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Chapter 2005 Today’s Cuzz has no limits!

 Chapter 1973 Today’s Cuzz has no limits!

After this wave of testing, the commentator also discovered the key on the field.

As long as RNG kills people first, it will be the easy side to fight in a team fight. Even if this wave of Lenata's ultimate moves hits multiple people, and even if the captain hits consecutive barrels of damage, KT still hasn't been defeated.

Huang Za in front of the screen became confident.

The balance of victory is tilting towards them.

There is a sky-fat Gwen, and as long as it is opened to pick up souls for Foego, the RNG will be easy to fight.

This is the confidence brought by the lineup.

Originally, Gwen was not fat, so KT was still easy to beat, but in this round, Gwen developed too much.

And KT doesn’t have a front row.

Cuzz's Blind Monk fell instantly when the Ice Lady took the lead. KT wanted to use Xayah + Lenata to counterattack, but at least it couldn't lose people as soon as it was opened.

Otherwise, with a numerical disadvantage and having to face Gwen's confrontation, Mr. Dai wouldn't be able to get ahead at all.

Miller: "Okay! RNG will keep going like this! If we continue to delay, we will have an advantage! Don't be in a hurry!"

Zeyuan: "Indeed! RNG's double C will only get stronger when it comes to dragging people down. The top jungler of Foyego + Gwen is invincible in handling the endgame! There is also a bull head in the front row, which is very reassuring!"

Wanwan: "But KT still has a chance! If Captain Tongzi can hit the key C position, he can still play. It depends on Brother Chengzi's performance!"

Seeing that RNG, which won the team battle, continued to play steadily in the division, the Chinese stream commentator was relaxed.

Except for Wanwan's calm tone, Miller and Zeyuan both had smooth faces.

But after Zeyuan posted a reassuring comment, the barrage was telling him to shut up.

However, at the 21st minute, KT suddenly took care of the mid-upper line of troops and started to move the baron.

Even Lin Cheng's captain did not lead the line from the wing and reached the top half ahead of schedule.

Miller: "No! Why do you hit the dragon? The mid laner is a fox, not a tsar? It's not fun to fight the dragon!"

Zeyuan: "There is only one explanation, KT is in a hurry!"

Wanwan: "It should be because I want to force the team. In this wave of RNG, only Kai'Sa has flashed. KT knows this information."

KT was very determined to force the dragon. The RNG blue jewelry found that the dragon had lost one-third of its health, and immediately asked Gwen T, who was leading the lane in the bottom lane, to come up.

The five people on the blue side gathered in the river and slowly moved up.

At this time, it was discovered that the KT handed over by Gwen TP had pulled down the half-health Baron, and they gathered together to prepare to retreat upwards.

RNG slowly pushed for positions and wanted to retain people.

But it’s not easy for them to take the initiative for the time being.

Ice Maiden's Tautou didn't dodge, and her ability to start a team was greatly reduced. It was impossible for the opponent to reach a distance that could be controlled by these two heroes' starting moves.

The two sides threw each other across the river to test their skills.

Zeyuan: "KT doesn't want to leave yet? Why? Why do you dare to watch here when the red side is in bad shape after beating the Baron?"

Wanwan: "KT still has a tower on the road, and it's hard for RNG to get around it. It should be impossible to defeat it after testing."

Miller: "Then RNG can crowd the middle line of troops! The middle tower can be demolished."

In this wave, because KT Baron was not in very good condition, RNG obviously wanted to take advantage of it.

The ice girl tried to hand in crampons in front of him.

It turned out that Rookie knew it very well and gave E a backhand when the crampon flew over.

When Xiaohu saw this charm, he didn't dare to follow Duan E. If he was caught, the probability of sudden death was very high.

After all, the five people on the red side hugged each other too tightly.

The ice girl is difficult to drive, but the bull head keeps pushing forward.

But the captain blasted a double barrel in front of his face with his backhand, and the bull's head lost a large amount of its health.

Abin's position next to the bull's head was a bit aggressive, and he chose to use W to block the continuous barrel damage.

Seeing that there was really no good opportunity, everyone in RNG seemed to not want to pull anymore, and turned around to grab the middle line.

As a result, the five people on the red side suddenly counterattacked.

This wave of KT originally wanted to use their flash advantage to deceive the opponent Niutou or Ice Girl to take the lead, and then they would counterattack. Seeing that the opponent was about to retreat, they were a little unwilling.

Cuzz: "Can I fight? Can I fight?"

Beryl: "It's not easy to fight! Forget it!"

Lin Cheng: "No! We can't let them go. Without the tower in the middle line, the tower will fall. It will be even harder to fight when they flash and improve."

It was rare that Lin Cheng and Beryl had a disagreement in the later stages of the game, when the blind monk's Q skill hit Foyego in the scorched earth.

Cuzz immediately said: "I can kick one back!"

Rookie: "I'll be fine soon, I'll cover you!"

There was no room for hesitation anymore, Rookie decisively used his big move to show off his opponent.

Seeing this, Xiao Ming turned his head back and connected with the fox again, and at the same time directed his teammates to fight back.

However, Rookie is here to sell!


The fox used his ultimate move and immediately flashed back, just in time to avoid the Niutou Second Company.

This wave of tricks and tricks has deceived the Bull Head skill, and the threat faced by the blind monk when entering the battlefield is much smaller.

The blind monk activated the second stage of Q and kicked Foyego.

The blind monk's kick was sudden. Gala's sense of smell as an AD immediately sensed the danger, and Kai'Sa opened E and pulled back.

Serena's reaction was not slow, and she subconsciously wanted to knock down the blind monk with her backhand W in seconds.

But the target of the grapefruit thief is not him.


During the second stage of Q flight, Brother Cuzz touched his eyes in the air just to avoid Foyego's W. Before he could land, the blind monk directly kicked Gwen with his ultimate move and pressed Flash at the same time.

A library!

Gwen was kicked back by blind monk R.


Cuzz starts the stopwatch immediately after the operation is completed.

This wave of Brother Cuzz's operations was so fast that the blind monk kicked Gwen back before even landing twice.

The teammates behind the scenes were already ready.

Fox E's Charm accurately hit Gwen who was still in the air.

Kasumi turns on the fatal feather coat madness A.

The captain fired again with two barrels, which happened to be a critical hit.


Lin Cheng dodged, and a fire knife directly triggered the collector to kill Gwen.

Abin didn't even react even though he had a stopwatch on him, and was instantly killed.

Zeyuan: "KT doesn't seem to want to let RNG go! But why are you in such a state? Gwen is in front, and KT's lineup has no ability to take the lead at all... Hey! Abin was kicked back? Huh?"

Wanwan's voice was a little excited: "Cuzz!!! So cool! This roundhouse kick is so cool! Pointing to the east and hitting the west! Can it be done so fast?"

Miller: "It's bad, it's bad! RNG is going to suffer this wave."

Tianfei Gwen's defeat has already doomed RNG to be unable to win this wave of team battles.

Lenata's ultimate move has been given, and the RNG formation collapsed.

Amidst the roar of artillery fire, Lin Cheng's captain followed his teammates and chased him over.

Even because they were caught flashing the CD, no one from RNG was able to escape in this wave.

KT played a perfect team battle of 0 for 5.

After watching the replay, the commentator still found it incredible.

Zeyuan: "Oh! This allows KT to start the team first? This lineup only has Fox and E, which is suitable for starting! How can it be directly kicked by the blind monk?"

Miller sighed deeply, his tone even trembling: "Oh~~~ Brother Bing gave him a chance! He handed W to block the captain's two barrels, but KT forced him away!"

Wanwan: "Originally, I thought Brother Orange would be the key to the comeback, but I didn't expect Cuzz to step up this time! And Rookie was also key. He went up to cheat the Bull Head skill and backhand E-stopped Gwen who was kicked back. Ah

I haven’t even opened the Binjin Body yet.”

After a pause, Wanwan said sincerely: "I want to apologize to Cuzz! In the past, I always felt that he liked to give away things later... But today's Cuzz has no limit!"

"Holy shit! The grapefruit thief!"

"Too fierce! Apologize to Brother Kaz!"

"Shit! Isn't he a small window + non-intelligent casting? Can this also be used for roundhouse kicks?"

"And it's such a showy roundhouse kick!"

"The hand speed is really fast!"

"This wave of Cuzz's CPU is not smoking, but the keyboard is smoking (funny)"

"Abin is really ugly! After handing in W, was he kicked back so easily?"

"Who cares, I was so naughty just now, I knew something was going to happen to RNG"

"Huang Za is talking! Is he mute?"

"Speak louder! Where is the one who calls Bing Ge awesome?"

At the scene, the originally anxious situation was suddenly opened up by Cuzz's sudden kick, and KT fans cheered excitedly!

Although everyone used to tease Cuzz for his inexplicable operations, today Cuzz is a god!

This operation is really cool!

After the replay, KT has easily won the Baron.

This wave of group destruction + Baron directly widened the economic gap. KT was not in a hurry and steadily destroyed all the opponent's outer towers to further consolidate its advantage.

KT's operation is invincible when it goes smoothly.

Just when RNG was about to give their dragon team a try, KT, who pretended to face a head-on confrontation, suddenly chose to let go of the dragon to gain space for Lin Cheng, who was hiding on the wing.

Gwen, who had already run to the front to join his teammates, saw the captain ascending to the high ground, so he chose to turn his T and go back to defend the line.

As a result, Abin's T had another problem.

KT has the advantage of vision. After the blue side defeated the dragon, the captain TP bypassed him from the jungle before retreating.

Lin Cheng cooperated with his teammates who were pursuing him head-on, using more to attack fewer, and easily won the team battle.

The snowball snowballed bigger and bigger, and RNG found that it was difficult for them to fight head-on.

KT needs a golden body and a golden body, and a resurrection armor and a resurrection armor. RNG no longer has the chance to win a team in a row.

In the end, KT relied on the captain's three consecutive buckets on the high ground to directly double C in seconds to seal the victory.

At 29 minutes, the RNG base exploded.

It’s not like all the teammates are giving away the game, right?


This chapter has been completed!
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