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Chapter 429 Precise and elegant

 The minions came online, and Lin Cheng's remaining-blooded Sword Girl began her return journey. After replenishing her status, the TP came back online.

Just when Lin Cheng went home to replenish his health, Varus on both sides of the bottom lane met each other and shot an arrow at each other, followed by a rain of evil spirit arrows.

However, due to Thresh's long hands, Aiming lost a little blood.

Seeing Tahm Kench helping Varus lick his troops and trying to seize the line, Seer's Thresh stopped in the grass and walked up directly with an E Pendulum of Doom that hit both of them at the same time.

Ah Shui's Varus came up to deal Aiming, but Tusin's very alert backhand Q just got out of Thresh's way and slowed down Varus.

The ignition was given, and Tam chased the opponent's Varus and licked it.

Aiming didn't care about the Thresh on his face and dealt the same damage to Varus on the opposite side.

Although the prophet gave Aiming weakness, Asui's Varus was stuck by Tahm and could only retreat.

Because the Tahm Kenchstone rune is Guardian, and Thresh is Aftershock. When the opponent can bypass the support and directly output AD, the Aftershock rune is useless in the lane.

Ah Shui pulled away in time before being licked red, and hit both of them with a rain of evil arrows from his backhand. Aiming's Varus also returned the favor.

Ah Shui was beaten to the point where he was almost at the end of his health. Before Aiming pulled away, he was also reduced to about a quarter of his health by Thresh A.

Originally, the tactical focus of both sides seemed to be in the upper half, but as a result, the second wave of troops had not yet arrived, and both sides were already fighting to the death.

Zeyuan: "The Taobo duo fought very hard, but they seemed a bit unable to beat them. Although Prophet E got two people, Ah Shui was also hit by Tahm Q. He could only run away for fear of being licked by Tahm."

Tong Xi: "In terms of summoner skills and runes brought by both sides, KT's side is cheaper in the early stage. Although two people in Thresh E triggered Aftershock, the other side directly bypassed the auxiliary output AD."

"Tahm's Q is still too critical. Ignite drove away Ah Shui in time. In the early stage, Ignite is still stronger than Weak."

I remember joking: "If this Taoba duo wants to win, I feel that either Ah Shui can dodge Tahm's Q, or Tusin's Tahm Kench also brings aftershocks."

Zeyuan laughed: "You are too crazy. Tam cannot bring aftershocks, unless there is something wrong with his mind."

Both sides were very bad-tempered, and the two Varus emptied all three bottles of corruption potion in the first exchange of fire.

On the top road, Lin Cheng TP secretly added two minions after returning to the lane. Seeing the crocodile gather up the red fury and press forward, the sword girl could only pull back.

At this time, the line must be released. Although the crocodile was not full of blood after taking drugs, Lin Cheng was afraid of being stubborn because of the advantage of the line and the anger that turned red.

He no longer has TP, so he needs to be extra cautious in the lane.

The blue side's second wave of soldiers arrived, and the melee soldiers trapped the two remaining soldiers of the red side's first wave outside the blue side's first tower.

The crocodile pressed fiercely outside the tower to grab second place, and Lin Cheng could only huddle behind his own long-range minions to gain experience.

Lin Cheng is really very stable. After the crocodile entered the tower, he just pulled the double-winged melee soldier to stun the crocodile and turn around to replenish the remaining health. He didn't even have the intention to hit the crocodile.

After all, the stun of Twin Blades was very short, and he didn't want to take advantage of Crocodile's Red Fury skill.

The hero Crocodile is like this. If you give him lane power to build up anger, even if he has not reached level 3, he will still have enough deterrence against the sword girl who has not stacked the passive.

The crocodile used a red angry Q to kill the blue soldiers, then turned around and headed for the river.

After all, the blind monk's previous exposure made 369 worried about being caught, so he naturally had to arrange his vision after pushing the line.

Lin Cheng's Sword Girl took the opportunity to attract the hatred of the minions and chased the crocodile for two steps. Anyway, the opponent could not hit him by keeping a distance, so it followed behind to show off the opponent's mentality.

After the crocodile entered the river and was out of sight, the knife girl stopped chasing him and just stood there and was attacked by the three remaining long-range minions on the red side.

Lin Cheng's purpose itself is to block the line. If the line of troops is stuck here, the crocodile will feel uncomfortable.

After losing a little blood, the troop line was stuck, and the third wave of artillery troop lines came slowly.

Suppress the rhythm and kill three long-range minions with Q, and the red side's third wave line happened to arrive outside the blue square tower.

At this time, the crocodile will feel uncomfortable when he comes back after taking a look.

Although the crocodile controlled the line and made a fierce wave before, due to Lin Cheng's line jamming, this wave formed an extremely dangerous situation.

The first two waves of soldiers were pushed outside the tower, but there was no situation where a wave of super-large soldiers pressed into the tower. Instead, it gave Dao Mei a chance to be passive.

This is a very classic Sword Girl solo kill line in the top lane.

Lin Cheng continued to suppress the rhythm and Q killed the melee soldiers before the passive disappeared.

369 swayed behind and looked around for a while, then took the opportunity to use his Q skill to kill a blue minion, and the other minion next to him also had low health.

But how could Lin Cheng, who had taken the initiative this time, give his opponent a chance to steal the third spot?

At the same time as the crocodile launched its Q, a blade shot out from Dao Mei's body.

The light blue blade fell behind the crocodile, and another blade fell in front of the crocodile.

The two blades landed almost at the same time and passed each other.

Some sword girls' E skills look very stiff, but some sword girls' double-winged blades are so smooth that they seem to have only one section.

Lin Cheng's double-winged swords were too fast. Even though 369 was consciously moving when he released his Q, he was still stunned by the intersecting blades.

This E skill not only marks the crocodile, but also cripples the melee minions in front.


The azure light and shadow flashed away. The knife girl had killed the soldier in front of the crocodile, and she got close and slashed at the crocodile with a backhand knife.

At this time, Ionia's Zeal has been fully stacked, and Sword Girl has reached level three.

The crocodile got up and retreated.

But now that the attack speed of the sword girl has increased, Lin Cheng pressed forward after the first strike, and struck with another strike before the crocodile turned around and pulled away.


Seeing his opponent pulling away, Lin Cheng decisively launched a sharp blade attack, shattering the mark on the crocodile.

369 had already activated W when it rushed over from the opposite side, but Dao Meiman's passive attack speed was too fast. Before the crocodile could hunt and shoot out, the swords around Dao Mei's body were attacked first.


A small golden ax appeared, and the conquerors were stacked up.

The crocodile turned and ran away.

But without the red fury, W's stun was too short-lived, not to mention the backswing, and the crocodile had just turned around after releasing W, when the knife girl who woke up struck him with a backhand knife.

The damage of the sword girl with stacks of passives and conquerors is too exaggerated. Coupled with the burning of the corruption potion, Lin Cheng's opponent will lose one health bar with one strike.

At this time, the crocodile only has about one-third of its health.


There was a flash of azure light and shadow, and the knife girl crossed the crocodile's body and slashed twice with her backhand.

The crocodile is reduced to residual health.

If 369 hadn't just finished cooling down the Q skill, and because the W stacked anger just now caused the Q to be restored with the red rage effect, the crocodile might have been hacked to death by Dao Mei's two swords.

However, despite this, Lin Cheng maintained the rhythm of moving A so that the crocodile was still within his ultimate attack range after releasing Q.

A crocodile can be killed with one knife, but Lin Cheng can't.

The sword girl sank down, and the dance of breaking began to accumulate strength.

At the same time, the expression of a Poro sticking out his tongue lit up.

Move over for me!

The 369 crocodile has a strong desire to survive. It sways left and right like a big-footed lizard in an attempt to avoid this dance of distance.

Light and shadow exploded, and the blades arranged around Dao Mei suddenly struck out.

Precise and elegant.

The crocodile, twisting left and right, screamed and fell to the ground.

"First Blood!"

This chapter has been completed!
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