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Chapter 363 KT’s intrigue (lead update completed)

 Easily won the second game, KT's idiots started pretending.

Kuro: "It's very easy! Just move your fingers and you'll win."

Aiming: "As I said in the first game, no one played it seriously. This time I got the AD hero and became super easily. This is my true level."

At this time Bono said: "It's a pity that Lin Cheng sent me off once on the road, otherwise my record in this round would be perfect."

Kuro said angrily: "When the tide recedes, you will know who is swimming naked, so who of us got cheated in this round?"

Tusin: "Let's take a look at the results. Which B has given away the most?"

Lin Cheng: "·····"

Just tell me your ID number directly.

The translator couldn't help but laughed first and quickly conveyed the key points to the audience in the live broadcast room.

"Gitui! KT's yin and yang aura has something to it."

"When the tide goes out, you will know who is swimming naked. Can this sentence in Korean reflect the essence?"

"It's so funny! What did Kuro learn all day?"

"Kuro said last year that learning Chinese starts with swearing, and now he knows the connotations."

"Brother Chengzi, why don't you laugh? Didn't you laugh happily in the last game?"

"This debt is repaid too quickly. Who told Brother Cheng to dance like that when he is carrying?"

Lin Cheng stopped talking. Although he was born in the year of duck, speaking harshly at this time would only attract more ridicule.

There are many of you, so I will bear with you for a while.

In the third game of the exhibition match, both teams exchanged personnel, and everyone discussed and voted that Lin Cheng was kicked out first.

Lin Cheng had already expected this, "It's okay for me to go there. Park Rong Hyuk wants to go there with me."

Originally, at this time, the jungler should be in a position that is linked to the top lane. Lin Cheng's move can be said to be unintentional and sinister.

Golden Holy Land, don’t you want to beat me up from the opposite side?

I'll give you a Chinese-speaking assistant to see how you dance.

The duo who have been bound for a long time are the ones with the most tacit understanding. Now that Aiming is suddenly replaced by a supporter, the communication between them simply relying on signaling will not be so smooth.

Aiming, it’s not that easy to think about C now.

Moreover, just now Bono put the blame for the failure of the first round of GANK on Lin Cheng, Lin Cheng said something strange and angry to him, and Bono angrily asked Lin Cheng to wait.

Lin Cheng had reason to suspect that Bono would act like himself next time he was in the same house with him.

In this way, taking Tusin with him to join the anchor team not only weakened the opponent who wanted to beat him the most, but also successfully got rid of the guy who might play him.


Aiming had objections to Lin Cheng's suggestion: "Why? There is an assistant on the other side who speaks Chinese and I can't understand it."

Lin Cheng: "If you kick me over, it's natural for me to pick someone. Everyone in the Korean server is RANK signaling, so just treat it as RANK."

Aiming said again: "Just wait for me."

Lin Cheng was stunned: "What's the matter? You don't accept it? If you have the ability, you can kill me as a super ghost in the next game."

After arranging the teams, the third game started soon.

Lin Cheng and Tusin were assigned to the Douyu anchor team, and correspondingly, Liu Xiao and Curly Mao went to the KT side.

In this round, the Douyu anchor team was on the blue side. As soon as Lin Cheng came in, he typed on the public screen and said hello to the anchors in Pinyin.

Team voice cannot be used for customization. Previously, Lin Cheng and his teammates used Discord to communicate, while the anchor team used YY to communicate.

For some reason, all domestic voice software prohibits overseas users from speaking. Even if Lin Cheng connects to YY, he cannot communicate with the anchors.

Therefore, this time, Lin Cheng and Tusin can only win.

The anchors were also very polite to Lin Cheng's greetings, and asked Lin Cheng to cheer and lead everyone to victory.

Lin Cheng: "Park Rong Hyuk, this one depends on you. Come on the road more and help me improve my vision."

Tusin: "Haha!"

Lin Cheng: "Why are you laughing?"

Tusin: "Nothing."

Lin Cheng: "...Don't you want to play me too? Is it too late for me to change the role now?"

Tusin: "Haha!"

Lin Cheng's tone was very scary, but he also knew that Tusin couldn't act, and it was just a happy game at most.

Lin Cheng didn't intend to win anyway, as long as his record was better than Aiming's.

Soon, the game entered the BP stage.

Lin Cheng did not hesitate to ban Aphelios on the first floor of the blue side, and typed to encourage his teammates to ban AD against AD.

As for KT, they were also typing and communicating like crazy.

Kuro:BAN Irelia dong?

Liu Xiaoyou: OK

As a result, the top three BANs on the blue side were finally given to Aphelios, Kai'Sa and Varus.

The first three BANs on the red side were given to Sword Girl, Qinggangying and Crocodile.

Thinking that his teammates should not be so shameless in grabbing Wang Jichao's Zelas, Lin Cheng helped Smile lock down the policewoman on the first floor.

At this time, Lin Cheng was smiling broadly in the live broadcast room.

Ban three ADs with version C, and then send a policewoman with long hands to face you.

Golden Holy Land, you should show it to me!

Still want to beat up Brother Cheng?

On the other side, KT locked Kalista with a backhand from the first floor.

Lin almost laughed out loud.

Aiming's Kalista is indeed very powerful, and she has been played a lot this season, but it is still too difficult to gain an advantage against the policewoman online.

Smile has not yet reached the point where the lane is about to be destroyed. It is no problem to use the policewoman to suppress Kalista no matter what.

After locking Kalista, the red square locked the robot on the second floor.

"Yoho! I have an idea. Calistaga Robot is indeed a combination that can easily seize opportunities, but in the lane it is easy to be suppressed by the female police."

Lin Cheng looked like he had seen through everything in the live broadcast room: "The opponent obviously wants to gain an advantage in the early stage and then attack Brother Cheng, but I am not afraid. Let my teammates choose heroes first and I will see what happens next."

Although he knew that Liu Xiaoya was most likely Kled, Lin Cheng also wanted to see what hero Bono and Kuro would choose.

As a result, the blue team locked up Xerath and Olaf on the second and third floors, leaving the two top and auxiliary positions until the second round.

The red side KT locked Kled on the third floor.

In the second round, BAN player KT still banned Sword Princess and Crocodile against Lin Cheng to reduce Kled's online pressure.

The anchor team, encouraged by Lin Cheng, banned Enchantress and Zoe, both of whom were heroes who could put pressure on Lin Cheng.

In the second round, the red square fourth floor selected the prince first.

It's the blue side's turn to choose.

Tusin: "Lin Cheng, what do you want?"

Lin Cheng thought for a while: "Bono will definitely target me. I want a hero with displacement, so I want Riven. I want to control them."

After saying that, Lin Cheng was about to type and asked Smile on the fourth floor to lock Ruiwen for him.

As a result, Tusin revealed Riven first and typed: Morgana

Morgana is a hero who can restrain robots very well. When paired with a policewoman online, she can easily suppress the opponent's combination.

Smile decisively locked on to help Morgana.

Lin Cheng was happy.

Since Tusin has locked up a combination of Morgana and a policewoman, it is obvious that he is not prepared to play himself.

I was worried for nothing just now.

As a result, at this time, Tusin suddenly replaced Riven with the Barbarian King Lock.

Tusin: "I thought about it. This hero also has displacement, and the output is much higher than Riven. I suggest Lin Cheng that you play this."

Lin Cheng: "····"



After fighting with his teammates for a long time, he didn't expect Tusin to be waiting for him here.

Sure enough, they are in the same group.

Lin Cheng was angry: "It's useless for you to play these little tricks. Brother Cheng will chop you down with three swords today."

This chapter has been completed!
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