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Chapter 451

 Seeing that the opponent blocked Galio, the red side thought about the last BAN slot for a while and finally chose to ban the card.

Although Knight does not seem to be good at rhythmic heroes like cards, he has a record of appearances after all, so it is necessary to be careful.

The blue Fang Taobo finally sent Seti to the BAN position.

Sett can swing mid-to-upper in KT, and Taobo is afraid that all Sett will appear on the fourth floor opposite, which makes them have to worry a lot about their final two choices.

The selection started, and Kuro still won the Czar on the fourth floor of the red square.

KT prefers to use the double C combination of Tsar and Aphelios. In the later stage, the output is high, and at the same time, Tsar can choose to start a group first to find opportunities and create output space for Aphelios.

Of course, its weaknesses are also obvious, and its combat effectiveness is very weak in early confrontation.

However, KT rarely suffers from this. Usually Lin Cheng will support himself in the early stage and radiate his online advantages to his teammates.

Ze Yuan: "This hand is still the Tsar with Kuro's relatively high proficiency, but I feel that the Tsar may not be particularly good. Among KT's first four choices, only the Tsar can start a group stably."

Remember: "Indeed! In the last game, the blind monk insisted that he could find opportunities at least. In this game, Olaf can really only be a thug. Thresh's team start is basically not expected, unless Brother Shuizi takes over again.


Seeing KT reveal the Czar, Topbo did not choose a plane to deal with it this time.

Perhaps Brother Hand also felt that there was no point in continuing to choose the plane to attack, so the blue square directly locked Zoe on the fourth floor.

Immediately afterwards, Taobo's last move revealed Lucian.

The camera panned to the LPL player bench, where 369 was talking to his teammates with a serious look on his face.

Zeyuan: "Does Lucian want to be locked up? 369 has to prove himself! Even after being beaten like a sandbag for two games, he still has a temper. Judging from his mouth shape, I guess he is telling his teammates: Give me Lucian, I can C."

I remember: "Okay! The senior colonel can even read lips, and his professional ability is getting stronger and stronger... It's locked! It's really locked, it looks great now!"

Let’s not talk about team battle performance, but we all know Lucian’s laning strength, and this is also a pick that I think can be carried in 369’s hero pool.”

The opponent's lineup was locked, but KT's last move has yet to come out.

Zeyuan: "KT is also hesitant about the final choice of units. They need a strong top lane hero in the early stage. Otherwise, it will be difficult to rely on Olaf alone to support the early stage. After all, the top, middle and jungle players in Tobo are stronger than the other in the early stage."

Tong Xi: "I think the monkey is a good choice. As I said just now, KT needs to improve its team-starting ability. It is difficult for Thresh to start a team stably. It is too dangerous to start a team with the Tsar on the other side.

There is a high probability that the czar of the lineup will not come out first."

Remember: "Indeed! There seem to be very few heroes who are both strong in the early stage and able to start a team. The only ones who can compete with Lucian online are monkeys, and they still have to be level 6 before monkeys have a chance to win.


As soon as he finished speaking, the red side showed the monkey in its last move.

But just two seconds later, the monkey was replaced by Calista.

Taewon: "Wow~~ Top laner Kalista! That's interesting! Skate shoe battle with Lu Xian! If someone had told me a few months ago that there would be top lane Lucian and Kali in the finals of an international competition between China and South Korea.

Star's duel, I must have thought that person was out of his mind, but now it really happened."

I remember laughing: "I was saying just now that the only hero who can be strong in the early stage of a team fight and compete with Lucian online is Monkey, but he was immediately slapped in the face by Brother Orange. Skateboard Shoes is also strong in the early stage, and seriously speaking, it is true.

There are also ultimate moves that can be used to start a group."

Tong Xi: "These skateboard shoes feel very floaty. Both this hero and Lucian are afraid of being targeted. Once they are caught and killed in one or two waves in the early stage, it will be difficult to play. Relatively speaking, Lucian's displacement is better, and Carly

Star is easily caught, especially after the blind monk reaches level 6."

Remember: "But if you think about it carefully, Orange Brother's skateboard shoes actually seem to make sense. Let's not talk about who can win in the laning. Kalista can play a role in this team battle.

Olaf's biggest problem in team battles is that his short legs make it difficult to enter the field. If he rushes forward with a big shot, he will basically not be able to touch the C position and will be disabled. However, top laner Kalista can throw Olaf into it and go directly to Zoe.

There's nothing you can do about it if you throw yourself in the face."

"Fuck! All kinds of monsters and monsters are coming now on the road."

"It's okay. I saw that Lu Xian didn't choose Kalista, Shaobing."

"Outrageous! Two orphans from the bottom lane came to the top lane to go shopping."

"Magic can defeat magic."

"Only the strong deserve to serve as soldiers."

"I just want to listen to the voices of both sides. It's very interesting to shout 'Don't eat, don't eat' while facing each other."

"Since Mr. Shai became obsessed with scientific research, the hands of heroes on the road have become longer and longer, and more and more outrageous."

"The canyon is really deformed now. RANK's opponent doesn't dare to choose a short hand first without a labor force."

"One thing is true and the other is true! Although the opponent may not win with long hands, but the laning is really torture."


The lineups of both sides are selected.

Blue square TES:

Top road: 369 (Lance Ranger, Lucian)

Jungler: Karsa (Blind Monk, Lee Sin)

Middle: Knight (Twilight Celestial Spirit, Zoe)

Bottom lane: Jackeylove (explorer, Ezreal)

Assist: Yuyanjia (magic cat, Yumi)

Red side KT:

Top lane: Cheng (Spear of Vengeance, Kalista)

Jungler: Bono (Berserr, Olaf)

Middle: Kuro (Desert Emperor, Azir)

Bottom lane: Aiming (the solemnity of the waning moon, Aphelios)

Support: Tusin (Soullock Warden, Thresh)

Since the hero Kalista was developed by Mr. Shai and played as a top laner, the number of heroes in the Korean server has gradually increased. Every time the top laner Kalista appears, it means a bloody storm.

Either torture the opponent to death or completely explode himself. It is basically impossible for this hero to develop peacefully with the opponent on the top lane.

In fact, it’s not just The Shy. As early as two years ago, Afreeca’s anchor insisted on using the top laner Kalista to score points. It was interesting but the effect was not very good.

Theoretically speaking, Kalista is almost invincible in a single line. Those with short hands will be tortured to death by him, and the early explosive power of long hands is completely inferior to Kalista.

However, the fault tolerance rate of this thing on the road is too low. Once it is caught once or twice in the early stage, it will basically be disconnected. However, Kalista is particularly easy to be caught.

Including The Shy, there are countless top skaters whose legs were broken by Lin Cheng.

Originally, Lin Cheng looked down on such strange things, but after trying it himself, his attitude changed somewhat.

Hmm~~~It feels so good.

Who knows the feeling of torturing an enemy until he can no longer take care of himself?

This chapter has been completed!
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