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Chapter 2397 Hidden moves! Insidious T1

Seeing the opponent take out Thain in the last counter position, the players on KT's side looked very relaxed.

Thain can indeed defeat Qinggang Shadow in the early stage, but Lin Cheng's teammates have never doubted Lin Cheng's early laning ability. When Qinggang Shadow God separates, Thain will directly turn into a spinning top and be whipped.

What's more, the opponent also chose a lineup that was close to four guarantees and one.

Playing a four-guarantee-one tactic against Lin Cheng's Qinggangying?

What do you think?

A perverted BP comparable to Lu Yi Sixteen!

As if he had already seen the champion waving, the camera came over and Mr. Dai turned to Brother A and said something, with a bright smile on his face.

"Haha! I always wear this face"

"Having the Confidence of a Big Daddy"

"Alpaca: That's for sure. When I was in LPL, I specialized in four-guarantee-one shock waves (funny)"


The coaches of both teams were preparing to leave the game.

Brother A encouraged: "Come on everyone! Take it down in one go."

Lin Cheng joked, "Brother Qianzhu, don't worry! We'll give you a good beating and we'll help you get a big contract next year."

"Ha ha!"

The teammates are all having fun.

Although Brother A is determined to leave to serve as the head coach of another team next year, he has not decided on a team yet. Several clubs are interested in him.

The contract is still being negotiated.

"Come on, come on! It's up to you."

Brother A waved his arms and walked to the front desk with arrogant steps.

The confidence on his face seemed to say: Mr. Kang can win the game by doing BP, and so can I, Mr. Cui!

I = Triple Crown coach!

The whole screen is filled with "Yue Da".

The camera shows the players' seats on the other side.

The T1 team members communicated with solemn expressions.

After Faker said a few words, he closed his eyes and adjusted his breathing, as if he was silently praying for something.

Keria and other teammates explained quickly.

Only little Lu Bu stretched out his hands towards the camera with a firm look on his face.

Hold out three fingers on your left hand and two fingers on your right hand.

It seems to be saying that they want a 3:2 reversal.

The stalls at the scene applauded and encouraged.

Not many of them believed that T1 could create miracles, but they still affirmed little Lu Bu's confidence.

Although I don’t know whether little Lu Bu was confident or was simply beaten to the point of confusion.

There's really nothing to say about this guy's mentality.

In the first round of the spring regular season, Lu Bu was beaten violently. After the game, he went on a live broadcast to tell fans that it didn't matter, and there would be playoffs.

The playoffs are more important!

As a result, they were beaten badly by KT again in the playoffs, and he said live that there would be a summer split.

Then the summer split was severely beaten, and there was still the World Championship anyway.

It doesn’t matter if the World Championship is bombed, there’s still next year!

Little Lu Bu's main idea is to have no ideological baggage.

Anyway, he will show his determination in front of the camera that he can reverse the situation, and his attitude has been revealed.

If it really doesn't work, there's nothing we can do.

"Haha! Little Lu Bu has started again, let the two chase the three to cause big trouble, right?"

"This guy is still so optimistic"

"I suggest Brother Orange go to the bottom lane to catch a wave in five minutes to cool down the T1 pair of shock waves."

"Brother Chengzi still remembers Xiao Lu Bu's revenge for hanging up on him three years ago. If he doesn't beat the shit out of Xing Daorong, he will be clean."

"T1 except for Xiao Lu Bu, all members are Hong Wen, I feel like they will be won 3:0"

"Let go and fight! There's no point in being nervous."

"Brother Li takes a deep breath and prays to the Hall of Valor, hoping that his peak self will respond"

"The Peak? The Peak? Even if Faker comes, he will be slapped by Brother Orange"

"Come on! I stole two championships while Brother Li was not at the top, and the orange guys will take it for granted."

"Don't pretend to be dead when you wait for a while! Keep talking tough"

Entering the game, the entire KT team stood parallel to the river at the entrance to the jungle, and the game started normally.

But T1 on the other side took the initiative to seek change.

"Hey! Zeus hasn't left yet."

"Is T1 preparing to invade the jungle? We must force KT to exchange half of the zone."

"All five of us are here, and we are very determined."

In less than 1 minute and 20 seconds, five people from the red side squeezed into the blue side jungle area through the F6 opening.

KT was caught off guard.

Brother Cuzz ate a Kalma RQ in person.

Rookie: "Everyone on the other side is here! Do you want to fight? Thain is very strong at level one."

Beryl: "No fight! It's too late, Camille, don't come."

Cuzz: "Change to the jungle! I'll change to the jungle."

The blue side abandoned the lower half of the wild area, T1 drove away the people and let the middle and lower lane return, and Thain helped the pig girl F6 to open the wild area.

Pig Girl + Thain went jungle too fast together, leaving Big Bird to Oner Zeus to continue to draw red BUFF hatred.

After the two of them beat the red ones, they turned back to beat the stone man.

"Wow! Zeus is using his early experience to help Oner open the jungle."

"It's so fast! If the Qinggang Shadow Soldier line can't be pushed in on the top lane, Thain won't be in a hurry to return to the top lane."

Knowing that the opponent's jungler and top laner are both in their own jungle area, Mr. Dai and Beryl didn't dare to go head-to-head with the T1 duo at level one.

After all, Jinx is not very strong in the lane, but his ability to push the lane at level 1 is very abnormal. There is nothing he can do against Karma who pushes Ashe + Lulu hard in the lane.

KT gave up the line right in the bottom lane, Jinx and Lulu waited until the second wave of troops arrived and then pushed the line to prepare to enter the tower.

Thain was already squatting in the blue square stone grass, and Pig Girl was also beside him.

"Is this going to be four over two? It's only two minutes!"

"Ashe and Lulu are only at level one, and T1 is waiting for Thain to carry the tower."

The two KT brothers were blocked under the tower, shivering. Thain walked up from behind the tower and charged Q without seeking to knock them back. He hit the two people under the tower and attracted the aggro of the defensive tower.

Pig Girl W aimed at Ai Xi and threw out.

Karma gives Q+ Ignite.

Mr. Dai quickly purified + flashed and avoided Jinx's subsequent W concussive electromagnetic wave.

But he was blocked under the tower and couldn't get out of the way, so Thain slapped him over.

Because Zeus lost some health while helping to carry the wild monsters, Zeus died first when the two light bombs from the defense tower came down.

Ashe gets first blood.

Pig Girl still has the Q skill, which knocks up Ashe and allows Jinx to take the head with a basic attack.

Pig Girl carried the defense tower twice and pulled away the remaining health. Thain's corpse had already stood up and chased Lulu to start shooting.

Karma and Jinx deal damage.

Thain's corpse was so powerful that three quick shots cut off half of Lulu's health. Zeus also attracted more damage from the defense tower before the health bar declined to 0, allowing Jinx to score a double kill.

Miller: "The damage of the defense tower is too high! Even if four people jump over the tower, 1 for 1 will not make a profit. Ashe can accept it even if she has first blood... Wow! Thain's corpse is so powerful!"

Zeyuan: "Make, make, make, make, make! It's a huge profit now! It's so profitable! KT can't get experience in the bottom lane! Jinx takes off!"

Wanwan: "It's so insidious! Knowing that the top lane can't be beaten, T1 let Zeus self-destruct to support the bottom lane. No wonder the counter position on the fifth floor is Thain. The only one who can cross the tower in two minutes is Thain."

After a pause, she couldn't help but change the subject: "I think Thain's passive should be nerfed? The damage done to corpses in the early stage was too exaggerated! At first, I thought it would be 1 for 1 at most. The zombies standing up would be too scary!


"???The last dance in the commentary box, right? Send off Jiang again?"

"The pest passive should really be reduced, the low-end game is torturing nine people"

"Jinx's treatment makes him worthy of being a fan of Uzi"

"Zeus can't beat Brother Orange in the lane, so he can only use strange moves"

"Something without the soul of a top laner!"

"One thing to say, there's nothing wrong with the idea. If you can't beat you on the top lane, I'll blow you up on the bottom lane first."

"Is this tactic awesome? Isn't this how all Kings of Glory play? (Funny)"

"Question farmers! Understand farmers! Become farmers!" ()

This chapter has been completed!
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