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Chapter 1822 0-3, game begins

 "Congratulations to KT for winning the first victory!"

Zeyuan's voice was a little helpless, "In fact, GEN·G was not far behind in the early stage, and was even ahead in the rhythm of the midfield and jungle, but the classic operation fell apart in a short time! A wave in the middle was dodged by Lilia Q and four were directly hit.

It exploded, and then it snowballed to death."

Wanwan: "Actually, looking back, KT's lineup obviously has a routine. Lilia's fixed-point blasting effect with EZ+Jace and Urgot is fully realized. It's a bit like an upgraded version of Zuo Yin's fixed-point blasting tactics.


"Zuo Yin relies entirely on lottery, and Lilia's ultimate move is more stable. Unless GEN·G's front row is well developed, whoever gets hit first will have to lose members, and there will be no subsequent team battles."

Zeyuan: "The key is that Dolan was blown up in the lane. The rocks lay like crispy skin in seconds. He couldn't release his big move several times. As a result, he couldn't put any pressure on him to force his attack. He was repeatedly pulled and toyed by KT."

"When you are played by a long-handed poke lineup and you can't put pressure on starting a team, you won't be able to play at all."

The barrage is very lively.

"666, KT's routine is really cool"

"Lilia E takes the ultimate move and doesn't even see the opponent's hair, so there are fewer people"

"The most hilarious thing is that the two commentators took turns shouting about going to jail and getting out of jail, which made me laugh to death"

"As the GEN·G base exploded, Ze Yuan returned to the cell again (funny)"

"I was released from prison in just ten minutes, 233333"

"Wow! We originally had a chance to win this game, but it would be better for GEN·G to wait until later."

"Damn it! I was tricked by KT's boss, and Urgot's ultimate move from G caused us to reduce our team members before the team battle started every time. It's really annoying."

“Hey C!

!g is so annoying!”

Listening to the complaints from the girl next to her, Ju Li tried not to laugh out loud.

She has been hearing girls complain for a while.

Originally, ten minutes ago, the girl had easily told her that GEN·G had great hopes. Knowing that Juli rarely watched games, she also analyzed how easy her own lineup was to win in the later stages.

As a result, the situation suddenly went wrong. The girl talked less and became depressed.

When the base exploded, she finally couldn't help but start expressing her disappointment.

That is to say, she was afraid of revealing her true nature, so Ju Li reminded herself not to show joy in others' misfortune.

At this time, Lin Cheng, who was about to step off the stage with his teammates, waved in the direction of his sister-in-law.

Ju Li raised her chin slightly and did not respond.

"I forgive him! For the sake of how handsome he is."

The words of the girl next to her made Ju Li laugh silently.

Soon, the second game started.

In this game, GEN·G switched to the blue side and the first round of BP strategy did not change much.

The first three hands of GEN·G were the same as the previous round, choosing Policewoman + Lux + Blind Sin.

KT is also Jayce + EZ + Karma.

However, in the second round, the blue team of the BAN team targeted Lilia + Leopard Girl, which prevented KT from replicating the fixed-point explosion system of the previous game. It also did not have the ultimate poke of jungle Leopard Girl.

There were not many jungle options, and KT played Xin Zhao first on the fourth floor.

But as soon as this Xin Zhao came out, Dolan continued to take out the Stone Man top laner after confirming that Jace was on his way.

Even if he is not convinced, he still wants to speak for Malphite.

GEN·G used BP to force KT Jayce to be unable to swing, achieving the goal of using Stoneman Ter. Zeyuan expressed caution and optimism.

I was optimistic because the stone man beat Jace. Logically speaking, it was indeed a Ter. As long as Little Peanut takes care of him after level 6, Jace would really have a hard time being caught.

I am cautious because Jace’s ID is Lin Cheng.

Facts have proved that Lin Cheng's Jess is indeed good at killing stoners.

The first-level teammate helped to create a line, and Lin Cheng went online and used the grass to wildly weave through the A soldiers to grab the line. When he came out of the grass, he immediately retreated into the sight of the grass card.

Dolan couldn't find a chance to use Q, and even the stone man's Q skill raised his hand, and he released it again the moment Jace entered the grass and lost his vision.

Stone Man's Q is a rare directional single-target skill in the game. This skill will theoretically not be empty, but if the target's vision is lost during the skill release period, the skill will be forcibly interrupted.

And because the forward-pressing Q skill was not thrown, Dolan turned around and was hit by Jeska's sight gun form Q with the grass A to steal a point.

Lin Cheng immediately retreated after finishing the order, leaving Dolan numb.

Without the shield, when the Stoneman hit Jace for the first time in the game, all the blue minions were almost dead.

The moment the stone man launched his Q, Lin Cheng decisively accelerated his Q in the form of a hammer.

Leap to the Sky avoided the damage from the comet, and Jace, who had a minion advantage, beat the stone man and made the stone man run away with his head in his arms.

Lin Cheng made a lot of money from the first-level blood transfusion.

It seems that the mechanism of the Stone Man is simple and mindless, but this can only guarantee the lower limit of the Stone Man. The game on the top road will always depend on the details of both parties.

In terms of follow-up processing, Lin Cheng perfectly demonstrated how Jace should deal with the stone man in the early stage.

It's just a pull.

The most embarrassing thing is that Dolan discovered that he had brought a fake rune.

Why can't I hit my comet?

Lin Cheng's Jace can attack the stone man's Q, but he must either move in the extreme reverse direction to avoid the comet, or use his hammer Q to avoid the comet's damage.

Without the comet's damage, the stone man's consumption would not be so painful, and after the stone man handed over Q, he would be faced with Jace's violent pressure.

But the most difficult thing for Jayce to defeat the Stoneman is not to deal with the laning, but to deal with GANK.

In fact, Dolan knew something was wrong after the first wave of confrontation. He used experience and endured the humiliation to maintain his form. After the sixth round, TP replenished his form and immediately made a difference.

Because the pressing position was too deep, even if Lin Cheng dodged the Stone Man's flashing ultimate move by dodging, he was still forcibly retained by the blind monk.

After hammering away the blind monk and the stone man who came up to slow him down, the two of them just chased Jace to complete the kill.

"Take it! This is the charm of the stone man!"

Zeyuan was slightly excited, "I know your Jace is very strong, but when I pick the Stone Man and manage to reach level 6 as a jungler, how should you respond?"

Wanwan: "Don't panic! This hero is like this. If you don't start with 0-1, you'd be embarrassed to play Jace."

Three minutes later, Lin Cheng was caught and killed again.

There is no room for maneuver. If the blind monk comes up and kicks him, he will not be able to survive.

Zeyuan: "It's 0-2! What do you say?"

Wanwan: "Actually, it's not bad. Brother Chengzi did a lot of last-hitting, and the heads were not taken by the stone man. I should still have an economic advantage in the matchup."

Lin Cheng's 0-2-0 data in 10 minutes looked a bit miserable, but when the director switched to the economic panel, everyone was dumbfounded.

Jace counterpressed the Stone Man for 700 yuan of economy.

Wanwan: "You're seven blocks ahead in the matchup, how do you say that?"

Zeyuan: "Actually, it's not bad. The stone man being pressed is barely acceptable. Just take the heads of Jace and his teammates."

The commentator's seat was reversed, and the audience was dumbfounded with laughter.

Although Dolan cooperated with his teammates to catch two waves of Jace, the stone man was hit too hard under the high pressure, and Jace even had three layers of tapioca eaten by himself.

In the early stages of this game, Lin Cheng was targeted, and his teammates also gained an advantage.

Peanut caught the first wave and lost the dragon. In the second wave, he used two big moves and the vanguard was wasted.

It seems to be targeting the top lane, but KT is far ahead economically on the field.

Rookie's fox moves downstream more, and the jungler continues to put pressure on the bottom lane. With the help of a pioneer EZ, it almost eats up the policewoman's tapi.

“The more help we get on the road, the more we will fall behind economically!”

Wanwan said bluntly: "Peanut doesn't want to win! There is no way out by helping the gangsters. The Stone Man Gang was still suppressed after two waves. Anyway, Dolan only has one ultimate move in team fights, so why not help more policewomen?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Cheng was caught and killed again.

This time it was Jace, who was on the opposite side of the jungle and came together to catch him.

"0-3, game begins!"

This chapter has been completed!
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