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Chapter 1717 Lin Cheng: The coach is very vindictive

 After a short break, the players from both teams returned to the playing seats.

The second round of BP begins.

GEN·G comes to the blue side and BAN first.

"Sword Girl + Qinggang Ying! Still refuse to let go."

Zeyuan said with a full tone, "Not bad! Even though Brother Orange used Reksai to win POG in the last round, GEN·G still did not let down its vigilance."

"They know that Dao Mei and Qinggang Ying can't be released. Maybe once they are released, Orange Brother will suddenly become the top laner."

"Eliminate some opportunities for Brother Chengzi to show off his skin!"

Wanwan: "It doesn't matter! Brother Chengzi will take action. If I don't let Sister Dao go, his methods may be even more cruel."

Zeyuan smiled and said, "You understand him."

The styles of the two commentators are quite different.

Although everyone knows that Zeyuan cares about GEN·G, every time he commentates on GEN·G games, Zeyuan will try his best to be as objective as possible, and even deliberately not favor GEN·G.

But Wanwan stood up for KT without any scruples, wanting to praise Lin Cheng every time. Although this kind of sincerity made her feel extremely uncomfortable, KT fans and passers-by found Wanwan cute.

Many stallholders even rebelled.

They don't like KT or Lin Cheng, but they like Wanwan.

Who makes Wanwan the Devil so cute and good-looking?

GEN·G’s first three BANs have no changes compared to the previous game.

Sword Girl + Green Steel Shadow + Crocodile.

The first three BANs of red side KT also remain unchanged.

Plane + card + bright moon.

When we started to select people, GEN·G snatched the policewoman.

Zeyuan: "Are you still trying to rob the policewoman? Then the BP idea of ​​switching to the blue side GEN·G doesn't actually change."

Wanwan: "The policewoman does have a high priority in the bottom lane. It's no problem if the opponent releases the blue side and grabs it. It just depends on the subsequent choices of other positions."

The opponent snatched away the policewoman, and KT locked up Blind Sin + Aphelios with a backhand.

GEN·G continues to produce Lux + Xin Zhao on the second and third floors.

"No! The BAN player remains unchanged. What does the BP of Pi·G mean in the first three hands? What is the significance of switching to the blue side?"

"I thought they had snatched the policewoman + Lux, at least the jungle position would have changed, but the result was exactly the same as the previous game."

Zeyuan was a little confused, "If GEN·G feels that the lineup selection he made in the last game was okay, maybe the players didn't play well, then there is no need for you to switch to the blue side."

"If you stay on the red side, you still have the last ter position. It will be much more comfortable when doing BP in the second round. What do you mean by giving up the ter position on the fifth floor without changing the BP?"

Wanwan thought for a while: "Maybe they think the red square is not good at feng shui?"

Zeyuan: "······"

"Laughing to death! Wanwan, this is so cool"

"If Feng Shui is not good, everyone starts practicing metaphysics 23333"

"I have a story to tell. Last year, in order to defeat KT, Tan Za started practicing metaphysics. He even cursed villains."

"Everyone in the college is stupid, even the Onmyoji can't stand the excessive sincerity"

"The BP of GEN·G, I can only say that the old captain still cares about KT"

"Ze Yuan now wants to kick the old captain and go on stage to help GEN·G as a BP"

Everyone on KT's side was a little dumbfounded when they saw the opponent's first-round selection.

"What's going on on the other side? BP hasn't changed at all?"

"Maybe they thought the last lineup was fine, but the players didn't play well?"

Lin Cheng turned to look at Mr. Kang Dongxun, "Coach! Are you leaving next year?"

Mr. Kang: “???”

Lin Cheng chuckled, "Score, this BP is very much like a petitioner. Will he come to take over your class next year?"

Hearing Lin Cheng making fun of the coach, his teammates didn't hold back and chuckled.

"Fart! I'm still here at KT even after you left. My job is safe."

Kang Dongxun wrote something in his notebook with an expressionless face.

Lin Cheng stretched his neck, trying to see clearly what the coach was writing.

Unfortunately, Kang Dongxun was too tall and Lin Cheng couldn't see clearly even while sitting.

Could it be that he is holding a grudge in his small book?

Lin Cheng felt that he had grasped the key.

Mr. Kang Dongxun really holds a grudge.

Lin Cheng still remembers that two years ago, she just squeezed half a lemon into his water glass, and Mr. Kang Dongxun went to the dormitory in the middle of the night and knocked on the door to prevent him from sleeping.

They even let in the civet cat that had a grudge against Lin Cheng at the entrance of the base, causing Lin Cheng to quarrel with the cat all night long.

Lin Cheng has remembered this incident until now.

Kang Dongxun didn't know what Lin Cheng was thinking, so he asked the team members for their opinions on the follow-up BP.

"What did the assistant say? Continue with Thresh?"

Lin Cheng: "Don't let Thresh go. I want to help Song Yijin more in this game. If Thresh + Aphelios in the bottom lane don't have a jungle gang, it's easy to go to jail."

Rookie: "Are we going to lock Kalma?"

Beryl thought for a while and said, "Let's go with Thresh! I feel good today and I'll be fine after the laning period."

KT's BP has always been dominated by players. Although everyone doesn't know what Genshin Impact's touch is good today, the red side still locked Thresh on the third floor.

Second round of BAN people.

The red side pressed down Enchantress + Ryze.

The blue side bans Prince + Rek'Sai.

Start selecting people, and the red square locks Syndra instantly on the fourth floor.

"Song Yijin is going to carry this game! Everyone is optimistic about him."

Hearing Lin Cheng's joke, Rookie couldn't help but smile.

Rookie: "Then you have to help me more."

Lin Cheng: "OK! Please call me Wild Dad."

Rookie: "You clearly agreed to give me this dog as a dog, why did you become a wild father?"

Lin Cheng: "I mean, don't worry about it so much."

Syndra, a hero, has almost no shortcomings except for her short legs. She has strong laning in the early stage and good damage in the later stage. To put it bluntly, her AOE ability is not as good as that of a core mage like Clockwork Viktor.

The director was also very sensible. When he saw Rookie's Syndra being selected, the camera immediately found Xiaoyu in the audience.

The surrounding KT fans clapped and cheered enthusiastically.

KT fans are not shy about expressing their kindness to the players’ families.

Of course, Lin Cheng has a little more family members.

The last two heroes of the blue side are determined, Clockwork + Kennen.

Zeyuan: "Finally I chose a different hero from the last game. I almost thought Jace + Victor were coming again."

Wanwan chuckled: "To be honest, I really want to see both sides choose the exact same lineup and try it again."

Zeyuan's tone was incomprehensible: "Okay! Actually, I would rather see GEN·G release the sword girl to Brother Chengzi, and then the two sides will have a showdown in an upright manner."

"Haha! The colonel started talking nonsense"

"Already in a state of confusion, are you still going dark and want to see GEN·G get beaten up?"

"This is the mentality of fans who break the defense. This year, extreme fans want to see IG being beaten violently"

"Who still remembers the big school's rhetoric before the game: Today is the best time to defeat KT"

"Sitting and waiting in silence after the game"

Seeing that the opponent's lineup was confirmed, the red side offered a wine barrel on the fifth floor.

Zeyuan: "Oops! KT sent Lee Sin to the jungle. In the second round, GEN·G banned Rek'Sai + Prince. It was obvious that I thought I would continue to top lane with Lee Sin, but they ignored that both of KT's top laners were

He is a blind monk master."

Wanwan: "The sudden swing at the end is very beautiful! It not only ensures the strength of the middle and jungle, but also protects the top lane."

"Kennen can't hold down the barrel on the line, and the barrel can restrain Kennen very well in team battles. Exploding the barrel can not only prevent Kennen from entering the field, but also can blow up Kennen's teammates with his backhand when Kennen activates.

This will cause Kennan to lose touch with his teammates."

The lineups of both sides are selected.

Blue square GEN·G:

Top road: Doran (Heart of Fury, Kennen)

Jungler: Peanut (Governor Debon, Xin Zhao)

Middle lane: Chovy (Clockwork Demon, Orianna)

Bottom lane: Ruler (Piltover policewoman, Caitlin)

Support: Lehends (Glorious Girl, Lux)

Red square KT:

Top road: Rascal (Barrel, Gragas)

Jungler: g (Blind Monk, Lee Sin)

Middle: Rookie (Dark Leader, Syndra)

Bottom lane: Deft (Sorrow of the Waning Moon, Aphelios)

Support: Beryl (Soullock Warden, Thresh)

This chapter has been completed!
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