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Chapter 2226: Crazy opening of champagne! Korean-language Bible

After careful discussion and deployment, the Chinese team made slight adjustments to BP in the second game.

Lin Cheng chose Gnar to increase his ability to proactively find opportunities.

However, the Korean team suddenly picked up the pace in this game.

Peanut's Poppy took advantage of the strength advantage in the lower half and cooperated with the duo to invade the lower half in the early stage. Keria Thresh played perfectly and established the absolute advantage in the lower lane with two consecutive hooks.

Then Brother Shui Zi was crossed twice and disconnected.

Jiejie wanted to help the bottom lane make up for the disadvantage, but instead he came over and followed suit.

In this case, Lin Cheng ate two layers of tart skin in five minutes, and the pressure of the knife and line was very obvious. Logically speaking, he had a huge advantage on the road.

But at 8 minutes, a 5-0 Aphelios was replaced in the bottom lane to face him, Lin Chengren was a little numb.

Chaowei's laning ability was not inferior to Knight's, but the pace of the midfielder linkage between Jiejie and Knight was obviously lagging behind. Soon Peanut came up with Chaowei and caught Lin Cheng to death.

The Chinese team's early rhythm was rotten.

However, despite losing a lot of rhythm in the early stage, Lin Cheng still found an opportunity in the mid-term with a flash of entry and a big move to shoot three people and forcefully renew the team's life. The left-handed fox also stepped up to stabilize the situation.

Unfortunately, due to the huge early disadvantage, the Chinese team has been playing with an obvious economic disadvantage since the 20th minute.

The Korean team was not in a hurry when the Baron shot was blocked twice in a row, and waited until 32 minutes before preparing to win the Fire Dragon Soul to end the game.

In a desperate move, Lin Cheng entered the field and knocked out three of them very accurately with his ultimate move, and forced Aphelios to flash out.

It's a pity that Jiejie went in to grab the dragon and failed. Punishment Xiaolong still had 100 drops of blood, but Peanut got the dragon soul with his backhand. The Korean team fought back and won the team battle.

After winning both the Dragon Soul and the Baron, the Korean team established a winning streak.

"In this way, the Korean team holds three match points at 2:0."

Miller's voice was filled with obvious disappointment.

"The players of the Chinese team have been very tenacious in this round. They have been holding on with a clear disadvantage, but the early lag was too obvious."

"Lin Cheng's wonderful final move failed to help the Chinese team reverse the situation. It will be really difficult from now on."

Chinese streaming barrages filled with cries of lamentation.

Some people are pessimistic.

There are strings calling for Abu's soul.

There are still people waiting to liquidate Lin Cheng.

Of course, there are many people who are willing to continue to believe in Lin Cheng.

But it must be said that even Lin Cheng can't give the audience much confidence after falling behind 0:2.

Lin Cheng's performance in the first two games was really good, but the Korean team was really at full strength. In the first game, Keria's Lenata made a great move, and then in the second game, Little Peanut's rhythm took off.

South Korea is obviously more powerful.

Compared with the online chatter all over the place, the live audience is not that complicated.

Naturally, they came to the scene to support the team. The score on the field was behind, but the audience on the sidelines cheered louder for the team.

"China team, come on! China team, come on!"

"Brother Chengzi, come on! We believe in you!"

As soon as he took off his earphones, Lin Cheng stopped by the sidelines to cheer. Lin Cheng applauded the cheering audience.

Then he turned around and followed his teammates off the stage.

His back still looked calm, with no panic on his face.

Wanwan vigorously waved the light stick and cheered loudly like an ordinary audience.

She likes Lin Cheng who is calm and unhurried.

When Lin Cheng's figure disappeared from the entrance passage, the girl took out her mobile phone and posted on Weibo:

"Always believe in Brother Chengzi! (Cheer up)"

"It's not impossible to win 3:2! (smile)"


"Sister Yan, is uncle going to win?"

The little girl Enxi still can't understand the game, but she knows that in the past, when the TV showed her uncle standing up from his seat twice, it meant that his uncle was about to win.

Han Shuyan touched Eunxi's little head and said, "It will take a long time. I want to win the gold medal in today's game, so I will play longer than before."

"It doesn't matter, Enxi won't go to school tomorrow, Enxi has to wait for her uncle to win the gold medal..."

Speaking of this, the little girl suddenly remembered something again.

She turned around and threw herself into her grandma's arms, revealing one eye and looking at her mother secretly, "Mom, can Enxi sleep late today?"

Zheng Shiyan rolled her eyes at her, a little speechless at the little girl's behavior of looking for a backer.

"up to you."

Finding that her mother had no objection, the little girl grinned innocently and rubbed herself against Lin Cheng's mother's arms.

She found out.

His uncle may not be able to support him, but his grandparents can.

Xiao Tong and Han Shuyan couldn't help being happy.

Lin Cheng's parents couldn't understand Korean, so they started laughing when Xiao Tong revealed the little girl's scheming.

Baby Eun Hee is so cute, who wouldn’t like it?

In comparison, Xiaoying, who is sitting next to her on the sofa with her short legs swinging and eating mangoes, has a different personality.

She doesn't need support from others.

The brave Xiaoying would challenge her mother by herself with her hands on her hips.

The worst case scenario is that if the rebellion fails, then we will just face the wall with the idiots.

At this time, champagne was already served in the Korean commentary box.

Literally, someone put a bottle of champagne on the table.

"The boys from the Korean team were really good today!"

"We can see that whether it's Peanut, Chovy or Deft, they didn't just punch out and clock out last year, as many people criticized."

"Facts have proven that they are still excellent without Cheng."

"They are capable and ambitious, it just depends on whether they want to do it or not."

"Today, standing on the opposite side of Cheng, they proved that they are also a key factor in KT's strength."

"Hangzhou on a rainy night! Facing the Chinese team led by Cheng, the young artists of the Korean team will use the most hearty way to open a new era for Korean e-sports!"

"I can't wait to open the champagne in front of me!"

Sheng Chengxian's speech was so powerful that Pony next to him took the champagne and was about to open it.

Sheng Chengxian quickly stopped him: "I'm just talking! Are you serious? The champagne symbolizing victory can only be opened after the game."

Pony smiled and said: "I believe boys! It should be foolproof, right?"

"Ouch! That won't work! You must not lose your character."

Sheng Cheng waved his hand to refuse.

"open it!"


The two were having a fake argument, and Bitdol next to them suddenly said: "Why are we arguing? Anyway, we all win in the end."

Suddenly, the studio was filled with laughter.

Although the champagne was not actually opened, the atmosphere was as if the Korean team had won the championship.

Korean stream barrages are very lively.

"No! Are you really popping the champagne? Is this going to be a sitcom?"

"These three people must have rehearsed, it's so effective KKKK"

"Just open the champagne and give me a good slap on my face"

"I feel the same way, if it was a 2:0 win against KT in the T1 final, I would be so excited"

"Open! Open! How can you lose in this state today?"

"I just want to see the Chinese find out that we are incapable of opening champagne! (laughing)"

"Don't go too far, if you are really beaten by two people chasing three people, it will become a classic."

"The clown who opens the champagne will lead the team to a comeback!"

"Hangzhou on a rainy night! These young artists from the Korean team, this sentence made me laugh"

"Other than Cheng, whose game can be said to be art?"

"The K miscreants are almost done, now we have to deal with the headwind, so go to sleep!"

"K Za are all spiritual Chinese! They also ask their father"

"One thing to say, the Korean team also has KT members. Is it too much for K to be a mixed bag?"

"Liquidation, liquidation! Wait, you miscellaneous people!"

The Korean stream barrages were noisy, and the commentators pretended to stir up the atmosphere to the extreme, but in the end, of course, they didn't really open the champagne.

The Ultimate Tanzai Bitdol, who had been accumulating strength, stood up and walked to the center of the studio.

Spread your hands, brewing emotions.

"Viewers, I have to say, this is crazy."

"Now, in Hangzhou, the home court of the Chinese team."

"We conquered two cities in a row with overwhelming momentum, and the Chinese team has already stepped off the cliff with one foot."

"I would like to take this opportunity to talk to you about the topic of growth."

"Growth is about overcoming the fears in your heart, facing your inner demons, and standing up tenaciously after being knocked down time and time again."

"Obviously, Zeus has grown up."

"From the beginning of my debut, I was brutally beaten by Cheng. I was even sent to the bench to adjust."

"He fell in front of Cheng again and again."

"Once again, again and again."

"Just when we all thought that Zeus would always be in Cheng's shadow, Zeus still dared to challenge the fear in his heart."

"Fall down countless times and stand up countless times."

"Today he stood in front of Cheng again."

"Fighting on behalf of the national team, with the will and expectations of all Korean viewers, he becomes stronger!"

"It is said that Cheng is the nemesis of Zeus, but unfortunately, it is different today."

"God can be knocked down, destiny can be broken."

"Everything will be over in the next inning."

"Zeus will end his fate with his own hands!"

"Today he will be reborn from the ashes! The God King is coming!"

Bitdol's speech was heart-wrenching, and the two commentators nearby cheered and applauded.

Everyone here is a mess, and Lin Cheng has been struggling for a long time, and finally found an opportunity to make a fierce move.

The main reason is that if you don't keep your mouth shut, you won't have a chance.

If the Korean team wins the next game, they will have to prepare awards, and there will be no chance for them to give speeches, so everyone is vying to come out and show their face.

Feel proud!

As for the South Korean team being beaten from second to third?


Absolutely impossible!

As for the current Chinese team, how can they beat them?


This chapter has been completed!
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