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Chapter 1857 Referee! Someone cheated on the spot

 Zeyuan: "Wow! The fighting in the bottom lane was so fierce! Both sides were very angry today, and they even started fighting before they were promoted to the second level."

Wanwan: "Bery had realized that Lux would hit him back, so he deliberately moved to the side after releasing his skills, but unfortunately he still didn't react to Lux's Q flash."

"The intention of Lux's Q-dodge in front of her is quite obvious. If Karma can dodge and avoid Lux's Q-dodge, this wave of T1 bottom lane will directly explode."

Remember: "There's really no way! Genshin Impact sometimes just realizes that the bit operation can't keep up, and you can't ask Cheng Zi for his reaction."

Beryl is also regretful after this round.

"Hey C! Flash didn't hand it over."

He knew that Lux was going to QQ him, and he also knew that Lux might dodge Q, but he just didn't react.

For professional players, it is really uncomfortable if the operation cannot keep up with the consciousness.

Just like many older players, they have already preset how to operate and know the most reasonable operation, but often the result is that the screen is black and they can only think about the pig B operation they just made and get sulky.

Before the director had time to replay the bottom lane, Cuzz's prince bypassed his own triangle grass.

He didn't care about the bottom lane and directly sent the signal to the middle lane.

Faker has a habit of placing the first accessory eye next to the opponent's F6 pit in the early stage to detect the opponent's jungle path.

If he has the right to push the line, he will choose to set his sights between the first two waves of soldiers, otherwise he will set his sights before the first wave of minions comes online.

Due to the hand length advantage of the card, it is difficult for Galio to grab the line if he does not want to be white-pointed at level 1. Therefore, in this round, Faker took the opportunity to go to the blue side F6 after the first wave of minions.

At that time, the prince was playing F6.

Cuzz saw that his jungle route was exposed. After the prince finished playing F6, he went around from the F6 grass to brush the stone man, and then moved from the river to the middle along his own triangle grass.

Knowing that the prince was in the lower half of the field, he should go up as usual. After Faker's card pushed the third wave of artillery lanes, he chose to lean towards the lower river, with his face in the grass.

"Faker is gone! Cuzz's monster!"

The prince just happened to advance into the grass one step ahead, and when he saw the card coming over, he directly shot the red BUFF to slow it down.

Rookie also didn't use skills, flash + E hit the card.

Cuzz squeezed the EQ and refused to let go.

Realizing that a yellow card couldn't save him, Faker chose to save the flash and surrender the kill.

Zeyuan: "This wave of Cuzz's intelligence! Because Faker looked at the intersection next to F6, he didn't notice that the prince entered the river from the jungle and mistakenly thought that the lower half of the area was safe. As a result, Cuzz made a big circle from below to catch him.


Remember: "To be honest, there is really no need for Faker to explore the grass this time. He is not going to do eye protection. At this time, he will not think about going down to put pressure on EZ, right?"

No one expected that the pace of the finals would be so fast. In less than three minutes, the middle and lower teams were losing their lives one after another.

On the contrary, Lin Cheng's top lane was relatively calm.

The main reason is that the top laners in LCK are now smarter. They know that Lin Cheng is very detailed in the early stage, and none of them want to communicate with Lin Cheng in the early stage.

When Zeus's Ornn comes up, he accumulates Indestructible and goes around Silas to replenish troops. He still holds the skills in his hand and doesn't put them around. Lin Cheng is not very good at exchanging blood first.

Although Sylas has no pressure on the lane monster, he still needs to level up to exchange blood before he can feel comfortable.

In the middle of Cuzz's lane, the card was captured spiritually, but judging from the subsequent results, it was not a profit.

Because Galio handed over the flash, the card's advantage in leading the flash line was amplified, and Rookie continued to be suppressed.

Five minutes later, Galio's blood volume was low and he had to go home.

It just so happened that Lin Cheng had a chance to return to the city after pushing the line on the road.

"Lao Song, please change the lane? I'll go to the middle lane, and I can fight with the cards for support later."

"OK! I'll go up and hang out with Ornn."

The two quickly reached an agreement, Lin Cheng went out and went straight to the middle, and Galio turned up.

Because Rookie was suppressed out of flash, the middle line of troops was pushed. Even if Galio reached level six, it was impossible for him to match the card's support speed.

Lin Cheng doesn't have this problem when he switches to the middle lane. He can compete with cards in the lane, and when he reaches level 6, he can steal cards' ultimate moves to support him.

Although the card can suppress Silas due to its hand length advantage under normal circumstances, the prerequisite is that Silas does not find an opportunity to get close to him for a blood exchange.

Unfortunately, Lin Cheng is good at this.

Zeyuan: "KT chose to change lanes in the middle and let Orange's Silas go to the middle to match the cards."

Wanwan: "It's a very smart choice! Galio's early support initiative is worse than that of the card. In addition, Rookie has been suppressed since he lost his flash. Let Orange go to the middle and there will be no such problems."

Lin Cheng's switch to the middle has a significant effect.

If a card wants to suppress Silas in the middle, it must form a military line advantage, and then use its hand length to cooperate with the small soldiers to suppress it.

Lin Cheng seized the opportunity while Faker was pulling him.

When the card steals some E passive damage and is hit by Silas' Q skill, it will be slowed down.

Lin Cheng decisively got close with EW and hit A three times in a row to passively stack up the Conqueror. Faker made a snake-skin move and got a yellow card at the same time.

But Lin Cheng was too thin, and the second E in the middle of the minion accurately pulled the card, and the forced displacement of the second E just exceeded the yellow card's control time.

After pursuing for a few steps, Silas Q chain whip shot again.


Although he likes to save and dodge, if he saves any more, he will be killed by himself. Faker did not hesitate this time.

Wanwan: “Faker was knocked out of the way!

!The effect of Brother Orange's Silas switching to the middle is very good. I'm afraid it will be difficult for the card to find opportunities to actively support the wings in the future."

"Brother Chengzi's mission is to lock the cards. All he needs to do is put pressure on him."

As Wan Wan said, knowing that his bottom lane was poor in proactive offensive capabilities, Lin Cheng was responsible for concentrating on suppressing cards in the middle lane.

Even when he was promoted to sixth level, he didn't immediately steal the ultimate card move.

It wasn't until almost 7 minutes later that Lin Cheng took the initiative to steal the card's ultimate move for the first time in the game.

He knew that the dream demon was approaching six.

Lin Cheng: "Nocturne is almost six, please pay attention."

Beryl: "It's hard to go back to the city in the bottom lane. Let's wait until we find an opportunity to push another wave of lanes."

Lin Cheng: "It doesn't matter! If I have the line right in the middle, I can lean down. Don't worry about pushing."

Oner kept grinding hard during this game, and successfully reached level 6 in the early 7 minutes.

Just at this time, KT's duo was pressing the line in the bottom lane.

Mr. Dai and Genshin Impact are in really good condition today. EZ still has the E skill after losing flash. On the contrary, Keria Lux doesn't dare to position aggressively to put pressure on her after losing flash.

This leads to the fact that KT in the bottom lane actually has certain advantages in early lane rights.

Oner found that the opponent's duo was a little deep, so he directly activated his ultimate move in the lower half.

At this time, Lin Cheng's Silas was already leaning against the lower river.

But since he didn't know whether the Dream Demon was up or down, he couldn't tell where Oner was flying.

Lin Cheng: "Where is Nocturne? Is it flying down the lane?"

Mr. Dai: "I don't know, I haven't come here yet."

Rookie: "It should have flown down. I retreated back to the tower."

Lin Cheng didn't care so much and activated the ultimate move of the stolen card directly.

The suppression effect of the Dream Demon's ultimate move exists, and the map is still pitch black.

But the cards can fly at this time.

Lin Cheng is ready to fly down at any time.

However, the map was pitch black and he didn't know the enemy's location. It would be bad if he flew into the enemy's face and was clipped by the female police officer. But if he flew far away, he was worried that support would not be timely.

Having an idea, Lin Cheng stretched his neck and turned his head to look at his teammates' screens.

This guy's eyesight is so good that he saw Mr. Dai's screen across two teammates.

There is no need to see the details clearly, just confirm the position of the duo.

Beryl: "Come on, come on! The devil is flying over me."

Just in time to see Mr. Dai being driven outside the middle grass, Lin Cheng decisively turned the second R and flew towards the middle grass.

Because EZ has purification, the ultimate target of Incubus is Karma. Even though Beryl flashes + E to speed up the retreat, Incubus flashes and follows him out of fear.

However, due to his decisive retreat, Karma was not killed instantly by concentrated fire.

Lin Cheng flew down the moment Karma was struck in the face by the incubus, and Silas had already landed on the ground by the time the incubus pulled out his fear.

The T1 duo followed up and wanted to cooperate with the Dream Demon to kill Karma, but Lin Cheng suddenly emerged from the grass nearby.

Silas EW got close and hit the Dream Demon with two flat A bangs.

Karma strengthened W and regained two mouthfuls of old blood, Lux's Q missed again, and T1 failed to kill Beryl first.

On the contrary, Silas passively cooperated with his teammates with two shots to directly kill the Dream Demon.

The Q skill slows down the policewoman, and Lin Cheng hits the second E with his backhand.

The three of them pursued, but Xiao Lu Bu was still killed by EZ's insidious soldier-penetrating Q.

Zeyuan: "KT pressed too deep in the bottom lane! The Dream Demon's first big move in the game is about to be successful... Hey! Silas came so fast!"

Wanwan: "Brother Chengzi has done a great job. T1 selected cards + Dream Demon's midfielder deliberately targeted the bottom lane. The first wave of rhythm was resolved by Brother Chengzi!"

The director is very good.

The first thing I did was not rush to replay the perspective of the game, but instead gave the players shots.

Lin Cheng was caught red-handed while twisting his neck to look at his teammate's screen to confirm his position.

Zeyuan: "Haha! He is looking at Deft's screen. What should I say? I am Oner and I want to file a complaint! One of the functions of the Dream Demon's ultimate move is to suppress the field of vision."

Wanwan: "No problem! There has never been any rule that you are not allowed to look at your teammates' screens!"

"Fuck! Cheating, right? Referee!"

"Brother Chengzi is so awesome!"

"Reported! Brother Chengzi cheated"

"Oner: Why can't my ultimate move block the field of view?"

"Trivia, Hat King has done this before, and Fist's response is that it is not against the rules (laughing and crying)"

"Let me tell you, it's not against the rules to look at your teammates' screens (funny)"

"The mess is about to break the defense 23333"

This chapter has been completed!
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