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Chapter 1863 This time, I may be extra cruel

 Seeing the opponent's hesitation, KT had already guessed what the opponent was thinking.

Mr. Dai: “Lin Cheng’s sign is going to be released!”

Rokie: "They want to replace Zeli, can Zeli handle it?"

Beryl: "Lin Cheng can grab Zeli first, but the opponent will definitely not grab Camille and Irelia."

Lin Cheng: "Last time any of you said that, my Camille was robbed."

Beryl: "Definitely this time!"

Kang Dongxun: "This time I will definitely do it."

Lin Cheng: "Haha! Look! If they ban Irelia, I can tolerate it, but if Irelia is released..."

Lin Cheng sat up straight, "I'm sorry! Who stopped me today..."

Before he finished speaking, the red side’s third BAN finally decided on Galio.

Lin Cheng decisively locked the knife girl on the first floor of the blue square.

Zeyuan: "Sister Dao! As expected, there was no hesitation. Brother Chengzi locked up Sister Dao instantly."

Wanwan: “Wow!

!For the first time this season! Brother Chengzi finally got Sword Girl again. I even thought he might not be able to choose this hero until he retires."

Remember: "It depends on whether the things T1 exchanged with Dao Mei can show value."

The camera shows Lin Cheng.

This guy is saluting towards the T1 player bench opposite.

Put your fingers together and wave them suddenly in front of your forehead.

"Thank you T1 veteran! I will perform well."

The barrage can't hold up anymore.

"Haha! Brother Chengzi's face"

"Congratulations KT3:0"

"In the life-and-death game, let the sword girl be carried away by yourself, T1's BP is too top-notch"

"Don't panic! What if Brother Chengzi loses for the first time in his career (funny)"

"Brother Cheng Zi hasn't played Dao Mei for more than half a year, and he has no proficiency anymore. This one is optimistic about T1"

"Insert Eye! Wait for Digging"

"At this time, if the blue side grabs Zeli, it will be a sure win"

"Indeed! Sword girl Qinggangying didn't dare to take it first even if she let it go to T1"

"But that doesn't suit Brother Chengzi's personality"

"If you really do that, T1 will probably make Brother Chengzi so angry that he won't be able to eat for three days if he robs the knife girl."

After releasing the Sword Girl, T1 locked the Zeli + card on the red side as expected.

These two heroes have basically been banned on the red side this season. Logically speaking, T1 uses a sewer-level hero in exchange for two versions of OP. No matter how you look at it, it is a huge profit.

But it happens that Dao Mei’s ID is Lin Cheng.

At this time, not even the stall owners dared to open the champagne.

So scary!

Zeus communicated urgently with the team members with a solemn expression.

Only little Lu Bu was smiling.

Anyway, he didn't go up to confront the sword girl, of course he could still laugh.

Little Lu Bu even interacted with the camera.

Hold out two fingers on your left hand and three fingers on your right hand.

Korean culture is very lively.

"He means a 3:2 reversal!"

"Guma laughed again, scary!"

"Stop laughing anymore! If you lose, come back from Ulsan"

"This big yusi is going to be carried"

"I'm so confident! I like Gumayusi so much"

"He has g's self-confidence, but does not have g's strength. It's enough to be slapped in the face again and again."

"He is laughing, Zeus is almost crying"

Seeing Zeli, the blue side locked Ashe + Titan on the second and third floors.

To deal with a flexible hero like Zeli, Titan's lock mechanism is a common understanding among all LCK teams.

But if teammates protect her well, a Titan's ultimate move is far from enough to limit Zeli in team battles.

In fact, there is another hero with a strong headlock mechanism that restrains Zeli.


In this year's Spring Split, Hanwha's jungler Onfleek was the first to use Wei. As a supplement to the mid laner Fox, he can form a perfect control chain.

Karsa from the LPL also came out later.

However, Wei's wild area is a bit weak. It can be said that none of the strong junglers in the current version of the jungle can be defeated, so Wei has not really become popular in the spring split.

The fact that the mechanism is old is secondary. In essence, LOL still has numerical values ​​as king.

Only the beauty of numerical values ​​​​can truly create a version of monsters. Once a hero with a crude and brainless mechanism like Wei has beautiful numerical values, the arena will definitely be flooded.

The red side's third hand sacrifices the way out.

It's rare that neither team used a jungler in the first round.

In the second round of banning, T1 banned Ice Lady + Dream Demon on the red side.

This is all to create a team battle output environment for Zeli. Otherwise, no matter how flexible the Titan Head Lock + Ice Ultimate + Ice Dream Demon enters the field, it will be useless.

KT banned Zhumei + Foyego on the blue side.

Start selecting people.

The troops will go out first on the fourth floor of T1.

Apart from Lee Sin, Centaur is the most outstanding jungler in the playoffs. Peanut and I both like to use it, but there are not many other options for Oner.

The blue side showed Jace + Leopard Girl in the last two hands.

Zeyuan: "What do you say about KT's midfielder? It feels like there is no coordination, it's a bit weird."

"It means a strong invasion in the upper half."

Wanwan expressed her understanding: "Orange Brother and Sword Girl have a natural advantage against anyone in the top lane. Jess in the middle lane will definitely have lane rights when playing cards in the early stage. Cuzz's Leopard Girl will destroy the upper and jungle areas of the troops."

Remember: "This style of play sounds a lot like jungle core. The two lanes protect the jungler and invade. I just wonder if Cuzz can take on the important task?"

T1 finally released the wine barrel.

This hero is indeed easy to beat the Sword Girl online. Anyway, Zeus’ mission today is to stay in the mix and prevent Lin Cheng from breaking through.

The lineups of both sides are confirmed.

Blue side KT:

Top road: g (Blade Dancer, Irelia)

Jungler: Cuzz (Wild Huntress, Nidalee)

Middle: Rookie (Future Guardian, Jayce)

Bottom lane: Deft (Ice Shooter, Ashe)

Support: Beryl (Abyssal Titan, Nautilus)

Red square T1.

Top road: Zeus (Barrel, Gragas)

Jungler: Oner (Shadow of War, Hecarim)

Middle: Faker (Card Master, Drizzt)

Bottom lane: Gumayusi (Zuan Hanabi, Zeli)

Support: Keria (Fairy Witch, Lulu)

"The lineups of both sides are very clear! KT must attack with advantage in the upper half, and they have to pick up the pace to win the game."

Zeyuan analyzed it carefully: "On the contrary, T1 doesn't have much offensive pressure. They can use cards to grab the edge and start the rhythm, or they can forcefully protect Zeli in the team fight in the later stage. As long as they can protect Zeli in the team fight in the later stage, they can fight casually.


Remember: "Based on the lineup alone, I am optimistic about T1. KT's offensive pressure is too much, but they have no coordination in the middle and jungle. It is not that easy to completely open the gap."

"But after all, the user of Sword Girl is Brother Chengzi! You can always trust him."

Wanwan said in a high-spirited tone, "We don't know how strong Little Lu Bu's Zeli is, but it actually made T1 willing to pay the price of Sword Girl in exchange for KT."

After a pause, she added: "Even! It's possible that we won't know the answer to this question after this fight is over."

Barrage explosion.

"Haha! Wanwan starts again"

"Already booked for 3:00, right? Wanwan knows how to open champagne"

"I also want to know how strong Xiao Lu Bu's Zeli is"

"It's not like I haven't taken it before, so it doesn't feel that perverted."

"The T1 truck has already set off! It is expected to arrive at the T1 headquarters in half an hour"

"Okay! Just in time the T1 base exploded"

Lin Cheng has already chosen his champion skin and finished adjusting the runes.

Before leaving the contestants' bench, Kang Dongxun patted Lin Cheng on the shoulder.

"Come on! It's up to you."

Lin Cheng nodded seriously: "Coach, you can go with peace of mind."

Kang Dongxun: "······"

Why does this sound wrong?

Mr. Dai: "Can Lin Cheng carry this hand? It's my first Ashe this year."

Cuzz said: "The opponent has more control, Lin Cheng, I can make a crucible for you."

Peanut butter! What you can do for Lin Cheng, I, the grapefruit thief, can do too.

Lin Cheng waved his hand, "Don't forget, my girlfriend is here."

"Maybe, I mean maybe."

"I might be extra cruel today."

As he was talking, he noticed that the scene footage was coming over.

Lin Cheng faced the camera and once again reached out to his cheek to make a half-hearted gesture.

Han Shuyan, take care!

The scene erupted into cheers, and KT interacted with Lin Cheng enthusiastically. Fans, both male and female, expressed their love for Lin Cheng in the same gesture.

"This guy... really is."

Han Shuyan pursed her lips and waved the light stick in her hand, her curved eyes filled with a gentle smile.

Come on!

Don't lose if you use your sister's dark silk skin.

This chapter has been completed!
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