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Chapter 1973 Everyone is crazy! North American gangsters are pushed to the edge of the cliff

 After a short break, the BP of the second game officially started.

EG switches to the blue side and BANs first.

This time EG changed their BP thinking. In the first round of the blue side, they gave three BAN positions to Dao Mei, Gwen, and the captain.

Obviously, EG didn't dare to give Lin Cheng Sword Girl, and the strong version of Gwen + Captain also didn't dare to let go.

They don't even dare to make the choice of taking one each.

The last one proved that Damu Gwen couldn't beat Lin Cheng's captain.

Do you still dare to use Captain to defeat Gwen?

Although the blue side has the advantage of grabbing first and can ban one of Gwen and the captain to grab the other, the blue side will inevitably face the situation of being picked up by Lin Cheng after the top laner on the first floor.

It’s very tricky no matter how you do it.

Really having no other choice, EG chose to press down both top laners in both versions, and released Lin Cheng's Qinggang Shadow.

In this way, Da Mu can finally decide what to use to face Qinggang Ying.

Seeing his opponent bantering like this, Lin Cheng smiled in the camera.

KT fans at the scene were extremely excited.

Every time they can witness Lin Cheng's signature performance live, it is a rare opportunity for fans.

KT fans who posted Korean stream comments are already popping champagne.

"Dare you release Camille? EG is afraid that your base will explode too slowly, right?"

"Predictable Massacre"

"There's no way! It's really difficult to face KT's BP."

"I don't dare to put the top laner in the version, and I don't dare to put the signboard, but there are still not enough BAN slots!"

"g laughed! Horrible!"

The first three BANs of KT on the red side were given to Enchantress + Dream Demon + Monkey.

Starting to select players, the blue side EG grabbed Lucian.

Chinese stream barrage is very lively.

As we all know, the hero Lucian performs very well in the hands of God.

Danny, who was dubbed the North American Shockwave by the Chinese audience, wonders what level Lucian is?

The red side responded quickly and directly locked the card + Qinggang Shadow.

The construction of the classic dual-SIM dual-band system is completed.

The blue side locked Nami + Fox on the second and third floors.

KT took down Kalista on the third floor.

Wanwan: "Calista! Are you going to fight Gang in the bottom lane? In this version, it still takes a lot of courage to fight Luna in the bottom lane."

Zeyuan: "What do you mean? Do you really think that I am the No. 1 AD in North America and I am Shockwave? Mr. Dai was marked after the first game, right?"

Second round of BAN people.

The red player targets the jungler and double-clicks Lee Sin + Poppy.

The blue side EG has banned the two classic partners of Kalista, Titan + female tank.

Start selecting people.

The fourth floor of red square KT exited Wei first.

EG used a solid jungle combination of Ornn + Prince.

KT once again showed Lenata's support in the last move.

Zewon: "Wow! Kalista + Lenata! This combination has been very popular in the Korean server recently, but no team has taken it out in this MSI."

Wanwan: "It's very targeted! This combination has a very high laning strength and can protect each other, and the teamfight functionality is also full. The disadvantage is that the mid-term line is not as good as Luna."

Lineup selected.

KT: Qinggangying, Wei, card, Kalista, Lenata

EG: Ornn, Prince, Fox, Lucian, Nami

On the top lane, Qinggang Shadow is not too familiar with Orn Lincheng. He takes the initiative to suppress him as soon as the game starts.

However, Ornn is a very strong hero in the early stage, and Damu is relatively less timid. Lin Cheng, who is determined to defeat him, doesn't have many ideas about using him for the time being.

On the contrary, disputes broke out early in the bottom lane.

EG jungler Inspired was obviously much more active when he got the prince. When he found that the bottom lane was being suppressed, he went to help clear a wave of lanes early.

But not long after the prince left, a fight broke out in the lower lane.

Just now the prince came over and beat up Kalista's health. Luna's powerful EG duo who had upgraded to level 3 didn't need to be timid and started fighting with the two KT brothers.

The combination of Kalista + Lenata doesn't seem to match at first glance, because Kalista's traditional partners are basically hard assistants like the Japanese Titan.

But Lenata is a bit special.

This hero is not as intuitive to start as Titan, but when combined online, it can provide Kalista with an extra period of stable output.

And Kalista happens to be another hero whose output becomes more powerful the longer it lasts.

With Lenata's W, Kalista doesn't have to draw her spear in advance because of concerns about her health, so she doesn't have to worry about miscalculation of her kill line.

The two EG brothers attacked first. Luciana's explosive attack combined with Nami's electric shock really pushed Kalista's health bar to the bottom.

But Mr. Dai played too confidently, and Kalista kept slipping away despite Lenata's timely rescue.

Lucian's burst output was not very high after the fight. After emptying Kalista's health bar, he could not pull away the flash. He was chased by Kalista and plucked his hair twice to complete the kill.

Calista was revived on the spot.

Nami also flashed and wanted to run away, but Beryl Lenata flashed Q to stay.

Kalista scored a double kill.

This is where Luna's combination has a headache when facing Kaleb.

Luna is playing an explosive combination, and there are gaps in the continuous output, and Lenata's W will prevent Luna from losing the enemy for a second, giving Kalista a chance to continue to stack her spears.

EG's bottom lane was double-killed after the jungler took care of it, and it was declared to be broken.

On the top lane, Lin Cheng also started to exert his strength. Jungler Wei came over to help knock out Ornn's flash. Qinggangying completely blocked Ornn under the tower and took the lane.

At five and a half minutes, Lin Cheng's Qinggang Shadow took advantage of the lane push and wandered to the middle.

"Here it comes! Brother Chengzi's Qinggang Shadow's classic GANK in the middle! Before it was the card's turn to help grab the edge, Qinggang Shadow came to grab it first."

The line of soldiers happened to be stuck in a position where the fox was uncomfortable. Qinggangying circled the second E of the flank and kicked the fox unconscious, and the card received a yellow card.

The half-blooded fox stopped fighting and was beheaded by Qinggangying.

Lin Cheng picked up the pace in the first wave of roaming, and soon Rookie returned the favor.

It was discovered that Ornn's health was very low due to the Qinggang Shadow. At six and a half minutes, the card's first big move flew up to cooperate with the tower.

The moment the card landed, Lin Cheng's Qinggang Shadow carried the tower first.

After Ornn received the yellow card, he called the sheep to fight back with his remaining health.

But Lin Cheng was too subtle. He used the hook lock to knock Ornn's E skill away from his face, and then used his ultimate move to avoid Ornn's sheep to reset the hatred of the defense tower.

Since Lin Cheng and Rookie were positioned in two directions, Ornn's big move hit the air directly.

Qinggangying landed the second stage of Q to complete the duel kill.

KT's rhythm has taken off.

Due to the huge advantage in the bottom lane, the first dragon was controlled by Cuzz in 7 minutes.

Then relying on the bottom lane switch, KT easily won the first vanguard.

More than 9 minutes later, Lin Cheng sneaked into the middle again.

Although the fox's three-level ultimate move is flexible enough, Qinggangying's ultimate move doesn't care about the bells and whistles.

Under Hexstone's ultimatum, no matter how flexible you are, you still have to spin in circles for me.

The fox died again, and the blue side's middle tower lost its defense. Brother Cuzz released the vanguard and successfully broke the tower.

After unplugging the first tower, KT's operation machine is already running.

KT's coordinated attack was like mercury pouring down the ground, and the director couldn't get through it.

Qinggangying's hook locks are everywhere.

The fate of the card is bad news for EG.

Wei's Iron Fist locks so-and-so into pregnancy.




In 14 minutes, the score was 9:0. KT unplugged three fully-coated outer towers and had an economic lead of nearly 10,000.

It has become a man-machine bureau.

However, in the battle for the second vanguard, KT is still very cautious.

Because during this period, the team only had Lenata's ultimate move. Even though the equipment was clearly ahead, KT was afraid of being in trouble by Ornn in the river.

The rivers on both sides continued to pull.

Wei was playing vanguard, and KT didn't rush because of their advantage.

Let’s talk about taking down the vanguard.

As a result, after a while of pulling and pulling, Beryl made the first move.

Just now Lucian fired several shots of the Holy Spear at Calista, while Beryl watched from the side without reacting.

Then Lucian wanted to click out Lenata's true eye through the wall.

Now Genshin Brother can't bear it anymore.

You can beat my AD, but you can't exclude me!

Lenata's hostile takeover position on the wall was blocked, and Lin Chengqinggangying took the lead directly with a hook lock.

Lin Cheng E flash controlled Lucian, and his teammates rushed forward.

Although Aoun called the sheep in time to fight back, Lucian was killed immediately.

Then EG's lineup didn't do any damage at all.

The fox was scratching next to him for a long time, but Qinggang Ying killed him with his backhand.

EG was defeated and the team was wiped out.

The economic gap has officially exceeded 10,000 yuan.

Without giving the opponent a chance, KT, with the second-generation pioneer KT, hit the opponent's high ground in 18 minutes.

"Go back and recuperate and wait for Xiaolong?"

"No, no, no! You can fight!"

"Sister Sheng Xi said she would get off work at 3:00! Don't delay for too long."

"Come after me!"

Due to his good condition and the team's three stopwatch lead, Lin Cheng's Qinggang Shadow directly entered the field with the incisor tower and forced Lucian away.

Lenata's hostile takeover caused her opponents to run away immediately, leaving them with no way to counterattack.

But KT's damage has already overflowed, and the time it takes for the opponent to adjust their position is enough for KT to cause the opponent to explode.

EG was defeated again and the team was wiped out.

KT took advantage of the situation and won the victory before Baron went to work.

The time is fixed at 19 minutes and 33 seconds.

2:0! KT enters match point.

North American fishing has been pushed to the edge of the cliff.

"Holy shit! It's too fast! 19 minutes"

"Jojo's hand gestures are about to come true, three games in less than an hour"

"That's so cool! I don't know what else Jojo has to say"

"It took nearly 20 minutes like this, 1557 became faster and faster as I read it!"

After the game, the director immediately showed the screen to the EG player seats.

EG players are not frustrated at all.

The North American Shockwave, who were lagging behind 0:2, were still laughing. Even Danny was laughing. KT fans were a little confused when they saw this scene.

Can they still laugh?

Are there any secret tactics hidden that are useless?

This chapter has been completed!
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