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Chapter 1828 For whom does the bell toll?

 Lin Cheng was very good at fighting and knew exactly how to torture the Barbarian King.

Not just a mental attack.

The experience lag is not too much, he can put Dolan forward to push the troop line, and once the troop line reaches the tower, he will start looking for opportunities to harass.

Dolan has not lost his mind yet. After missing the gun truck, he just wants to push the line into the tower as soon as possible.

Because Lin Cheng harassed and used rune damage several times to put pressure on him, the Barbarian King exchanged Q several times to consume his anger and restore blood, causing the A soldier to not push the line fast enough. In addition, the bull head deliberately restrained the line, and the fourth wave of minions from the red side came to the line.

Stuck outside the red square tower.

Lin Cheng had already reached level three. Seeing that the Barbarian King still wanted to push the line in front of the tower, he decisively switched to E and moved forward.

A bell-like sound effect sounded.

The Barbarian King didn't care and just wanted to push the line and find an opportunity to return to the city.

Seeing that he had already applied three layers of trample effects and the Barbarian King still refused to retreat, Lin Cheng stepped forward and used his Q skill, Earth Crush.

When trampling, the bull head ignores the unit volume collision, Lin Cheng takes a step to the side of the opponent, and backhands A out.

Just after being knocked to the ground, before Dolan could do anything, he was punched and knocked unconscious by five layers of bull heads trampling on him.

Continuing to circle behind the Barbarian King, Lin Cheng W pushed the opponent into the defense tower.

Dang Dang Dang!

The bull's head rings the bell.

Tartar received the signal and began to attack.

Fortunately, Dolan had the E skill in his hand, and he resisted the tower and pulled it out of the defense tower range in time.

Although he got out of the tower successfully, the Barbarian King's blood volume was already very low.

Lin Cheng had no skills at this time and still carried a wave of minions, and did not bother Dolan.

The Bull Head chooses to draw the minion's aggro towards the Triangle Grass.

The Barbarian King leaned against the wall from above and retreated to the back to return to the city.

Zeyuan: "Okay! Brother Chengzi has learned how to command the defense tower, right? Ring the bell as a signal! The defense tower will immediately start attacking the Barbarian King after receiving the order."

Wanwan: "It's really torture to fight short-handed heroes like Niutou, especially when the line of troops is stuck in front of the tower. If you don't pay attention, you may be pushed into the tower. The Barbarian King doesn't have any short-handed weapons to clear troops from a long distance. It's extremely uncomfortable."


"Other heroes may be afraid of being overtaken by junglers when their lanes are so hoarded, but Niutou is really not afraid."

Lin Cheng's goal of crippling the Barbarian King has been achieved.

Taking advantage of the time when the Barbarian King returned home, Lin Cheng quickly organized his troops.

The hero Niutou is indeed slow to clear the line, but Lin Cheng deliberately used his physical body to block four long-range soldiers outside the tower after his own soldiers were killed, and used the defensive tower to help him clear the front line of soldiers.

The fifth wave of soldiers came up, and Lin Cheng returned to the city where he was.

This army line will continue to suffer when the Barbarian King TP comes back.

After returning home and replenishing the murder ring + shoes, Lin Cheng immediately turned in the T return line and didn't care that he hadn't even replenished his status.

Although the Barbarian King returned with T immediately and tried to push the line, the line of troops had not been pushed in when the Bullhead TP came back.

This is another problem caused by the changes in the new version of TP.

In the early stage, T soldiers cannot be used. Since the position of the soldier line is in front of the red square tower, the distance to walk back from the T tower on both sides is also different. It is easy for the advancing side to be stuck in another wave of lines.

Without saying a word, Lin Cheng met him and gave WQA an electrocution to hurt him and retreated.

If the soldier line is outside, the single-line electrocution of Niutou must not mess with the WQ second company. At least one skill must be left to prevent the opponent from chasing. However, if the soldier line is stuck outside the tower, there will be less worries.

Although Dolan tried his best to clear out the minions, Lin Cheng used the E stack to trample to threaten the Barbarian King's position, and he just used his body to hold on for two seconds.

Just as the artillery and carriage lines arrived, they got stuck outside the tower again.

Dolan continued to feel uncomfortable.

The consequences of this wave are particularly serious.

Dolan knew that Lin Cheng's Bull Head was very cheap, so he didn't go up to the A soldier randomly and twisted around behind his own soldiers in an attempt to trick out the Bull Head skill.

Once the Bull Head skill is deceived, the Barbarian King can go up and push this wave of lines.

But Lin Cheng ignored him, abandoned his troops and ran to his own triangle grass to make eyes.

After all, Peanut Butter has had a problem with him for a day or two. What if he just handed over the skill to Xin Zhao and came to jump the tower?

Niutou left, and Barbarian King decisively moved forward to push the line.

But the artillery cart line at this time was not so easy to push. Just when Dolan was about to get the first artillery cart in this game, Lin Cheng's Bull Head came back.

He came back from the river and hugged the wall.

The Barbarian King wanted to fill the position of the artillery carriage and gave him the opportunity.

Seeing the bull head, Dolan's first reaction was to quickly kill the gun carriage.

There was no critical hit with one strike, and the cannon car still had HP left.

Just when the Barbarian King was about to raise his sword again, the Bullhead W launched with a brutal charge.

Dolan didn't panic when he was pushed into the defense tower. After all, his blood volume was relatively healthy.

The barbarian king turns E and pulls out.

The direction of Dolan's E is the red side's artillery truck with residual health. He hasn't given up yet and plans to repair the artillery truck by the way.

However, Lin Cheng's decisiveness was beyond imagination.


Seeing King Barbarian turn E, Lin Cheng immediately Qed and flashed his hand.

Barbarian King just started to spin when he was interrupted by Bull Head Q Flash.

The first attack on the defense tower has been launched, and the second luminous bomb is charging.

Something's wrong!

The Barbarian King summoner's skill belt was sprinting + teleportation. Dolan realized the danger and started sprinting to leave.

But Lin Cheng just activated E trample in advance, and when W pushed the Barbarian King away, a layer of the effect was stacked. Bull-head Q flashed over and followed two steps, quickly adding up to five layers of trample.

Before Barbarian King sprinted away, he was punched by Niu Tou and knocked unconscious at the edge of the attack range of the defense tower.

Lin Cheng also doesn't deal damage, Ctrl+3.

Dang Dang Dang!

Niu Tou took out his clapper and started again.

Dolan pressed Q to restore blood, but it was useless.

Defense tower attack falls.

With a scream, the barbarian king died suddenly.

Dang Dang Dang!

The cow is still ringing the bell.

"Dolan tried to repair the gun truck but was pushed into the tower again, but luckily he had E... Oops! He was interrupted by the Bullhead Q Flash! He's going to die!"

Before he finished speaking, when he saw Lin Cheng's bull head suddenly starting to ring the bell, Zeyuan couldn't hold back, "This is too much! Brother Chengzi is attacking the bell ringer!"

“For whom the bell tolls?”

Wanwan chuckled: "Brother Chengzi is so happy today! Let's not talk about how cool this operation is. In fact, he rarely does such a show effect in competitions. He must be in a good mood today, right?"

"I hope Brother Chengzi will always be so happy!"

Barrage explosion.

"Wanwan, she is real, I cry to death!"

"I hope Brother Chengzi will always be so happy! Don't you think about Dolan? (Funny)"

"Being single-handedly killed by Niutou, Dolan's mentality completely collapsed."

"Double row of defense towers, combos and taunts, it's so exciting!"

"The death knell is both Dolan and the colonel, 233333"

Replaying this wave of kills, Lin Cheng's operation is actually really cool.

Dolan first gave the Bullhead a chance to ward back, Lin Cheng W pushed his opponent into the tower, and immediately Q flashed to interrupt the Barbarian King E, including the confident bell ringing from behind, as if everything was within Lin Cheng's plan.

The camera sense is full, this operation would be blown away by any professional support for a long time.

Even some assistants cannot find this kind of highlight lens throughout their careers.

Although some of them have a soaring commentary career after retirement...

The KT fans at the scene were laughing crazy.

Is it possible to kill alone in Bull Head?

Although the defense tower put in a lot of effort, you just said it was a solo kill, right?

This chapter has been completed!
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