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Chapter 133 The most radical top lane duel (please subscribe)

  At three o'clock in the afternoon Korean time, KT finally ushered in today's opponent DWG.

Since it is an online game, there is no need to go to the competition venue. Everyone logs in to the game server in the training room. It is no different from playing training games in normal times, except that there are a few more referees in the back.

When he saw DWG’s lineup, Lin Cheng secretly chuckled.

 Nuclear was so arrogant in the previous trailer, but I didn’t expect that they didn’t even get a chance to appear.

 DWG’s starting AD in this game is Ghost, who announced that he would join DWG at the end of February.

The record in the first half of the Spring Split obviously did not meet DWG's expectations for its own positioning. The club also made signings to address the team's "only shortcoming" and introduced Ghost, the AD player from SB last season.

 Ghost did not get a new contract after his contract with SB expired last year. Like Lin Cheng, he joined DWG as a free agent after the start of the spring split.

 But most people, including DWG fans, are not optimistic about Ghost joining DWG and think that DWG management is crazy.

The Nuclear Emperor has an unrestrained style but always dies suddenly, while the Ghost Emperor has a steady style but seems mediocre.

Having a nuclear king is enough to make people nervous. When the ghost king comes, what will DWG do by gathering two ghost and core kings?

  Actually, Ghost joined DWG on the same day as Lin Cheng joined KT, but the reactions caused by both sides were completely different.

  Putting aside Lin Cheng’s identity as a Chinese player, he has shown a radical and delicate style of play in RANK, which at least gave KT fans great expectations from the beginning. At that time, KT was indeed eager for changes.

Ghost seems mediocre in comparison. When S8 led BBQ to be demoted, it was amazing. Its statistics were at the bottom, its performance was too low, and it left various famous scenes. It was used as a cannon by Mr. Dai, and the vampire did 800 damage in 30 minutes.

The list goes on and on.

Ghost's performance in SB last year was much better, but it was not that outstanding, and he failed to win himself a new contract at the end of the season.

If Nuclear's performance hadn't broken through the lower limit again this spring, DWG probably wouldn't have suddenly signed Ghost as a free agent during the season.

Although there were more than one free agent at the time, Ghost was the one who worked the hardest. His insistence on training every day while away from the competition won him the favor of DWG.

Of course, DWG was not as miserable as KT's five-game losing streak at the beginning. They did not rush to let Ghost, who had just joined the team, play, but waited until the second round started before adjusting their starting lineup.

Even though everyone is not optimistic about the performance of the two emperor players in the AD position, at least DWG has also shown a positive attitude of adjustment.

You must know that although Ghost's performance is mediocre, he has always played an important commanding role in the previous team, and the most annoying thing about DWG is the cerebral palsy decision-making in the mid-to-late stage.

Of course, it is unlikely that Ghost will take over the responsibility of command when he comes, but participation in command decisions is definitely unavoidable. After all, the main commander of DWG is himself an auxiliary player in the bottom lane.

  Huya Live Room, today’s commentators are Corgi and Eleven.

  Keji: "Finally! After twenty days of pause and adjustment, the second round of the LCK has finally begun. As the opening match of the second round, both KT and DWG can be said to be determined to win this match."

  11: “Although the two teams have completely different trends this season, their current records are 4 wins and 5 losses. In a direct dialogue between playoff competitors, this point is equivalent to two points.”

Keji: "There is no doubt that the focus of this game is the top laners of both sides. Since joining KT, Cheng can be said to be the biggest contributor to the team's rapid progress in the second half of the first round. Needless to say, Nuguri is currently the best player in the LCK.

One of the best top laners."

Eleven: "That's right! Because Cheng's play style is so radical, many people want to see if he can have the same suppressive power against Nuguri. You must know that Nuguri has left us with the first victory since entering the LCK.

My first impression is that he is a radical person who is willing to die if he dares to catch him, so the confrontation between the two of them will definitely be interesting."

  Corgi: “Hmm~~~Actually, I think their two styles are quite different. Cheng’s style of play does look very fierce, but he has played three official games and the number of independent deaths is very low.

This also means that he is not the kind of player who is instantly killed when caught by the opponent. His anti-GANK awareness is actually very good, which is different from Nuguri’s style last year.”

Eleven: "No matter what, whether the styles are the same or different, the laning game between these two people will definitely be very exciting. Now the starting lineups of both sides have been released. KT's starting lineup is the same as in the previous rounds, but DWG

The starting AD has been replaced by Ghost. Let’s see if Ghost can show a better version of himself in DWG. His performance in the sandbox last season was actually quite remarkable.”

Kirkki: “Both teams have boldly made personnel adjustments since the start of this season. Whose adjustment result is better? We need to observe this game carefully.”

 “The battle between the reckless men on the road has begun.”

“Niu Bao: Just tell me to use more force?”

“Wait for top laner Lu Xian to battle with skateboard shoes, and the show will become more effective.”

 “Don’t be so shameless! Brother Chengzi hasn’t discovered the joy of having long hands yet, so he shouldn’t be able to do it.”

“Fart! Is Brother Orange’s top laner Vayne fake? He just doesn’t use Lucian and Kalista, and uses long-hand AD a lot.”

 “Brother Cheng, come on! Defeat the Niu Bao! Charge for me!”

  "Brother, Brother Baochainiu, come to LPL next season to compete with Mr. Shai."

“Forget it about showing off to the teacher, I’m almost done playing with Kalista and Syndra.”

“Didn’t you meet Brother Cheng during Theshy’s live broadcast last time? He was killed by a super ghost.”

“I was at the scene, and when Shy Man chose a player, he first picked out Kalista, saying that he could play any top laner, but he was killed by Orange Brother’s entire sword girl, and he was killed by a tower jumper in 6 minutes.”


 Follow the public account: Book Friends Base Camp, follow and you will get cash and coins!

 In terms of Korean streaming broadcast.

Since it is an online competition, the originally separate analysis desk in the media room has been temporarily canceled and merged with the commentary booth.

 Lin Cheng is a little regretful that even if he wins the MVP, he will not have a nice host to interview him on the spot.

 The commentary for this game was attended by Roar Emperor Caster, Zhou Xianjun and CT.

Continuous Caster: "Thank you for staying in front of the screen during such a difficult period. After twenty days of waiting, the LCK war has finally resumed. Who can take away today's victory between the veteran force KT and the fierce youth army DWG? Let

We’ll see.”

Kim Hyun-jun: "This is really an anticipated matchup. Player Cheng has surprised us time and time again with his strong top lane performance since joining KT. Can he maintain his usual strength when facing player Nuguri today?"


CT laughed: "I really hope that Cheng can perform as he said before the game. Even if he can't beat him, he won't stay behind. Today's scene can be imagined that the top lane must be very bloody. These are the two most aggressive players in the LCK."

Top lane duel.”

This chapter has been completed!
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