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Chapter 1544 Fight like a man

 Chinese stream commentary seats.

The commentators for today's final are Remember, Zeyuan and Miller.

Although the gold medal combination of Wawa and Miller was broken up, one of them will always be indispensable in the war between China and South Korea.

Remember: "Okay! Dear Summoners, welcome to the final battle of the 2021 League of Legends Global Finals. Hello everyone, I remember."

Miller: "Hello everyone, I'm Miller."

Zeyuan: "Hello everyone, I am Zeyuan."

Remember: "The game is about to start. Will KT win the double crown today, or will the Knights regain LPL glory? I believe all the summoners in front of the screen are as nervous as us at this time."

Miller: "It doesn't matter if we are nervous, as long as the EDG players are not nervous, especially Brother Shengqiang is under the greatest pressure today. He has to carry Brother Orange alone! Come on!"

Zeyuan: "Recently, Holy Spear Brother has a very high level of RANK. He has used a large number of heroes such as Kennan Barrel in the European server. It can be seen that he is well prepared to withstand the pressure from Orange Brother. No matter what

What can I say, I always believe that hard work pays off! Come on!"

"Fuck! Shut up and worry about God"

"It's over! The colonel has spoken, Brother Holy Spear is going to suffer a serious blow"

"It's over! There's still some hope for EDG starting at 7 o'clock, but it's already too late to start at 8 o'clock."

"No matter how many there are, EDG will kill you!"

"Hold the cup, EDG! Go and hold that IG that was temporarily placed at the KT base. It once belonged to FPX, was booked by TES, and has always belonged to RNG, but it is the trophy you want most."

"Brother Shuizi, move your chopsticks, eat what was prepared by that RNG fan pretending to be an IG fan and was almost eaten by Le Yan. It should be given to Brother Coin. The next step may be Mr. Leng's turn, but it's a poisonous takeaway that Toothpaste has never looked down upon."

"It's all RNG's fault, right? IG fans can also take the blame by poisoning takeaways?"

"Take the blame, Huang Za! Take the blame for that pure passerby who was placed on the IG base and booked by the water ghost but has always been yours."

Players from both sides have completed their preparations, and the game has entered the BP stage.

Coin toss expert Mr. Kang Dongxun won the pre-match coin toss again. In the first game, KT BAN first on the blue side.

KT banned Yuumi at first, continuing their usual BAN style in this World Championship.

EDG on the red side pressed down the knife girl with a backhand.

In the group stage, the brother team FPX told EDG with a bloody lesson: Lin Cheng can't let go.

Unless you also want to see Lin Cheng’s new skin of Sword Girl.

The second BAN position on the blue side is given to the male gun.

The hero pool of teams that can reach the finals generally has no shortcomings, or even if there are players with shortcomings, the hero pool is at least suitable for the version. The male spearman of Holy Spear is such a particularly obvious role.

KT on the blue side will definitely not grab the man's gun, so he might as well ban it.

Anyway, there is not much pressure on BP for them. Apart from Yuumi, there are no options that must occupy the BAN position.

Miller: "Male Gunner! Ouch! This move is actually very harmful to EDG. The hero of the Male Gunner is the most stable choice for Holy Gunner in this year's World Championship."

Zeyuan: "I respect you! KT didn't ignore this male gun just because of Chengzi's strength."

Remember: "In the semi-finals, the male gun was once a point of contention between EDG and DK, but for Orange, this hero is not necessary. He has many choices. On the contrary, without the male gun, the choice of Holy Gun is

It’s going to be restricted.”

The second BAN position on the red side was given to Qinggang Shadow.

I have already tried T1 in the semi-finals, and Lin Cheng Qinggangying can't let it go.

Having played so many training games with T1, EDG is very aware of T1's strength. T1 was beaten to pieces by KT's Qinggangying system in the semi-finals, and they didn't think they could handle it.

The blue side thought for a moment and sent the ice girl to the BAN position.

Miller: "This move is too obvious. The greatest value of this version of Ice Girl is to limit LeBlanc. EDG must choose between Blind Sin and Enchantress."

Remember: "How about dual-drive? In this case, it would be better to open one for each person."

After the words fell, the third BAN slot on the red side was given to the blind monk.

Lee Sin is the absolute T0 jungler in this version, but EDG still doesn't want to let him go.

Start selecting people.

The blue side KT snatched the enchantress.

The red square EDG locks Aphelios in seconds on the first floor.

Zeyuan: "Sure enough! EDG definitely played a training match with T1 before the semi-finals. This move to grab Aphelios is too strong."

Miller: "In this way, KT will have to face Luna's decision again. EDG still has Erlu as their backup, so at least they won't suffer any loss online."

Remember: "Yes! And I must say that although Lu Bu's Aphelios has full laning ability, overall I think Viper's Aphelios is not inferior to him. I think Viper's performance in team battles is

He is better than little Lu Bu."

Miller: "That's for sure. I believe we as viewers are still vividly aware of Viper's famous Aphelios scene in this summer split. He has the ability to support the team on his own at a big disadvantage."

Take down Aphelios on the first floor, and then confirm the prince on the second floor on the red side.

Without the blind monk, the priority of the prince has been raised very high, and in the semi-finals EDG sent DK away with five princes. There is one hot search topic on the Korean network to torture DK: Why not ban the prince?

Jiawen put the LPL audience at ease as soon as he appeared on the 5th try.

"What do you say? Luna, is that okay?"

"Don't be afraid of Kim Hyuk Kyu! Brother Youcheng will tell you the truth, as long as you don't give it away... don't give it away all the time."

Lin Cheng's words made his teammates laugh.

Mr. Dai also joked, "OK! Just Luna, I'll try to give away less."

Seeing the relaxed look of the KT players in the camera, the commentators and the audience were amazed by their big hearts.

You know, this is the finals.

The five EDG players over there were all very serious, but KT could still laugh.

Therefore, the blue side directly locked Lucian + Nami on the second and third floors.

The third floor of the red square followed closely to determine Lulu.

Another head-to-head confrontation between Luna and Erlu.

In the second round of BAN, the red side EDG presses Xin Zhao + Male Sword repeatedly to squeeze the little peanut's hero selection.

The blue side KT gave the last two BAN positions to Ryze and Malzaha.

Scout has taken out the horse Zaha before. This thing actually has a similar effect to the Ice Girl against the Enchantress, but its ability to actively enter the field and start a group is far inferior to the Ice Girl.

The second round of selection begins.

On the fourth floor of red side EDG, the clockwork started first, leaving the last counter position to the top laner Holy Spear.

The blue side KT took the lead on the fourth floor and beat Wild Boar Girl.

"What did Lin Cheng say? Do you want Kenan?"

At this time, Kennen is a relatively stable choice. No matter what the opponent does in the end, Kennen can play, and it fits well with the lineup.

But Lin Cheng wanted to fight with a bayonet today.

"Give me Aatrox!"

"I feel like the other side might want to mess around, so give me Aatrox."

"Come on! Flandre! Tian Xiaojuan and your favorite idol are supporting me. Fight like a man!"

Lin Chengzhong's speech made his teammates unable to hold their nerves.

With a smile on his face, the assistant made the last move to confirm the sword demon.

Listen to the dead silence of extinction!

Zeyuan: "Oh? Sword Demon? This hero has only played twice in the group stage of this World Championship. In everyone's opinion, he is not very strong now."

Miller: "But this hero comes first and has great restrictions on Holy Spear Brother. At least wine barrels cannot be taken. If you forcefully choose wine barrels to go on the road, you will have to raise Big Daddy."

Seeing the sword demon coming out, the red side EDG hesitated for a long time.

The online ability of the hero Sword Demon is not very strong among the warriors, but this hero is an excellent choice for fighting gangsters.

Basically, the tank hero can only support his father when facing the sword demon, and then watch the sword demon kill one teammate in a team battle.

The red square on the fifth floor showed Jace.

Brother Shengqiang seems to want to confront him.

I saw Zhu Kai in the live broadcast being very emotional and talking non-stop.

Brother Holy Spear nodded somewhat disappointedly.

In the end, EDG finally locked on Kennen.

The lineups of both sides are confirmed.

Blue side KT:

Top lane: Cheng (Darkborn Sword Demon, Aatrox)

Jungler: Peanut (Wrath of the North, Sejuani)

Middle lane: Chovy (Trickster, LeBlanc)

Bottom lane: Deft (Lance Ranger, Lucian)

Support: Effort (Tide Summoner Samehime, Nami)

Red square EDG:

Top road: Flandre (Heart of Fury, Kennen)

Jungler: Jiejie (Prince of Demacia, Jarvan IV)

Middle lane: Scout (Clockwork Demon, Orianna)

Bottom lane: Viper (Crane Moon's Solemnity, Aphelios)

Assist: Meiko (fairy witch, Lulu)

This chapter has been completed!
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