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Chapter 179

   After taking the first blood, Lin Cheng, with the help of Olaf, pushed away the artillery line and prepared to return.

But seeing that Olaf had turned around, Lin Cheng was about to send his troops into the tower when the last long-range soldier on the blue side lit up TP.

 Karma lands on the ground, steps back and holds the line of troops outside the tower.

 The purpose of Dolan's line blocking operation is also very clear: to force Lin Cheng's TP out.

With so many red soldiers stuck outside the tower, Lin Cheng would lose a lot of soldiers if he wanted to save TP and run back.

 After going home and waiting for a few seconds, the gold coins were enough to buy the Vampire Scepter. Lin Cheng did not save TP and directly handed over TP to the line.

 In fact, Lin Cheng had no intention of saving this TP. Knowing that Rek'Sai was not in the top half now, he wanted to rely on his equipment advantage to crush a wave of Karma.

 Teleporting the small cannon to the ground, the A soldiers started to go crazy. Lin Cheng pushed the soldier line in and hung the E skill on the tower in front of Karma, turning on the Q rapid fire point tower.

 Aren't you blocking our army line? There are so many soldiers, so you have to clear them with labor and wages.

 Karma used a dog leash to hold the cannon, and while hitting the minion with his Q skill, he hit the cannon.

Lin Cheng didn't care at all, since the defense tower didn't hit him anyway, Karma was just a fool after using two skills.

The small cannon fired wildly at the defense tower, firing out four layers of electric sparks, combined with the explosion and the damage of the soldiers in front, and almost completely destroyed one layer of the tower skin.

Seeing that the soldiers were still there, Lin Cheng clicked the tower twice after the dog chain ended.

Dolan was helpless against Lin Cheng's forced demolition behavior. He was even beaten up by the red side soldiers and lost a lot of health after throwing his skills to the cannon.

Although the cannon was knocked out of nearly one-third of its health, the Vampire Scepter and Dolan's battery life can quickly regain it.

Finally, the line of soldiers was pushed out. When Lin Cheng saw that his opponent's Q skill was handed over, he directly crossed the position where the minion blocked Karma and pushed the line frantically with the A soldier. From time to time, he found opportunities to steal some Karma.

  Compared to the Kalma, the shooting range of the small cannon is still very advantageous. If Dolan hadn't been positioned outside the tower, Lin Cheng would have jumped up again.

Although it did not pose a fatal threat to Karma again, Dolan was obviously at a disadvantage when he couldn't push back even Kalma's lines.

The top lane is like this. After many heroes complete a solo kill, you will find that he is completely dominating the opponent's face. Even if the jungler does not come to help, he can hold down the opponent for the rest of his life.

Especially for small artillery, if Lin Cheng is a short-handed hero, it would be enough to kill him once, and it would be very easy for Karma, the old bastard in the top lane, to clear the line.

 But the small artillery has an advantage, which is different. As long as Lin Cheng is not so stupid that he keeps using his face to receive Karma's skills, the A-soldiers will continue to push the lane, which can put great pressure on Karma.

Karma will be jumped in the face if he dares to push the line and is careless, but he is constantly being pushed into the tower and can only watch helplessly as the cannon touches the tower.

Of course, Lin Cheng only acted aggressively for two minutes. When he expected that Rek'Sai would come up again, he restrained himself a lot and no longer pressed the line so aggressively.

Lin Cheng played very well on top, but KT's bottom lane duo was having a hard time.

Although Kalista is very strong in the early stage, it is actually not easy to face Senna and Rambo online with a Taric.

Senna's ability to pull the line was too strong. Coupled with Rambo's good damage and ability to push the line, Kalista and Taric were firmly pinned under the tower after several waves, and were defeated in less than five minutes.

I ate one layer of the tart crust.

I remember: "The duo of DRX still has an advantage in the lane. Kalista is very powerful in a fight, but it is very weak when it comes to Cena's combination of being able to milk and push the lane."

Ze Yuan: "Tusin also wants to find opportunities, but exchanging blood is not profitable. At least in the laning phase, the KT duo will always be suppressed, unless the glare of the gems can always stun two, but that is impossible."

5 and a half minutes later, Rek'Sai's figure was spotted in the upper river view. Bono didn't bother to click on the passing divination flowers in the lower half of the area, and went straight to the dragon pit to steal the first earth dragon.

When Olaf and the first dragon have to fight secretly, you can imagine that KT's lane rights situation in the middle and bottom lanes must be very unoptimistic.

However, people are so unlucky that their teeth are blocked even when they drink cold water. Bono was about to kill the little dragon when he was suddenly discovered by the card's ultimate move that lit up.

 Tusin: "Rambo and Senna are coming, stop fighting."

In order to fight this dragon, Bono's level 4 Olaf is almost out of health. In this case, he can only pay punishment to restore health and then run away.

 Slip away, the dragon doesn’t want it anymore.

Chovy saw that Olaf had recovered a lot of health from Punishment and didn't want to fly anymore. At this time, the Enchantress had already moved towards the river. After all, KT still had the upper hand in the lower half of the area.

 There was no fight in Xiaolong Pit. Instead, Tusin found an opportunity for DRX's duo when they returned to the lane.

 Calista had already cleared the line, and Tusin's Taric glanced through the corner wall to see where the opponent was coming back, and flashed over with a glare effect.

Tarik's E flash stunned the two of them, set it on Cena, and Kalista went up to do crazy damage.

 The two sides fought fiercely in the river.

Without the involvement of the army line, Kalista is still very strong in this kind of explosive confrontation, and Senna's health drops very quickly.


Mr. Dai's W Endless Stay was just dodged by the sliding step of his skateboard shoes. Just now, his E skill was thrown away in a hurry. Seeing that the situation was not right, he flashed and healed, and DF came out twice in a row.


Aiming followed Senna decisively, took two steps after Senna, and then drew his spear to complete the kill.

Since Aiming deliberately pierced Rambo with a spear before pulling out the spear, the remaining Rambo was slowed down at the river crossing. After running all the way, he was eventually chased and beaten to death by two people.

 Calista gets a double kill.

Bono's Olaf quickly came back to cooperate with the bottom lane to win the earth dragon that he missed just now.

Zeyuan: "Hey! The blue team was careless. Two of them were stunned by the gem dazzle. Do you want to fight to the end? There is a ignition on the opposite side. How can you fight with the lack of summoner skills?"

I remember: "This was a double kill. Tusin's gem found an opportunity with a very decisive E flash, and the KT duo, which was disadvantaged in the line, completed the double kill."

Ze Yuan: "Then the bottom lane of DRX is cracked! How can you two people survive being double-killed by Kalista? Bono is going back to fight the dragon again, so no one will bother him this time, right?"

“Outrageous! The colonel just said that the KT duo will always be suppressed, but Longcha immediately sent a double kill.”

 “It’s so funny, Colonel: Unless the gem faints twice, then the gem really faints twice.”

 “Colonel: No problem, you can fight.”

“There is no one who can’t turn over the milk of a college student, 23333.”

“Mr. Dai touched the milk stains on the keyboard and felt a mysterious power.”

"The scary thing is that the colonel said that DRX's bottom lane is cracked, and the KT duo seems to be ready to send off."

This chapter has been completed!
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