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Chapter 517 Tragedy! T1 Nailed to the Pillar of Shame

 Seeing that her opponent was resolute in continuing to advance, Zoe pulled out a flying star from the side while her teammates were still almost resurrected, and used her ultimate move to jump back in an attempt to clear out the vanguard.

But Nightmare and Galio pushed forward, blocking the trajectory of the flying star.

Moreover, Pantro immediately flashed a big move and rushed into the front tooth tower. The technology gun slowed down to keep Zoe. Lin Cheng's Qinggang Shadow EWE kept up with it, and instantly killed Zoe when he got close.

Sett, who was in the OB next to him, witnessed his teammates being melted. He wanted to forcefully go up to clear the enemy line, but Galio punched him first and restrained him. Nightmare was filled with fear.

Cuzz's equipment was so poor that he died suddenly on the spot without even releasing his W to deliberately punch him.

The remaining-blooded vanguard had already knocked down the first incisor tower and was preparing to charge up the remaining incisor towers.

The resurrected EZ and Jace came over and used their skills to clear the line.

It stands to reason that EZ's ultimate move and Jace's one shot can clear out the remaining health vanguard and all the minions, but Lin Cheng was nearby and paid TP in time to save the last minion.

The T1 team members were a little desperate. KT's teammates easily demolished the last incisor tower when the TP animation just ended.

T1's main base is exposed.

At this time, the time is only 15 minutes and 27 seconds.

"Push, push, push! Don't care about people! Just demolish the house!"

Galio and Akali held back those who came up to fight for their lives, while Nightmare, Hanbing, and Qinggangying, the three tower demolition professionals, did not care about the demolition.

Originally, Jace had a chance to kill Galio by cooperating with EZ and break the embarrassment of being zero-blocked. Unfortunately, it became a luxury to try to steal a stopwatch and let the opponent get a kill.

Before Galio's stopwatch ended, the T1 base exploded.

The time is fixed at 15 minutes and 33 seconds.

Korean language commentary seat.

When KT pushed the front tooth tower, the three casters stood up one after another.

You know, yesterday AFS broke the LCK's fastest record of 8 years with 16 minutes and 54 seconds. I didn't expect that KT would set a new record today.

Guangshi: "Hurry up! Hurry up! This will be another record-setting moment! It's really incredible! It's been a crazy two days, and the AFS record that only held for one day is about to be broken!"

Continuous Caster: "Don't worry about people! Don't worry about people! Point the tower, point the tower! Point the tower and win!"

Kim Hyun-jun: "Although it is a bit cruel to T1 fans, I think the viewers who watch the game are lucky. We will witness the birth of another record together."

The three commentators looked so excited that those who didn't know it thought they were T1 black fans.

In fact, this is their commentary style. When IG defeated SKT's base at 15 minutes and 57 on M, these three commentators were equally excited.

The moment the T1 base was breached, the three commentators shouted in unison: "GG"

Continuous Caster: "The angry KT destroyed T1 with a crazy offensive, and a new record was born! 15 minutes and 33 seconds!"

Compared to the Korean stream, the Chinese stream’s commentary is much calmer.

Remember: "15 minutes and 33 seconds! It's T1 again! It's really a shocking game! T1 was defeated in a man-machine game with zero dragon towers and zero heads. KT, who had experienced the end of their winning streak, seemed to have awakened.

Carnage was created in the bloodiest way possible."

957: “In this game, Orange Brother’s mid laner Qing Gangying was too strong. Zoe went to jail early and never moved in the middle. Instead, Orange Brother kept looking for opportunities to roam. Basically, he did it in every wave.

It’s over.”

Remember: "Yes! It's outrageous to be able to get lane rights while walking in the middle. This Qinggangying really feels like he's everywhere."

957: "You can't let go of the Qinggang Shadow. According to the current state of this game, it feels scarier for Brother Cheng to get the Qinggang Shadow than to get the Sword Girl. If you release the Sword Girl, Brother Cheng will kill all the way at most in the early stage. If you release the Qinggang Shadow, you can kill him all the way."

All three routes were destroyed by him.

"Fuck! It's too bloody! We will really become enemies after this round."

"Be a human being and keep a line. These people are really ruthless in their attacks."

"SKT wasn't ruthless when they beat KT in the past? It's just that things have changed."

"As expected of you! 1557! I will change my name to 1533 from now on."

"The stall has collapsed. Can you please give me your money back?"

"Outrageous! If I only looked at the time and not the process, I would have thought it was 15 shots."

"1557 is a lineup that is playing tricks and overturning. This game is purely a normal lineup that was crushed to pieces."


After the base exploded, the camera immediately showed the KT player bench.

The players took off their headphones and celebrated happily with high fives.

Although they don't know what the length record was eight years ago, they still know that yesterday's AFS game broke the record with more than 16 minutes.

Therefore, KT players are very aware that they have set a new LCK record for the fastest end of a game.

Bono rubbed Lin Cheng's head excitedly: "Lin Cheng! The mid laner played well, we set a record."

If Lin Cheng came up, it was Bono who acted as his dog most of the time, and he would always yell at someone and make Bono run away and break his legs.

Then when Lin Cheng made the move, he was the one who provided more help to Bono.

Qinggangying crazily pushes the lane to support the jungle and sidelines, allowing Bono to play very comfortably in the jungle and roam around without pressure in the opposite jungle.

Lin Cheng brushed off Bono's claws in disgust: "Don't mess up my hair, someone is watching."

Pantro: "The five of us are the fastest! The LCK will remember us in the future."

Lin Cheng: "Don't talk nonsense! I don't know if you are, but I'm not."

Pants ro: "····"

While chatting and making trouble, several people left the competition area leisurely.

The director's shot showed the players' seats in T1 again.

While his teammates all took off their headphones and stood up, Brother Li was still wearing his headphones and staring blankly at the settlement panel on the screen.

Resting his elbows on the table, Li Gexi bit the nail of his thumb unconsciously.

He didn't reveal much about his emotions, but it was clear that he was not at peace in his heart.

There is no light in his eyes!

It wasn't until Canna patted his shoulder from behind that Brother Li turned his head and looked behind him, then took off his headphones and stood up to walk to the lounge with his teammates.


Twith's T1 official OB live broadcast room.

The moment KT pushed down the base, Wolf held his head in pain with his hands, "NO~Shame! This is really a shame! They nailed us to the pillar of shame."

On the broadcast screen, KT players were talking and laughing, and Faker's absent-minded look on the other side made fans feel distressed.

Wolf collapsed on the chair, staring at the ceiling with his eyes blankly. His fat body almost crushed the e-sports chair out of shape, "We were pushed off the base by KT in 15 minutes, and the scary thing is that this record is very

It may be with T1 for a long time, wow~ it feels so uncomfortable!”

"I really want to cry when I see Faker's appearance."

"You don't have any shame! It's not enough to go abroad for 1557, but you have to pay back the whole 1533 when you come back. Do you have to make the fans angry to death?"

"It's so satisfying! I can still vividly remember your faces when you laughed at KT."

"The Double Tribulation War has passed! 1533 is now!"

"KT brothers, get better! KKKKKK."

"Miscellaneous DGAP!"

This chapter has been completed!
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