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Chapter 1455 The end of the first competition day

 According to the schedule, each team has only one game to play in the first three days of the group stage. After playing the opening game, KT will have no game today.

However, Lin Cheng did not go back to the hotel directly because he still had a promotional video to shoot tomorrow.

The group stage promotional videos are very simple. This time Lin Cheng just said a few words in front of the camera about his outlook for the second match day. The whole process only took a few minutes.

Players from each team are required to appear in the promo. The second day's promo starts with a lot of footage from the previous day's game, and there will be very few footage allocated to the players.

In fact, this is only reasonable. Otherwise, if everyone has to play games, where would there be a lot of time to shoot promotional videos?

When Lin Cheng finished shooting the promotional video, he returned to the lounge and found that his teammates were watching the game between RNG and PSG.

The game on the field has been going on for 15 minutes, and RNG is already leading the economy by 5,000.

The top laner Syndra that Xiaohu took out made Lin Cheng's eyes light up.

Brother Cheng has never tried Syndra's top laner, Xiaohu has something.

What’s interesting is that teammates told Lin Cheng that RNG also defeated the prince jungler in the first two games. It’s hard not to doubt that it was the training match they played against FPX.

"Okay, let's go back first. There's nothing interesting to watch in this game when the economic gap is so big."

The team members packed their things and took the bus back to the hotel.

In the car, Lin Cheng habitually used his mobile phone to check the wind direction.

As soon as the game ended, FPX's loss to KT has already become a hot topic in China.

And there is more than one hotly searched topic.

#开门黑!FPX defeated KT#


#Chovy sword conqueror enchantress#

The classic LPL phase of catching war criminals has begun.

There is no doubt that no one on FPX was innocent in this round.

But some people are too sinful.

Mainly the midfielder, the two hot searches are also related to Xiaotian and Doinb respectively.

The prince's operation in this game was so unbelievable. Xiaotian did not change his scan in the early stage and kept dazzling his opponent's eyes. His own movements were clearly seen, which led to constant pressure on his teammates.

Prince Bobo leads the rhythm in reverse and GANKs his teammates. The lack of EQ in the audience makes everyone look stupid.

The damage statistics of 4397 at the end directly maximize the effect of the program, including those who make jokes, those who start trolling, and those who play tricks and rhythm.

On the other hand, the hot searches about the powerful long sword conqueror Enchantress are basically about the execution of Brother Coin.

Due to Doinb's nationality and his usual performance art, he has accumulated a lot of blame. In addition, his usual playing style is to wander. Galio, who was completely invisible in this game, was also considered by many to be the one to take the blame.

If Coin Brother's Galio can make the first move like he did against the LPL team, and find the rhythm with the prince, Xiaotian will not be like a headless fly in reverse GANK.

Not only was Galio beaten so many times by the Enchantress in the early stage, but he was also hit with a TP deficit, which caused his top lane rhythm to suffer, and the ugly flash of Doinb river hitting the wall was even worse.

That is to say, Xiaotian's operation in this game is too eye-catching. If the prince's EQ hits a few more, maybe this coin brother will become the target of condemnation by most people.

In fact, it’s also my fault that the super-power guy doesn’t care about martial arts. In the past, when Doinb chose Galio’s opponent, the Enchantress didn’t put much pressure on him in the lane, allowing him to easily clear the lane and then go roaming.

But this one is different.

Galio's natural armor is the lowest in the entire league, only slightly higher than Kassadin and Murloc. Who knows who can use the powerful Conqueror Enchantress to defeat Galio.

Generally, it is difficult for Enchantress to push past Galio's line with skills in the early stage. If you use mana to suppress Galio's health, you will find that you can't hold down Galio even if you use up all mana.

But Chaowei turned the situation around with his unique equipment and runes. The main type of conqueror was calm and joyful. All these runes were chopped down to press the line.

Level A is mixed with occasional skill consumption, and through calm recovery of mana, Chaowei can knock the opponent home without using a bottle of medicine. When the Enchantress is almost full of blood and mana.

Moreover, the more critical point of overpowering Galio is not the runes and equipment.

Each wave of super power steals Galio points to attract the hatred of minions and spread the enemy line, denying the opponent the opportunity to use skills to balance the army line. Doinb, who has been under strong pressure, naturally completely loses the opportunity to roam.

Brother Coin likes to choose Galio to fight the Enchantress, but this is the first time he is punished by the Enchantress.

In Doinb's understanding, Galio was used to counter the enchantress, but this time he was countered.

Every time an LPL team loses a game, the rhythm is very high. Although all five FPX players had problems in this game, there is no doubt that Doinb and Xiaotian were criticized the most.

Netizens are very venomous, but many of them are cheering for Little Phoenix.

In the 19th FPX World Championship, they also lost the first game, but they played better and better and won the championship in one fell swoop. Phoenix fans are looking forward to this scene happening again.

The theme of this year's World Championship is "If you don't break, you don't stand." Maybe it corresponds to Little Phoenix's break and then stand?

Reborn from the ashes of FPX!

The venue was only a ten-minute drive from the hotel. After returning to the hotel, Lin Cheng huddled in the room with his teammates and prepared to continue watching the game.

After all, it’s already the main stage, and it’s only good to see more about other teams’ understanding of the version.

"Hey! Why is RNG still fighting?"

What is surprising is that RNG's game is not over yet. RNG, which was ahead by 5,000 gold in 15 minutes, actually narrowed its economic gap after 30 minutes. I don't know what went wrong in the middle.

Netizens on the barrage are all joking. If RNG had transferred 50 on WeChat and asked KT players to help from 15 minutes, PSG would have been taken away long ago.

KT's ability to end the game with superiority is indeed obvious to all.

Fortunately, RNG did not overturn in the end. As PSG's jungler Lee Sin tried to spin-kick Gala alone but failed, RNG almost won the game in 37 minutes.

Next, in the third game, GEN·G firmly won Europe's second seed FNC.

The fourth game is another showdown between LCK and LPL.

DK vs. LNG.

As the second seed of LCK, DK showed strong offensiveness in this game, beating LNG and winning a big victory.

Although Tarzan rarely lost against the DK brothers when Griffin was strong in the past, times have changed and Canyon is no longer the simple boy who was toyed by Tarzan in the jungle.

In the fifth game, T1 brutally killed DFM.

There is nothing to say about this game. T1 is also famous for being a master of abuse in the LCK division. Their ability to take advantage in the early stage is almost as good as KT based on the data. When they encounter a wild card team like DFM, it will naturally be a massacre.

Even less than 20 minutes later, DFM's base exploded, and the barrage of "The Fall of the Empire" almost made Lin Cheng happy.

Although DFM is not strong, their barrage thieves in every game are interesting.

Not only Chinese streaming viewers are making fun of it, but Korean streaming viewers are also starting to do it.

In the sixth game, EDG easily defeated 100T.

Brother Holy Spear brought the men's spear to the field. Although he was severely beaten by Ssumday five years ago, his performance today suppressed Sunday.

In the seventh game, an upset came out.

North American second seed TL defeated European first seed MAD.

For the time being, NA>EU, the North American audience has already opened the champagne.

However, the North American boys did not wait long to be happy. In the last game of the day, RGE defeated C9. Currently, the head-to-head confrontation between EU and NA is tied at 1:1.

So far, the LCK team has won all four games today, while the LPL team has a winning rate of only 50% and has lost all the games against the LCK team.

The LPL audience, who were clamoring to win the semi-finals before the game, began to wail.

Now it's the LCK audience's turn to be arrogant.

Of course, if the LCK collectively overturns tomorrow, the form of public opinion will change again.

E-sports audiences change their attitudes very quickly.

However, the Korean audience only played true, and while mocking LPL, they also did not forget to criticize each other.

"How did FPX become the favorite to win the championship? That's it?"

"Where are the LPL miscellaneous in the forum? Keep dancing! Didn't you say that LPL is very strong this year?"

"It doesn't matter, EDG will beat T1 tomorrow"

"Isn't EDG our LCK fifth seed?"

"Smiling! Is there really someone who doesn't support T1? That stinking Korean traitor!"

"Anyway, I support EDG in defeating T1! Don't let Tan Za speak."

"It would be great if I could see Faker being beaten and crying again"

"No matter who wins the championship, I will be happy as long as T1 is lifted away"

This chapter has been completed!
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