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Chapter 1957 Man-machine! Huang Za speaks

Lin Cheng's Gwen's three-head development has already taken off, and because of the huge advantage on the top lane, Cuzz was stuck activating the vanguard for 8 minutes.

Although Gwen does not have a big move, the captain is not very powerful at this time, and Abin is still tired of taking towers and going offline. RNG can only choose to let go of the vanguard.

Wei won the vanguard in less than 8 and a half minutes. Brother Cuzz first returned to his upper jungle area to brush two groups of jungle, and then ran to the top lane to help Lin Cheng counterattack.

"Does Lin Cheng want to release the vanguard?"

"No rush! Let's put it in the middle."

At this time, the captain used a gunpowder barrel in front of the tower to clear the line quickly, and his health was very healthy. Brother Cuzz squatted for a while and found that no one was coming to catch Gwen, so he simply ran around the jungle to brush the opponent's F6.

Rookie's fox is leaning against the lower channel.

The card has disappeared, and Lao Song thought that his opponent wanted to play the bottom lane again.

But Xiaohu actually didn't lean down this time. The card wandered in the middle for a while, and he took two steps toward his upper jungle area and just happened to find Wei who was stealing F6.

Brother Cuzz turned around and ran to the side.

And Serena is also in the upper half, and the vast scorched earth of Foyego spreads along the red BUFF wall.

The cards begin to be cut.

Wei leaned against the wall of the Dragon Pit and began to charge Q.

Zeyuan: "We caught Wei, but it shouldn't be easy to keep him. He can just Q down the wall..."

As soon as he finished speaking, I don't know if Brother Cuzz was too nervous. When he saw the scorched earth in Foego, he just wanted to get off the wall as soon as possible.

Therefore, he did not wait until he was completely against the wall and had his Q fully charged before going down.

Wei hit a wall!

Zeyuan: "Hey! I've hit a wall! I'm going down without Q! Then I'm going to get you!"

Miller: "Is that okay? Good brother Cuzz! It has to be you!"

Brother Cuzz hit his head against the wall and quickly dodged to the dragon pit.

But the card still has a big move.

The little tiger flew into the dragon pit and received a yellow card.

Foyego's ultimate move moves over the wall, and W connects with Thousand Years Swallow.

Wei forced a big move lock card to open up a position with Foego, but it was really difficult to escape.

Foyego won the opponent and killed it.

Before the grapefruit thief died, he had a real eye inserted inexplicably.

Seeing that there was no way to rescue him, Lin Cheng had no choice but to retreat halfway.

Zeyuan didn't hold back: "Brother Cuzz, this way of death is too cool! His Q can't hit the wall, and then he will die. Wei uses his ultimate move and gives a real eye money, maximizing the loss."

Miller: "I have been worried about the rhythm of Wei's first ultimate move, but the result is okay, Cuzz understands long live friendship."

Lin Cheng was also confused by this, but after thinking that his good brother had given up his life to him just now, Lin Cheng didn't say anything.

Grapefruit Thief is really a player whose actions are easily deformed when he is nervous. Contra Male Gun is still an unsurpassed classic.

After all, it is unbelievable to use B in combos. There is no skill button in LOL that relies on B.

Of course, it doesn’t mean that Cuzz is giving away free money. After all, this wave has deceived the card’s ultimate move.

Lin Cheng can continue to press hard.

When his teammates suffered a heavy blow, Rookie also tried to gank in the bottom lane and successfully forced Kai'Sa to double call.

"It's okay! The current rhythm of RNG is quite acceptable. The jungler matchup is leading, and the double C development is no problem. It's just that Bing Ge has to hold on to it bit by bit. The captain's ultimate move creates an advantage for teammates in the lower half.


After Miller finished speaking, Gwen once again killed the captain alone on the road.

This wave was a bit unremarkable. Lin Cheng had just returned from filling up the Canyon Maker, and when he met, he immediately used his sprinting ultimate move, Lake Face.

Abin did not send the flash that he had just converted at the first time, and chose to use his backhand to delay Gwen's pace.

But after taking the second section of R, I realized something was wrong, and the damage was really explosive.

The captain flashed and tried to run away, but Gwen rushed into the tower and killed him forcefully.

Zeyuan: "It's over! We've already killed like this on the road, and we can't stand the line anymore."

Miller: "Brother Bing is really careless. Although he is just outside his own tower, Gwen has this advantage and has to dodge as soon as he enlarges the captain."

"Now there are no more people, and the flash ultimate skill is no longer available. What should I do if Gwen's ultimate skill can be used again later?"

Chinese barrage is very interesting.

"It's hard to stretch! It's like killing a chicken"

"The emperor speaks!"

"In Huang Za's words, this is how the disadvantaged lane is, and it's normal to be killed alone (dog head)"

"I was killed three times by a single player in just ten minutes, and I couldn't even give him away like this!"

The Korean language has already broken through.

They originally had high hopes for RNG, but they didn't expect that RNG's top laner was even more aggressive than last time.

If you can't beat me, don't beat me!

Are you scared to use your ultimate move to support your teammates?

At least give your teammates some feedback!

"Xiba! Is this RNG top laner human?"

"This Gangplank Bobo was killed in a duel, and his ultimate move never supported the lower half."

"Didn't I say that China's second top laner? Vomited!"

"This fat man is not as good as Zeus. I don't know why you think he can fight against g?"

"Tanza failed to recognize his father!KKKKKK"

Lin Cheng's voice was so loud that his teammates all shouted that it was safe.

Brother Cuzz finally found his rhythm with the first wave of tricks and the second wave of ultimate moves.

Wei locks the head and cooperates with Fox in the middle to stably control a set of explosive and powerful cards.

The power of this combination is truly astonishing. Wei's Q+R is too far to keep people away, and the fox's ultimate move can't keep up with the third stage. Even if the opponent has a flash, it will be difficult to escape.

After grabbing the dead card, Wei used the opportunity to release the vanguard and cripple the middle tower.

Xiao Ming rushed to the middle and cooperated with Foyego's defense to prevent his middle tower from falling prematurely.

But when Niutou ran away, Kasha suffered a serious blow.

Although Gala is used to placing orders, it also depends on who the opponent is.

Genshin Brother realized that Niutou was not there, so he flashed into the tower and used his ultimate move, and cooperated with Varus to easily kill Kai'Sa.

KT's third line blossomed and its rhythm took off.

The plating disappeared in 14 minutes, and KT was already leading by nearly 4,000 gold, most of which was concentrated on Gwen.

But the RNG players haven’t given up yet.

Wei's Foyego continues to find rhythm in the bottom lane.

The first wave forcibly eliminated all the skills of the KT duo. When the second wave of Cuzz support arrived, RNG still played 1 for 2 because the card was the first to support.

Although Wei, a player, has had ups and downs in LPL, he is in really good form this MSI.

However, although RNG is not afraid of confrontation in the lower half under Wei's active leadership, Gwen on the top lane has become a big devil.

No one dares to arrest Lin Cheng now.

The card is originally a tool man with insufficient damage in the early stage, and Gwen's equipment level is completely crushed. If RNG goes to the middle and jungle together, he may be killed in a 3-on-1 fight.

But RNG is not a completely resigned team. They still want to seek collision among neutral resources.

Then, the red side of the second-generation vanguard team battle wanted to give it a try.

Due to consecutive solo kills, Lin Cheng single-handedly took down a tower with full plating on the top lane. In 15 minutes, Gwen's second piece of Nash's Fang had already come out.

At this time, KT didn't care about Kai'Sa at all in the team fight. The Titan lock first forced Foyago to use his ultimate move, and then Wei flashed directly to lock Foyago.

Niutou wanted to prevent the fox from entering the field, but was easily resolved by Rookie's ultimate move.

The fox E charmed Foego, and Varus added an arrow to kill him instantly.

Since Foego used his ultimate move immediately and retreated, Lin Cheng's Gwen didn't have to worry about anything else from the front. He activated his W and hit him forward, hitting whoever he touched.

Now no one can handle Gwen's damage, Lin Cheng's entry is devastating.

The captain originally ran out and wanted to make a three-barrel combo, but Gwen opened Sprint E and went up with a backhand scissor to snatch the barrel from the opponent's feet. Then, he faced the enemy and launched a big wave.

The captain hit Q and tried to run away by eating oranges to slow down, but was killed instantly by Gwen who combined with the damage from his teammates.

Lin Cheng turned around quickly and cut the bull's head to death again, and the third R of his backhand penetrated RNG's double C at the same time.

The enemy's health bar disappears instantly.

Gwen scored four kills, and RNG was defeated.

Miller: "Oops! I can't fight! How to deal with Gwen's two-piece set in 15 minutes? It's already impossible to fight. Orange Brother has three stages of R and the card and Kai'Sa have lost half of their health. What else can we do?"

"Uh~~~Now RNG still has the only chance."

Zeyuan's tone was a little tense, "I can only pray for Brother Chengzi to come again in 20 minutes. Now that he is back in the city, give the big bounty to Kai'Sa and build a big dragon. It's best to KT other people Calabash to save grandpa and then send the waves to destroy him."


"The plan worked! It only took 15 minutes for the colonel to start doing it, 23333"

"Already a human and a machine!"

"This Gwen is invincible, damn! Shiyijian"

"Do zombies still have the nerve to say that horse-faced people are Shi Yijian? Look at this Gwen"

"Where's Huang Za? Don't pretend to be dead! Wasn't it loud before the game?"

"Brother Chengzi knocked Huang Za offline in one wave"

"Huang Za dare not speak! Cheng Za comes out for team building!"

"This captain is pure born! Teammates are dumbfounded to have such a big daddy"

"Serena Williams really tried her best! There is no help on the road"

"The captain failed in a row and only dealt a Q damage before being killed. It was so joyful!"

"It's a pity that Foego can't kill his teammates and transform, otherwise Serena would stab the captain to death and transform."

The subsequent impact of this wave of group destruction was too great, so Cuzz directly placed the vanguard in the middle.

The first tower on the red side had already been hit head-on. The people resurrected by RNG had no time to defend, causing the vanguard to hit the high ground in the middle.

KT widened the economic gap to nearly 9,000 in 17 minutes.

No one expected that the game would turn out like this.

Originally everyone thought they would be equally matched opponents, and many people even thought that KT had a high chance of overturning today.

Who would believe it turned out to be a massacre?

Before the game, everyone was exaggerating how difficult it was for KT to face this MSI, why there were no training games, and why there was a collective infection with the new coronavirus... Why is it still so strong?

Of course, as Zeyuan said, RNG still has a chance.

Wait for Brother Chengzi to return to the city in 20 minutes, and you still have to turn over to send the bounty and the dragon.

However, this script is too abstract.

Due to Lin Cheng's huge equipment advantage, the winger quickly killed the captain again alone.

Then Gwen directly passed the T circle and cooperated with his teammates to kill the RNG duo under the high ground in the middle.

KT's five-man team up in the middle and ascended to the high ground.

RNG's lineup couldn't clear the line and could only watch its high ground being broken.

"We've reached the high ground! The captain is resurrected, but we can't be stubborn at this time. Just give up the high ground."

"As long as the base didn't explode, there's still a chance!"

"No one thought that Brother Chengzi would give Bo Da a gift last time. What if he does it again this time?"

However, KT did not retreat after demolishing the Highland Crystal.

The blue side led the soldiers to press in front of the front teeth.

Lin Cheng rushed forward with his front teeth raised.

He even failed to use his ultimate move when he single-handedly killed the captain, and suddenly attacked in front of his front teeth.

The captain was still moving the barrel to clear the line, but Gwen instantly hit him in the face and maimed him.

KT personnel rushed forward.

The equipment advantage was so great that Lin Cheng used the stopwatch to carry the tower first and let his teammates complete the harvest.

The RNG duo's resurrected teammates have all fallen.

In the end, KT ended the game at 19 minutes and 47 seconds.

This chapter has been completed!
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