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Chapter 227 The victory of operation

 Junri: "In less than ten minutes, all the mid-towers fell. T1 suddenly had a rhythm explosion. The mid-tower dropped is very bad news for the development of Snake Girl."

Corky: "KT played decisively. The people in front of them beat away Kalista and Tarik and immediately went to press the middle line. Teddy didn't have a chance to clear the line. If KT reacts slower, Kalista will look for him.

Opportunity has cleared the line, and I can’t push this mid-tower down, after all, it’s still a tower with full health.”

 The strategic position of the first tower in the middle lane is too important. It is unacceptable for a tower to fall in less than ten minutes no matter what the lineup is.

Not only is it a fire deterrent, the middle defense tower itself provides a wide-area coverage field of vision, which can ensure the range of activities of your own team members in the wild area.

 For professional competitions, vision is so important.

When a tower in the middle of the blue side falls, the opponent can more easily move their vision to the following four positions:

Blue BUFF grass, grass at the intersection behind Sanlang Pit, red BUFF grass, grass at the F6 intersection.

It may not be accurate to these four bushes, but once the red side's field of vision takes up more than half of these four points, the opponent will basically be able to see clearly the movements of the blue side's wild area.

 In this way, the blue side can only spend a lot of energy to regain the field of vision of its own jungle area, and it is difficult to expand the field of vision.

As for the opponent, they only need to push the lane in the middle to ensure that when your family is unable to move alone, they can come to the jungle as a group and wander around to easily take back the field of view. By the way, they can also search for resources in the jungle.

 Your opponent’s movements in the jungle are clear to the enemy, and even the mid laner would not dare to cross the grass if he wanted to get an F6 to supplement his development.

And you have no idea where the opponent's middle lane will appear after pushing the line, and the difficulty of the game is completely different.

As the first tower in the middle road of the blue square was destroyed, Lin Cheng quickly also destroyed the first tower in the upper road.

  The reason why I didn’t want to break the tower before was because Rek’Sai was stronger in the jungle than Pig Girl, and Lucian didn’t dare to press too deep for fear of being caught. But now that there is no tower in the blue square, Lin Cheng’s pressure is not that great anymore.

After pushing the first tower and sending the line of troops to the second tower, Lin Cheng immediately turned into the wild area and ate the toad on the blue side, and then ran to the middle and wandered around to help his good brother Kuro push the line.

Just as Kuro and Bono were doing vision work at the red buff on the blue side, they found that Lin Cheng had cleared the center line he had just come out of.

Of course, Lin Cheng would not admit that he was dirtying the army.

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 As for Ornn, just pile up some meat and get beaten, and that's it. There's no need to eat too much to save money.

 After doing the wrong thing and not giving Kuro a chance to speak, Lin Cheng immediately marked the bottom lane.

“The snake girl has to defend the line, and Silas can’t come, so hurry up and pull out the lower tower.”

  The people in the bottom half of KT immediately launched an attack on the first tower of the blue square bottom lane.

What Lin Cheng has to do at this time is very simple: Lin Cheng does not need to run all the way to the bottom lane, he only needs to drill into the jungle to ensure that Lucian has no vision on the other side and that's it.

When the opponent's midfielder appeared in the lower half of the jungle for vision, Rek'Sai was already preparing to squat in front of the second tower in the bottom lane. However, Lin Cheng's disappearance in the middle lane made the blue side unsure of how many people were coming to the lower half of the opposite lane.

The duo can only abandon the tower and retreat.

In this way, through the switching of the top and middle lanes, KT successfully removed the blue square bottom tower without any bloodshed.

 At this time, the time is still a little short of 14 minutes.

 This also means that KT has taken advantage of all the Tapi economy.

You must know that the current head ratio between the two sides is 5:4. KT has an economic lead of nearly 4,000 even though it is one head behind.

Junri: "Tsk! KT's operational commander is very comfortable to watch. The idea of ​​​​snowballing is really clear. Change lanes, plunder the jungle, pull out the tower, and get the dragon."

Keji: "If I remember correctly, T1's economy was still slightly ahead 5 minutes ago. In these five minutes, only two members of the Vanguard team actually exploded, but KT's economy suddenly expanded so much.


Junri: "KT's command really taught T1 a lesson. T1's snowballing ability this season is very poor. They often release resources while trying to maintain balance, and wait for the double C to be exhausted in the later stage to win the game.

But I don’t know why I just wanted to pick up that wave of vanguard groups, which directly ruined my situation. Logically speaking, Lucian has such a great advantage, and vanguards are what KT should be. Maybe the dragon group gave them the wrong thing in front of them.


  After demolishing the opponent's three outer towers, KT each went out with two control guards, which directly started a vision war.

 The first step in operations is vision.

 Economic differences bring poor vision, and poor vision brings even greater economic differences.

Although KT has a high degree of bloodshed this season, they are not the kind of team that completely believes in operations and relies purely on recklessness. KT has always attached great importance to vision.

For a team that does not pay attention to vision, even if it has an advantage, it will easily be overturned.

Lin Cheng had already switched out scanning, and after pushing the lane from the side, he went into the jungle to cooperate with his teammates to create vision.

 Scan a circle while ensuring your own safety, and then leave your field of vision at key locations.

The teammates on other lines followed the same routine as Lin Cheng. For several minutes, the jungle area of ​​T1 was completely lit up by KT.

Unless they team up to explore the way, T1 will not even dare to enter its own jungle area easily.

 Despite this, T1 Nosuke was still ambushed when he went to explore the red BUFF field of view.

When KT and the other three in the field saw their opponent approaching, they hid in the red BUFF grass as statues. When Rek'Sai approached, Pig Girl launched her ultimate move to take the lead.

 Rek'Sai did not wait for the light of the universe to fall and died suddenly on the spot.

The opponent was reduced in number, and Taric's ultimate move was forced out. KT decisively gathered together and started to attack.

Silas and Snake originally wanted to defend the second tower in the middle, but as a result, Tahm drove directly to the blue square high ground, and they were so frightened that they turned around and ran away.

 Easily taking down the second tower in the middle, KT was not in a hurry to speed up and continued a new round of vision war.

 In this way, waves of vision differences and plunder have steadily widened the economic gap between the two sides.

T1 was not willing to die slowly, and also tried to find opportunities to catch Lucian on the wing.

But the red side’s field of vision was really good. As soon as the three people in T1 leaned on top, Lin Cheng turned around and ran away.

In this way, Lucian was not caught, and the second tower in the bottom lane was easily captured by KT's other teammates.

At 25 minutes, before KT’s dragon soul dragon was refreshed, everyone on the red side suddenly turned to the big dragon pit.

The blue side only has one blue accessory left, and when I look over it, I find that my opponent is really fighting the baron, so I quickly gather together and rush towards the baron pit.

 However, KT stopped after being discovered by his opponent.

T1 walked all the way through the field of view, but was attacked by Pig Girl in the river. Ornn blew the horn in his hand.

The economic gap between the two sides at this time is really too big. The mid-term itself is the period when the tank lineup is strong. As soon as the team battle starts, KT directly overwhelms them with a crushing force.

 The opponent was wiped out in one wave, and all the outer towers in the blue side's middle lane were destroyed. KT took advantage of the situation and directly flattened the opponent's base in one wave.

This chapter has been completed!
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