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Chapter 387 Abdominal muscles resist the tower, full of taunts

 The middle and upper lanes completed solo kills, and KT had established an absolute advantage in the early stage. In this case, FPX could only continue to avoid the battle.

During this period, Tusin's Titan began to roam wildly, running to the middle and cooperating with the midfielder to put pressure on Kalma, allowing the Czar to easily destroy the outer tower in the middle of the blue square.

Soon, Lin Cheng also destroyed a tower alone on the top lane. Tusin made his vision very deep to cover Kha'Zix's invasion of the jungle.

Although there were no more kills, it was difficult for Kindred to find opportunities to develop when being constantly countered.

Kha'Zix went to attack the opponent's jungle area. His own Stone Man, F6, and the Three Wolves were almost all divided up by Seti and the Tsar in the upper half. The snowball was still slowly growing.

As long as there is an advantage, this KT team can always find a way to roll the snowball.

The middle tower fell, but Karma cooperated with Qian Jue to seize a wave of opportunities where Lin Cheng pushed the line too deep.

Lin Cheng turned around and ran back when he found his opponent in the middle, but it was too late to catch him. The crocodile, under Karma's acceleration, flashed his E and knocked Seti out, and the three of them dealt a heavy blow.

Lin Cheng's big move with his backhand was astonishing. He held the crocodile and smashed it between the two of them. With his precise E, he hit three people and almost knocked Kindred and Karma to pieces with one punch.

Kindred was forced to use his ultimate move, but it also saved Sett's life.

When the sheep spirit ended its life, Lin Cheng decelerated, chased after Karma and beat him to death quickly.

This time, Lin Cheng's identity as the leader of the Arc de Triomphe was also challenged. The opponent Qian Jue was too nimble. Lin Cheng was reluctant to flash when being slowed down, and was killed by Qian Jue and Crocodile on the road.

Although he was also killed in battle, it would definitely not be a loss to replace one of them when he was captured by three people.

Brother Coin seemed to be angered by Lin Cheng's counterattack. He kept leaning forward for the next few minutes, trying to cause Lin Cheng more trouble.

However, Lin Cheng didn't give him another chance later and was always able to escape successfully when Karma approached.

At 19 minutes, the third dragon is about to be refreshed.

This fire dragon is also KT's card-drawing dragon. FPX began to arrange the field of vision near the dragon pit one minute in advance, hoping to block KT's dragon soul rhythm.

FPX also thinks very clearly. Although the equipment gap is now visible to the naked eye, letting go of the third dragon will put too much pressure on the opponent.

Karma's Incense Burner has also come out. Although Aphelios only has one and a half pieces of equipment, his current weapons are very suitable for joining the team. This wave will be very easy to fight if you can use the opportunity of the opponent's vision to catch one first.

FPX had a good idea, but seeing that there was only one Kalma clearing the lane in the middle, KT's Nosuke didn't even enter the river to get a view.

Xiaolong was about to refresh, and after clearing a wave of lanes, Karma also ran to the jungle to join his teammates.

However, the red side had no intention of seizing the field of view. Instead, a few seconds before Xiaolong refreshed, KT's five-man team formed a group in the middle and began to advance.

FPX occupying the position first is certainly beneficial to Xiaolong's fight, but this will inevitably give up the line rights in the middle.

You must know that Bono's Kha'Zix also has a second Vanguard Eye. After discovering the opponent's intention, KT decisively advances with all the troops in the middle.

Although their equipment was much ahead and they could have Lin Cheng's Seti in front to pick up the dragon group, KT refused to give their opponents any chance to create a miracle.

The blue side discovered the opponent's movements, but it was too late to defend.

The middle line was too short. After the line crossed the river, the blue side was stuck and did not dare to defend from the side. Instead, it decisively chose to let Aphelios and Kindred stay to fight the dragon while the others started to return to prepare to defend the high ground.

The five members of KT advanced very quickly in the middle, and with the vanguard summoned by Bono, they quickly pushed up to the high ground.

Remember: "FPX secured the river position in advance, but KT didn't give them any chance. They directly retweeted the second tower in the middle. FPX's defensive personnel are not in place yet, so they have to go to the high ground!"

957: “This wave of FPX’s decision-making has been led by the opponent. Although FPX Xiaolong can win, it will lose a lot. Let’s see what the high ground says?”

Just after the vanguard hit the highland tower, the blue side FPX defender emerged from behind.

KT decisively dropped the highland tower with remaining health, turned around and prepared to retreat.

At this moment, the prompt that the fire dragon was killed by Aphelios sounded.

It was Aphelios who killed the fire dragon, which meant that the only people FPX could defend were the three people who appeared in KT's field of vision. Tusin immediately sensed the opportunity.

"They are outnumbered! Fight!"


Titan suddenly flashed and turned around to hook out, accurately hooking the crocodile who had lowered his skills to defend the line under the tower, and threw his ultimate move towards Karma behind him.

The shock wave knocked away the crocodile that was close to the face, and then also knocked away Thresh two positions behind, and continued to spread towards Karma.


The moment Thresh was knocked into the air, Kuro's Tsar drifted into the field and flashed his ultimate move.

Only Karma accelerated and opened his position in advance, while Crocodile and Thresh were pushed back at the same time.


Without waiting for the opponent to react, Lin Cheng's Seti flashed his E skill and struck.

One tiger kills two sheep.

Thresh and Crocodile were dragged over and bumped together.

The sand soldiers raised their guns and stabbed wildly.

Thresh died instantly under the Highland Tower.

The crocodile activated his ultimate move and lasted for two seconds, but was still stabbed to death by the Tsar's horse.

Karma witnessed the entire process of his teammate's sudden death and was so frightened that he quickly turned around and retreated towards the incisor tower.

Remember: "The crocodile was hooked! Oops! Tsuin fought well! This wave of Liu Qingsong was controlled and killed without even releasing a single skill. The high ground will also be lost. This wave of dragons will lose blood."

957: "KT's team execution is really strong. When I saw Xiaolong being killed, I realized that there were few people in front of FPX. I decisively flashed three times and started the team directly without any hesitation."

At this time, the commentator was still analyzing the sudden outbreak of team battles, and saw the rest of KT's teammates quickly pushing down the low-health highland towers with their troops and starting to remove crystals.

Lin Cheng's Seti followed the fleeing Karma all the way to the opponent's incisor tower.

The moment the two incisor towers began to attack Lin Cheng, Seti lay down on the spot and began to do sit-ups.

Seti's strong abdominal muscles were exposed, and he was lying on his back with his abdomen drawn in like an animal.

At the same time, the FPX team logo was displayed.

Brother Coin, are you the one who has been causing trouble for me just now?

While showing the opponent's icon, do sit-ups with the front teeth tower on your head.

Lin Cheng's behavior was simply ridiculous.

I remember: "Huh? This...abs against towers? Brother Chengzi's program has become more effective! But what does it mean when he flashes the FPX team logo? This is an act of surrendering to the enemy in the war years."

957 made a rare joke: "A bit arrogant, I suggest you hit him, the Weibo address is Xiangxiang QAQ."

I remember I couldn't help laughing: "Hey! I know there must be barrages criticizing Brother Chengzi's behavior now, but I have to say a few words to Brother Chengzi. Do you think he only shows up when he faces an LPL team?

?No! He plays on every team."

"Fuck! So arrogant!"

"What does Brother Chengzi mean: This is what FPX is all about? Beating you is easier than doing sit-ups."

"Brothers are here in Bengbu! As a Little Phoenix fan, I broke the defense."

"I angrily condemn this mockery and suggest that Riot Games be banned for life."

"You actually mocked the LPL team. Have you forgotten that you are Chinese? From now on, I am Chenghei!"

"Brother Cheng treats everyone equally! If he is an LCK team, he will still shine brightly."

"Don't be embarrassed! Beat up the little phoenix to prove your strength, show your identity by showing your identity, brother Cheng, iron phoenix, bastard."

"Brother Chengzi: Can I join you next season? The salary will be according to Brother Hanzi's standards."

This chapter has been completed!
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