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Chapter 389 Set a small goal first: smash 369 dice

 After winning the first game easily, Lin Cheng took off his headphones and was hugged by the shoulders by Bono next to him.

"Lin Cheng, you played well! If I lose this one, I will probably get sprayed."

Bono was very impulsive when DF was on the court for two consecutive games. After he calmed down, he remembered how powerful LCK's trolls were.

If kt, who represents the lck lineup, overturns as soon as he comes, bono's flash of grabbing the crab will probably be the first target of the trolls.

"Calm down! You haven't won, have you? There are cameras here, so don't let Brother Cheng lower your image."

Lin Cheng broke away from Bono's hand and straightened his clothes calmly, and then laughed ruthlessly: "Do you know you regret it now? If Brother Cheng hadn't had an idea and succeeded in pocketing the money, you would have taken that wave away. I guess we were the ones who were torn apart in the early stage.


Bono was very optimistic, "Don't worry, it won't break. Next time you continue to resist the tower with abdominal muscles, I will give you the answer."

The two followed their teammates to the lounge, and along the way they were still discussing the topic of good brothers telling each other the truth.

As long as we can hold on, we will never overturn.

Lin Cheng is not too happy about this victory. After all, he only defeated the third-place team of LPL, and Khan's current state is also very average.

As Lin Cheng said himself, he is very experienced in beating Brother Khan in Rank. Although he did not completely kill Brother Khan in this round, the suppression effect on the road is still very obvious.

And Brother Khan understands everything.

When he's in good form, it's no exaggeration to say that Brother Han is the top top laner. When he's in bad form, he can really step on anyone.

Last spring, Brother Khan's condition was quite worrying, and he even set an unprecedented and strange record: in one season, he was single-killed by all the LCK lane laners.

There are a total of ten teams in lck, and all the top laners who played against Brother Khan in the spring split last year defeated him solo.

When facing off against such a top laner who appears to be a ghost, it is not uncommon for anyone to defeat the sweaty brother.

As for the other two top laners of the same team.

Not to mention Dolan, one of Lin Cheng’s royal sandbags.

At present, it seems that the only possible threat to Lin Cheng is Taobo's top laner 369.

Lin Cheng occasionally visits domestic forums. There are still many LPL viewers who think that as long as the 369 dice rolls out 999, Lin Cheng can easily be crushed.

So, when he stepped into the lounge, Lin Cheng set a small goal in his mind for today's msc group match:

Let’s crush the 369 dice first and let those people know who is the strongest domestic top laner.

A group of people were bragging in the lounge for a few minutes, and the staff came over to notify the MVP of the previous game to be interviewed.

The MVP of the first game was won by Kuro's Czar.

Kuro made zero mistakes in the game, not to mention that he also had several rounds of Tianxiu spins. Although he killed his teammates once, he was indeed worthy of this MVP.

In fact, Lin Cheng was originally a strong contender for MVP.

In the first wave, he unexpectedly flashed into the grass e and forcibly stabilized the situation. Otherwise, Bono, who flashed and grabbed the crab, would have sent him a wave and he would have been unable to fight in the first half.

Lin Cheng's TP advantage in six minutes completely shattered the early rhythm of fpx. It can be said that a large part of the credit for the advantage of kt in the early rhythm of this game should be attributed to Lin Cheng.

Originally, all the commentators and commentators who had the right to vote were still struggling with who to give the MVP to. Later, Lin Cheng gave him a hard-fought award and his MVP completely flew away.

For Lin Cheng, who was soft-hearted after winning the MVP, it didn't matter whether the MVP was natural or not. He happily followed his teammates in the lounge to watch Kuro's interview.

However, seeing that the person conducting the interview was a long-haired lady with an explosive figure, Lin Cheng regretted it a little.

It was Miss Kim Ji Hyun who was actually hosting the interview. I had known better than to waste it.

Not to mention I missed the interview with my favorite host. Kuro even made a lot of nonsense in the interview.

Kuro: "There are many excellent mid laners in MSC this time, but I don't think there is any player that we need to worry about. Even if the opponent's mid laner performs better than me, we can still win the game."

kuro: "The person who performed best on the team today? I think this person should be me. This mvp explains everything."

Kuro: "Lin Cheng sent me off like that and I didn't even want to say anything. As a teammate, I felt a bit speechless when he ran to the opposite front tooth tower and gave away someone's head."

Damn it! You let Li Shiheng pretend.

Seeing Lin Cheng beating the sofa angrily, Bono snickered next to Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng glanced at him unhappily: "Why are you laughing? You are the worst today! You are the only one of the five who is committing a crime."

bono: "····"

What are you doing?

It's Li Shiheng who's yelling at you, why are you venting your anger on me?

When Kuro returned to the lounge, Yin Yang Master Lin Xiaocheng naturally began to taunt him.

When Kang Dongxun came in, he saw a heated and chaotic verbal exchange.

If he didn't know better, he would have thought that the players were blaming each other in the lounge after losing the game.

There was a confrontation between yin and yang, and Lin Cheng had the upper hand and used his face to deal damage, and finally let out a fierce breath of bad breath.

The second game was between Taobao and drx, and all kt players watched the game together in the lounge.

This game was not as one-sided as the first game. tes and drx fought back and forth in the early stage, and until 30 minutes, the economy was almost completely even.

Chovy stood up at the critical moment, and Sylas stole Ornn's ultimate move to launch a team fight and knock Varus away.

At the critical moment, Ah Shui had another problem with his thinking. He didn't turn in the flash, and was attacked by Silas's second-stage E in the face. He immediately cooperated with his teammates to kill him instantly, and Yumi was also buried with Varus.

After killing the duo, tes turned around and rallied to attack the baron.

However, drx did not expect that this big dragon was a trap.

Their lineup was not fast at beating the baron, and Chovy was stolen from the left-hand Enchantress and was reduced to low health.

Ornn and Olaf delayed enough time. After resurrecting, Varus faced TP, while drx was blocked in the dragon pit and had to forcefully engage in the battle in a very poor state.

As a result, karsa not only grabbed the baron, but tes also successfully launched a 0-for-3 team battle, and the situation instantly turned in tes' favor.

Later, Taobo did not give his opponent another chance. He used the Baron buff to steadily create enough economic difference to end the game, and even rushed into the spring to kill Mr. Dai.

"Tsk, tsk! Kim Hyuk Kyu is really miserable. He shrank to the very bottom and was still slaughtered."

Lin Cheng expressed sympathy for Mr. Dai's tragic experience. If the smile on his lips hadn't betrayed him, his teammates would have thought he truly felt sorry for the team in the same division.

kuro: "How's it going? Do you think tes' top laner can handle it?"

Lin Cheng curled his lips: "I even beat Dolan back and forth. Brother Cheng will kill him later, so don't come, lest he still refuses to accept it after being killed."


Are you going to put it on now?

You shouted at us not to go, but you never hesitated to shake people off.

This chapter has been completed!
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