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Chapter 1472 Jinfu’s Battle of Shame

 The lineup is selected and the coaches of both teams leave the field.

Compared to his high-spirited appearance in the opening game, the red-haired version of Mr. Steak is much more low-key this time, and his face does not have the calmness that BP can control.

The legendary Sword Girl appeared on the stage, and the camera was specially given to Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng is choosing his skin carefully.

Champion limited, KT Irelia!

Then, Lin Cheng gave a thumbs up to the camera.

Thank you Coin Brother for the Sword Girl experience card!

Audiences in the live broadcast room expressed their discomfort.

In fact, this FPX lineup is really a bit restrained against KT.

KT's team battle involves both top and jungle players, but Sett can take away the pig girl and leave Malzahar's ultimate move to the knife girl. KT's rash start to start the team will easily cut the formation.

Of course, KT's lineup did suppress teamfights in the early and mid-term, but it would be different if it dragged on.

FPX has short hands. As long as Victor is delayed until the later stage, KT will not easily start a team and use double C+Karma to pull, which will actually make it easier to fight.

The key lies in the different strong periods of both teams' lineups.

FPX's lineup is definitely better at fighting in the early and mid-term, and KT's C-position hand length advantage is very obvious in the later stage.

In terms of runes, Lin Cheng Dao Mei chose the main system of precision: conqueror, triumph, joy, perseverance, and the secondary system of resolute: bone plating, firm.

Since toughness has no reducing effect on knockback and suppression, Lin Cheng Rune did not choose the dual toughness method.

To be honest, if Malzahar's ultimate move + Prince EQ + Nami's blister or the ultimate move creates a dream connection, no matter how high the toughness is, it will be useless.

Entering the game, the five FPX players gathered together and headed straight to the grass on the lower road, preparing to squat down with a destined person to provide vision.

According to the normal thinking, a strong pressure line combination like Kalma + EZ will most likely come to the grass as an eye at the first level.

However, KT did not choose to go out and grab the view of the grass on the lower road. Instead, Evert's Karma ran to the upper lane and pierced the middle grass.

Do you understand the tactical position of KT’s top laner Dao Mei?

Of course the first yellow jewelry should be used to help the big brother.

FPX, who failed to catch someone, did not invade rashly and chose to return to their own jungle area and reposition themselves.

The two sides started peacefully.

Before the army line arrived, Lin Cheng's sword girl entered the upper alcove in advance.

There is no way, it is very difficult for Sword Girl to compete with Seti at level 1. You will be successful if you gain experience.

"Haha! Classic!"

"So real! Level 1 squatting toilet"

"The best knife girl in the world has to squat on the toilet, this is the deterrent power of Jinfu to women (dog head)"

"Toilet God of War is online!"

In this game, Little Peanut’s Pig Girl chooses the jungle route from bottom to top, while Xiaotian’s Prince chooses Lan Kai.

Niu Bao is very experienced. When Level 1 Seti comes online, he first pulls the minions to try to make the blood loss speed of the front row soldiers as inconsistent as possible.

Then Seti went directly to the side grass and alcove to find people.

He wants to suppress the knife girl’s experience!

But Lin Cheng had already squatted in the alcove in advance, relying on the accessory eye provided by Zhongcao Karma, and Sword Girl Qin Wang's vision around the pillar card perfectly evaded the opponent's search.

If it was RANK, Sett would definitely be able to find out the position of the sword girl by looking into the bushes, but in this game, Niu Bao was not stupid enough to use the accessory eye randomly when the jungler opened blue.

No one was found in the alcove or the grass, so Niu Bao ran to the river grass and took a look. He could also gain experience in that location.

But just when the grass in Seti River was empty, Lin Cheng's sword girl rushed out from the alcove.

Seti turned around and went straight to the sword girl.

Because Settira pulls the line, a melee minion on the blue side loses health significantly faster.

Lin Cheng hesitated for a moment and learned the Q skill.


White light flashed, and the sharp blade impact crushed the remaining health soldiers.

The Q skill is refreshed, and Lin Cheng backhands A to the remaining melee creeps with more blood.

Seti approaches from below.

Lin Cheng didn't panic, and cut down the minion's health with another slash.

From the moment he learned Q, it meant he wanted to operate it as much as possible.

Although the operation of Niu Bao's first-level string pull disrupted the blood loss speed of the minions, there was no situation where one of the minions died and the minions still had a lot of health.

At this time, Sword Girl and her own minions are above Seti and will not be directly knocked unconscious by Seti's strong E, Skull Split.

Seti continued to press upward.

Lin Cheng even took the initiative to take a step down.

The attack distance of Dao Mei reached 200 yards, and was much longer than Seti's left fist. Dao Mei swung the knife first before Seti could get close.

Se punched out the sword girl's bones in advance, then followed up quickly with her right fist.

Lin Cheng pulled up two steps, got stuck, turned back and swung the second knife.

Just at the moment when the forward swing of the attack was completed, the damage reduction effect of Sword Girl's bones disappeared.

At this time, Seti stood between the sword girl and the red side melee soldier, and directly handed over the E skill to crack the skull.

However, it's not just the opponents that will get stuck on the details of the skeleton.

With some anticipation, the moment Lin Cheng raised his hand before the basic attack, he already pressed the Q skill on the remaining blue melee minion with low health.

Swish! Swish!

Elegant white light and shadow dance.

Sett just opened his arms.

The strong hand splits the skull and pulls away the empty.

When the Q skill is refreshed, three layers of passive appear one after another, and the sword girl reacts to press the position.

This time Seti was embarrassed because he didn't knock Dao Mei unconscious. Niu Bao's E skill only killed one melee soldier, and Dao Mei had the advantage in terms of the number of minions on the field.

And Seti's position is a little deeper.

Lin Cheng turned around and got stuck in position, raised his hand towards Setiping A and directly used the Q skill to cancel the basic attack and then shook.

Ionia was full of enthusiasm, and immediately pressed her body after her backhand A.


Just as Seti Bangbang fought back with two punches, the sword girls were stacked up with the conquerors.

Sett has only half health left.

Since Niu Bao's E skill is empty, this wave is destined to be unbeatable. In this version of Dao Mei, the fourth level of passive is full. If Dao Mei can smoothly Q kill three melee minions in a healthy state without losing Q, basically there will be very little

There are heroes who can still fight hard.

The knife girl holds her position and goes A.

One knife, two knives.

Niu Bao found that he couldn't pull away at the first moment, and couldn't help but take steps to fight back when Dao Mei was attacking.

But at this time, Sword Girl's attack speed is very smooth when going A with the passive increase. Sett will lose more than 80 drops of blood with one strike. In addition, the minions are still attacking, Sett's blood loss is still very fast while taking the medicine.

But Lin Cheng didn't appear to be very aggressive. When Seti entered the tower with a little distance before he could still pursue, he turned around and gave up the pursuit on his own initiative.

At this time, Seti still had about a quarter of his health, and when he discovered that his opponent had given up on Niu Bao, he subconsciously counterpressed.

The second wave of soldiers arrived, and the experience of the previous long-range soldiers was almost lost.

Just when Seti took two steps back, Lin Cheng's Q skill CD entered the last second.


The knife girl suddenly appeared and swung the knife out.


Niu Bao quickly dodged and just entered the range of the defense tower.


White light and shadow flashed across, and the sword girl attacked Seti under the tower.

It’s hard to estimate the damage done by the Dieman Conqueror and the passive Sword Girl. Even if Seti’s passive and red medicine keep returning, it’s useless. The sharp-faced Sword Girl hacked Seti to death under the tower with two swords.

"First Blood!"

The two attacks prevented Lin Cheng from taking off the defense tower's hatred immediately. As soon as he left the defense tower, the second luminous bomb fell.

But just before the light bomb arrived, Triumph took effect.

Dao Mei survived with extremely low blood volume.

Since KT Karma, the first level player in the bottom lane, was hiding in the grass and preparing to grab the lane, the pilot shot showed the bottom lane at the beginning.

No one expected that the fight would be so fierce on the road, and Seti was already being beaten when the camera came up.

Miller: "Hey! What's going on on the road? Why is Level 1 Seti being chased and beaten by the sword girl? This HP is no longer good for laning...Hey! Flash is going to kill him solo!"

Wawa: "Oh my God! This solo kill is too fast. What happened on the road?"

Shinichi: "I didn't see it earlier, but Niu Bao was obviously deceived by Dao Mei's last look back. Being single-killed at the first level hurts so much!"

Miller: "I just said you can't let go of this sword girl! What do you think this sword girl is? How can the sword girl kill Seti alone at level one? I can't even figure it out."

The barrage exploded, filling the screen with question marks.

"Holy shit! Brother Orange!!!"

"Awesome! A first-class knife girl kills a powerful husband alone?"

"Turtle! Is this the gold content of Brother Chengzi and Sister Dao?"

"Isn't this a forced gift? How dare you look back when you see Dao Mei being so passive?"

"Who still remembers the team battle script that was explained before the game? But it turned out that the direction of the script was wrong as soon as it started."

"Didn't we agree to target Dao Mei? How can we play it when we start driving at level one?"

"Live in Bengbu"

"You can't blame Xiaotian, right? The prince was killed just after defeating the blue buff and going on the road (funny)"

"I am a jungler and no longer want to play"

"Jin Fu's Battle of Shame, Killed by a Woman at Level 1"

It’s short and watery, the dog author is so shameless

This chapter has been completed!
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