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Chapter 1238 Be normal, I'm scared!

 Lin Cheng’s laning ability is very strong, there is no doubt about this.

Many people think it is mainly because Lin Cheng is good at operations.

But Lin Cheng himself knew that the reason why he was able to win so many lanes was not entirely because of his superior operation, but more importantly because of his excellent judgment.

He knows exactly what situation to go to!

For example, just now, when he saw Jace walking back to the grass, he knew that it would definitely be profitable to go up to exchange blood for his second stage Q.

The top lane line is actually about the ability of both parties to judge details. Unless one party's level is really poor, even the hero who is being countered will still have a way to line up.

For example, use the army line to exchange blood, use the opponent's skills to exchange blood in a vacuum, take advantage of the opponent's opportunity to greedy the line, or use the opponent's terrain to help...

Opponents are not gods and will always be given opportunities.

In fact, laning is a game process, and it does not require too exciting operations. As long as an excellent top laner can clearly judge the situations in which he will not lose money by exchanging blood and seize these opportunities, then the laning aspect will not be too difficult.

Big problem.

In fact, there are not many opportunities to truly perform extreme operations in a game, so the ability to judge the situation is particularly important.

Of course, the basic skills need to be discussed separately.

If you are under a little pressure and miss the knife in an inexplicable and crazy way, this is a problem of hard power.

Lin Cheng knocked Jace back home as soon as he came up, and the first-level line fight between the two sides in the bottom lane was also fierce.

The Taurus is still too weak at level 1. Senna learned W and it doesn't help in grabbing the lane. The T1 duo grabbed the second female tank and played a set to suppress the Taurus' HP.

The middle lane was also very fierce. Li Ge's Czar came up and summoned Ma Zai to use his long hand to stab Chaowei wildly. Those who didn't know it thought he was a member of the Avengers.

The situation of the three lanes is very clear. In the early stage, T1 on the bottom lane has the right to push the lane, and Lin Cheng on the top lane holds the lane.

Little Peanut silently praised his wit.

If Gao Yue had not chosen the route of brushing from bottom to top in this game, it is very likely that not a single river crab would be eaten, and the wild area might even be invaded.

Fortunately! It’s right to trust Lin Cheng.

Relying on the lane rights of the blind guy on the top lane, the river crab and the peanut in the upper half of the area will definitely be able to eat it steadily.

"Long live Chengbao!"

Lin Cheng was confused when Little Peanut said this suddenly.

Did this guy take the wrong medicine?

"Don't talk nonsense. I'll find an opportunity later to overtake Jace."

"Everything must be done with sincerity and honesty, I love you!"

"Be normal, I'm scared!"

Canna's Jess has returned to the city to hand over TP, and is very careful not to give the blind monk a chance to get close easily.

And Lin Cheng didn't care. Jace, who was forced to fall behind in position, couldn't clear his troops easily.

The blind monk controls the speed of the troop line advancement and prepares to cooperate with his teammates to cross the tower.

The opponent has no T, just kill Jace under the tower and Canna will explode immediately.

Even if you exchange for one KT, you will still make money.

At 3 minutes and 15 seconds, the river crab refreshed.

After the little peanut finished beating the river crab, he quickly went around to the blue square triangle grass and knocked down the fortune-telling flower.

"Rambo is not here, you can take action."

Just in time, the artillery line entered the tower.

After glancing at the position of his teammates, Lin Cheng's blind monk moved forward to press.

Canna already sensed that something was wrong. The moment the bright moon appeared, the second level Jess QE fired the enhanced cannon, switched forms and hit the blind monk.

He wanted to reduce the blind monk's health first, so that KT would not dare to jump over the tower.

"Do it, do it!"

Blind Monk raised his hand to use E skill, and used Q Tian Yinbo to Jace's face.

Bright Moon launched Q Crescent Strike below.

The first attack from the defense tower has already landed on the blind monk.

Lin Cheng moved back, touched the minion with W, walked two steps to pull him out of the range of the defense tower, activated the second stage of Q and kicked him back.


Canna dodged, trying to avoid the killing damage of the blind monk's second stage Q.

But this operation was too extreme, and even Lin Cheng couldn't guarantee a high success. Jace ducked behind the tower and brought the blind monk over.

At this time, the defense tower has been attracted by the bright moon that rushes up with the E skill.

Canna is also very interesting. When the beating form Jace has residual health, he chooses the E skill to hammer away the blind monk.

Anyway, I won’t give Lin Cheng a head!

Little Peanut could only close her head in tears.

"Nice! I'll take Chengbao's head!"

"It doesn't matter! Just take it! I don't care."

"It really doesn't matter?"



Annoyed by Little Peanut's repeated questioning, Lin Cheng grimaced: "Fake! Then spit it out!"

"Ha ha!"

Junri: "The lane has exploded! A lot of Jace's towers have gone offline. Oops! This game is too difficult to play."

Yutong: "The blue side has already guessed that the bright moon may come, but Cuzz is unable to get through below. Yasuo is holding the wind in his hand and has been looking for the czar's position. Faker can't immediately send his T to support.


Junri: "But T1 is also going to attack the bottom lane. Let's see what this wave says?"

Just as the red side launched an attack on the top lane, Rambo had already touched the red square triangle grass in the lower half.

Evert took a field view of the triangle grass in advance and discovered Rambo's movements.

When the troops entered the tower, the KT duo had already retreated in advance.

The T1 duo went directly over the defense tower to pursue Rambo.

The bull's head with low health did not dodge, this signal is known to T1.

At this moment, the blue square tower lit up TP, which came from Lin Cheng who had just finished his work on the road.

The T1 duo had already passed the defense tower, but when they saw the TP light up behind them, they turned around decisively.

However, just when the three men on the blue side seemed to be retreating from the front of the defense tower, Canna, who had finished soaking in the spring water, reminded her teammates.

"Lee Qing is not in good condition! Don't be fooled!"

Before they could completely evacuate, the female tank suddenly turned around and launched E Zenith Blade.

As soon as the blind monk landed, the female tank knocked him unconscious with a shield and set it on fire.

Huang Wenlanbo let out a burst of wild laughter and set fire to the feast.

EZ Secret Shooting follows up.

Just now, KT's duo was separated from each other. Niutou didn't dodge and was unable to WQ to cover Lin Cheng immediately. As a result, the blind monk, who was already dissatisfied with his health, was almost killed when he came down.

Fortunately, his teammates were not far away, and Evert soon entered the field for the second time.

Lin Cheng's E skill slapped the floor, and he immediately touched Senna with W and pulled away.

However, Mr. Dai handed over the Q skill just now, and the blind monk was scalded to death by the igniting damage before Senna had a chance to take a bite.

However, the Japanese girl carrying the tower had no chance of survival after being pushed up by the bull's head. In the end, the two top assistants exchanged one for one.

Junri: "Tears! Brother Chengzi, the TP, came down to save his teammates and died. This wave of blind monks is too critical. If Rambo slows down the position, the KT duo may be in danger."

Yutong: "It's a pity that I didn't get a single kill. The advantages created by Brother Chengzi were all supplied to his teammates. It's a bit different from the previous scene where Brother Chengzi went crazy and took the head."

Junri: "This kind of top laner is our favorite teammate in the rankings. Please give me a try!"

This chapter has been completed!
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