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Chapter 15 As long as you surrender quickly enough, the opponent will not be able to abuse Quan

 Hearing this girl say harshly, "You must not be abused", Lin Cheng suddenly felt a little sad.

When did people from Seoul National University become so humble in front of their two younger brothers’ schools?

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, you won't be tortured."

Having said that, Lin Cheng was secretly thinking:

With me, the thousand-point king, here, even if the other roads explode, how can we last for fifteen minutes? If it doesn't work, we will surrender when we see that the situation is not right.

As long as I surrender quickly enough, the other side won't be able to abuse my spring.

Hearing Lin Cheng's words, An Shengyan nodded with satisfaction, "Our e-sports club needs talents like you."

If she knew about Lin Cheng's psychological activities, An Shengyan might not want to beat him to death.

Of course, she might also agree with it with both hands.

"The competition that Hegyu was talking about?"

An Seung-yeon explained: "The game will start tomorrow afternoon. In addition to Kim Sung-rok who plays the middle lane, there are several people in the club who have reached the platinum level. The difference in strength is not big. Our current lineup may need to be adjusted.

Moreover, some people are very proficient in certain heroes, so I asked them to choose the hero they are best at and then we will group them into groups and play a match to test the effect."

Lin Cheng nodded. Among the existing cards, An Shengyan's method can almost exert the greatest combat effectiveness.

Some low-level players with unique skills cannot be underestimated. They have played the same hero in thousands of games. As long as they are not handicapped, there will be no operational problems. The main difference between them and high-level players is awareness.

It’s not uncommon for a king player to get beaten violently in a golden game.

Of course, the weaknesses of these unique skills are also obvious, and the heroes who are good at them will die on the spot as soon as they are moved.

Soon, An Shengyan began to organize the competition groups, and Lin Cheng was also assigned to the tentative main team to join the game.

It is worth mentioning that all five members of the opposite substitute team are girls, and the one facing Lin Cheng is Ahn Seung-yeon.

It seems that I am taking her position? Lin Cheng suddenly realized.

According to the current team distribution, it is obvious that Ahn Seung-yeon is likely to be the only woman in the original main lineup of the e-sports club. Lin Cheng has directly turned all five starting players of the Seoul National University team into heroes.

It was a custom mode. Each of them discussed the lineup coordination and chose the hero they were good at. Lin Cheng locked Riven casually.

"Hey! I've chosen Riven, you guys go on the road and watch and make your choice."

Hearing Lin Cheng's words, An Shengyan's pressure increased sharply. She frowned and had a heated discussion with her teammates in the voice chat.

Finally, she pulled out the crocodile, which was currently very powerful against Riven.

After the lineups of both sides were selected, Lin Cheng looked at An Shengyan on the opposite side. She looked solemn and was discussing something with her teammates with headphones on.

Are you communicating with the jungler to arrange for me?

Lin Cheng suddenly wanted to laugh, and then said to his teammates in the voice message: "You can withstand pressure on the road, and the jungler can farm with peace of mind."


As Lin Cheng expected, An Shengyan was indeed communicating with the jungler about military training, but when she entered the game, she found that it was different from what she planned.

As soon as he got up to level one, An Shengyan could only release the line when he saw Lin Cheng's Riven stuck on Q. Riven directly grabbed the two cross-border troops and chased them away, blocking the position to prevent the crocodile from taking the line.

In just two waves, Crocodile managed to replenish a minion, and was chased by Riven and lost half of his health.

If Jungle Rock Bird hadn't wasted time and came up directly to help Crocodile grab the line, An Shengyan would have been pinned down the tower as soon as she came up.

Of course, due to the poor line of troops, Yanque did not dare to cooperate with the second-level Crocodile when he showed his head, for fear of being shown off by Lin Cheng's Riwen.

I have to say that these girls are very disciplined and know when not to move. In this situation, the opponent dares to come up and arrest someone with force. Lin Cheng's third-level Riven's operating space is simply infinite.

Crocodile reached level three, and seeing that he was about to become stronger online, An Shengyan realized that something was still wrong.

Lin Cheng didn't give her a chance to use her Q skill to break the skeleton's coating first. As a result, the Crocodile was chased and beaten by Riven after a set of attacks. On the contrary, Riven kept stuck on Q and consumed the Crocodile's health.

Due to the detail processing, Riven had the advantage in the lane, which made it difficult to save the crocodile's anger. Finally, An Shengyan's crocodile saved up enough anger once, and then lost the opponent's skeleton plating first. When he found the opportunity, he had to

E skill rushes forward and creates a set of three consecutive qualities.

Lin Cheng's Riven's reaction was amazingly fast. Using the instant mechanism of W, Riven controlled the crocodile with a W before the crocodile came over with an E and before he even raised his hand to swing his sword. He then reversed a Q and just opened the crocodile to launch a basic attack.


Crocodile's Red Fury W couldn't be shot. An Shengyan was obviously anxious, so she directly handed over the second E to forcefully deal the damage of Red Fury W.

However, Lin Cheng has always had a health advantage. After the crocodile was angry, the normal Q skill restored very low health. When Lin Cheng was unable to retreat with the second E, he was chased by Lin Cheng and chopped down the Conqueror, completing a single kill.

"Ah~~~he's still dead."

An Shengyan glanced at Lin Cheng opposite her with some frustration, and Lin Cheng just made a mouth gesture to her, "That's a good fight."

This was not Lin Cheng's deliberate ridicule. An Shengyan kept pinching her to death when she was stuck in her position. Without promiscuity, most people would have done it long ago.

If Crocodile flashes, he can at least cooperate with Rock Bird to find an opportunity to kill Riven. If Crocodile flashes to death, Crocodile will really be unplayable online.

Sure enough, although An Shengyan's crocodile has been held down by Riven online, she still found an opportunity after level 6. She flashed Red Fury W to immobilize Riven, and Yanque flashed across the wall to connect with Yantu and kill Lin Cheng.

However, since the crocodile never had the chance to knock off Riven's bone coating, the damage dealt by the two of them could not directly kill Riven instantly. Lin Cheng directly started ER, flashed out of the stone formation, and controlled the rock bird for an instant.

Then he chased the crocodile and beat him wildly.

Crocodile's own HP is not good. This time, when the forced flash failed to cooperate with Rock Bird to kill Riven in an instant, Riven directly killed him with a double kill.

In just six minutes of playing time, Lin Cheng defeated the opponent's jungler.

Unwilling to let Lin Cheng excel in front, the Enchantress in the middle also wanted to show off a solo kill despite her health advantage. As a result, although she completed the kill in the tower, she was still replaced by her opponent.

Lin Cheng is doing very well on the top lane, and his own jungler really doesn't care about him and just concentrates on farming.

Even though the girls on the opposite side are not as strong as Lin Cheng in terms of strength, they are very resilient and proactively start grabbing orders even when their equipment is lagging behind.

After all, they are not professional players, and their awareness of vision is relatively poor. In this case, they really took the opportunity to kill the main team's AD several times in a row.

"Ah~~I was caught again, my mentality is shattered!"

AD player Gao Yaohan complained on the voice line, but before his AD's mentality really collapsed, Lin Cheng's Riven finally caught the opportunity captured by four opponents and TP went behind.

As we all know, Raven's flashes are harmful.

Tianfei Ruiwen's wall card flashed into the field of vision, her E skill canceled her ultimate move, and she flashed past with a basic attack and raised her hand to slash at the opponent's AD. At the moment, W controlled four people, and a set of explosion damage resulted in four kills.

There was a wave of explosions on the opposite side, and they could no longer block the waves of offensives from the main force, and they were quickly defeated.

This chapter has been completed!
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