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Chapter 353: You can’t beat the professional opposite him

 Although Lin Cheng was caught and killed with the jungler in this wave, Nuoshou was also killed and had no chance to replenish his development while Lin Cheng was soaking in the spring water.

In addition, when Lin Cheng was disconnected before, he ate two layers of tapioca and directly replenished the scimitar after the head economy was revived. Now Emperor C's life is even more difficult.

Dao Mei is two levels ahead, and Lin Cheng will kill Nuo Shou if he dares to take one step out of the tower.

Emperor C, who understood the situation clearly, stayed under the tower decisively and became the son of the tower.

Your teammates may give up on you, but Tadashi will always be your strongest support.

However, when the 1V1 tower can't protect you, you can only blame you for fattening the opponent.

Yu Xiao C: "I have been under the tower and the opposite side may pass me. Can you help me check the location of the blind monk?"

Curly Hair: "The blind monk was down just now, don't worry about it above."

Pattern: "I'm going to catch a wave right away to see if Sword Girl will get on top. The other side may want to attack the tower."

Wang Jichao: "I can use my ultimate to support you from a distance."

When Dao Mei reached level 6, Nuoshou was still at level 4, so Lin Cheng was a little eager to give it a try.

Of course, he didn't rush forward in a hurry.

I don't have flash now, and Nuoshou's double summons are already ready. If I just go up to the tower without a line of troops, I will easily be shown off.

Lin Cheng held his hands steady and stood on the edge of the defense tower to watch.

Glancing at the military line behind him, Lin Cheng saw that Nuo Shou had no intention of retreating, and Lin Cheng became murderous again.

"This Nuoshou still dares to stand under the tower. If he doesn't leave, I will take action!"

There were only three blue soldiers left under the red square tower. Yu Xiao C, who had been worried just now, breathed a sigh of relief.

If you didn't take action when there were many minions on the opposite side, you definitely won't take action now.

Moreover, Olaf is about to reach the Triangle Grass, and it will be their turn as soon as Xerath enters the range of his ultimate move.

Of course, C Huang’s mouth is still very tough in the live broadcast room.

"Don't look at it. I'm not even at level 5 and I dare to take the line in front of a level 6 sword girl. I'm deliberately trying to seduce the opponent and give Olaf a chance to gank. Moreover, I have flash and sprint to operate. The sword girl dares to rush into the tower.

I will kill you alone."

After saying that, Emperor C added: "Well~~~ The opponent is relatively stable and has not been fooled. He is indeed a professional player."

When he said this, the minions on both sides had already passed the range of the second tower.

At this time, Olaf arrived at the triangle grassland, and Nuo Shou was ready to cooperate.

However, Lin Cheng had to move one step faster.

Triangle Grass had the blue field of vision and spotted Olaf, but Lin Cheng, who had been paying attention to the line of troops behind him, didn't care about Olaf's threat at all and pressed the R key decisively.

The vanguard's blade accurately hit Nuoshou, and the blades scattered to form a diamond-shaped sword array under the tower.


With a flash of azure light and shadow, Sword Girl shattered the mark on Nuoshou's body and slashed it with her backhand.

At the same time, during the sudden advance, Lin Cheng had already activated his double-winged blades instantly.

The most important thing for a swordsman player is to have a clear mind. This wave of tower jumps in front of Olaf Yueno's hand may seem impulsive, but in fact Lin Cheng has already made various plans.

After checking the position of the army line, the red soldiers will arrive immediately. If Nuoshou reacts and dodges this E, Lin Cheng will definitely turn around and leave without saying anything.

Because the red square troop line has arrived, even if he pulls the opponent from the direction of the second tower, he cannot keep him.

And once Nuoshou doesn't have such an extreme reaction, he will start to operate.

In fact, Emperor C didn't notice Lin Cheng's second E at all at first, and Nuoshou was directly imprinted in the sword formation.

Lin Cheng's two sword cuts and Nuo Shou's HP were already very dangerous.

A level 6 knife girl with a small scimitar and a pair of Dolans is just like chopping vegetables when hitting a level 4 Nuoshou.

Nuoshou escaped from the stun and quickly activated his E skill.


Lin Cheng's reaction was too fast. When the opponent raised his hand, he immediately used the Q skill.

The knife girl's sharp blade hit Nuoshou's body, just in time to avoid the ruthless iron hand from the front, and another knife was struck with her backhand.

Nuoshou launches a massive killing spree.

Because the huge 90% slowdown of Vanguard Blade is still there, Emperor C deliberately suppressed the delay of the Q skill and did not flash immediately to prevent the opponent from dodging the flash if it happened too early.

But just in the blink of an eye, Nuoshou had just started to spin, and the sword girl raised her hand and struck again.

Although the passive is not fully stacked, the crushing damage of the full stack of Conqueror and equipment is very exaggerated. Combined with the active damage of the scimitar, Nuoshou will be directly disabled.


There was no chance for Nuo Shou to dodge. The moment she finished the forward swing of the attack, Dao Mei's sharp blade struck her hand.

The azure light and shadow flashed away, and Nuoshou died suddenly under the tower.

Yu XiaoC was completely autistic, looking at the darkened screen without saying a word.

"Damn it! This sword girl is so good! She's so smooth. Doesn't the basic attack and back swing not exist for him?"

"It's so funny! Both of them died suddenly."

"The classic can't fire a single shot! Both QE and QE skills are empty, and even W is useless."

"There are still three skills on, why is your screen black?"

"Being single-handedly killed in front of Wild Dad and Ta Dad!"

"Isn't it said that the other side is more stable? Is this called stable?"

"0-4 in less than six minutes! Sure enough, a breakthrough."

"If it hadn't been for two minutes for the minions to come online, would the number of deaths of our Emperor C not be able to beat the timeline?"

"Little C, please listen to our advice, the opponent is a professional, you can't beat him."


When Nuo Shou died suddenly, the sword formation of Dao Mei's ultimate move just disappeared. From the beginning to the end, Lin Cheng did not have a full stack of passives and relied on his equipment advantages and operation to complete the strong kill.

Olaf moved his legs and didn't even reach the distance where he could throw the axe.


Seeing that the C language anchor was gone, Olaf chose to hand over to the axe.

In this situation, Lin Cheng turned around and took a small step back to avoid Olaf's axe.

The third attack from the defense tower fell on Dao Mei's head, which already made Dao Mei's health very dangerous.

A white arcane barrage flew over from a distance.

Xerath activated his ultimate in the jungle.


Just as the red soldiers arrived from behind, Dao Mei used the soldiers to move to the right side of the first tower, just in time to avoid Xerath's ultimate move.

Dao Mei took one step and pulled out of the range of the defense tower.

Although Triumph has taken effect and a lot of blood has been restored, the fourth attack from the defense tower has already caught up with him.

The attack after the defense tower is heated is very high at this time, and it is difficult for the sword girl to survive.

Lin Cheng spotted the ballistic trajectory of the defense tower.

The moment Xerath's second arcane barrage appeared at Dao Mei's feet, the defense tower's attack once again fell on Dao Mei's head.

Dao Mei slumped down and used her W Dance of Distance Breaking to block the defensive tower's killing damage.

A burst of light and shadow blocked half of the damage from the defense tower. At the same time, Lin Cheng chose to perform the Dance of Distance Breaking in seconds and took a step sideways.

Just in time, the white arcane barrage fell, grazing the corner of Sword Girl's clothes and hitting the ground.

This chapter has been completed!
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