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Chapter 1452 There is also a gap between world champions!

 Remember: "Oops! Nightmare and Enchantress have already filled up Galio's tower, and it's only been 13 minutes!"

Zeyuan: "The economy is already 5,000 behind! To put it bluntly, the last time I explained the mobile game to Cat King, I was not behind 5,000 for 13 minutes."

Remember: "The FPX team members feel a little dizzy. The disadvantage in the early stage is indeed too great. Xiaotian has been watched by the opponent's vision. Don't his teammates help with vision? If there is no position information of the prince in this wave, Nightmare will not dare to

Climb the tower like this."

Wanwan: "What I'm more concerned about is that the prince still hasn't changed the scan. So far, only the assistant has bought real eyes. Doesn't the coach even say a few words? And after 12 minutes, Galio's vision score is only 3 points, which is a bit unreasonable."

"KT is very good at using their vision advantage to do things. FPX was originally a team with excellent vision in the LPL, but they didn't see it at all in this game."

"Damn! Is this FPX really the second seed in LPL?"

"It's really hard for a senior college student! The mobile game didn't fall behind by 5,000 in 13 minutes"

"The Poison Coin's 3-point field of vision is so impressive, it's the first time I've seen such an outrageous field of vision score from a professional player"

"Where did you dig up this Galio?"

"This mid-jungle is outrageous! Come to Iceland to continue the mid-jungle split, right? There's no linkage at all."

"Why is there no linkage? One is dying and the other is sending away"

Galio was killed, and Little Peanut's Olaf followed to cooperate with his teammates in forcing the tower.

The middle line of troops kept pushing forward, Chaowei had already eaten two layers of the tower skin, and the three of them worked together to quickly reduce the health of the defensive tower.

Xiaotian stood alone behind the tower and looked again and again.

Once he hands over Q or E and wants to clear the line, he will die if he is caught by the witch's chain.

The teammates on both sides were unable to support him. The prince lingered for a while and saw that the health of the defense tower was getting lower and lower, so he had no choice but to abandon the defense.

FPX mid-tower falls.

Just when Galio was resurrected and came back to guard the middle line, KT's three top, middle and jungle brothers turned to the bottom lane again, preparing to use their numerical advantage to force Kai'Sa to release the lane.

As a result, before his teammates arrived, Mr. Dai's Lucian E+ Gustful Face found an opportunity to directly drop Kai'Sa and cripple the Titan.

FPX’s next tower was destroyed.

The situation on the red side of the field has collapsed.

KT took advantage of the trend and prepared to change lanes.

At this time, the Duo of Guangfeng + Imperial Command is very powerful in the middle, and the field of view in the jungle is suppressed. The FPX Duo switches to the middle and can only take the line in front of the second tower.

At 15 and a half minutes, his vision caught the prince alone in the wild area. Lin Cheng's Nightmare turned off the lights again and flew forward, slowing down immediately.

The Little Heavenly Prince wanted to run away with EQ, but the 90% initial deceleration in this version of Advancing Destroyer was too exaggerated. Nightmare opened Q to accelerate the pursuit and easily used fear to single-kill the prince.

Zeyuan: "I can't play! Now whoever the nightmare flies to will die. The key point is KT's vision, which can always create a good opportunity for the nightmare to catch people with his ultimate move. FPX has been stunned by Brother Chengzi's nightmare."

Remember: "The selection of FPX's lineup is actually a bit too idealistic. They seem to only consider the team fight and not the lane. Putting aside the top lane, you will know them when Coin Brother is locked in the middle lane.

The situation on the field is already very bad.”

"Because generally Nosuke, who is disadvantaged in FPX in the middle, will try his best to liberate Coin Brother, unless they also have too much time to take care of themselves."

Wanwan: "The economy of 7,000 in 15 minutes is too low. FPX's lineup with such a powerful Enchantress cannot handle it at all. At this time, we can only wait for the opponent to make a mistake, and it is a particularly huge mistake."

Zeyuan thought for a while: "Is there such a possibility... that the Enchantress just stepped on W and ate the Titan's hook, and then the Titan QRA cooperated with the control of his teammates to instantly kill the Enchantress."

I remember adding angrily: "And before she died, Enchantress brought back Titan's ultimate move to knock her teammates away, right?"

Wanwan chuckled, "Then Lucian happened to be behind and the Holy Spear Baptism was interrupted? At that time, Brother Chengzi didn't have the cover with his ultimate move, which caused FPX to pursue a wave of group destruction + Baron, and the 10,000 economic comeback was right?"

The two onmyojis laughed out loud.

"Outrageous! An Unimagined Road"

"Imagine the future! Large-scale dreaming scene"

"Wan Wan also opens the canteen, right? 23333"

"There was originally a glimmer of hope, but now the colonel has opened his mouth and blocked the only road."

"Wan Wan is a bad girl! Deliberately following the colonel's tits FPX (crying)"

"She really loves Brother Chengzi so much (crying)"

At 17 and a half minutes, taking advantage of KT's opportunity to take Xiaolong, Doinb's Galio tried to take down the outer tower on the road.

However, Lin Cheng's nightmare now only has a CD of over a minute for his ultimate move. Seeing his opponent's duo defending the line in the middle, Lin Cheng in the lower half directly activated his ultimate move TP and fell into the grass on the river in the upper lane.

In fact, in this case, it would be better to TP first, otherwise Galio may retreat in time to remove his vision, which may prevent Nightmare from flying out with his second stage ultimate move.

However, the HP of the defense tower is very low. If Lin Cheng TPs first, the tower will definitely fall.

This is unacceptable.

Galio's heads are not as valuable as defense towers, and they can't be dropped even if they can't catch the towers.

Lin Cheng didn't even give his opponent a chance to change his finances.

The field of vision was blocked, and the FPX team was in panic.

"Who was caught?"

"It should be me, please lean up."

Galio abandoned the defensive tower and retreated, and Coin Brother moved to the grass position with great experience.

But Lin Cheng saw Galio retreating and took two steps closer to the line without noticing Galio. He immediately gave out the blue jewelry and caught Galio in the middle of the grass.

Nightmare activated the second stage of his ultimate move and flew over.

At the same time, the field of vision in the jungle also revealed that the opponent's personnel were moving up.

"The other side is approaching! Zhixun, give me some support."

Galio had a lot of control after playing Yongshuang. It was still difficult for Lin Cheng to single-cut Galio who had a chance to dodge, but the super-powerful guy followed up with TP in time.

Doinb Yongshuang was under control, Galio had already pulled away, but was left behind by the enchantress who was present.

Accelerating on the Nightmare Path, Lin Cheng went up and quickly cooperated with the Enchantress to deal with Galio.

Seeing that Galio was killed, the prince and Jace, who had supported the position of the Triangle Grass, had no choice but to give up.

The advantage is simply too great. In this situation, KT's control over the field of vision is extremely exaggerated.

Having a vision gives Lin Cheng unlimited opportunities to perform.

The second-generation vanguard on Peanut was obtained relatively late, and was deliberately released in the bottom lane after 20 minutes.

Opponent personnel gathered to defend.

However, the jungle area, including the opponent's high ground, was all covered by blue vision. Lin Cheng found that the prince was slightly out of touch with his teammates, and directly used his big move to fly towards the prince outside the light gate of the high ground.

"The prince didn't dodge. I'm going to kill him. Take a look at him from the front."

After landing, he advanced and slowed down. Knowing that the opponent's personnel were on the flank, Lin Cheng didn't use his skills. When the prince was EQing, Nightmare flashed decisively to follow up the output.

The vanguard has not yet crashed out, and the KT team members in front of the second red square tower did not forcefully rush the tower, but in order to prevent the opponent's personnel from supporting the prince, everyone also put a lot of pressure on the front.

The enchantress steps on it and consumes it forcefully.

Lucian initiated the Baptism of the Holy Spear.

The field of vision was compressed. Although Xiaotian gave the nightmare's location information in the voice, facing the harassment of the Enchantress in the dark and Lucian's bullets, the FPX team members behind the tower were unable to flank and cover the prince.

Lin Cheng's Nightmare lasted almost 20 minutes with a three-piece set, and the blood-thirsty prince couldn't be too relaxed if he did it every second. After the fear, the prince was sent back to the spring.

The opponent's personnel decisively abandoned the defense of the second tower. After Nightmare stole the prince, KT demolished the second tower and did not continue to attack the high ground.

Their lineup was still too weak at the start. Nightmare did not have a big move and the opponent would be very threatened if they counterattacked from the tower. KT chose to retreat steadily.

"Do you want to try it, Dalong?"

"Give it a try. If you can steal it, steal it. If it doesn't work, forget it."

After the blue side retreats, they immediately assemble in Dalong Pit.

However, the opponent did not react slowly and cleared the bottom line of troops. The red side grouped together and headed towards the Dalong Pit.

"We have no vision, so it's hard to fight! Let go of the big dragon."

The prince has been resurrected and rushed over. After waking up the dragon, Little Peanut found that it was difficult to fight, so he decisively commanded to get rid of the dragon's hatred.

Now the Nightmare is not big, and their condition is not particularly good, so it is easy to give them a chance to beat the Baron.

Lucian doesn't have his ultimate move anymore, and only Enchantress can go up and harass him.

But after the attack in the bottom lane just now, everyone is blind now, and the opponents are tightly grouped together. Without Nightmare to turn off the lights to cover the Enchantress, it will be very dangerous if she is caught by Titan and Galio.

Zeyuan: "Baron stopped fighting in the middle of the fight! This is so desperate! KT didn't give any chance at all! What a pity! Xiaotian originally had a chance to grab Baron and complete the redemption."

Remember: "This is tactical execution! Although they know that they have a huge advantage, even if they don't have the key ultimate move, they may win easily, but they just don't give them a chance."

After going home and replenishing supplies, KT was ready to securely take down Xiaolong one minute later.

Anyway, this game is Wind Dragon Soul, FPX completely gave up the lower half of the area and took the opportunity to grab the view of the big dragon pit.

But seeing Kai'Sa defending the line in the middle, Lin Cheng's Nightmare launched his ultimate move again.

With a desolate roar, darkness descended into the canyon.

Zeyuan: "The nightmare is turned on again! Let's see which unlucky guy is named? FPX's staff is a little scattered. Now whoever Brother Chengzi calls will die!"

Remember: "It's still Xiaotian! Brother Chengzi, don't go too far! Just pinch the soft persimmon, right?"

Lin Cheng certainly didn't think Xiaotian was easy to bully.

When there are important neutral resources, the opponent's jungler will always become Lin Cheng's first target.

In fact, the prince is indeed easy to bully. The disadvantage of this hero is as fragile as a piece of paper. Without dodge, it is impossible to get rid of the advancing nightmare with EQ.

Xiaotian died suddenly in the wilderness again.

Lin Cheng's game was simply Xiaotian's nightmare.

"Big dragon! You can fight the big dragon now."

The opponent's jungler died, and KT's entire team rallied towards the dragon pit.

This time, the team members had plenty of real eyes, and the FPX personnel still wanted to harass. Chaowei found an opportunity to steal a set of damage from Galio on the flank.

Mr. Dai directly used E + Gustful Wind to kill Galio, and then used his ultimate to sweep away Jace's flash.

KT easily defeated Baron.

After a round of repairs, the familiar Dalong operation began.

Pushing four and one points, Lin Cheng opened the team with his Resurrection Armor body at the moment when his teammates crushed the highland tower in the middle.

Seeing Jace next to Nightmare Fly, Xiaotian EQ took action.

But Lin Cheng just made a small subconscious move, and Xiaotian's EQ at close range was actually empty.

After passing by, the prince turned around and hit Olaf with a big move to cover him.

As a result, Galio and Olaf were trapped together by this catastrophe.

Seeing this scene, it’s hard for the barrage audience not to wonder what’s wrong with FPX’s midfielder.

FPX exploded in a wave.

In 25 minutes, KT easily defeated the opponent's base.

The final head-to-head ratio was 20:1.

Zeyuan: "Well, congratulations to KT! They easily won their first victory in this World Championship with a huge advantage. It can be said that all members of KT played very well in this round. It is obvious that the players of FPX have some problems.


Remember: "Brother Chengzi unexpectedly used a Nightmare to great effect, and the key thing is that FPX's middle lane was also held down."

Wanwan: "It's true that Brother Chengzi's nightmare is so crucial! I haven't released a big Doinb in the whole game. Either it was too late, or the nightmare blocked my vision and couldn't release it. This is Brother Chengzi!"

Zeyuan: "Well~~~ Anyway, I still hope that Little Phoenix can adjust well after this game. We only played one game in the group stage, and there will be opportunities later."

"It's still the same sentence! Trust the little Phoenix, and the Phoenix will follow you!"

There were two faint bangs coming from the microphone, as if Zeyuan was beating his chest again in the commentary box.

Barrage explosion.

"Bengbu is here! Guan Zeyuan wants FPX to die, right?"

"The Phoenix Follows???"

"Is there still a chance? It's over!"

"Trivia: This is the first time FPX has played an LCK team in the World Championship"

"I'm not used to playing the Korean team in FPX Classic"

"Chinese traitors kill Korean traitors! Haha!"

"What's up? Are you going to play the denationalization trick again?"

"One thing to say, if my brother Chengzi is a traitor, the entire LPL will not be able to escape being liquidated by him!"

"Just a joke, KT only has one champion player, while FPX has four"

"It's hard to believe that four world champions are being beaten by one world champion"

"There is also a gap between world champions!"

The dog author is really working hard. If you don’t believe me, just look at the word count (angry)

This chapter has been completed!
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