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Chapter 459 The situation begins to get out of control

 Tu private's lantern led Lin Cheng to attack the tower, and KT's team that should have made a small profit was killed by four people. In addition, Olaf was killed by EZ's big move in front of him, and all five KT people died in a circle. .

The number of heads on the field was tied at 7:7, and KT's gradually revealed advantage was recovered by Taobo.

Although the economic red side still has a small lead, EZ suddenly took four kills and was fat, which was a big headache for KT.

EZ's hand is too long, and no one in KT's lineup can handle EZ in the mid-term team battle.

At this time, the director also gave a replay of the previous wave, allowing viewers of each language stream to savor it carefully.

Then the director cut to the end of Lin Cheng. After picking up the lantern and sending it away, Lin Cheng, who was originally focused on his face, suddenly couldn't help laughing. He turned his head and looked to the side, as if he was still saying something.

Zeyuan: "Haha! Tu private's actions made Brother Chengzi laugh."

Remember to joke: "Let me guess, Brother Chengzi's mouth shape probably means: What are you doing, prostitute?"

Zeyuan: "Okay! Thresh stole the spotlight just now. Although KT lost in terms of the result, Brother Chengzi's operation was actually very smooth.

He is really good at using Kalista's passive character. He jumps out first and uses various hiding skills to find the output position. He slides and outputs the whole process without any pause. Players who have played Kalista as a hero all know this. It’s actually not easy.”

Remember: "Yes! The key is that he is not sliding around blindly to face A. At the same time, he is still hiding his skills to maintain his output environment. Unfortunately, after the game, the only person who will be remembered is Thresh's lantern, hehe."

Tong Xi: "Taobo is getting better now! Ah Shui won four heads in a row, the number of heads is tied, and the economy is about to be tied."

Zeyuan: "The key to KT's lineup is that they have a big problem. None of them can meet Ezreal. The four heads of EZ have greatly accelerated the formation speed. KT will be very uncomfortable in the mid-term teamfight."

"Brother Chengzi has a smile on his face and MMP in his heart."

"Thresh's operation was really good, and he was the best in the game."

"No one can refuse such a handsome lantern."

"The operation is really cool, but the ending is too abstract."

"I'm not afraid of giving away! I'm just afraid that players won't dare to operate because of this wave of giving away."

"Don't worry about this. Tu privates have dared to fight and give away for many years."

"I'm getting better! After three games of Taoba, it's the only one that didn't crack."

"It's sad. Taobo has to rely on his opponents to support him."


Even though KT lost the team battle in this wave, Taobo's remaining duo couldn't touch the refreshed dragon.

Olaf, who had been resurrected on the red side, moved forward to attack the dragon, and the Taobo duo returned just in time in the middle.

The remaining members of KT were resurrected and rushed to the second half.

Taobo obviously did not have a strong will to control the dragon. When the resurrected people did not gather at the first time, KT took advantage of the time difference and successfully captured their second dragon.

This game is about water dragon soul, a kind of dragon soul that Taobo lineup hates extremely much.

Lin Cheng's Kalista ran to the upper river grass and prepared to insert wards in order to find an opportunity to eat the last layer of the blue square tower.

As a result, 369 had already lurked in the grass in advance, and when Lin Cheng was exploring the grass with his face, he started using the Q skill of Destruction and Slowing.

Q clicks W clicks, holy spear baptism clicks.

With the wave of broken Lucian, the burst was very strong. The first two bullets of Baptism of the Holy Spear knocked Kalista to half health.

But Lin Cheng's reaction was really fast. When he was close to his face and was swept wide, he drew a straight A and at the same time slid perpendicularly to the direction of Lucian's ultimate move, getting out of the way of the bullets from the Holy Spear.

369 saw that the damage was considerable. He took two steps and found that the opponent slipped again. Lucian directly adjusted the position of his E skill to get close to the face, trying to kill him.

However, Lin Cheng slid A in reverse at the moment when his opponent was close to him, and then immediately slid past Lucian again with his Q skill.

Lucian's bullets fired into the air behind Kalista. 369 quickly canceled his ultimate move and passively knocked Kalista down to less than a third of her health with two shots.

Lucian's burst was very high, but without his skills, he could no longer pose a threat to Kalista. Lin Cheng slowed down and kept adjusting his martial arts posture to thrust the spear into Lucian.


After pulling out the spear, Lucian died suddenly in the river.

Remember: "Hey! 369 took advantage of the strong period after Lucian's collapse and wanted to regain the field. He lurked in the grass and tried to catch a solo kill... but was killed by a solo. Jiubao felt that his mentality was no longer stable. You are like this

Dare you find someone to challenge you?"

Zeyuan: "There is something wrong with my thinking! It can only be said that I have figured out the problem carefully! You dare to take the initiative to take action on equipment that is more than half a piece of equipment behind. 369 is going against the grain."

Tong Xi: "In this wave of Lucian's broken skills, there is indeed a chance to defeat Kalista. After all, the opponent has already lost face. The one with the first move advantage actually has a great chance of two shooters fighting against each other.

But Kalista's operation is very delicate, and Lucian's ultimate move has a lot of empty bullets. It would still be very dangerous if Kalista didn't passively dodge the bullets from Holy Lance Baptism at the first time."

Zeyuan: "It can be seen that the players want to operate, but to be honest, it doesn't really matter. Now that EZ is developing well, we can just wait for the mid-term teaming up. There is no need to lose the head iron.

And to be honest, in this game, Taobo's midfielder, including the support, has helped the top lane many times, and it was finally possible to reconnect Lucian, who was originally torn apart in 369, but what if your teammates help you with a wave?"

After killing Lucian alone, Lin Cheng took advantage of the situation and demolished the remaining health tower on the blue side's top lane, successfully winning the economy of the first health tower.

However, due to the delay in demolishing the tower, Zoe arrived with support. Knight used the weak fragments on his body to limit Lin Cheng's operations. After Zoe's bubble hit, he easily killed Kalista.

In 15 minutes, the head ratio between the two sides was 8:8, the economic difference was less than 2,000, and the situation was still very stalemate.

At 17 minutes, just when Xiaolong had more than a minute to refresh, the personnel on both sides started fighting in advance because of the river view.

This wave of KT began to suffer obviously. Before Lin Cheng joined the battlefield, his teammates suffered too much consumption and were jumped by EZ with Yuumi's ultimate move to start a team fight.

Taobo successfully killed three people while only killing the blind monk, and EZ once again scored three kills.

There is no way, the EZ is too fat. Although the evolution of Demon Cut has not been completed, the Ice Fist Demon Sect plus CD shoes and Vampire Scepter are still very bluffing at 17 minutes.

The strong period of the poke lineup is in the mid-term, but KT still has to face a very fat EZ.

The most important thing is that no one in KT can touch EZ, and they lack stable team-starting ability. Once the team battle is separated, they will be unable to fight if they just eat the consumption of EZ and Zoe.

The situation began to be out of KT's control.

This chapter has been completed!
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