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Chapter 457 I'm Going To Avenge You

 Lin Cheng was caught dead on the top lane, and Karsa turned around and activated the vanguard.

Bono, who was originally in the lower half, reacted quickly and went directly from the red BUFF on the blue side to look for opportunities in the bottom lane.

If Ah Shui hangs alone in the bottom lane, he will be pushed out of the lane. After using his ultimate move to clear the lane, the lane still enters the blue square tower.

KT's duo was not aggressive. Tusin didn't even move forward to force EZ's position after his hook was empty.

Brother Shui Zi is also really brave. All four of his teammates are in the upper half and he doesn't want to retreat. Seeing that Thresh is not coming to chase the EZ soldiers and the Q soldiers are huddled far behind the tower, he just can't bear to leave the line of troops.

As a result, Olaf detoured from the jungle intersection and blocked the EZ.

Olafka moved out of position to force EZ's Arcane Leap, and then Q reversed the flow to throw.


EZ hands the dodge ax backwards.


Bono had never heard of the rules of the world of dodging but not killing, so Olaf decisively followed, picked up the ax, took a step forward and threw it away.

Ah Shui failed to move and was slowed down by the axe.

Bono activates his ultimate move Twilight of the Gods and accelerates towards the EZ.

EZ was stuck with Olaf's ax and chopped wildly, and soon died suddenly in front of his second tower.

Aphelios was plating from the beginning to the end. If Thresh hadn't given the Lantern a mixed assist, this would even be considered a solo kill.

Remember: "Ah Shui gave me a chance! Taobo made a huge communication mistake. His teammates in the upper half were doing things. How could AD get caught in this way online? It almost counted as a solo kill."

Zeyuan: "Is this a problem of communication? Brother Shuizi's move makes no sense. What does it mean that Taobo has four people in the top half of the EZ and they still haven't left? Even if Olaf doesn't come, wait for Thresh to make a hook.

Well, EZ is also dangerous."

Tong Xi: "Aphelios can still get some plating, so the situation that Taobo just regained in the top lane is regained by KT's bottom lane. It's really hurtful."

Karsa takes the vanguard and releases it directly on the top lane, helping 369 gain some more Tape economy.

In order to get 369 to stand up, Taobo Shangxia worked hard.

However, the teammates who had just left soon discovered that 369 was still being held down by Lin Cheng on the line.

Lucian was short-handed and cleared the lane, but Kalista found an opportunity to jump in the face. As soon as they met, he could only hand over his E skill and run away.

Regardless of the fact that top laner Kalista only has two skills, Lucian's current burst except for the ultimate move is still much lower than Kalista's.

Lin Cheng didn't want to suppress it for the time being, so he quickly cleared the line and prepared to find an opportunity to return.

The wave that just died did not result in a breakdown. Lin Cheng pushed the line again and finally returned home to make a breakdown in 11 minutes.

Returning to the line to have a good view of the river, Lin Cheng continued to put pressure on Lucian.

The bottom tower of the blue side was eaten by Aphelios with a white knife because of EZ's death just now. Bono swayed twice and then leaned down again, trying to find an opportunity to force away the blue side's duo.

Let Aphelios take down the first health tower.

However, Karsa arrived in the lower half with timely support, but Olaf, who was halfway hit by the stone man, was knocked out of a lot of health by EZ and Cat using their long hands.

Bono abandoned the stone man and ran away under the cover of Thresh. After making a large circle around the river, he was ready to move Zoe in the middle.

As a result, as soon as Olaf emerged from the grass in the river, he saw the figure of the blind monk emerging from the path next to F6.

Bono complained in the voice: "Why does this person linger?"

You must know that he circled the river and directly reached the middle. Karsa's blind monk killed the stone man maimed by Olaf, and he just came to the middle, and once again captured Olaf's position.

Originally he was planning to cooperate with the Tsar to capture Zoe, but now Olaf's own position is in danger.

Kuro's Tsar has been drained to half of his health by Zoe, and Olaf's health is also not full. KT will definitely not dare to fight in this 2V2.

Bono could only turn around and retreat from the river to the path behind his blue buff.

Karsa touched his eyes to close the distance, and his Q skill accurately hit Olaf.

The blind monk's second stage Q is activated, and Olaf's health is already a bit dangerous when he kicks him.


Blind Sin R flashed his hand, trying to kick Olaf towards Zoe who was behind him.

Bono activated his ultimate move just when the blind monk took his kick, and was not kicked back by the blind monk.

Despite this, Olaf, who originally had a low health volume, was almost out of health after being chased and punched by a set of skills from the blind monk.

Fortunately, Zoe's skills were all empty, and Olaf decelerated the blind monk and fled straight to the intersection on the left of the three wolves.

At this moment, a golden barrage flew over from the bottom of the map.

Lin Cheng discovered the precise barrage flying past through the river view on the mini map, and warned in advance: "EZ ultimate move! EZ ultimate move! Be careful!"

After hearing Lin Cheng's prompt, Bono quickly ran to the intersection of the jungle and quickly controlled Olaf to move to the right in the opposite direction.

After this U-turn, the golden barrage was approaching.

Bono suddenly realized that the direction of EZ's ultimate move was a little wrong.

The intersection of this jungle area is very narrow, and the right side is just blocked by the three wolves wall. It seems that EZ's ultimate move cannot be avoided from this angle.

So Olaf quickly turned back and ran to the left.

Accurate barrage scraping.

Olaf adjusted for a long time, but was hit in the center of the barrage, killing him on the spot.

Remember: "Olav tried to catch him, but Brother Radar was already in place in advance. Olaf's health was very dangerous, but it was a pity that his big move hit Ragnarok."

Zeyuan: "Look at Jackeylove's ultimate move? It feels like it's there from this angle... Oh! The opponent has already realized it and is moving, wow~~~~~"

Remember: "OHHH~~~Precisionbarrage! Precise barrage! Jackeylove's ultimate move in the distance accurately completes the harvest."

Tong Xi: "This wave of Karsa's sense of smell is too keen, and he just happened to catch Olaf's movement, and Olaf's movement behind him was too hesitant. He first turned back to the right, but felt that he couldn't avoid it, and it would be too late to turn to the left.


Zeyuan: "Bono, the lightning-type snakeskin, has some good moves. I feel like he can't take advantage of EZ's ultimate move even if he doesn't move. Instead, he jumps left and right and catches this precise barrage with his face."

"Holy crap! This ultimate move is so accurate."

"Oh~~~Brother Shuizi is so handsome!"

"A good move with his ultimate is not as good as a good one with the other side. Does Olaf move like an actor?"

"You never know whether Ah Shui is going to die suddenly or show off."

"After making amends for my work, I went to Botou Tiebai and found it right away."


Lin Cheng was almost dumbfounded by Bono's death in battle, "Hey! Jin Kifan, you're in a terrible position, you've been twisting around for a long time and you're still in the same place."

Bono blamed the situation on the spot: "If you hadn't spoken, I wouldn't have died."

Lin Cheng: "····"

Are you shameless? Can you blame me for all this?

Theoretically speaking, Olaf's ultimate move of running EZ in the original direction should indeed fail. After Lin Cheng reminded him, Bono instead made a blind move of 78 and spun in circles.

When fighting with Bono, Lin Cheng's Kalista had already moved from the jungle to the middle.

"Kim Ki-bum, I'm going to avenge you."

This chapter has been completed!
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