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Chapter 2245 Do not believe in evil

In the early morning, Lin Cheng opened his eyes.

The light in the room was bright, and I finally came back to my senses in a daze.

He glanced to the side.

Wrapped in a quilt and sleeping peacefully on his side every night, his messy long hair covered most of his face, and the corner of the quilt covered his chin. Only his small nose and a little profile line could be seen between the hair.

She leaned forward, approaching Lin Cheng so naturally even in her sleep.

The two of them stayed at the West Lake for a long time last night. They couldn't buy a blanket at that time. Lin Cheng was afraid of catching cold while sleeping in the car, so he drove Wanwan back to the hotel.

I looked at the time, it was already past seven o'clock.

The sunrise that the girl longed for has obviously been missed.

Lin Cheng leaned forward, picked up her hair and gently brushed her nose.


The girl twisted her body uneasily, scratched her nose with her hand, and muttered without opening her eyes.

Lin Cheng continued to tease the girl mischievously.

She finally opened her eyes and looked at Lin Cheng.

His eyes were empty and confused.

Someone committed a terrible crime last night.

"No, I want to sleep."

There was an indistinct sound coming from the throat, pitiful.

Lin Cheng smiled and said, "I know, let's go play when Wan Wan gets up."

Wanwan closed his eyes again.

Lin Cheng picked up his phone and was about to play when he saw the girl getting into his arms with her eyes closed.

She didn't say anything, just found a comfortable position and curled up slightly.

Like a delicate kitten.

Lin Cheng raised the corner of his mouth and put his arms around the girl's charming body.

She was only wearing underwear, and her skin was smooth and moving.

Lin Cheng was inevitably a little impulsive in the early morning, and the girl quickly noticed something strange when she came closer.

"You hate it!"

Lin Cheng just laughed.

Wanwan closed her eyes and complained, adjusting her posture slightly.

Lin Cheng took a breath, but only hugged her gently.

Wanwan relaxed and nuzzled Lin Cheng's arms affectionately with her eyes closed.

"Lin Cheng."


"Play me a song."

"What do you want to hear?"


So, Lin Cheng played a song on his mobile phone.

Coincidentally, when the music player opened, it was the song "Falling U" by the sisters.

Looking at the peaceful face of the girl in his arms and listening to the sad singing of his sisters, Lin Cheng couldn't help but think of his sisters for a moment.

Isn't this a kind of NTR?

Wanwan fell asleep quickly while listening to the song, breathing evenly, and sleeping peacefully in Lin Cheng's arms.

But Lin Cheng was in a lot of trouble.

Although Wanwan has a cute personality, this girl has a really good figure. Although the shape is not ostentatious, she is very strong. Holding her in her arms is simply the ultimate torture.


(Rectification passed! Released)

But he knew that the girl hadn't recovered yet.

In the car last night, Wanwan thought she was not completely defeated, but in fact she was a bit too aggressive. After provoking a dispute, Lin Cheng, who had regrouped, bullied her until she was confused.

Forced not to let his thoughts wander, Lin Cheng picked up his phone and read the forum.

The Korean network is so lively.

Yesterday, when Lin Cheng and Wanwan were on a date, a large group of Koreans held a sharing meeting at the DC forum.

Tanza and K fans blame each other.

Tan Za said that KT's play style hurt the Korean team, and they had already won 3:0 with T1's play style.

KT fans said that they didn’t want to show off their face. If they didn’t play with 0, they might have been taken away by 3:0.

Tanza also said that with three players from KT in the starting lineup, KT would be at greater risk if they lost in the finals.

KT fans began to have a righteous disagreement with Chaowei and Peanut.

Aren’t these two people from GEN·G? What does they have to do with us, KT?

And after all, we had a 2:2 draw with the Chinese team, and in the end, the three T1 starting lineups were removed. Whose problem is it?

The two sides had a bloody quarrel and were blaming each other anyway.

Someone else’s perspective is even more novel:

"It's obviously Cheng's problem! He has raised the Chinese team to a level that does not belong to them"

"Without Cheng, it is absolutely impossible for this messy Chinese team to win the gold medal."

"Since it is Cheng's problem, does that mean there is something wrong with KT?"

"It's almost enough to do the miscellaneous work! So we can draw inferences from one example, right?"

"KT is the cancer of Korean e-sports! I suspect that the people at KT are deliberately helping Cheng win the championship"

"Report! Pretending to be Chinese!"

"You don't even want to show off your face, and you didn't even mention the fact that you were blasted five times on the road?"

"There is a mid laner who has a 0% win rate and loses gold, but I won't tell who it is"

"I think the Chinese team is so shameless! They deliberately chose a version that is beneficial to them and started training two months in advance."

"Almost done! They gave up your entire coaching staff"

"The Chinese are kind enough not to choose the 2018 exhibition version. It's fun to let you win two games."

In addition to the conflicts with KT fans, Zaza is also in trouble now.

They had a war with BTS fans before, but Faker failed to win the Asian Games and was exempted from military service. This is quite embarrassing.

Some BTS fans who had a grudge began to take advantage of the situation.

However, the group of rubbish in the fandom who like to make rankings and fill their reputations do have relatively low combat effectiveness, and they did not organize in advance. They couldn't hit T1's truck when they suddenly launched an attack, so they were forced to form a small column to fight back.

The main reason is that fans in the fandom always want to convince each other with what they think is the truth. This group of weirdos in the e-sports circle always stick to their family tree.

After a night of fermentation, the Korean network is now full of smoke, and a hundred-team battle has begun.

The quarrel between netizens after each game is the most interesting, and Lin Cheng enjoys watching it anyway.

Wanwan was indeed very tired and didn't wake up again until ten o'clock.

The girl didn't get up, and just lingered in Lin Cheng's arms, torturing Lin Cheng to the point where he just wanted to kill her, but she acted pitifully and begged for mercy.

The two of them got tired of each other for a long time, and it wasn't until half past eleven that they got up from the bed.

Wanwan changed into a light-colored T-shirt + tight jeans. Her long and straight beautiful legs wrapped in jeans were particularly attractive, beautiful and lively.

"What shall we eat for lunch?"

"Go to the building outside the building!"

Wanwan thought for a while: "The Hangzhou food we had yesterday was not authentic. Let's go to Louwailou for an authentic meal today."

Lin Cheng was a little dumbfounded.

What's going on with this kid?

Are you so stubborn?

"is it okay?"

Seeing that Lin Cheng didn't speak, the girl grabbed his arm and said coquettishly, "It's hard to come to Hangzhou. If you haven't eaten authentic Hangzhou cuisine, thank you!"

"Is it possible that what we ate yesterday was authentic Hangzhou cuisine?"

Lin Cheng hesitated and said: "Maybe Hangzhou food is so unpalatable to begin with?"


Wanwan was sure, "Hangzhou is the capital of gourmet food in the south of the Yangtze River! What we ate yesterday must be unauthentic."

Lin Cheng finally saw it.

This girl is a bit unbelieving.

Just like she clearly couldn't stop Lin Cheng for several rounds, but she still lifted up a pair of beautiful black stocking legs to seduce him last night.

She didn't believe she was so vulnerable in front of Lin Cheng.

She also doesn’t believe that Hangzhou’s famous dishes are not delicious.

This chapter has been completed!
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