Turn off the lights
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Chapter 284 The joy of selling teammates

  Corgi: "Wow! This is a one-for-two. The coordination of three world-class heroes such as KT is too unsolvable. One person rushes the tower to force two."

Junri: "Although Brother Chengzi's ultimate move is very high-flying, the operational response is really too delicate! The operation of predicting, dodging and dodging Syndra's EQ is really talented. If he is directly pushed unconscious, this wave will be a nightmare.


Corgi: "That's right! And the one behind him just turned around and avoided Thresh's hook. Without this, it would have been one-for-one at most, but dodging this crucial hook gave him two more A's than Thresh.

After all, it’s a level 10 nightmare fighting level 6 Thresh. Even these two attacks suppressed Thresh’s health, allowing his teammates’ two ultimate moves to complete the harvest.”

Junri: "The current situation is really not good for DRX. What they are most afraid of is that Death Song is too fat, because the biggest threat to DRX in KT's lineup is Death Song. Death Song's development beyond the timeline is very


 “This global trend makes me feel numb. It’s so incomprehensible.”

“Someone was killed as soon as it got dark. Is DRX playing a killing game?”

“The main thing is that Brother Cheng is good at handling it. Most people will give it away when they encounter Thresh.”

“Chovy was thinking about fishing, but he didn’t expect a shark to fall on him, 2333.”

 “Everything must start from that super majestic expression.”

“Brother Cheng Zi is a double-branded dog. During the live broadcast, he said that he hated other people’s facial expressions, but it turned out that he always liked to flash his facial expressions.”

“Brother Cheng: I can show my face, but if you dare to show your face, I’m sorry! I’ll kill you within two seconds.”


This wave of Lin Cheng rushing to the tower to replace Syndra and Thresh brought more than two kills.

Bomberman himself is a tower-destroying maniac. Bono ran over and directly released the vanguard in the middle to hit him, lowering the health of the middle tower.

 Ziggs uses a W fixed-point blast to kill the defense tower.

The hero Bomberman may not seem to have a long-range ultimate move, but his ability to support teammates in the early stage is very poor, and his damage is very unstable.

However, although Bomber is not good at supporting teammates, he can also hold back the opponent's middle lane.

As long as the opponent dares to leave two waves, the bomber will be able to demolish the opponent's middle tower in minutes.

 In this game, Kuro's bomber was pushing the lane crazily in the middle, leaving Chovy's Syndra not to dare to leave the lane for a moment, let alone supporting the side lane.

 Drag the opponent into a familiar area, and then use rich experience to defeat him.

Syndra itself loses its meaning if she doesn’t support the jungle and support the side lanes. Now that the tower has fallen, it’s even more hurtful.

However, due to lineup reasons, KT cannot invade the jungle as unscrupulously as before to roll its own snowball without a key ultimate move.

At 14 minutes, taking advantage of KT’s failure to use their ultimate move, DRX suddenly launched an attack on the bottom lane.

 Pyosik's pig girl's vision hit the exploding cones and fell into the pit of stone men, blocking Jhin and Sett under the tower.

 Pig Girl inserted a ward behind the tower, and Ornn handed over TP directly on the top lane.

Lin Cheng couldn't find Ornn's position to interrupt the TP, and he was very sensible and didn't hand over the TP to protect his teammates. He just led the line and demolished the tower.

If a hero like Riven Sword Girl can still operate it, in this case, if the Nightmare TP without the ultimate skill continues, it will only give away one more kill.

Team voice communication is also very realistic.

Lin Cheng: "I don't have T anymore, I can't fight without my ultimate move."

  Bono: “I can’t survive on top, so I’ll fight two groups of wild monsters to stop my losses.”

  Kuro: "I can't come over, I'm too lazy to run."

  Aiming: "····Just decide."

  Tusin: "This bottom lane collapsed, please help me in the upper middle and jungle."

Lin Cheng realized the joy of selling his teammates. So you had this mentality when you sold me before?

Even though Tusin said he was already lying down, out of an instinct to assist, after seeing Ornn's TP landing and opening up, Seti directly flashed and adjusted the angle to hug Ornn.

Tusin was amazed at this time and smashed Ornn between Thresh and Aphelios. The E skill stunned the three of them.

  Deliberately punching out three white numbers beautifully.

It's a pity that Jin was controlled by Pig Girl's ultimate move before he could replenish the damage.

Ornn stood up and hit the tower with his head. When Jhin landed on the ground, he was killed by the folding mirror swung by Aphelios.

 Tusin’s remaining Seti couldn’t replace any of them, and was double killed by Aphelios.

 Junri: "Tusin's operation in this wave is very beautiful. One person almost disabled Aphelios and Thresh. It's a pity that Death Song has no ultimate move at this time."

  Keji: “DRX’s players still have very clear ideas. They know that the opponent’s offensive round is theirs if they don’t have a key ultimate move. This time, the tower jump is not sloppy at all.”

Junri: “With two kills given to Aphelios, it depends on whether Mr. Dai’s Aphelios can play a role in the team battle, but to be honest, it’s really difficult. The midfielder on the opposite side is too fat. This hammer

If the stone were replaced by Tahm, I don't think Aphelios would survive."

Two people living below were killed, and Lin Cheng’s Nightmare took advantage of Ornn’s TP to go down and happily demolish the tower.

I have to say that growing up as a person is really a joy.

Of course, you are used to your teammates betraying you, and you will be happy if you suddenly betray your teammates.

 Successfully demolished the top tower, and Nightmare officially became a canyon prodigal.

 The ultimate move is good. As long as Lin Cheng confirms the position of the opponent's hero online, he will run to find opportunities to raid the opponent's jungle area.

The Nightmare jungle is invincible in this kind of lineup. Even if he encounters two opponents at the same time in the jungle, Lin Cheng will not panic at all with the support of Death Song and Bomberman's ultimate moves.

At 17 minutes, the third dragon is refreshed.

KT set up the field of view in advance and started to move the dragon, and DRX came from the river step by step.

The Death Song beat the dragon very quickly, so Lin Cheng simply turned on and off the lights.

 “I have a stopwatch and can perform the golden body ceremony for you.”

  Kuro: "Don't fly! Don't fly! Just take the dragon."

  Bono: "Don't waste your time, the people standing on the other side are too tight, you just go in and see me off."

Lin Cheng follows the good deeds and activates the second stage of his ultimate move without cerebral hemorrhage.

 Mainly because Tusin's Sett didn't find a chance to get around. At this time, it was a very unwise choice for the large group of 5V5 nightmares to fly up first.

There are too many controls when five opponents are grouped together so closely. Unlike the previous wave of tower rushes, which Lin Cheng could make up for with operations, whether he dares to fly or whether he can activate the stopwatch is a question.

Seeing that Fenglong was punished smoothly and steadily by Death Song, DRX did not dare to force the group to start easily after Nightmare turned off the lights.

Since they didn't dare to open, the five people on the red side who occupied the upper river simply turned to the center and tried to pull out the first tower on the middle road of the blue side.

If they really succeeded under normal circumstances, the side that was stuck would not dare to go back directly from the river to defend the center line.

 But there happens to be a bomber on KT's side.

Just when the red team personnel were stuck in the river position and turned around to lead the army line into the tower, Bomberman used his ultimate move and threw it from a long distance, just in time to clear the army line without artillery vehicles.

KT saved its first wind dragon without losing any blood.

This chapter has been completed!
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