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Chapter 1754 There is always someone whose heart is broken

 After greeting the fans, the KT players sat on the game bench and started debugging the equipment.

The coach also came on stage. Mr. Kang Dongxun put his hands on Lin Cheng's shoulders and massaged him to relax.

"It's your first time playing AD, don't be too aggressive."

"It's different from the training games. The early stage of AD is mainly about development. You should communicate with Qianxi more."

The style that Lin Cheng developed in his previous unit was too aggressive. During training matches, when he played AD, he wanted to suppress the opponent until he couldn't see the line of troops.

This habit is too risky.

Mr. Kang Dongxun was afraid that this guy would not behave like a human being even if he entered the competition.

"Don't worry! I'm much more stable than Kim Hyuk Kyu and I won't die suddenly."


Lin Cheng started talking nonsense, and Mr. Kang Dongxun laughed dryly.

The camera swept over and saw Mr. Kang explaining something earnestly while pressing Lin Cheng's shoulders. The audience could no longer hold their nerves.

This KT coach is proficient in serving tea and water, doing massage and bone-setting, including psychological counseling, right?

Soon, after being confirmed by the on-site referee, the game officially entered the BP stage.

The LCK competition has entered the fifth week and has adopted the 12.3 version. The outside world is also curious about how the two strongest teams in the LCK will interpret the current version.

In the first game, KT BAN first on the blue side.

As soon as they came up, KT pressed down Karma first.

Keria is undoubtedly the best Kalma user in the LCK. His opponents in the games where he used Kalma this season were all locked up in the bottom lane, and no opponent's AD could develop stably.

The key is that Karma is an assistant unlike Lux who can only be paired with Policewoman. The current version of Karma can be paired with EZ and any AD including Aphelios.

The main reason is that after TP was cut, the bottom lane's laning ability is too much. However, Genshin Impact's Karma is a bit abstract. KT can only ban Karma to show respect for the support of Litian Monster.

The red side pushed down the knife girl with his backhand.

Zeyuan: "This is really not giving! Even though Brother Chengzi ran to play AD, he still refused to release the sword girl. T1 was also on guard, fearing that once the sword girl was released, Brother Chengzi would swing to the top order."

"It seems that it's not impossible for Sword Girl to play AD. Beryl and Senna can play."

Wanwan thought for a while, "I remember someone revealed last year that Brother Xiangzi killed Dao girls in the bottom lane during the training match."

Zeyuan: "Well~~~It's not that there has never been a swordswoman in the LCK. Viper played before during Griffin's time, but for little Lu Bu, it must not be a good memory for the swordsman in the bottom lane."

"When RANK used Daomei to develop the i13, I remember that little Lu Bu was fined."

The blue side's second BAN slot was given to Jace.

T1 disables Akali.

"I still dare not put Akali in T1! Although it is not so easy for Orange to play AD Akali in KT now, Rookie, the assassin hero, is also very good at it, and Rascal can also be used."

KT was given a card in the third BAN position.

Zeyuan: "KT took the initiative to press down the card on the blue side! So how do you choose T1 in this way? Should the policewoman and Zeli be fully activated? Or simply press another green steel shadow to prevent Brother Orange from swinging to the limit?"

Wanwan: "The priority of the aircraft is also very high at the moment. This version of the aircraft has no shortcomings except for being weaker in early confrontation. The explosive packs that are refreshed starting at 8 minutes are of great help to the resource group, and the output of the aircraft after the equipment is formed

She is very capable and a supermodel.”

The red side thought for a while and chose to press Xin Zhao with his third hand.

Obviously, T1 is consciously raising the priority of blind monk.

But KT was obviously not prepared to struggle with the jungle position, and the blue side gave up on the blind monk and chose to grab Ryze.

The policewoman is shown on the first floor of red square T1.

The director showed the camera to little Lu Bu at the right time.

Little Lu Bu smiled confidently and was talking to his teammates.

At the same time, the panel below gives his policewoman career data.

Zeyuan: "Here it comes! The policewoman with a 100% winning rate in Xiao Lu Bu's career! This is going to increase the strength of Brother Chengzi! When Karma is pressed, KT's bottom lane will not be able to beat the policewoman no matter what combination it is. +


Wanwan: "But Ryze, who was the first to grab it on the first floor of KT, has something to say. If Ryze has the line right in the middle lane, the female policewoman will not dare to press the bottom lane. The card is banned. It is difficult to find someone in the T1 middle lane who can fight with Ryze.


"Little Lu Bu smiled happily!"

"There is indeed something about a 100% winning rate"

"It is recommended to check the data of Brother Chengzi. It is difficult to find a hero who does not have a 100% winning rate."

Lock up the policewoman, and then sacrifice the blind monk on the second floor of the red square.

Two versions of powerful unique heroes have been obtained, and T1 fans are ready to pop the champagne.

Oner got the blind monk and they didn't know how to lose.

Gumayusi got the policewoman and they didn't know how to lose.

Now that I have both, how can I lose?

Lock the prince + wine barrel on the second and third floors of the blue square.

The commentator started to question.

It is obvious that KT chose to focus on protecting the bottom lane in the first three moves, but no matter how BP looks at it, it reveals an abstraction.

Let’s not talk about the top and jungle combination of Prince and Liquor. Since you want to keep Orange as the core, why not choose the big-core AD first?

There are not many big cores available in this version. KT actually selected the three tool brothers first, leaving the bottom lane for the opponent to target in the second round of BAN position.

There is no scientific research on the third floor of red square T1, so take down Lux first.

Second round of BAN people.

KT pressed down Enchantress + Kennen continuously.

T1 specifically bans Zeli + Aphelios.

Zeyuan: "Oh! Neither Zeli nor Aphelios will give it. Now the only theoretical AD core left for Brother Chengzi is Jinx. The problem is that I checked Brother Chengzi's RANK record yesterday. He Jinx

I played three games in total.”

Wanwan: "Brother Cheng Zi's Varus can beat the policewoman, but in order to make up for the continuous output of this lineup, Varus can only use fast attack speed, and the output environment is easily restricted."

The second round of selection begins.

Red side T1 locks Gnar first on the fourth floor.

Kang Dongxun: "What did Lin Cheng say? Zeli and Aphelios are gone, Jinx?"

Lin Cheng thought for a while and said, "Let's go out to Xialuo. Song Yi goes into the middle lane to grab the lane. We try to use the advantage in the bottom lane to cooperate with the tower."

Kang Dongxun glanced at him.

Good guy!

Let you be more stable in the bottom lane. Are you thinking about jumping Caitlyn + Lux's tower before the game starts?

Beryl was also a little worried, "Xialuo can't beat Caitlin and Lux. Varus + Lulu can still try."

Lin Cheng waved his hand, "No problem. If it explodes, it will be used as a scientific research project. Anyway, it's BO3, so we can't lose."

Kang Dongxun is good at what he does.

After all, Xia is not easy to die suddenly. As long as Lin Cheng is not crushed in the lane, there is always a chance to perform in team battles.

When I think about it this way, I feel much more at ease.

So, the blue side sacrificed Xia Luo with both hands in the end.

Zeyuan: "Ah? Xia Luo beats the policewoman Lux, this is too confident!"

Wanwan: "This combination is very difficult to fight in the lane. Although Brother Chengzi plays Xia very well, after all, Xia only has 525 hands, so she really can't beat the policewoman."

Zeyuan: "This KT bottom lane combination uses reverse ter... I can only say that one person is likely to have his heart broken today."

"Because once the bottom lane is suppressed, it is difficult to repair even with a sword."

"Either Chengzi is starting to wonder why AD is so difficult to play, or little Lu Bu is starting to wonder why his policewoman can't suppress Xia."

This chapter has been completed!
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