not very good at buying AD."

Tusin: "Ouch! This is the price of high wages. I hope this guy won't become unemployed like the two of us next year."

Kuro: "Don't talk nonsense! You are a vagrant and I am not! I am a person with a serious job, a professional LCK commentator."

Lin Cheng: "You eldest brother, don't laugh at your second brother. Jin Shengdi is still young and still has a chance to prove himself. Since both of your coffin boards are closed, there is no need to compare whose coffin board is more gorgeous."

Kuro and Tusin activate the Death Gaze together.

Malrang was still glad that nothing happened to him. Lin Cheng turned around and patted him on the shoulder, "It's difficult to be a substitute for Canyon, isn't it? It seems like you won't get a chance to play at all this year."

Malrang: "······"

It's really a sad day.

Seeing Lin Cheng sit down and quickly stab his teammate again, the audience in the live broadcast room was laughing like crazy.

While waiting for the restaurant's takeout to be delivered, Lin Cheng used Kuro's computer to play two songs to listen to. He happened to see a follow-up update on Kuro's Twitter, and Lin Cheng clicked on it.

LCK commentator CT just posted a photo of himself waving a white flag in the room with the text: I surrender! Let me go!

Lin Cheng almost died laughing.

When KT won the final in Iceland this time, CT said excitedly, "In a sense, KT is the most legendary team in the world," which was criticized by T1 fans.

The most legendary team can only be T1, there is something wrong with this commentary component!

Although CT later explained that he said this because KT was the only team to win all the championships in a span of one and a half years, T1 fans did not accept this statement.

Moreover, during the commentary of this year's telecom war, some T1 fans noticed that CT sounded very happy when KT had the advantage. They put all their old and new grudges together and chased and cursed CT for several days after the MSI finals.

Finally today CT waved the white flag and admitted its mistake.

Another victory for T1 fans.

This chapter has been completed!
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