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Chapter 1318 Why does Jace’s first-level damage be so high?

 After the lineup selection was completed, the coaches of both sides greeted each other and then stepped down.

The camera focuses on the players' seats.

Lin Cheng gave a thumbs up gesture towards the camera, and KT fans at the scene cheered enthusiastically.

The camera turned to the other side. Faker pinched his knuckles and relaxed his breathing. Little Lu Bu gestured with his fists to the camera. His full confidence also infected the T1 fans present, who cheered continuously.

Although it is just an ordinary regular season game, this is a telecommunications battle.

The confrontation between two old rivals of e-sports giants.

In terms of runes, Lin Cheng confidently chose the main series of precision: Conqueror, Triumph, Joy, Perseverance, and the secondary series of enlightenment: magical shoes and cookie delivery.

Jayce is undoubtedly the quality inspector of the top unit. A top laner who cannot play Jayce can hardly be called an excellent top laner. Especially in the LCK, almost everyone can pick Jayce out. This hero is very suitable for the pull play style of the LCK.


And because the mythical version of Jayce has become stronger in the later period and has become a hero with no weak period, Jayce's appearance rate has also increased significantly not only in the LCK but now in the LPL.

When going out, he bought Dolan Sword + Red Potion, Lin Cheng went straight to the road and stood in the sight of the Triangle Grass.

The two sides started peacefully at level one and officially entered the laning phase.

Monkey is Jayce's Counter which is very popular in the LPL, but not many people use it in the LCK. However, it is not like Lin Cheng has never encountered this kind of matchup in RANK.

Following Xiaobing on the line, Lin Cheng did not approach the grass easily.

Level 1 Jace is actually very weak, with a fragile body and low damage, so he can hide grass to suppress things like Crocodile Gnar. Heroes with a little strength basically dare to attack Jace at level 1.

Lin Cheng didn't learn any skills and was prepared to watch his opponent's movements first.

If the monkey directly pounces on you, he will learn W at level one.

Otherwise, learn Q.

When Jace learns Q and W at level 1, the damage is about the same, but the speed of Conqueror is very different. It is very important to learn skills according to the situation.

Seeing Jace coming online with the minions, Canna, who had been hiding in the grass in advance, did not force E to come up to exchange blood, but chose to come out and clear the minions first.

Lin Cheng was also fighting for the line with Soldier A, and stole some monkeys by the way.

Canna was not impulsive and continued to maintain his position as Pawn A.

Lin Cheng grabs the line faster, and the soldiers have a numerical advantage.

Soon, there were four red pawns and two blue pawns left on the field.

But the two red side melee minions don’t have much health.

Lin Cheng took the opportunity to steal some monkeys again.

The monkey presses A and the remaining pawn.

Lin Cheng decisively retreated from Q, and struck with electric energy shock.

Looking at this line of troops, the monkey's movements clearly indicated that he was about to get in trouble for a blood exchange, so Lin Cheng decisively imitated Q and consumed it first.

Immediately after Lin Cheng's Q skill was released, he hit the floor with A, just as the monkey launched E Tengyun Assault.

Rushing into Jace's face, the two remaining melee soldiers were taken away by Monkey's E skill, and there was no difference in the number of soldiers between the two sides.

Lin Cheng, on the other hand, was full of details. In the remote form A, he sneaked a click on the monkey on the way. Just when the monkey E got close, Jess cut into melee combat.

In Warhammer form, Jace's armor is increased, and Lin Cheng retreats and attacks with basic attacks.

At this time, most Jace players may be accustomed to using the hammer form QA to slow down their opponents and pull them back.

But this is actually the worst choice. Jace's level 1 melee Q has very low damage and a long cooldown. If you are hit by a sudden attack, try to pull him away and don't strike first with the hammer Q.

Lin Cheng chose to turn around and retreat to A.

Jess knocked once and then turned back and took two steps.

The monkey pursued fiercely.

Remember: "Hey! The fight started on the road! The monkey's standard play style is to beat Jayce at the first level. Our monkeys in the LPL all attack Jayce hard at the first level."

Wanwan: "Well~~Monkey's fighting ability is very strong. Not only is it possible to kill Jace alone after level 6, but if Jace is knocked down at level 1, the opponent will not dare to suppress him."

"The main idea is to exchange blood at level 1 to gain room for development. Even if the hero Monkey is pushed to the lane, he is not afraid of being overtaken. On the contrary, it will be difficult to suppress Jace when his blood volume drops. After level 6, Monkey will have no pressure.


The top laners of both sides fought each other's scalps and retreated in the top lane.

Lin Cheng's A is very rhythmic. Although the monkey's E skill has a good attack speed bonus, Jace also responded with three hammers when the opponent chased him with four A attacks.

Already approaching the red defense tower, the monkey could only turn back.

Lin Cheng decisively reacted and launched Q Sky Leap.


Since Lin Cheng stole points first and combined with QA to stack four layers of conqueror effects, this hammer-form Q directly filled up the number of conqueror layers.

Although the damage of Jace's level 1 Q is not high, Lin Cheng deliberately Qed after the Conqueror stacks up, and when combined with the ground level A, the damage is actually very considerable.

The monkey strikes back with a stick which also triggers the Conqueror.

But being slowed down by the Leap of the Sky, Monkey could only hit it with a stick before being pulled away by Jess.

Both sides' health levels were very low, so they both drank the medicine.

Taking two steps to the side, Jace switched to the long-range form and stepped out with his hand A.

The moment the monkey got into the grass, Lin Cheng inserted the yellow ornament inside and continued to press the position and move A.

The characteristic of Jace is the pull of two forms. Although the base value is low, the Conqueror and Doran Sword make up for the lack of value. Jace has a lot of extra A, and the passive armor provided by the monkey is also a bit unbearable.

At this time, Monkey's second E was just right, and Canna turned back decisively to fight to the end.

Monkey E skill rush.

However, the first level CD of Jess Cannon Q is only eight seconds, which is one step faster than the monkey's skill cooldown.

Just as the monkey fought back, Jace blasted out a wave of electric energy that was full of conquerors.

The monkey face caught the cannonball, and even though he knocked Jace crippled with a stick, his backhand was directly killed by Jace.

"First Blood!"

Wanwan: "The fight on the road was a bit fierce, but Canna doesn't seem to be very profitable this time? Monkey wants to fight again... Hey! Jace's Q is ready! Solo kill? Monkey can be single-killed by Jace at the first level?


Remember: "Brother Cheng Zi, this Jace feels that the damage is a little higher than others! Niu Bao also used Jace's level 1 blood exchange a few days ago to suppress Brother Breathing's monkey, but his Jace learned W at level one, Orange

I learned Q and hit a solo kill instead!"

Wanwan: "Because Brother Chengzhi pulled back and forth and hit three Qs for damage! Although Jace is weak at level one, he won't be bullied with all three skills, right? And Brother Chengzi's Conqueror card is really good,

If the conquerors continue to injure them one after another, the monkey will not be able to bear it any longer."

The barrage is very lively.

"Good boy! Is this the gold content in the world? Level one Jace kills a monkey alone?"

"This monkey is so cool! The LPL monkeys at level 1 cross the line to chase Jace and beat him up."

"Don't be embarrassed, Brother Breathing has never beaten Niu Baojies at the first level monkey a few days ago."

"Fuck! Why does Jace do so much damage?"

"I also think the damage is abnormal. Why would Level 1 Jace kill a monkey?"

"This is the difference between mortals and gods. Others' Jace can't do it, but Brother Chengzi can!"

"It's over! Canna is a coward now."

"Brother Chengzi: I can't hold my arms when I encounter a coward (funny)"

This chapter has been completed!
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