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Chapter 2228 Don’t forget! Xiao Ming is the best support person who can protect four people and one person.

It's very difficult for Gwen to fight Jace online. The detailed phase Jace runs away after a set, so that Gwen's exhaust gas can't even be touched.

As the former spiritual leader of the Jace Bar, Zeus is undoubtedly a very good Jace user. Everyone is curious about how Lin Cheng will handle this matchup.

At the beginning, Lin Cheng and Xiao Bing went online to deliberately inflict damage on Jace's position.

Make sure the other person can only barely touch you.

The electromagnetic gun launched by Zeus's flanking AQ was dodged by Lin Cheng's angrily moving position.

Anyway, he brought the Wind of Resurrection + Dolan Shield, so the loss of blood volume was insignificant. And if Jace attracted the hatred of the minions, even if he immediately retreated, the troop line would become more comfortable for Lin Cheng.

Level 1 Gwen is very strong, and Lin Cheng is not afraid to exchange blood with Jace when taking the lane. When his opponent grabs second, he won't be given any wasted position, and he maintains his form to ensure that he will not be at risk of being passed.

In fact, the Chinese team deliberately let the little peanut monkey go, just to slow down the Korean team's early pace.

Even if Little Peanut wanted to disgust Lin Cheng, there was nothing he could do at this point in time.

Lin Cheng's previous processing was perfect. After clearing the tower, he was upgraded to level 4 and still had about 60% of his health.

Zeus has always been very lively, but experienced players have already seen that something is wrong.

Gwen hadn't even taken a sip from the blood bottle when she left the house, but Jace's mana level was about to bottom out.

Zeus could only go back to replenish the wave, but just now in order to interfere with Gwen's development in front of the tower, he did not return immediately. If he went to the top line again, he would lose troops.

Jess chooses TP to connect the push line.

"Zhao Lijie! Come over and take a look."

It happened that a new wave of artillery troops was pushing forward. Lin Cheng predicted that the cute little Peanut Butter would probably target him, so he decisively moved to the jungle first.

"I'm coming too, I'm coming too!"

At this time, Xiao Ming's Titan has reached the blue BUFF position.

He was even one position ahead of Jiejie.

This is the benefit brought by the Chinese team's bottom lane combination.

In order to make up for the lack of mana in this version of Bomberman, Ah Shui chose the Mana Flow Tie + Biscuits for the main and secondary lines respectively, insisting on ensuring that he had stable lane control in the early stage.

Bomberman's lane push was so powerful. When Ah Shui was eating biscuits below and trying to push the second wave of cannon cart lanes, Xiao Ming stood in the grass at the side and behind and returned early. The opponent had no vision of the grass and could not have imagined that Titan would return to the city early.

Brother Shui Zi is still pretending to be arrogant. Even after the Titans have returned, he still leads a large wave of troops forward to pretend.

In this way, the opponent cannot tell that Titan has appeared in the upper half at this time.

"The eye of the river has disappeared, you can come directly."

Lin Cheng gives key information.

Zeus also shook his head. Seeing that Little Peanut's monkey had moved closer to the triangular grass, he suddenly found that the Chinese team's Ye Fu had circled around the thick wall of the river and came out from behind him.


Xiao Ming flashed A+Q directly, igniting the attack.

Foego takes action with his fully charged W.

Gwen's full layer of QE compensates for damage.

Jace died suddenly.

He died as soon as he returned after paying TP, and a large wave of soldiers was about to enter the tower, and Zeus's army collapsed.

"Beautiful! Player Shi Senming suddenly appeared on the top lane and caught the opponent Jace off guard!"

"If there are only Foego and Gwen, the flash phase Jace can fully operate, and Sun Wukong is on it, but it will be different when Nautilus comes!"

"No one expected that the assistant would appear on the top lane for more than 4 minutes. The Chinese team's substitution had an immediate effect."

"This is not just a simple point, Jace's troops will suffer a lot."

There were too many minions. After sending the lane into the tower, Lin Cheng cut it a few times and just got the tap money on the return trip.

Lin Cheng also lived up to the advantage his teammates helped build.

When he was about to reach level 6, Gwen was very aggressive, and Jace became very careful with phase pull.

But the army line is advancing towards the blue side, and Zeus cannot make up his mind to return.

He can only listen to the experience at the back, and wait until the phase CD is almost healed before moving forward.

But just after Jace's QE was handed over, Gwen, who had full Q stacks, suddenly made a big move and slowed Jace down to half his health.

Enable sprint and start the pursuit!

Zeus turned around and ran away, but the acceleration gate effect disappeared in an instant.

Gwen quickly chased after him, and WEAQ cut towards Jace.

A full layer of sharp knives cut randomly, and continuous white numbers appeared.

Zeus had already entered the beating form in advance, but was unable to beat Gwen away with his backhand.

Because Gwen cut it up and got stuck at the extreme position of the silk strands' entangled circle.

Gwen is unaffected.

Jace just held his head and backed away, and Gwen took another step to cause Sheng Xiao to change position.

Gwen remained unaffected.

The needle shot hit again, and Jace's health was already very low.

Gwen continued to press the position, but when the tangle of threads disappeared, Lin Cheng was not in a hurry to give Jace enough distance to turn around.

Even though Zeus held the phase effect in his hand, he did not dare to turn around to trigger it, because if his blood volume were to take another level three of Gwen's damage, he would definitely die. Jace's daring to turn around would be tantamount to taking the initiative to pick up Gwen's level.

In version 12, the mechanism of Gwen's ultimate move has been slightly redone. Now there is no need to level A to refresh. Lin Cheng took two steps closer and finally released his ultimate move again.


Zeus subconsciously dodged, trying to avoid the close-fitting needle.

However, Lin Cheng predicted the position where Jace would flash to the back. After Jace dodged, he was still passed through by flying needles under the tower.

Complete the solo kill on the road.

"Beautiful! Player Lin Cheng lived up to the expectations of his teammates and won the duel on the road!"

"South Korea is going to be blown up on the road!"

"This is Lin Cheng! As long as you help him, he can make the opponent unable to play the game."

When Phase Jace is single-killed by Gwen, it means there is a big problem, but the line of troops is still pushed back to the blue side, and Zeus has disconnected.

The top lane gave a huge advantage, and other teammates of the Chinese team also began to think clearly.

"Zhuo Ding goes and takes a look at the wild area!"

"Zhao Lijie, lean up and don't worry about the way down."

"The opponent can't move the bomber, so Yu Wenbo clears the line and it's over."

If there is any support in the LPL that is best at playing four-guarantee-one, it must be Xiao Ming.

After all, he was the one who protected Uzi when he was at his peak.

And the one he protected may not necessarily be AD. Last year, Xiaohu went to the top lane to be the core, but Xiaoming just left the corner and ran up.

He is very familiar with how to help the core of the team.

Not only was he roaming by himself, Xiao Ming did not focus on the lane at all in the early stage, frequently cutting the screen to direct his midfield teammates.

"Zhao Lijie goes here to find the monkey's location."

"This wave of Ice Lady lane power is something that the opponent jungler will not dare to fight against."

At 7 minutes, Titan came up with Ice Girl.

Keria was very foresight and just happened to be on the top lane, but Tahm didn't even have level 6, so it was impossible to save people in front of Ice Girl + Titan.

Jace was killed by Lin Cheng again and took Tam's head.

Lin Cheng scored another double kill.

"Beautiful! This Jace has no gaming experience."

"Teammates can't protect him at all! Sun Wukong has not reached level 6 yet so he has to concentrate on his development. What's the use of having a level 5 Tamu?"

In more than 8 minutes, Lin Cheng's Gwen and even the Canyon Maker came out.

On the road, the Korean team couldn't see the vanguard at all.

At 9 minutes, the blue side continues to play mahjong.

Except for Brother Shui Zi who was playing at the bottom, all four members of the Chinese team appeared on the top lane this time.

Zeus died again.

Although the Korean team consciously relied on protecting Zeus, the matchup gap was too big, and Gwen's combat effectiveness at this time was too amazing.

However, the control chains of the other brothers in the Chinese team were very stable and did not give Zeus a way to survive.

Unless Tam is always with Jace, the disabled Jace will be instantly defeated if he gets a control.

Now that Gwen is too fat, Tamm is just a substitute for death when he comes to eat Jace. Keria is a Tamm with Senna, and it also needs to develop and play a front-row role.

If Tam died for a broken Jace, he might be even more at a loss.

Xiao Ming constantly directed the middle and jungle to put pressure on the top half, and he knew how big the gap in combat power was.

Foyego is originally a hero whose strength is exaggerated if he can pick up souls. Coupled with Ice Girl's stable control and Tianfei Gwen's damage compensation, he can basically pick up souls when he sees people.

If they win for sure, then they will continue to force the Korean team to fight in the top half!

No matter how hard you fight, you can't lose.

Xiao Ming is used to RNG's reckless offensive command. Although they were defeated by KT led by Lin Cheng in both MSIs, it must be said that RNG is very offensive under Xiao Ming's command.

It's a completely different style than EDG.

It just so happens that the Chinese team's lineup completely allows Xiao Ming to take advantage of the upper half, forcing his opponents to engage in small-scale team battles like crazy.

It's impossible not to fight, otherwise Jace won't be allowed to stand under the tower.

The fox originally lacked damage in the early stage. Jace is a disabled person. The only monkey left in the Korean team is Peanut, which is slightly more normal. However, this hero is too powerful. The first wave of monkeys has no effect, and it is completely unstoppable in the upper half.


In this case, Brother Shuizi was having a lot of fun down there by himself, and sometimes even when Knight had no time to capture the mid-lane because of a fight, he could use his ultimate move to capture the mid-lane soldiers from a very long distance.

The early rhythm of the blue side is so good that it explodes.

At just over 11 minutes, there was only a trace of blood left in the defense tower on the road.

Xiao Ming directed the rhythm, and Lin Cheng suddenly asked his teammates to change lanes.

He is the best at KT who knows how to take advantage of the play time difference when switching lanes.

"You go to the center first. I'll press a wave of lanes and come right away. You can demolish the tower in the middle!"

"The monkey is not big! If you put the vanguard in the middle, they can't defend it."

While the red side was still focusing on the top lane to protect Jace's development, the blue side gave up on going up to the tower with the last trace of blood and suddenly moved into a group.

The bombers are coming too.

Cooperating with the Canyon Pioneer, the Chinese team successfully demolished the first tower in the middle.

Lin Cheng returned to the top lane and easily took away the remaining health and climbed up to the tower.

At 13 minutes, Lin Cheng ran to the bottom lane and played mahjong with his teammate Mingpai in the bottom lane.

Jess couldn't come, and the Chinese team had an unreasonable hero like Ice Girl. Bomberman successfully destroyed the bottom tower before the opponent made up his mind to defend.

The blue side removes the three outer towers before the plating disappears.

The economic lead has exceeded 6,000.

Gwen has a two-piece suit and Jace hasn't even been out yet for the eclipse.

Even when his teammates were beating Xiaolong, Lin Cheng blocked the jungle by himself and started sprinting to chase four people on the opposite side. Only when Bomberman gave a big move, he killed all three Korean team's junglers.

Only the fox is left to run away.

Jayce is still developing the second tower on the top lane.

The whole audience cheered, and the audience exploded.

"It's too exaggerated! Gwen was in charge in the jungle and completely defeated his opponent by himself."

"This is player Lin Cheng!"

"As long as your teammates surround him and give him a little help in the early stage, he will be able to tell you: You can't lose this game."

"In this game, player Cui Youqi was beaten like a Vietnamese top laner in front of Lin Cheng!"

"You can say that he waved people in the early stage, but the opponent didn't wave people?"

"Why can't your Korean top laner swing like this?"

"This is our advantage!"

"Stick to this tactic! If you play around Lin Cheng, the Chinese team will be invincible."

Miller was no longer suppressed and shouted with excitement: "Who is our top laner? Who is your Korean team's top laner? Why do you dare to confront our top lane tactics?"

Whenever Lin Cheng is raised as a monster, KT will never lose the game.

Although the national team has the dual-phase variable of Shui Zi, even if a bomber dies suddenly, it will not affect the situation much.

The Korean team also found an opportunity for Bomberman first, but the mission was completed when Shui Zi threw out his ultimate move before he died.

Gwen comes into the scene just cutting randomly.

Originally, the red side's Tahm Kench system was intended to target the Chinese team's fixed-point instant kill, but as a result, Gwen entered the field and directly destroyed everything through AOE, which was not something that Tahm Kench could resolve with just one mouthful.

"There's no way! The Korean team can't handle Gwen."

"The lineup is completely harmless. I even doubt that we can play 1 against 5 without teammate Gwen."

"Jace's development is too poor, the fox's damage is not enough, the monkey's rhythm is exploded and his development is also miserable. Where does this damage come from?"

"Gwen didn't even have time to retaliate. Gwen killed Jace and Senna before she even finished using her three-stage ultimate move."

The advantage on the field was too great, and the blue side directly attacked the baron in 20 minutes.

The Korean team gathered together to explore the field of view, and Ice Girl entered the field and threw her ultimate move to Tam.

Anyway, the damage to the opponent is not enough, and it will be the same to kill anyone.

Gwen sprinted into the field and ER took action.

Foego dodges out of the scorched earth and points directly at Tam.

Bomberman unleashes his scientific hellfire cannon.

Try the big guy!

The damage was completely overflowed, and Tahm died instantly.

Foego began to collect souls.

Gwen's remaining two ultimate moves can be thrown at crowded places.

The team battle on the red side collapsed at the first touch.

"One wave at a time! If you turn T, you can do it in one wave."

After the team was wiped out, Lin Cheng saw that the top line of troops had reached the high ground, and Lin Cheng directly engaged Ah Shui and his left hand.

Bomber demolished the tower quickly, Ice Girl also brought explosives, and the three of them successfully pushed down the Korean team's base.

In the end, the time was fixed at 21 minutes, which was the fastest game to end today.

This chapter has been completed!
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