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Chapter 1214 All living creatures are subordinates

 Sometimes, a suddenly raised tone of voice does not necessarily mean a surprise.

For example, now, the Chinese streaming audience can hear the heartbreaking pain from the word "single kill" suddenly shouted by Zeyuan.

Wanwan: "This is really being manipulated! What a show by Brother Chengzi! His WE dodge and raised his hand made it clear that he would not give his opponent any chance to react."

"Even if Rascal knew in advance that Brother Orange was going to counterattack this kind of operation, he wouldn't be able to react, and the sudden promotion of the King of Destruction to six was obviously beyond the opponent's expectation."

Zeyuan: "That's right! If you see Foyego promoted to sixth level early, Rambo might not even come to catch him. But at level one and level two, it's easy to grasp the opponent's experience, but it's really not that accurate later on.

The experience bar for judging opponents.”

"I can only say that I was fooled! Even Brother Chengzi, who rose to six seconds in a second, predicted the position where Nar's E would jump back. I was really stunned by this wave."

Wanwan chuckled: "It seems that after today, the winning rate of the defeated LCK king will really be rewritten."

"Fuck! This Foyego is so handsome!"

"How many times do I have to say this? Please don't try to catch Brother Cheng Zi who has no teammates. He will be easily shown off."

"Automatically triggering isolation and helplessness! Brother Chengzi without support is the most terrifying existence (funny)"

"Please call him Chengda Buddha from now on! Who has any objections?"

"When this hero came out, I thought it was very suitable for Brother Chengzi. His hero pool is too exaggerated!

"The Ruined King is indeed a huge enhancement to Brother Orange! The opponent's BP has nothing to do."

"Don't be embarrassed! This hero is meant to weaken Brother Cheng Zi, because the opponent's equipment cannot be better than him, and every time he transforms, he will be weakened."

"Colonel, please save me! Quickly cast a spell to save GEN·G."

"I really like what the senior colonel said: When you are in trouble, just catch the wave!"

"Just now the senior colonel suddenly yelled and almost didn't send me off."

"The pain-piercing spirit not only beheaded Narr, but also beheaded the colonel, right? (Funny)"


Lin Cheng's solo kill on the road caused Gnar to completely split. Even after Lin Cheng took care of the army line, he still didn't hand over the TP. This earned far more than the economy brought by one kill.

Returning to the city, he took out a small wooden mallet + burning gems. The advantage was so great that he did not need to replenish the small green bottles like his opponents. Lin Cheng bought two additional real eyes.

Effort and Laifu had a tacit understanding and once again ran to the middle to fight each other.

Both sides knew that the middle lane of this game had a great impact on the progress of the game, so there were two scenes of the auxiliary running to the middle lane in just over 6 minutes.

The main reason is that Lin Cheng didn't dodge and press aggressively on the top lane. It would be very dangerous for Enchantress if Setti was pushed up the lane and leaned against Foego, so Evert ran to the middle to help Chaowei grab the lane in disguise, which also gave Lin Cheng relief.


The original purpose of the current version of the warrior mid laner is not to develop with the opponent in the middle. The purpose of the mid lane warrior is to quickly clear the lane and support the side lanes.

With his teammates helping to contain him in the middle, the red side can't find more than three people to control Lin Cheng. It's unrealistic to just rely on Rambo and Gnar to catch Foego. After all, Lin Cheng won't go up and let Gnar.

Shoot against the wall.

However, once the support ran away, Mr. Dai felt uncomfortable in the bottom lane.

EZ continued to be pinned under the tower by skateboard shoes, and had no lane rights in the bottom lane. As a result, the first dragon was easily controlled by GEN·G in more than 7 minutes.

Gnar on the top lane was also miserable. When the Canyon Pioneer was refreshed, Lin Cheng happened to consume a lot of his status. When Gnar had to return to the city to replenish his status, Little Peanut directly activated the Vanguard.

Little Peanut fought as a vanguard for a while, and did not find his opponent approaching at the river crossing.

Just when KT thought that their opponent would give up the vanguard by default, GEN·G suddenly attacked in the middle.

Chaowei just turned W and stepped on the troops, and the Titan card's vision barrier flashed out from the mouth of the lower river, and he directly used his ultimate move.

The Enchantress still has her ultimate move, copy W and enter the tower backwards.

Rambo blocked Da's position from a distance.

The super power flash was not healed yet. He was burned by constant temperature and slowed down under the tower. Seeing that he could not break the Titan's hook, he could only activate the second stage of R to return to the previous position.

But this time the enchantress was sent to Seti.

Seti raised his hand and used a strong hand to crack the skull, grabbing the soldiers with one hand and the enchantress with the other.


Rambo rushed over with a jet of flames.

Evert happened to be leaning on the upper river channel and rushed over immediately.

"Hold on, hold on! I'll come over and fight."

"The AD from the opposite side is also here."

"It doesn't matter, I'm already T! The other side, Nar, can't come, Wang Hao, just leave it alone and continue to play vanguard."

Evert's Japanese E skill is pointed at Rambo, and his backhand Q controls Seti next to him, giving the Enchantress some time to survive.

On the other hand, although Laifu's Titan's hook forced Chaowei's second stage R into a very dangerous situation, Titan himself also hooked into the tower and was smashed by the defense tower.

With Rinu's cover, Chaowei used his passive deception to hold on for a while, but was still directly killed by Seti's punch.

Moreover, Kalista also ran to the middle, and the opponent took advantage of the large number of people to chase into the tower and kill the female tank.

At this time, Lin Cheng had already fallen into the grass next to him.

Foyego carried the Broken King's Sword and rushed straight to the battlefield.

Zeyuan: "This wave of GEN·G is very spiritual! The four people who didn't look at the vanguard chose to catch it, and Evert couldn't save it! It seems that the Japanese girl is going to die too."

Wanwan: "Brother Chengzi is already here, are we still going to fight this time?"

Zeyuan: "But when the King of Destruction came over, his teammates were all dead. This TP was handed in a bit late. Peanut is still playing as a vanguard. I'm afraid KT won't be that easy to fight from the front."

The Japanese girl's frankness in the early stage is still very high. Evert turned on W and was very resistant. When the four opponents were chasing the Japanese girl and beating them, gray mist spread from the wall next to them.

The ultimate move that Evert had been holding in his hands finally came out.

The Sun Flare hit three people very beautifully. The ruler was jumping around on his skateboard shoes and just happened to slide to the center of the Sun Flare and was stunned.

Lin Cheng was not polite. Originally, he planned to kill the Titan with the lowest HP first, but now he decisively aimed at Kalista.

A broken sword energy shot out from the gray mist and hit Ruler accurately.

WAQA, Foego instantly filled up the conquerors without being restricted for the first time.

Qianzai Youyan was stunned for a long time when the charge was full, and Mr. Dai's ultimate support in the bottom lane happened to hit him.

The precise barrage hit Seti and Kalista.


Ruler got up with his remaining health and immediately dodged back.

Foego stabbed the titan in front of him with his backhand sword.

Titan level A gives the imprisonment effect.

But GEN·G just gave too many skills to the Enchantress and the female tank. At this time, Lin Cheng obviously didn't have enough time to explode, and Foego suppressed the Titan's health with two backhand swords.

No one had hit Laifu just now. The reason his HP was so low was because the Titan hooked into the tower and was beaten by the defense tower.

Teammates held Foego down, and Kalista slid up with her Q skill to insert her spear.

Chikudi is very good, he just slipped sideways to avoid Foego's Q skill, and he jumped continuously and quickly stacked spears.

However, bells and whistles are of no use.

When Lin Cheng still had half of his health, he saw the moment Kalista raised her hand to throw the anchor and struck out with her ultimate move.

The pain-piercing Tianling predicted the position and accurately struck Kalista's head.

He died suddenly on the spot before even taking out his skateboard shoes.

Foego begins to transform.

The three people on the red side tried to press them up.

Lin Cheng's skateboard shoes are so famous. As soon as he stood up, QA stepped back and started to slide wildly around the field.

"Brother, I can't follow you! I only have 50 drops of blood left."

"It doesn't matter! I can take it, just shout for me to come on!"

Sett wanted to chase and punch, and Titan also tried hard to be clingy.

Just like the pace of a devil, Lin Cheng controlled the transformed skateboard shoes to glide through Seti and Titan step by step.

Except for Seti opening his Q to accelerate and hit Lin Cheng with two punches, Titan did not encounter an opponent at all, and only Rambo's Arson Feast provided output.

Soon, Titan found the right position and set the hook.


Lin Cheng drew his spear and instantly executed his ultimate move.

The King of Destruction will not be controlled when he releases his ultimate move. Lin Cheng resisted the Titan's hook and turned around to stab the Tianling. He raised his hand to kill the Titan with AQA.

"Double Kill!"

Foego recovered his soul and regained his blood, and began to transform into a Titan.

The two middle and jungle brothers of GEN·G realized that something was wrong. They were attacked by Foyego continuously and seemed unable to defeat them. They turned around and tried to run away.

But just now they chased the female tank under the tower and wanted to kill the female tank. This position is not so easy to run, and Lin Cheng turned into Kalista and deliberately pierced everyone with spears to slow them down. When he turned into a titan, he got up and hit Lan with a precise hook.


Rambo's HP was low, and Seti didn't choose to betray his teammates right away.

Lin Cheng was not polite. After releasing his Titan skill, he used the Pain-piercing Heavenly Spirit again.

The ultimate move hit two people, and Foego raised his hand to QA and kill Rambo.

"Triple Kill!"

The pirated Rambo starts an arson feast, and the harpoon slows down and chases Seti for a barbecue.

Seti, the hero, stood out as an idiot, and Foego chased him all the way to the red square tower, stabbed the sky spirit painfully, and then beheaded him.

"Quadra Kill!"

This chapter has been completed!
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