Turn off the lights
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Chapter 286

   Being whipped away by the dragon, the nightmare with remaining health fell to the ground and died immediately.

Since Aiming’s Jhin was setting up his gun just now, he didn’t even have the chance to heal Lin Cheng.

Even though the opponent's HP is very low, KT doesn't intend to chase them anymore, and all members turn to the Wind Control Dragon.

 Mainly because the KT lineup's pursuit ability is poor, and it is easy to be ambushed by the opponent when there is no vision in the upper half. Although the opponent seems to be in bad shape, Syndra and Ornn have TP to return to replenish their status.

This round of fighting between the two sides was lively. In fact, it was a one-for-one exchange. Lin Cheng's Nightmare was replaced by Mr. Dai's Aphelios.

Junri: "DRX Baron fought very resolutely. KT seemed to have no time to explore step by step. Not to mention that you really had a chance to steal it... However, KT was very decisive. Wang Yuanjin started to wild! Nightmare turned off the lights and entered the field.


Corgi: "The combination of KT's ultimate moves is too scary! Aphelios was sniped from a distance even though he avoided the Death Song ultimate move with a stopwatch, and the other people in DRX also had very low health, even in four-on-five DRX.

I don’t dare to continue to take over the group... Hmm? Brother Chengzi, this is so unlucky! He was beaten to death by the dragon like this."

Junri: "It's not a big problem. This wave of Nightmare's Resurrection Armor has replaced three stopwatches. The next wave of DRX will be really difficult to pick up. Aphelios' stopwatch and double summons didn't survive. In the next wave, I

I feel like I can’t survive even if I give him three summoner skills.”

Corgi: "That's right! Death Song's big move just now destroyed a third of Pig Girl's health. I wonder how painful it will be when it falls on Aphelios."

 “Gitui! Is this the charm of global flow?”

“Longcha didn’t even see anyone except Nightmare, and all of them were almost out of health.”

“This wave of AD only hit two bullets, and everyone on the other side was out of status.”

“It’s okay to look far and widen your horizons.”

 “I wanted to laugh when I saw the way Brother Cheng died.”

“Dalong: Five of you losers can’t kill one of them, so I’ll go down with a whip and blow his head off.”


Control the draw card Wind Dragon. At this time, KT already has two Wind Dragons, and their ultimate move will have an additional CD reduction of 20%.

The red side also immediately united and pressed after Aphelios was resurrected.

At this time, the jungler and the duo, who were returning after taking the Wind Dragon Soul, had just come out of the base. They saw Thresh coming around from the side. Without the cover of his teammates, Kuro retreated decisively and gave up the first tower in the middle.

At 25 minutes, Pig Girl brought Thresh and cooperated with Ornn to attack the nightmare on the wing.

Although Lin Cheng was dead, he still counterattacked and lowered Thresh's health. Kuro's bomber rushed to the jungle and threw bombs to successfully take away Thresh's head.

It’s 28 minutes, and there are still 30 seconds left before KT’s Wind Dragon Soul is refreshed.

 Dolan's Ornn is clearing the line above, preparing to take the line of troops out, and then TP down to join his teammates.

But what DRX didn't expect is that half of the people in the blue square are in the upper half at this moment.

Jhin set up his ultimate move in the jungle, and a bullet hit Ornn at the broken tower on the red side.

Lin Cheng directly turned on and off the lights, and flew towards Ornn with the second stage of his ultimate move.

 After landing on the QA, Nightmare waved his arm blade crazily.

Ornn had just handed over his skills to clear the line. Facing a nightmare with a protruding face, he quickly ran back with his E skill.

 But Jhin was slowed down by another bullet, and Ornn had no choice but to activate his ultimate move.

The first-stage sheep only broke the spell shield of Night Blade, and the second-stage sheep was simply blocked by W Dark Aegis.

Haunted Nightmare with E Silent Fear, and chasing after it will give you an A.

Since Ornn mainly builds magic resistance in front of him, his armor is not particularly high. He was chased and slashed by the Nightmare with the black cut in his hand, and his health volume was obviously reduced.

 The fear effect is triggered, and Bomberman’s ultimate move comes.

 Ornn eventually fell to the Nightmare's butcher's knife.

When the Dragon Soul was about to be refreshed, KT caught a wave that caught the opponent unexpectedly. After losing Ornn, DRX had no choice but to let go of the Wind Dragon Soul.

 At this point, the dragon soul of KT Three Wind Dragon is in hand.

 After taking down the Wind Dragon Soul, all members of KT leaned directly towards the big dragon pit to put pressure on the opponent's vision.

Syndra immediately cleared the middle line of troops, while the rest of DRX moved towards the Dragon Pit from the F6 jungle area.

Lin Cheng used his ultimate move to turn off the lights and fly towards Syndra who was alone.


Chovy obviously realized that the nightmare was about to leave him alone, so he activated the golden body in advance to avoid the damage from the nightmare's ultimate move.

 After landing, Lin Cheng was on the spot preparing to press Syndra to get up.

A circular bombing area appeared at Syndra's feet, and Bomberman's ultimate move came to attack.

 A lantern with a faint light was thrown from the three wolves pit to Syndra's feet.

Chovy is very good at picking up lanterns. Even though Lin Cheng was standing on the lantern, Syndra picked up the lantern in seconds after finishing his golden body.

Lin Cheng only dealt one QA damage, Syndra was rescued by the lantern, and Ziggs' bomb failed.

  After turning off the lights, DRX teammates also breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that Syndra had spent the dark night safely.

Without the threat of Nightmare and Ziggs’ ultimate move, DRX stubbornly began to lay out its vision next to the dragon pit.

 Junri: "The lantern Keria just now is really crucial. It is very dangerous to be alone at this time. Fortunately, Chovy picked up this lantern."

Corgi: "Brother Chengzi had already consciously blocked the lantern, but Chovy still picked up something in an instant."

Junri: "But if you look at Nightmare's ultimate move, it has turned a quarter from the moment the lights are turned off to the end. This cools down too fast. I feel like it's not that simple."

Just when the opponent teamed up to take down the blue side of the river, Nightmare turned off the lights again.

You must know that Lin Cheng’s second-level shoes in this round were the Boots of Brightness.

· CD shoes provide 15 CD reductions, black cuts provide 20 CD reductions, and the equipment itself has a 35 CD reduction attribute.

 The Ultimate Hunter and Three Wind Dragons provide a 55% CD reduction in addition to the ultimate move.

Although the CD reduction of Ultimate Hunter and Wind Dragon does not directly stack with the equipment CD, Lin Cheng's ultimate move now only has 26 seconds.

 The CD of Bomberman's ultimate move is even shorter.

This time, Lin Cheng’s big move was Aphelios.

Although Thresh and Piggy provided protection at the side, Lin Cheng's Nightmare was suppressed and weakened as soon as it entered the battlefield, but the E skill as soon as it landed and Jhin's ultimate move forced out Aphelios's flash.


Lin Cheng dodged and retreated, Bomberman's ultimate move came down to cover, and Aphelios and Syndra did not dare to pursue forward.

 Despite this, Thresh still opened Bird Shield.

 The two sides pulled apart again.

Just after the red party teamed up to cover Aphelios to get the red BUFF he had just refreshed, a blue ornament shone on the grass next to F6.

 Finding the figure of Aphelios, Lin Cheng's nightmare turned off the lights for the third time in a row.

Junri: "Here it comes! Here it comes again! Nightmare's infinite lights are turned off. The first wave will hit you with Syndra's Golden Body. The second wave will hit you with Aphelios' double summons and Thresh Bird Shield. This wave will kill you."


  Corgi: "KT's tactics are so smart! Wave after wave doesn't stop. I just lost Flash of Nightmare, and DRX's key skills are gone. KT is going to be all in this wave."

This chapter has been completed!
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