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Chapter 1720 The strongest jungler is still in the formation

 There was a collision in the middle and jungle between the two sides, and Lin Cheng successfully helped Rookie win the first kill of the game.

The camera goes to the contestants' bench.

Rookie smiled particularly brightly. Seeing Lin Cheng chasing Little Peanut and showing off his mark, Sindra also showed a blind monk clasping his fists expression.

On the other side, Chaowei showed his two tiger fangs helplessly, and encouraged each other with Little Peanut.

No one expected that after KT's midfielder defected last year, Lin Cheng went to the jungle today to form a new midfielder combination with Rookie to start liquidation.

It looks like KT’s new mid jungler is stronger than last year’s mid jungle?

The strongest jungler is still in the lineup!

Now KT fans are relieved.

You don’t have to worry about Grapefruit Thief getting sick in the future and if he doesn’t perform well, he can just lift it down and let Lin Cheng go wild.

Brother Cuzz is still resting in the dormitory at this time. If he knew about the discussions among netizens, he would be so angry that he would not be able to sleep.

In this game, Lin Cheng no longer stubbornly went on a hunger strike. After taking the blue buff, he ate the river crab and moved down the road.

The position of the blue duo remains ambiguous.

Lin Cheng squatted in the grass for two seconds. As soon as he took the initiative to move out of the grass and prepared to go around, he found that the opponent's duo had retreated.

Apparently there are eyes near the river grass.

The blind monk is like this. Without a scanner, he often has to judge whether his position is exposed or not.

Lin Cheng turned back and continued to clear the jungle. He knew that with the current army line, if he could not flank the enemy, he would not have a chance.

The situation on the field temporarily calmed down.

At the beginning of 5 minutes, Lin Cheng once again tried to attack the middle.

His timing was good. After Syndra knocked Clockwork out first, the Blind Sin came out to compensate for the damage.

Unfortunately, Lin Cheng's Q in the face was twisted away by Chaowei's accelerated movement, and this wave failed to complete the kill.

Lin Cheng continued to go back to the jungle.

Soon, Rookie in the middle completed a solo kill.

Chaowei asked Lin Cheng to gain a wave of health, but he had no TP and was stuck in the line. He could not return to the city directly, so he had to shake people to release the line.

While Clockwork was waiting for his teammates to come over and help clear the line, Rookie found an opportunity.

Syndra took the initiative and hid the ball at the extreme distance, knocking Clockwork unconscious. She happened to kill the minion at the same time and was promoted to level six.

Rookie walked up and used his ultimate to kill him directly.

"Hit the ball again! Just upgraded to level 6 for single kill. Rookie's E skill is so accurate today. After a few waves of push, the super power is a little bit explosive."

Zeyuan sounded a little helpless, "That's what the hero Syndra is like. His upper limit lies in his E skill. If you push it correctly, this hero will be invincible in the middle."

The director knew it very well, and after giving Rookie a solo kill, the live camera focused on Xiaoyu.

Xiaoyu waved the cheer stick in her hand and smiled brightly.

Wanwan: "Xiaoyu is also very happy to see Rookie's performance! Happiness is so simple."

"Haha! I actually heard envy in Wanwan's tone"

"Wanwan also wants to watch Brother Chengzi compete live"

"Don't be envious every night! Xiaoyu is going to be fucked crazily by the cock tonight"

"How do you know Wanwan doesn't want to be exported by Brother Chengzi? (Insidious)"

"Fart! Wanwan and Brother Chengzi have a very pure relationship (angry)"

"Brother, it's okay to lie to your buddies, but don't lie to yourself. You'll be in too deep and you won't be able to get out."


After discovering that his teammates had a solo kill, Lin Cheng immediately called.

"Nice! Song Yijin is awesome! You will be the number one mid laner in the world this year."

He is always generous in praising his teammates.

After all, e-sports is also about human nature.

This will make the praise louder, and his teammates will naturally reciprocate when he performs well.

Therefore, praising your teammates = praising yourself.

It may be a little shameless to praise yourself, but there is no psychological barrier at all when you praise your teammates.

Hearing Lin Cheng's words, Rookie was a little embarrassed, "The first mid laner exaggerated. The opponent was too careless this time... It's a pity that I didn't give you an assist."

Lin Cheng reacted, "That's right! Why did you kill alone after I left? This wave doesn't count as my GANK rhythm. You don't want me to grab the POG, right?"

Rookie smiled, "You think too much."

"It doesn't matter! Man, I understand you."

Lin Cheng chuckled, "If my girlfriend is down there, whoever dares to steal my POG, I will worry about him... Do you all hear that? You'd better be more conscious when my family comes to watch the game from now on."

Everyone: "·······"

You shameless bastard, who doesn’t know you have a large family?

My girlfriend comes over, and the four Tara sisters take turns to come over. It’s only been five days. Plus the offseason in between, you’ve got all the POG for a week’s worth of games, right?

Clockwork in the middle lane was killed, but because GEN·G in the bottom lane had control of the lane, Lin Cheng, the first dragon, was not very mobile.

The first dragon was not that easy to fight, and Lin Cheng didn't dare to move if the duo couldn't get past it.

The blind monk tried to look for an opportunity from below.

However, the blue side has a good field of vision. Lux lurked in the grass in the river in advance to trick the blind monk. If the policewoman hadn't come to pick up the trap from the front, Lin Cheng would have been in danger.

With no chance in the bottom lane, Lin Cheng could only clear a circle of jungle and choose to return to the city.

As the bottom lane's policewoman + Lux leveled up, the blue side became easier and easier to beat. Even though Lin Cheng pressed down twice to put pressure on the bottom tower, the bottom tower still lost a layer of skin.

Not long after Lin Cheng returned to the city, Lehends stood in the grass and used a dangerous Q to penetrate the army at the extreme distance and force out Aphelios' purification.

Although this wave did not give the policewoman a chance to catch the trap, Mr. Dai had used Lux's two skills in a row and the policewoman's Q blood volume was only about half.

It just so happens that the blue square troop line is hoarding, and it is difficult for Aphelios to return to the city.

"Lin Cheng, look at me. The bottom lane may be overtaken later."

"I'm coming, I'm coming! Can Song Yijin push the line? Come on."

"OK! OK!"

When Lin Cheng returned home, he had already rushed to the upper half of the area, but when he realized that there was a risk of being jumped over the bottom lane, he quickly turned around and moved lower.

The GEN·G duo fought fiercely and were not in a hurry to push forward the troops stuck outside the tower. Lux kept using her hands and the policewoman to waste away outside the tower.

Just by bullying Aphelios for being out of shape and purified, the two blue brothers almost danced in front of Thresh.

"Qianxi, don't hook! Don't hook! You can't beat him if you hook him."

Even if you look at the opponent's face, Beryl's hook is not easy to pull off.

Of course, Brother Genshin wanted to hook it, but he didn’t know how to write the word “fear” at all.

But Mr. Dai dissuaded him in advance.

Because the red team's duo is not in good shape, and Lux ​​has been using her Q skill all the time, the threat is too great.

The policewoman has purification, Thresh's Q skill is too stiff, and the hook policewoman will definitely use Lux's Q.

Ruler only needs to purify with his backhand to remove the hook, and the Thresh will die under the tower even if he attaches the clip to it.

Golux still has some chances, but he will also face counterattacks from his opponent. If Aphelios is replaced, the wave of troops will explode directly.

For professional players, it is a basic quality to push back the line and try not to fight.

If you win, you may make a small profit, but if you lose, your army line will explode.

This is also the reason why the pace of LCK games often seems dull. If the jungler does not gank, the two sides in the lane can be at odds for eternity.

Because there are rarely completely even lines of troops, once one side feels that the line of troops is not good, they may not exchange blood with the opponent at all.

Ordinary players don't have Lin Cheng's ability to suppress, so they won't be able to attack their opponents if they retreat. This means that Lin Cheng can open up the gap to the greatest extent when his opponents choose to retreat.

It's okay to be stubborn in front of him, but you must raise a daddy who can take the road.

This chapter has been completed!
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