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Chapter 2330 3:0! Advance to the semi-finals

Chapter 2288 3:0! Advance to the semi-finals

Soon, the third round of BP officially started.

RNG still chooses BAN first on the blue side.

This time RNG's top three BANs have changed again, Dao Mei + Qinggang Shadow + Big Head.

"RNG gave the third BAN to the big head, and found a problem! The first two big heads put too much pressure on the bottom lane, which made Serena Williams have a hard time in the jungle."

"RNG wants to make the laning more comfortable for the bottom lane, and decided to take care of the bottom lane."

KT's top three bans were given to cats + male guns + pig girls.

"KT suppressed Pig Girl with his third hand, but continued to release Sword Demon!"

"What does RNG say? The first two Breath Brother's Sword Demons are not very effective, and Yongen is still out there."

"But it won't work without grabbing it. You can't let the T0 version of Sword Demon go to Brother Chengzi, right?"

Sure enough, the blue side still grabbed the sword demon.

In the camera, Breath Brother, who took down the Sword Demon, had a solemn face.

Lin Cheng smiled slightly.

"It's so hard! How dare such a good swordsman choose, Brother Cheng even laughed"

"Dian! Choose three sword demons to send yourself away happily"

"I have no choice. I don't have enough BAN slots and I don't dare to release Sword Demon to Brother Chengzi, so I can only bite the bullet and grab it."

"Face the gap, you just can't beat it"

"Believe it first! I'll tell the two-chasing three-headed gangsters to stop pretending to be dead later!"

The red side locked Ashe + Tsar with both hands.

RNG presented Wei + Ice Girl on the second and third floors.

"Okay! This is the midfielder combination that RNG prefers. In the first two games, Xiaohu's Akali and Serena really didn't have much interaction. This midfielder combination is much better."

"At least this group can force a fight if they want to."

The red party hesitated for a moment, then took out the prince with his third hand.

Although the big tree was released, with Ashe providing vision, the big tree was not a high priority for them.

This version of Big Tree is great at controlling vision in the jungle, but its ability to start a team is actually not that good. Teamfight opportunities often disappear in a flash. Big Tree’s ultimate move is as fast as a turtle crawling and is only suitable for backhands.

Second round BAN people.

On the red side, KT pressed down Kai'Sa + Niutou in a targeted manner.

It’s not that I’m afraid of this bot lane combination, but that if the opponent gets five heroes to rush into the formation, the variables are too great. Even if they have an advantage in the early stage, they may find an opportunity to rush to death.

RNG banned Yone + Gwen.

Miller: "RNG continued to protect the top lane in the second round. We really can't let Brother Breath break the lane early again."

"But Brother Chengzi still has Riven, which he used before, to fight the Sword Demon..."

Before Wan Wan finished speaking, Rui Wen was locked up on the fourth floor of the red square.

"Look! KT doesn't ban Sword Demon because it's the confidence brought by Brother Chengzi."

"He has too many options to deal with the sword demon."

"In this World Championship, Brother Cheng is the only player who has used Riven to defeat Sword Demon. Even if Riven is pressed on the RNG five ban, Brother Cheng may use other heroes to defeat Sword Demon."

The blue side hesitated for a while, then locked down Aphelios + Titan.

Miller: "It's still Titan + Aphelios. RNG's bottom lane idea is to serve team battles! This is also their consistent style."

The barrage broke through the defense again.

"Fuck! It's Moon Man Titan again, I'm going to puke"

"Two Hero Coins! No wonder the bottom lane handler is suppressed"

"High EQ: consistent style, low EQ: these heroes"

"Trivia: The two RNG bottom lane heroes selected in the group stage combined are not as many as Genshin Impact alone"

The red party made a final decision and finally decided on the wet nurse.

Wanwan: "KT gave up the Varus + Ice that they had used before, but the wet nurse + Ashe are also very capable in laning. RNG will definitely be suppressed in the early stage."

Miller: "I think the bottom lane is fine. I have to hold on to Breathing Brother in the top lane! If I can resist it, it will be easy to say. Riven is too flashy in team fights and is far less effective than Sword Demon."

"Brother Breath is also a very proficient Riven player. I hope his understanding of Riven can help him."

Entering the game, this game of Breathing Brother is indeed not as miserable as the previous two games.

Although the camera cuts to the scene where the Sword Demon is still being beaten, his growth is not particularly uncomfortable.

Breath Brother himself is a very oily player, and his laning suppression power is not strong, but before meeting Lin Cheng, there were very few players who could crush him in a 1v1 laning match.

Moreover, he often starts to call the jungler before he feels that he is inferior in the lane. The jungler can relieve the pressure and he can do it again. He can be regarded as a relatively balanced top laner in all aspects but not particularly outstanding.

It just so happened that Brother Breathing was very familiar with Riwen, and he always maintained his position and would rather lose troops than let Lin Cheng get close easily.

I am determined to mess around online.

If Riven wants to suppress the Sword Demon, he can't easily switch positions to get close and exchange blood. Intimidated by the pressure from the opponent's jungler, Lin Cheng plays less aggressively.

In the last 7 minutes, he pressed nearly 50 knives, and this round he only pressed 15 knives. For Lin Cheng, his results were average, but in fact, this number of knives pressed was quite a lot on the field.

The two sides fought frequently in this game. RNG swept away the sluggishness in the first two games, and the players' condition seemed to be back.

KT was caught pressing the line in the bottom lane four minutes later. The two old guys were finally sanctioned for their crazy face-riding.

Brother Cuzz Prince still took advantage of the bottom lane push to attack the dragon in six minutes, but the dragon was knocked down, and was easily killed by the ice girl from the opposite side who used a big move to cooperate with Wei.

The nanny below who wanted to support happened to be retained by Titan and Aphelios in the river, and RNG took a good lead at the beginning.

Ice Girl + Wei's early control was really stable. After two or three waves collided, RNG's economy was slightly ahead by 2000 in ten minutes.

"Beautiful! That's how you fight!"

"This is the correct rhythm. RNG players have not been affected by the losses in the first two games and still dare to fight hard."

Miller suddenly came to life.

However, after ten minutes of resource operation, the audience soon discovered something was wrong.

Although the stable control of Wei + Ice Girl + Titan has a strong ability to kill in small-scale encounters, KT still firmly implements the strong lane power operation idea and always has a good vision to grab the lane frantically.

KT always fights well-prepared, and every time it takes the initiative to seek confrontation, it will first deal with the enemy lines. Even if it loses, it will just let the opponent steal the kills.

Sometimes, even if you lose a KT battle, you still make money. There are always people outside the battlefield taking the opportunity to eat taps or gain troops.

Both sides didn't pay much attention to the top lane. Lin Cheng's Tappi + reinforcements overwhelmed the Sword Demon by more than a thousand gold, but they really didn't find a chance to kill alone.

As soon as he realized something was wrong, Breathing Brother used his big moves to run away. This was the first time Lin Cheng saw the sword demon who fought for more than ten minutes and every time he used his big moves to speed up his escape.

At 16 minutes, KT won the 4v4 team battle head-on.

This time it was RNG taking the initiative to find an opportunity. Ice Girl E entered the field and wanted to cooperate with Wei Qie's back row, but the nanny's backhand silence suppressed the crampon position.

Ice Girl E came here and didn’t do anything, so she got it for nothing.

Wei came in alone and couldn't kill the C position with the nanny lineup. Even after RNG's midfielder and jungler died consecutively, the Titans didn't run away.

After a wave of 0 for 3, KT was still two kills behind, but with the destruction of Tanana Dragon, the economy has surpassed 2000.

"Ouch! KT's wet nurse is really good at controlling the ice girl! Xiaohu was silenced as soon as he entered the field. I imagined that the ice girl would not be able to cooperate with Wei Qie C."

"Furthermore, KT is lagging behind in terms of headcount, but its economy is ahead."

"In addition to the impact of the top lane matchup gap, KT's operating ideas are also key."

"They are always fighting well-prepared fights. They can make mistakes, but they won't lose much if they make mistakes."

"But once the opponent makes a mistake and loses the fight, KT will immediately give him a lot of money."

“KT plays this game too thoroughly!”

Of course, the current situation for KT is not stable, and the stalemate gradually lasts for 20 minutes, which is just a matter of waves.

"The two sides started fighting in Xiaolong, and this wave is about to fight!"

"Gala's position is very dangerous. No one on the prince's flank noticed it. Everyone in RNG is crowded together."

"Ash Arrow is coming! Something may happen to this wave of RNG..."

"What is Cuzz doing? The prince EQ pokes his teammates! RNG's opportunity has come, and KT's formation is not good...Eh? Riven cut to the back row! Flash stepped on two...it's broken!"

"The Ice Girl entered the scene and was silenced! The Sword Demon entered the scene but did not start slashing."

"Aphelios was cut off by Riven!"

"No way! Can you win the team if EQ pokes your teammate's prince?"

As Lin Cheng Ruiwen entered the game to change the situation, Baron was in the bag, and KT finally established a winning streak.

Miller's voice was full of helplessness: "This wave of princes is already very abstract, and the other players in KT are not in a good position, but Brother Chengzi has the bottom line!"

"Cuzz's ultimate move only blocked the Sword Demon's E, and the prince's EQ was used to poke his teammates and win! I can only say that the other players in KT played too well."

Wanwan: "Yes! Brother Chengzi's timing to cut into the back row was perfect, and the ice girl was silenced by the nanny when she entered the court. Although someone in KT made a mistake, others will take care of the situation."

"They can make mistakes, but their opponents can't! It's really disappointing."

After this wave passed, KT did not give its opponents another chance.

At 25 minutes, the RNG base exploded.

KT advanced to the semi-finals 3:0.


This chapter has been completed!
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